Saturday, September 25, 2021

September, 2021, Part 9, Political Class Insanity: More Defund The Police Failure, More Alleged Fauci LIes, and More Wasteful DC Spensding

Before we get to today’s insanity, please consider the following proposition: as many of you know, the withdrawal from Afghanistan has been a historic and fatal endeavor. But the failure did not start just in the past few weeks, it has been a twenty year disaster. It has cost American taxpayers about a trillion dollars, has left thousands of our brave armed forces folks dead, maimed, or wounded and has resulted in an unknown but substantial number of civilian deaths.

Afghanistan has been a collective failure of multiple Presidential administrations and multiple sessions of Congress. Thus, please consider signing the petition below that calls for the immediate resignation of every member of Congress that has at least twenty years of service and the resignation of President Biden, Vice President Harris, and critical, and failed, members of the Biden Administration. They do not deserve to serve any longer given their miserable twenty year track record of death, destruction and waste in Afghanistan.

Also, if you are passionate about this topic and effort, feel free to pass the link along to others who might also feel the same way, i.e. incompetence should not be rewarded:

Biden and others need to resign for dereliction of duty, incompetence and total lack of empathy. Nothing short of resignation is acceptable. Thank you.


It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history

1) We have often asserted that a very, very basic function of any government entity is to protect the lives and property of the citizens in their jurisdiction. Even if the politicians running a government entity accomplish a lot of other objectives, failing to protect lives and property means they are a failure.

And these types of failure have been occurring more and frequently in mostly liberal/Democratic controlled cities over the past year as these politicians got on the “defund the police '' movement. They decided to defund the police, belittle them in public and demoralize their police forces, all of which led to more violence, more crime, and more murders. In other words, they failed in their very basic government function: protect lives and property.

The failed politicians in Milwaukee, Wisconsin are a perfect example of this fatal foolishness:
  • Milwaukee politicians got on the defund the police movement about a year ago.
  • As a result, murders were up a whopping 93% in 2020 vs. 2019.
  • There were 189 murders in 2020 and the murder rate will likely be even higher in 2021.
  • There have already been 127 murders in the city this year with five months left to go.
  • The majority of these murders have been in black dominated city areas, the very type of people that defunding the police were supposed to help.
Another example of politicians knee jerking to the most recent media hysteria with fatal consequences for those they are supposed to protect.

2) The American political class has screwed up during the pandemic so many, many times. Many times we have pointed out how American politicians have ignored the very regulations and rules they have put in place to address the pandemic dangers:
  • The mayor of Chicago shut down most of her city, including hair salons, but forced her hair salon to open just for her to get her hair done, something no other Chicago woman could do.
  • The mayor of Beaumont, Texas also shut down her city but forced her favorite nail salon to open only for her to get her nails done, something no other Beaumont woman could do.
  • The governor of California drastically shut down most of his state, ordering masks to be worn everywhere but was shown to be out at a dinner with many other guests, none of whom were wearing a mask.
  • A New York Congresswoman went to a NYC benefit event dressed in the most hideous dress and not wearing a mask while all of the non-celebrities working the benefit wore a mask as required by the city government and mayor.
Unfortunately, a lot of politicians put their faith in Anthony Fauci, NIAID director of the NIH. And his performance has been underwhelming:
  • First, early on in the pandemic, he said there was no need for face masks since they would not stop the covid droplets.
  • Then a few months later he said everyone should wear a mask to stop the spread of covid, a direct contradiction of what he has previously said about masks being ineffective.
  • Then a few months later he said everyone should wear TWO masks to make sure they did not get covid, a direct contradiction of what he had said previously, i.e., masks are no good, one mask is good enough, but now we all needed to wear two masks.
  • He denied that he oversaw American taxpayer money being sent overseas to the Chinese government’s virus research center in Wuhan, China.
  • But uncovered documents now show that he lied about that also in that he was involved in the decision to send American taxpayer money to the lab that in all likelihood developed and then lost control of the covid virus.
  • And yet, politicians all over the country continued to follow his ever changing advice and lies. Well, finally some real scientists got together and using their collective science and research knowledge, slapped him down along with the politicians that blindly followed his advice:
  • A group of 16 renowned scientists recently published an article in the famous medical journal, The Lancet.
  • They repudiated a joint letter that Fauci and others, many of whom were associated with EcoHealth Alliance, put out that covid originated in nature, not a Chinese lab that he helped fund.
  • Fauci allegedly funneled the money to the Chinese lab via EcoHealth.
  • Specifically, Fauci and his compatriots put out a letter disputing the lab theory: “We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin.”
  • But a group of 16 scientists have called out the falseness of the letter in a new article in The Lancet
  • The article claims that “there is no direct support for the natural origin of SARS-CoV-2, and a laboratory-related accident is plausible. There is so far no scientifically validated evidence that directly supports a natural origin.”
  • In addition,“Neither the host pathway from bats to humans nor the geographical route from Yunnan (where the viruses most closely related to SARS-CoV-2 have been sampled) to Wuhan (where the pandemic emerged) have been identified. More than 80 000 samples collected from Chinese wildlife sites and animal farms all proved negative."
  • The 16 scientists then went on to criticize Fauci et al for using science for political and personal agendas, basically bastardizing the scientific process.
Unfortunately Fauci and his advocates in politics and the media have attacked and belittled those that had a different viewpoint for over a year. And now 16 scientists have shown that Fauci and those advocates are likely to have been wrong and more importantly, used science in an immoral and disgusting way.

3) When an educated person talks about “infrastructure” the almost unanimous consensus is that infrastructure includes roads, dams, subways, train lines, etc. However, when Democrats in Washington talk about infrastructure, they expand that definition to include anything that interests them even if it doesn't relate to roads, dams, etc. Consider what Washington liberals want to put into the now infamous “Biden Infrastructure” legislation:
  • $7.5 billion for electric vehicles.
  • $7.5 billion for zero and low-emission buses and ferries.
  • A billion dollars for “The Reconnecting Communities Initiative aimed to help cities rectify damage caused by highways built through minority neighborhoods.”
  • $21 billion for some boondoggle called “environmental justice,” a concept I dare anyone to translate from the word mash used to describe the effort: “The deal invests $21 billion in environmental remediation, making the largest investment in addressing the legacy pollution that harms the public health of communities and neighborhoods in American history, creating good-paying union jobs in hard-hit energy communities and advancing economic and environmental justice.”
  • AMTRAK has been one of the most inefficient, ineffective and wasteful spending programs EVER, as we have previously discussed, and yet Washington Democrats want to throw another $66 billion at this fiscal and operational disaster.
Billions and billions of dollars spent on vanity and wasteful, useless programs, a Washington staple.

That will do it for today: a bizarro world where “infrastructure” can mean anything a powerful politician wants, Fauci and politicians bastardize science, and another defund the police city gets a rude awakening.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

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