It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.
To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.
1) As we have discussed so many times over the years, people in government, be they government bureaucrats or the politicians that oversee government operations, never seem to have the brain power to fix what they often have broken. Name one thing that the Federal government does well, efficiently, and effectively and I could name dozens of other efforts that are abject failures.
We are living through one of those failures now. We are in the midst of an inflationary spiral that we have not experienced since the Carter Presidency over 40 years ago. And, as usual, the Presidential administration currently running things has no clue how to fix the problem:
- Jennifer Granholm is Biden’s Secretary of Energy.
- Obviously, you would hope she would be part of the solution when it comes to the fact that gas prices have more than doubled since Biden became President.
- In a recent interview on CNN, she decided to distract the country from the reality of $5.00 gas per gallon with the following nonsensical comparison: “If you were in Brazil, you’d be paying the same amount for gas at the pump — over $5. If you were in Canada, you’d be paying over $6. If you were in Germany, you’d be paying over $8. So this is happening around the world.”
- But most places around the world do not have the energy source potential and multitude of energy options that we have in this country.
- And many places are paying far less than what we are paying today.
- And really, Madame Secretary, who cares what the rest of the world is paying, what people in Brazil are paying?
- We only care what we are paying and obviously you have no solution to fix what Biden has broken, rather than coming up with solutions you are coming up with inane and stupid comparisons to cover up your incompetency.
- Or as what the CNN interviewer asked: “Understood, secretary. We’re talking about the United States, though. We’re talking about the United States right now and what the president can do.”
But we shouldn't expect anything more from this failed government employee. She had previously blamed OPEC for the high gas prices, just like the failed Carter administration did back over 40 years ago.
2) But this blaming someone else for your problem syndrome is not surprising. Biden was Vice President when Obama blamed everyone in the world for his inability to get anything done, e.g. it was Bush’s fault, it was automation’s fault, it was Bush’s fault, it was the Japanese tidal wave’s fault, it was Bush's fault.
And apparently Biden continues on the “it’s not my fault” trend. With inflation at 40 year highs, with gas prices more than doubling during his short tenure in office, with food prices making it difficult for families to feed their kids, Biden refuses to accept responsibility for this disaster.
According to the Washington Post, a liberal, far left wing news organization that rarely criticizes any Democrat: “Biden has privately grumbled to top White House officials over the administration’s handling of inflation, expressing frustration over the past several months that aides were not doing enough to confront the problem directly.”
A President that blames everyone else, like his aides, for the problems he either created or cannot resolve is not a leader, he is a child blaming the dog for eating his homework. Be it Obama, Biden, Granholm, or most others in Washington, they all have rarely come across a problem that is their fault or a problem they can resolve.
3) It is our opinion that Biden continues to be in the midst of a significant cognitive decline. Whether it is dementia, senility, or whatever, his actions and words do not encourage confidence that he has the ability to lead, resolve problems, or show any empathy for Americans on an individual basis or national basis. Listening to him struggle to explain anything is painful and again, does not inspire confidence.
During a recent event he tried to offer condolences to a family who had just lost a beloved family member. In typical Biden manner, he completely botched his words relative to the deceased individual: “My sympathies to the family of your… uhhh… CFO who dropped dead very unexpectedly.”
Pretty heartless and cold thing to say to the family sitting in front of him. He did not even have the decency, or maybe did not have the ability, to show empathy and be prepared to say more than “...uhhh….CFO who dropped dead very unexpectedly.” This sentiment and stupidity was so bad that his deaf signer dropped her hands and stopped translating his words into sign language, that is how awful his statement was.
The Internet was quick to pick up on how cold hearted and bad his behavior was in yet another embarrassing string of embarrassments:
- “What’s the American sign language sign for ‘dropped dead’?”
- “What an asshole”
- “Shame on anyone who put this man in charge and doesn’t regret it”
- “This and Pelosi mentions that we’re at war with Iraq…Say it with me people ..Term Limits “Look at how compassionate this man is. Blessed he’s at the helm. LOL”
- “I mean with these markets, who’s CFO wouldn’t just drop dead?”
- “This is quite the masterclass on statesmanship and decorum no?”
- “I can hardly make it through the cringe in these clips of Biden.”
- “This is the guy who represents us on the world stage.”
- “Yesterday Karine Jean-Pierre was appalled that anyone would question Joe’s mental abilities lmao”
- “I know we say this all the time, but imagine if Trump spoke like this, how the media would cover it” “One More Unacceptable Absurd Insane Leftist Moment In The Obama Puppet Master World We Live In”
- “Just when you think you can’t be shocked by this idiot anymore you get this. Unbelievable!! Hahahaha”
- “So, Bo and your previous wife, “dropped dead?” Ignorant career insensitive politician.”
- “What a shitty way to phrase say that. I voted for this guy.”
- “If anyone is curious we our country is currently up sh*t creek, watch this newest video of our dually selected President”
- “Can you imagine he drop dead suddenly tough stuff” How are people even listening to this geriatric dementia ridden gravy brain”
You can see this pitiful display of heartlessness at the following link:
This out-migration of people and businesses continue to reduce those states’ tax bases, thus reducing tax revenue, resulting in less government services and more ineffective government services. The most egregious states guilty of abusing their residents and businesses continue to be Illinois, California, New York, and New Jersey. These states are at the beginning of a financial death spiral, as we discussed in detail at the following link:
But despite the realities of this out-migration, local politicians continue to not grasp the reality that their actions are causing the high cost of living, the high taxes, the high crime rates etc. And as a result of their ignorance, they are unable to change the migration patterns and are continually surprised when it continues to happen:
- Heavy equipment operator, Caterpillar, has had its corporate headquarters in the state of Illinois for a very long time.
- The company recently announced that it is moving its corporate headquarters out of the state and relocating it to low tax, business friendly, low crime Texas.
- And yet, Illinois Senator Tammy Duckworth was shocked at the announcement: "I’m shocked and disappointed by Caterpillar’s decision to move its HQ from Illinois. While this will only directly affect about 1.5 percent of IL-based employees, I'll keep working to encourage Caterpillar to preserve jobs and follow through on its promise to hire even more Illinoisans."
- This move comes on the heels of Boeing announcing that it was also moving its corporate headquarters out of Illinois.
- Illinois Congressman, Jim Durkin, seems to be one of the few politicians associated with Illinois who gets it: "I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a thousand times of what these manufacturers are paying and there’s really little for them to do. They’re getting no relief from local governments nor from the state. … When it comes back to it, it’s the cost of doing business in Illinois."
A recent survey of 700 CEOs recently rated Texas as the best state for business while it rated Illinois as the 48th best state for business. Thus, it should not be a surprise that companies, like residents, will flee to states where government and politicians make life difficult and expensive. But somehow it is always a surprise for out of touch politicians.
That will do it for today: out of touch politicians, a failing Biden Presidency and a failing President’s cognitive ability.
Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:
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