Friday, April 21, 2023

The Biden Presidency: Worst President, By Far, In My Lifetime.

 I have been voting in Presidential elections since the mid-1970s. I have never voted for a Republican for President and thus, I did not vote for Trump either time he ran. However, it is my opinion that the country has never been served by a more inept, useless, and feeble minded President than Joe Biden. His racist, sexual predator, and pathological lying history before being elected to President is legendary and was listed out in the following post:

And his behavior and effectiveness once installed as President has proven that his lackluster Congressional record and history have now translated into a lackluster, failed Presidency. His Presidency has resulted in much more Federal  government debt, unnecessary deaths, constant embarrassments on the domestic and international scene, more and more burdens on ordinary Americans, a failed international diplomacy, and just an overall performance to failure. Don’t agree? Please consider the following situation of this Presidency and the country two years plus into his administration:

1)Overall inflation during his tenure had  reached levels not experienced in this country in 40 years and even though the rate of inflation has subsided from those record high levels, it still is running about two and half times higher than when Biden took office.

2)Gas prices at one point were over 100% higher than when Biden took office and while they have subsided somewhat they are still about 75% higher than when he took office.

3)Food, utility and other basic life needs have also seen their prices increase dramatically during the past two years or so.

4)Biden has weaponized the FBI and IRS, using those agents to harass and threaten ordinary Americans who were simply expressing their Constitutional First Amendment rights on a variety of issues including the Second Amendment, abortion, religion, and other topics.

5)Biden has sent the FBI and Department of Justice to harass parents who were legally and non-violently challenging the policies of their local school boards.

6)Biden has so alienated the Saudis that they have completed an agreement with the Chinese that will result in oil sales being completed in the Chinese yuan currency, an agreement that threatens the petrodollar and which will likely result in more inflation in this country.

7)Brazil has also just completed a major  trade and oil deal with China that will also have negative petrodollar and  domestic inflation implications.

8)Biden has done nothing to diplomatically end the Ukraine/Russian conflict, having had no direct discussion and negotiations with Putin and his Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, waited over a year to have any contact with Russia’s foreign minister regarding the war, despicable and inept diplomacy.

9)Biden’s lax border policies have allowed massive amounts of illegal drugs, especially fentanyl, to flood into this country, resulting in the incremental and unnecessary deaths of thousands and thousands of Americans.

10)Biden’s lax border policies have caused many, many deaths of illegal immigrants in their attempt to enter the country and who have perished because of drowning, harsh desert travel conditions, and violent human traffickers.

11)Biden’s lax border policies have allowed criminal and terrorist parties to enter the country and set up shop in cities and states across the country, endangering the lives of regular Americans.

12)Biden’s lax border policies have strained local and state budget resources in order to feed, house, and process millions of illegal immigrants, resources that could have been spent to help hungry, homeless, and drug addicted Americans.

13)Biden claimed to be the “unity President” but his actions and silence have proven that he is looking for the exact opposite of unity, threatening to attack innocent Americans standing up for their Constitutional rights with Air Force F 15s and remaining silent while numerous liberals and Democrats have called for the murder and for violence against Americans who simply have a different opinion than them:

  • Musician Stevie Van  Zandt - Republicans are cockroaches that need to be exterminated.

  • Wayne State professor Stevie Shaviro - in reference to republicans and conservative Americans: "Although I do not advocate violating federal and state criminal codes, I think it is far more admirable to kill a racist, homophobic, or transphobic speaker than it is to shout them down."

  • Press Secretary to Arizona governor - Josselyn Berry, tweeted: “Us when we see transphobes,” accompanying an image of a woman holding a gun in each hand.

14)Biden has also sat passively by when Democrats, liberal news outlets, and others have called ordinary Americans with differing opinions than them Nazis, racists, white supremacists, and a whole host of other defamatory names, hardly the behavior you want from a “unity” President.

15)Since Biden became President, he has made a whopping 55 visits to his houses in his home state of Delaware, a total of 174 days, i.e. he has spent more than 25% of his time in office at home, away from Washington, away from the problems of the country.

16)Biden has failed to bring law enforcement aid to mostly liberal, Democratically controlled cities who have seen their violent crime rates skyrocket since he became President, endangering the lives and families of those residents in those cities.

16)Biden’s budget proposals for the coming years continue to add more and more debt to the $31,000,000,000,000 national debt, a debt load that will eventually crash the economy and our democracy if not brought under control.

