Saturday, September 11, 2021

September, 2021, Part 4, Political Class Insanity: Larry Elder Attacked/Media Goes Silent, CNN Yellows Out Joe Rogan, and San Francisco Politicians Get Loonier

Before we get to today’s insanity, please consider the following proposition: as many of you know, the withdrawal from Afghanistan has been a historic and fatal endeavor. But the failure did not start just in the past few weeks, it has been a twenty year disaster. It has cost American taxpayers about a trillion dollars, has left thousands of our brave armed forces folks dead, maimed, or wounded and has resulted in an unknown but substantial number of civilian deaths.

Afghanistan has been a collective failure of multiple Presidential administrations and multiple sessions of Congress. Thus, please consider signing the petition below that calls for the immediate resignation of every member of Congress that has at least twenty years of service and the resignation of President Biden, Vice President Harris, and critical, and failed, members of the Biden Administration. They do not deserve to serve any longer given their miserable twenty year track record of death, destruction and waste in Afghanistan.

Also, if you are passionate about this topic and effort, feel free to pass the link along to others who might also feel the same way, i.e. incompetence should not be rewarded:

Biden and others need to resign for dereliction of duty, incompetence and total lack of empathy. Nothing short of resignation is acceptable. Thank you.


It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history

1) It has always been our contention, and hope, that the country will always survive bad Presidents. We survived Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama, and any number of other ineffective, inane Presidential administrations. But it has also been our contention that the country, our democracy, will not survive corrupted election processes like we saw last November and a corrupted, non-independent news media.

Which is where we start today, the corruption and collapse of independent, unbiased news reporting and journalism in this country. Many times we discussed the reality that California is a mess:

  • The state has the highest number of homeless folks in the country, far higher than their percentage of the national population.

  • The state has almost a trillion dollars in future unfunded liabilities that will eventually bankrupt the state government.

  • The state has some of the highest crime rate cities in the country.

  • The state has the highest housing prices in the country.

  • The state has some of the highest tax burdens and utility rates in the country.

  • The state has some of the highest gasoline prices in the country.

  • The state is losing population at an increasing rate as residents and businesses flee to other locations with a better and cheaper quality of life.

As a result, many citizens got together and next week a recall election will be held to see if the current, failed governor, Gavin Newsom, will be booted out of office for his incompetence.

One of his main opponents in the recall election, is an African-American gentleman named Larry Elder. If Newsom is recalled, the polls indicate that Republican Elder will become the new governor of the state. And frankly, I think it would be close to impossible for him not to be an improvement over Newsom, given the state of the state listed above.

But in a recent campaign stroll down the street, a white woman, dressed with a gorilla mask on her head, assaulted Elder by throwing an egg(s) at him. Fortunately, the egg throw missed and he was not harmed.

Which is where the corruption of the mainstream press comes in. CNN, the Washington Post, the New York Times, and other left leaning, corrupted media outlets did absolutely no reporting on this racist incident, a black man being assaulted by a white woman wearing a racist gorilla mask. This is the very definition of a hate crime being done in the midst of a major recall election in a major state and the press goes silent.

Imagine if Larry Elder was a Democrat/liberal and a white woman wearing a gorilla mask assaulted him with eggs. The media would be going crazy, correctly calling it a racist attack and going off on the white supremacy theories and probably blaming Donald Trump. 

When the news industry treats different incidents differently based on race then they are both 1) racist themselves and 2) totally out of integrity from a journalistic standards perspective, being reduced to nothing more than the public relations outlet of a political party. Again, our democracy can survive bad Presidents, we have proven that over our history. Not sure we can survive a contaminated press industry with no journalistic integrity or standards.

2) Joe Rogan is probably the most famous podcaster in the country. He stands as an independent source of information and his popularity is probably a testament to his integrity. Unfortunately, recently contracted covid but fortunately his distress lasted only a few days. Which is where we see another startling example from the mainstream press of their bias and lack of integrity when it comes to reporting the news:

  • Rogan says he began feeling sick on a Saturday after returning from traveling.

  • He says he ``threw the kitchen sink” at his affliction including taking the controversial drug, ivermectin.

  • Ivermectin has been discussed extensively in the news on whether or not it is a valid treatment for covid even though it has been an approved drug for many, many years for other infections.

  • The mainstream press, including CNN, has taken the position that ivermectin is voodoo medicine, something to be avoided, probably because at one point in time Trump mentioned that it could work with covid and anything Trump says has to be wrong according to the liberal, biased mainstream media.

  • Rogan put together a short video announcing he was well and thanking his fans for their support.

  • Which is where CNN shows how out of integrity it is.

  • A sometimes side effect of covid is a jaundiced, yellowish appearance of the person.

