Saturday, August 20, 2022

August, 2022, Part 3, Political Class Insanity: Biden Parties While The Nation Suffers, Summers Cause Childhood Obesity, Defund the Police Is Still Stupid and More

 Time to check in on the American political class and see what nonsense, idiocy, and other shenanigans they are up to:


1)Let’s be honest, the country and the world are not in great shape these days:


  • American consumers are suffering through inflation rates that have not been experienced in four decades.

  • Gas prices and food prices are rising even  quicker than the overall inflation estimate.

  • Russia and Ukraine are still at war.

  • China is threatening to invade Taiwan.

  • In this country, we are in a recessionary period from an economic perspective.

  • Drug overdose rates are skyrocketing since Biden has opened up the southern border.

  • Millions of Americans are hungry, homeless or fighting drug addiction.


And where has the President of the United States been during these crises:


  • Apparently he has been hanging out on vacations at his home and beach house in Delaware.

  • According to former CBS White House journalist, Mark Knoller, Biden has spent more time away from D.C, either at his homes or on vacation, than any of his three predecessors at the same point in their Presidencies.

  • In the 19 months or so that Biden has been in the White House, he has visited his Delaware residences for vacation 49 times covering 150 days.

  • Thus, he has spent about one out of every four days in Delaware since becoming President despite the crises facing the country and world listed above.

  • The number of days spent away from DC and the number of trips to his homes is higher than what Trump, Obama, and Bush did.


Another set of pathetic priorities from a career Washington politician. The country is suffering and Biden is riding his bike around the beach, so sad.


2)Jamaal  Bowman is a New York city area Congressman. He calls himself a socialist and since getting into Congress he has called for any number of detrimental actions to be taken against police forces:


  • He has called for the dismantling of the current criminal justice system which includes defunding the police and defunding the criminal justice system, that are “terrorizing our communities.”

  • He also attacked Republicans besides attacking the police: "Republicans want to defund every government program except for those that actively terrorize black and brown people." 

  • He then went further and not only wanted to defund the police but in an October 2019 tweet he stated: “it’s time to disarm the police.”

So, in his mind it is not the drug cartels, the drug dealers, the criminal elements, or other unsavory people that are a danger to his voters but the police and the judicial system. Since he has come into office, however, and repeatedly called for the police to be defunded and disarmed, the following developments have happened in his Congressional district:

  • In three of the precincts in his district, there have been 3,396 violent crimes, up from 2,609 in the same timeframe last year, about a 30% increase in crime in a single year.

  • One of those precincts actually saw a 74% increase in violent crime year over year.

  • Some of the violent crime categories in that precinct were up over 100%.

Yeah, defunding the police and disarming the police is such a good idea when crime rates are going through the roof. How can anyone be so wrong about the obvious? 

As we have discussed so many times in this blog, “defunding the police'' was one of the most stupid, harebrained, and dangerous ideas to be put forth by the American political class in modern times. It was never more than a slogan with no substance behind it. As a result, Americans are being killed, maimed, and robbed because of empty minded Congress people like this.

3)American politicians just don’t come up with empty minded and dangerous slogan, they actually sometimes get arrested for being potential criminals:

  • A Federal grand jury recently indicted former California Congressman, TJ Cox, on 28 criminal charges.

  • These charges include 15 counts of wire fraud, 11 counts of money laundering, one count of financial institution fraud, and one count of campaign contribution fraud.

  • He faces up to 55 years in prison and a $1.5 million fine if convicted on all charges.

  • He is accused of stealing over $3 million in fraudulently obtained loans and investments for different business ventures among other alleged crimes.

  • He also allegedly handed  out over $25,000 to family and friends as part of an effort to get around campaign finance laws.

The good news  is that he may have gotten caught breaking the law and will face stiff penalties if found guilty. The bad news is that it is a pretty safe bet that many other national, state, and local politicians are doing similar things and will likely get away with their self enrichment criminal acts. Just look at how rich long term Washington politicians have become, far richer than what they could have possibly earned from just their Congressional pay.

4)We have often talked about and debunked the myth that manmade global warming and its current marketing facade, climate change, is just that, a myth. We will not go into the proof we have laid out for this position so many times, a position supported by real science, but rather focus on the latest insanity as it relates to another climate change myth.

Supporters of the climate change myth over the years have expressed a number of crazy ideas as it relates to climate change: beavers building dams cause climate change, middle class families maintaining well groomed lawns around their homes cause climate change, dark colored roofs on homes cause climate change, etc. If there is any way to correlate anything to climate change mania, certain liberal leaning folks will try to make the connection even if it is a ridiculous correlation and has nothing to do with causation.

The latest climate change insanity is as follows:

  • It is summertime in the country which means the temperatures will be hot, much like they have been hot for summers for eons.

  • Which is where the next faulty correlation analysis comes from. 

  • Recently, a TV newscaster asserted that the reason that so many of our kids are overweight and obese is because of climate change.

  • Yes, it is too hot outside, because of manmade climate change, for kids to go out and frolic about and be active and lose weight.

  • The person put no proof forward supporting her claim, just that 1) it is hot outside, 2) it is too  hot for kids to go outside, 3) kids are fat and thus, voila, climate change causes obesity.

Could it maybe be that we made it too comfortable for kids to be inside, that we as a society let our kids sit in front of a video game for hours on end because we as a nation are too lazy to be good parents? Could it be that life has gotten so expensive that both parents have to go to work everyday, leaving the kids home in the house for their own protection? Have spoiled our kids by getting them smartphones at a very young age which results in them staring at the screen and doing social media all day long rather than going outside?

So many reasons why American kids are overweight, reasons that have a rational and scientific basis vs. it's hot outside and thus, climate change makes kids fat. Ridiculous.

That will do it for today’s insanity: more climate change myths, Biden parties while the country suffers, defund the police is STILL a stupid, fatal idea, and another American politician may have gotten caught making himself rich rather than focusing on helping his voters.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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