17)Biden has shown no plans, intellectual ability, or intention of fixing the Social Security and Medicare programs that are hurtling towards bankruptcy and which will reduce retirement and medical support to tens of millions of Americans within the next decade.

18)Despite millions of Americans being hungry,  homeless, and fighting drug addiction, he has sent over $100 billion to the Ukrainians, much of which has never been used for its intended uses and siphoned off by criminals and political entities, to support the fight against the Russians, needy Americans be damned.

19)He has probably held fewer press conferences than any other President in recent history.

20)Biden has soured Americans on their quality of life with only 20% of Americans now unable to buy a house given the high mortgage rates of Biden’s economic policies, 70% of Americans say they are feeling financially stressed, and 58% of Americans say they are living paycheck to paycheck.

21)Biden’s exit plan from Afghanistan was the height of chaos and confusion, resulting in the unnecessary deaths of a dozen American servicemen and women, untold number of deaths of hundreds/thousands of Afghan citizens, an unknown number of American citizens left behind to deal with the chaos on their own, and the leaving behind about $80 billion worth of American taxpayer funded military equipment for the Taliban to use as they desire.

22) There have been more train derailments in just the past two years of the Biden administration than many preceding administrations combined, with Biden’s Secretary of Transportation having no clue and no plan on how to prevent future train derailments.

23)When a train carrying dangerous chemicals derailed near East Palestine, Ohio, catching on fire and spewing dangerous fumes across the countryside, Biden chose to visit the Ukrainian capital city of Kiev for a photo op rather than visit and help protect the lives of Americans affected by the derailment and dangerous fumes, a visit he has still not made.

24)Biden has constantly embarrassed himself and the country in public, domestically and on the world stage, with stupid and inaccurate statements and lies:

  • During a recent visit to Ireland, he confused the New Zealand  All Blacks rugby team with the Blacks and Tans, an English military force that terrorized Ireland early in the last century.

  • He recently said, “I may be Irish but I  am not stupid,” implying that Irish people are stupid.

  • At a White House speech celebrating a recent piece of legislation, Biden cried out, “Where’s Jackie?”, a reference to Congresswoman Jackie Walorski who had recently died in a car accident but whom Biden expected to be in attendance at the White House gathering.

  • In a recent visit to Rolling Fork, Mississippi to show support for area residents who suffered damages from recent storms and tornadoes, he constantly referred to Rolling Fork as Rolling Stone, the magazine.

  • Biden called former black Congressman, Cedric Richmond, “boy,” certainly a derogatory term for a black American, during a FEMA conference, "I'm here with my senior adviser and boy who knows Louisiana very, very well and New Orleans, Cedric Richmond.”

  • The list of similar Biden gaffes and embarrassments could go on and on but you get the idea, he continues to embarrass himself and the country with his inappropriate and just plain wrong assertions and comments.

25)Biden's economic sanctions on Russia, meant to punish them for their invasion of Ukraine, have been an abysmal failure with Russia recently setting a monthly sales record of their oil and natural gas, something that was never supposed to happen under Biden's sanctions.

26)Much like Afghanistan, it appears that the Biden administration will leave thousands of American citizens behind to cope and survive on their own in the midst of the violent civil war currently underway in the Sudan

27)At least one IRS whistle blower has come forward to accuse Biden of illegally interfering in an IRS investigation into potential criminal activities of his son.

28)Biden plans to hire and arm over 80,000 new IRS agents to hassle lower and middle class American taxpayers rather than hiring over 80,000 armed police officers to protect our schools and kids.

29)Biden is giving $2 billion of American taxpayer money to a United Nations group that is promoting green energy in countries around the world rather than feeding America's hungry, housing America's homeless, or treating America's drug addicted citizens.

I dare anyone create a similar list to disprove my theory that Biden is the worst President in my lifetime. People have unnecessarily died as a result of Biden's policies, Americans are still homeless, hungry, and drug addicted as a result of Biden’s policies, Americans are poorer as a result of Biden’s policies, and Americans’ lives are in a tougher position as a result of Biden’s policies. Worst President of my lifetime.

Post script: The latest NBC opinion poll shows that about 70% of Americans do not want Biden to run for President again including a majority of Democrats (51%) who were polled. Thus, if your own party does not want you to run again, it is a pretty safe assumption that the country is fed up with Biden's failures after just over two years in office.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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