Friday, July 26, 2024

Biden's Failed Immigration Policies and the Death and Violence It Has Caused To Americans - Part 5

 We have often discussed the reality that Biden’s border policies have been an unbelievable failure. Illegal drugs are flooding into the country, violent South and Central American gangs setting up shop in  U.S. cities, and local city and state budgets are being adjusted so that illegal immigrants can be fed, sheltered, and given medical attention, stealing government services from American taxpayers.

But one particularly distressing and tragic result of Biden’s failed immigration policies is the danger that have befallen innocent Americans at the hands of violent illegal immigrants who never should have been admitted to the country. This is not to say there should be no immigration into this country.  But there has to be a rigid screening process so that violent people do not get into the country and carry out heinous, often fatal, attacks on innocent Americans.

The first four sets of sad stories relative to the illegal immigrant dangers to Americans can be accessed at:

1)In the past four posts on this subject we have relayed stories from across the country, form the west coast to the east coats of innocent Americans being killed, raped, and attacked by illegal immigrants. And for the first time let’s go to Utah:

  • 37 year old illegal immigrants, Rene Cervantes Medina, has been charged in  Utah for rape, sexual assault, and kidnapping along with a variety of other charges.

  • He is an  illegal immigrant from Mexico.

  • The charges allege that he ”chased her, grabbed her, and threw her on the ground where her head hit a rock, causing her to nearly pass out. The defendant covered her  mouth with his hand for 15-20 seconds, making it difficult for her to breathe. While the victim was on the ground, the defendant tried to remove her shirt while he was touching her breasts and vagina. The defendant tried to pull down her pants and ripped her underwear in the process. The victim told the defendant 'no' and continued to cry and yell, at which point he hit her in the face, causing her nose and lip to bleed." 

Nasty stuff. But apparently this is not the only case in Utah involving sexual attacks by illegal immigrants on American citizens:

  • Back  in February, a 26 year old Guatemalan illegal immigrant was charged with the rape of an 11 year old girl in Provo, Utah.

  • Let me repeat that last statement: an illegal immigrant allegedly raped an 11 year old American girl.

  • The girl had been home alone and when her mother came home she saw an “adult male leaving her apartment” and when she  entered the apartment she found her 11 year old daughter naked on the floor.

  • The illegal  immigrant admitted to having sex with the 11 year old girl after meeting her on the Internet but justified the rape by claiming he thought the girl was 13 or 14 years old, as if that makes it okay.

  • He was found carrying a fake social security card that he admitted he had purchased when he entered the country illegally.

These are  some  of the atrocities that Biden’s lax immigration policies have created.

2)Let’s head back out to the west coast:

  • In Stockton, California, a mother and two of her three kids were allegedly  killed in a  deadly house fire that was started by an illegal immigrant.

  • The illegal immigrant, Jose Carmen Cardona, had been deported three times and each time was able to  reenter the country.

  • The two children that were killed by the arson were 10 and 7 years old.

Words cannot describe this evil.

3)Back to the east coast and North Carolina:

  • Two suspects were recently arrested in Charlotte, North Carolina in connection with at least five shooting incidents.

  • One was a 16 year old illegal  immigrant minor and the other was 18 year old Carlos Roberto Diaz, an illegal immigrant from Honduras.

  • Their actions and violence allegedly resulted in a fatality.

  • “These were brazen crimes. These were crimes that put our community at risk and created a safety hazard for our community,” according to what CMPD Chief Johnny Jennings said at a press conference Thursday. “CMPD personnel took this personally. They took this as a threat to the safety of the citizens of Charlotte and acted appropriately.”

  • In the other four shooting incidents, these two illegal immigrants were allegedly firing at people driving their cars, riding their bikes or just sitting in their homes.

  • Some of  these other incidents resulted in injuries to local citizens.

  • The two illegal immigrants face charges of first degree murder and  other charges.

When you allow 10 million or so un-vetted illegal immigrants into the country you get these types of atrocities perpetrated on innocent American citizens and kids. Just another sad episode and legacy of the Biden Presidency, likely the worst Presidency in the past 100 years or so.


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