  • CNN took Rogan’s video and according to experts, they dropped the video’s saturation and increased the level of yellow during an editing session to make Rogan look more jaundiced and thus, sicker than he actually was. 

  • A side by side analysis of the same video, the original video and the version CNN edited shows the difference between reality and the fake reality that CNN film editors introduced.

So pathetic from a journalism perspective. What could possibly be CNN’s reasons for such hijinks? Three answers come to mind:

  • Rogan actually has some news reporting integrity, something CNN usually lacks so he is a competitor that they would want to show in the worst light possible.

  • CNN is a supporter of big government/big business/big media which cooperate to get their way so if Biden and the rest of DC wants to control the population with mandates, lockdowns, suppressing possible treatments, etc. and using covid to do so, CNN will certainly want to support that false narrative.

  • Ivermectin, as we discussed above, was given some credibility by Trump and given that CNN feasted on Trump during his Presidency from a false narrative perspective, and CNN ratings have tanked since Trump left office, CNN obviously saw a way to get Trump back in the news via Rogan and ivermectin for their own selfish ratings purpose.

Again, the country will survive bad Presidents, not sure it can survive corrupted, biased, and hack journalism from the nation’s liberal news outlets like CNN.

3)It is tough to nail down who has the most inane, out of touch, and stupid politicians across the country. Ted Wheeler in Portland would certainly be up there on the list as he has allowed Antifa gangs to run wild in his city, burning, looting, and intimidating law abiding citizens with no legal consequences for a long time.

Chicago’s mayor, Lori Lightfoot,would certainly be a top candidate. Under her watch, Chicago gang violence, murders, and shootings have skyrocketed along with other crime, and she has no concept on how to fix what she has made worse.

Washington politicians would certainly be at the top of such a list but their antics and failures are too numerous to review here.

But today, I would have to say that San Francisco politicians may be the worse when it comes to serving their law abiding citizens in their city:

  • They have made it not illegal to defecate, urinate or shoot up drugs in public in the city, resulting in dangerous used drug needles being strewn about and the public defecation and urination causing not only immediate health problems to those that encounter such behavior on the streets but longer term health issues as fecal matter is washed down storm sewers and into the local ecology systems.

  • Having made it not a crime to steal anything from anyone or any business that has a value less than $900, shoplifting and other such crimes are skyrocketing throughout the city, raising the prices for law-abiding citizens and forcing businesses to shut down or leave the city.

  • The homeless population continues to grow and encroach on the lives of law abiding citizens.

  • They have invested in “smart” garbage cans around the city that cost thousands and thousands of dollars each, a prime example of how ridiculous these people’s brains work.

And the city’s politicians have shown no ability to address and resolve any of these issues.

But their most recent inane idea may be the worst yet:

  • According to various news reports, the city is putting in place a program that will pay criminals $300 a month to not shoot anyone in the city or get shot by anyone.

  • Yes, they are willing to bribe criminals into not behaving badly and violently.

  • The program is called, “Dream Keeper Fellowship," and it “will pay 10 individuals who are at high risk of being on either end of a shooting $300 each month to not be involved in such crimes.” 

  • The criteria for being chosen for the program was not published.

  • But it is curious that it also will pay people to not be shot (in addition to paying people not to shoot anyone); how those candidates will be determined and measured is beyond my comprehension.

  • Sheryl Davis is executive director of the Human Rights Commission and she told Newsweek that the program is not “transactional,” as it may seem: “It’s not necessarily as cut and dry as folks may think. It’s not as transactional as, ‘Here’s a few dollars so that you don’t do something bad,’ but it really is about how you help us improve public safety in the neighborhood.” 

  • Mayor London Breed continued with the insanity: “In many cases, sadly, the common denominator is that these folks do not have any sort of income. And so part of what we’re trying to do is make sure that money is not a barrier to turning your life around.” 

My gosh, you cannot make this stuff up. It is so bizarre. A few questions:

  • As we said before, how does paying someone hundreds of dollars a month NOT to get shot make any sense?

  • If you are paying someone $300 a month to not shoot anyone, do we really think that person is going to return the money from the program and readily admit he shot someone if he did not get caught in the act?

  • How does paying only 10 people not to shoot anyone or not get shot by anyone fix any of the city’s problems that affect the over 800,000 people that live in the city?

  • Is $300 a month, $3,600 a year before taxes, really going to make a difference in anyone's life or make the city a better place to live?

The reality is that those running the city of San Francisco have no idea how to fix what they have broken. And as a result, they come up with these insanely stupid programs to make it look like they are doing something but in reality their ideas and programs always waste money and resolve nothing.

That will do it for today: insanity in San Francisco, CNN continues to be completely out of journalistic integrity, and the mainstream media points out racism only when it serves their ratings and power purposes.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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