Sunday, September 3, 2023

September, 2023, Political Class Insanity, Part 2: The Criminality of The Biden Family and A Nonsensical Massachusetts Plan To Address Biden's Failed Immigration Policies

 Every month we devote posts to just general political class insanity that is running rampant through the country. The members of the American political class continue to show that they are incapable of operating any level of government in this country. 

Even their best efforts are almost always inefficient and ineffective at resolving any problem facing Americans. They spend a great amount of time not trying to improve the lives of their citizens but continually ensuring their reelection and enriching themselves, their families, and their friends in the process, all at taxpayer expense.

1)I came across a recent article online that documented a lot of the Biden crime family revenue flows from overseas and thought it might be a good idea to review where we stand with Joe Biden’s corruption riddled Presidency:

  • The mayor of Moscow's wife wired Biden $3.5 million several years ago.

  • Congressional investigations have uncovered at least $20 million that was sent from oligarchs in Russia, China, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan to Biden family members.

  • That money was laundered through 20 shell companies that Hunter Biden and his business partner, Devon Archer, had set up to hide the overseas revenue flows.

  • Even first lady, Jill Biden, had several companies set up in her name to receive the funds.

  • The overseas funds were then passed through multiple shell companies until just about every Biden family member was swimming in cash.

  • In early 2014, the owner of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, Mykola Zloichevsky, agreed to give both Devon Archer and Hunter Biden fake board of director positions for which they were paid $1 million a year for jobs they never had to show up for.

  • Shortly after getting these no show jobs, Vice President Joe Biden paid a visit to Ukraine.

  • In April, 2014, Kazakhstani, Kenes Rakishevem sent $142,300 to one of Hunter’s shell companies and the next day that shell company bought Hunter a new sports car that just happened to  cost… $142,300.

  • After the sports car purchase was finalized, the Bidens helped facilitate a deal in which Burisma executives would visit Kazakhstan to possibly set up a deal between Burisma, a Chinese Communist Party-owned company, and Kazakhstan’s government.

  • In  the spring of 2014, Joe Biden and his son Hunter had dinner with some of Hunter’s business acquaintances, Yelena Baturina, Mykola Zlochevsky, and Kenes Rakishev in a D.C. restaurant although Joe Biden has declared numerous times he never met with or had any dealings with his son’s business acquaintances.

  • Biden has also declared (during a debate with Trump) that: “I have never taken a penny from any foreign source ever in my life.

  • At one point the Ukrainian attorney general equivalent was investigating Burisma’s shady business dealings including payoffs to Hunter Biden when Joe Biden threatened to withhold United States foreign aid to Ukraine unless the prosecutor was fired, which is what happened.

  • Additional Congressional investigations have shown that $20 million in foreign payments might be closer to $50 million.

Thus, as we have  shown in recent posts, Biden might be the worst President of all times when it comes to creating positive results for the country. He may also be the most corrupt President of all time when it comes to influence peddling and the resultant bribes that came back to him and his family in return.

2)Continuing on with the Biden corruption:

  • Just to review, remember that Biden has claimed multiple times that he was not involved and knew nothing about Hunter’s business adventures and deals, a lie that was debunked above.

  • But proof has come out that Biden was involved in at least 20 phone calls when his son was meeting with current  business partners and potential partners.

  • We now know that a Hunter business associate, Eric Schwerin, who with Hunter owned the Rosemont Seneca Partners company, visited the White House at least 36 times during the Obama/Biden  Presidency.

  • There is now evidence that Schwerin met with Joe Biden at least once and also visited the Vice president’s residence at least 15 times.

Pretty sure he did visit so many times to see if Hunter could come out and play.

3)Biden’s Presidency has had so many failures:

  • High food prices.

  • High gas prices.

  • High utility rates.

  • Rampaging crime.

  • A failed, fatal, and Keystone Kops-like withdrawal from Afghanistan.

  • A lazy, dangerous, and failed foreign relations strategy and execution.

You get the idea, massive failure on both the domestic and international front.

But likely his worst,  dangerous failure has been a failed immigration policy. His policies have incented millions of people to come across our southern border and suffer no ramifications for their illegal entry into the country with the following consequences:

  • Immigration courts now have multi-year caseload backups.

  • The Federal government and Biden presidency have lost track of over 80,000 kids that have come across the border that they know of, with the status and safety of those kids unknown.

  • Central and South American criminal gangs have easily moved their people into the country where they have spread out to commit crimes around the country.

  • These millions of people are likely unvaccinated, potentially bringing illnesses into the country.

  • These millions of people likely involved potential terrorists that do not have good intentions for the country.

  • And the flow of illegal and dangerous drugs, e.g.  fentanyl, is now at all  time highs, endangering the lives of millions of Americans.

And the final irony of all of this failure is that Democrats who supported Biden’s loose border policies are now choking on illegal immigrants that are flooding into their cities and states. All of a sudden, politicians that proclaimed that their state or city was a “sanctuary” for illegal immigrants are facing the consequences of their actions:

  • The overwhelming logistics to feed, house, and give medical attention to these illegal immigrants.

  • The budget shortfalls they are experiencing to handle this immigration crisis.

  • The increase in crime that many of these illegal immigrants have brought to their states and cities.

  • The neglecting of American citizens in these states and cities that are hungry, homeless, and need medical attention because all of that attention is being directed to the illegal immigrants.

And the failure of politicians to handle their “sanctuary” boasts and status has now reached comical  proportions  up in Massachusetts:

  • So many illegal immigrants have fled to the sanctuary state of Massachusetts, that government efforts to house and feed them are overwhelmed.

  • To  cover up their incompetence, the Massachusetts governor has  come up with the nonsensical plan called the “host family strategy.”

  • Her brainstorm calls for state residents to take illegal immigrants into the homes for use of their guest rooms.

  • This strategy is aimed  “at recruiting, vetting, and onboarding host families as well as pairing  them with [illegal immigrant] families  who are in need of assistance.”

  • Yes, we want state families to bring possibly unvetted, unvaccinated, and criminal illegal immigrants into their homes, what could go wrong?

  • So many questions to ask: who pays to feed these illegal immigrants once they are in one's home, who buys them clothes, who sees that their kids go to school, who pays for any of their medical expenses, etc.

  • According to former Massachusetts governor, Charlie Baker, back in November, Biden’s “inability” to stop the influx of illegal  immigrants into the country will cost his state along $139 million.

Well, states like Massachusetts bragged for years and now they are facing the consequences of their short sightedness and lack of planning, basically saying we cannot fix this problem so we need state residents to pick up the slack and incur the potential danger of bringing people from foreign countries into their homes.  Incredible failure of leadership and brain power.

All of which leads to a basic question for these failed politicians: why are they so excited to spend taxpayer money on  illegal  immigrants when their own residents in their cities and states are homeless, hungry, drug addicted, and in need of medical attention? How much good could that $139 million bring to Americans who are suffering rather than spending it on millions of unvetted illegal immigrants? Why has there not been this urgency to help needy Americans but there is this urgency to feed, house, educate, and medically attend to foreigners who have broken the laws by illegally entering the country?

So sad and so insane to think this program of homesteading illegal immigrants with Massachusetts is a good idea.

Another day, another few slices of political class insanity: quite possibly the most corrupt  and inept President ever and an inane attempt to fix what politicians have not fixed regarding a sane, fair, and compassionate immigration strategy and process at the local, state, and national level.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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