We have previously discussed the reality of Joe Biden being a pathological liar. All throughout his political career he has been telling lies that not only are so unbelievable but are also easily checked to find out that they are completely false. Two of those posts chronicling his historical lies can be accessed at:
The secondary benefit of the second listed post is the detailing of his sexual predator behavior and racist comments history.
But his lying continues to these days as President, as the following examples of his deceptions
1)It has become clear from Congressional testimony and the words of Hunter Biden’s former business partner that Joe Biden was deeply involved in his son’s financial escapades around the world and the millions of dollars that flowed to him and his father. But on more than one occasion Joe Biden has denied he had any connection or interaction at all relative to his son’s financial dealings, with one example being as follows:
Fox reporter Peter Doocy tried to ask Biden a question related to this topic a little while ago: “There’s this testimony now where one of your son’s former business associates is claiming that you were on speakerphone a lot with them talking business,” Is that —”
To which Biden replied: “I never talked business with anybody. And I knew you’d have a lousy question.”
Besides giving a classless response to a valid question from a valid member of the press, we now know that his response, like others relating to his involvement with his son’s business interests is a lie:
The New York Post has reported that Vice President Joe Biden had secret dinner meetings with his son and wealthy, powerful people from various former Soviet bloc nations at multiple locations in D.C.
At Biden’s favorite DC restaurant, Cafe Milano, both Bidens met with people from Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine to make financial arrangements and execute pay to play deals: “During Joe Biden’s vice presidency, Hunter Biden sold him as ‘the brand’ to reap millions from oligarchs in Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine.”
According to a statement from the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, James Comer, these: “meals at Café Milano where then-Vice President Joe Biden dined with oligarchs from around the world who had sent money to his son.”
Both Hunter and Joe Biden attended at least one diner that was attended by Vadym Pozharskyi, an executive of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, at a restaurant in 2015.
As we discussed in a previous post, at one of these dinners arrangements were made for a Kazakhstani businessman, Kenes Rakishev, to send Hunter Biden $142,300 for Hunter to purchase a new car.
Joe Biden denies he was involved with his son’s business dealings and the evidence points to the exact opposite. Given Biden’s many decades of previous lies I think we can be pretty sure that this is another lie of huge and personal financial greed for both himself and members of his family.
2)Biden often lies when he has nothing to gain from lying but which indicates again and again that he lies about everything:
In a recent public speaking engagement Biden claimed that all of his grandchildren had Secret Service protection when only two have it.
Again, he gains nothing from telling this lie but it does it anyway.
But he then doubled down in the same speech by claiming: “I have been in and out of Iraq and Afghanistan over 38 times…”
In reality he has only done those trips about 20 times, less than half of which he claims and a statement that can so easily be proven as a lie.
Again, what does he gain by exaggerating how many times he went over there?
If he lies about simple matters like who gets Secret Service protection in his family and he lies about trips he made to Iraq and Afghanistan, can we really trust him when he talks about much more important issues? The other issue on his lying, does he actually believe his lies and if so, how out of touch is he with reality, a scenario that endangers every American.
3)Biden brags about the so-called “Inflation reduction Act” that was passed early in his term. It was hyped as legislation that would reduce the bone crushing inflation that Biden had saddled the country with but was really nothing more than more government spending on stupid initiatives that do nothing to reduce inflation but dramatically add to the national debt which in turn, causes more inflation.
Again, he has touted the law as an inflation fighter so, so many times. For example: "The Inflation Reduction Act is the strongest bill you can pass. It will lower inflation, cut the deficit, reduce health care costs, tackle the climate crisis, and promote energy security.”
And then recently, all of a sudden he comes clean with another lie: "I wish I hadn’t called it that. It has less to do with reducing inflation than it does providing for alternatives that generate economic growth," Biden said during an appearance at a campaign fundraiser in Park City, Utah according to the press pool report.
So in his own words, it had nothing to do with reducing inflation even though he named it an inflation reduction act, hyped it as an inflation reduction act, and bragged about it many times on how it would reduce inflation. But now, he says “it has less to do with reducing inflation.”
Maybe he is changing his tune and trying to downplay the lie since recent analyses from the Congressional Budget Office found that the legislation will have "a negligible effect" on inflation in 2022, and in 2023 its impact would range between reducing inflation by 0.1% and increasing it by 0.1%.
Oh, by the way the bill did nothing that Biden claimed it would do:
Inflation is still running 50% higher than it should be.
It dramatically added to the deficit and national debt.
Health care costs are still high.
How this affected the climate is anyone’s guess.
Energy security has not happened given the high price of gas, running about 80% higher than when Biden took office.
The lies are wide, unbelievable, easily checked, and show a President who thinks we are too stupid to see through his lies or he is so out of touch with reality that these lies are his reality. In either case, certainly not Presidential behaviors from any point of view.
Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at: