Thursday, September 5, 2024

September, 2024, Part 2, Political Class Insanity: Drug Legalization Fails In Oregon, A Potential Chinese Spy In New York Government, Debt Piling Up And More

Over the past couple of weeks we have discussed the failed border policies of the Biden administration. These failed policies have unleashed violence and crime on innocent American citizens as well as dangers to illegal  immigrants. The first of those posts can  be accessed at:

However, during that time, American politicians have continued to show how inept and useless they are so let’s spend a few days catching up on our favorite topic, political class insanity.

1)No politician at any level of government has figured out how to handle the drug addiction problem in this country. It is a problem that kills well over 100,000 Americans every year. One solution that is often proposed by politicians is to legalize illegal drug usage and possession.

And Oregon politicians decided that legalization of drugs was a great idea and proceeded to make legalization a reality:

  • Back in 2020, Orgon made possession of small amounts of illegal drugs such as heroin, meth, and fentanyl non-criminal actions.

  • Those possessing those small amounts of drugs were subject to fines and encouraged to seek addiction treatment, they did not face jail time possibility.

  • However, the government’s plan to provide addiction treatment services was slow to get underway.

  • As a result, illegal drug usage and overdose deaths went up, the exact opposite of what the politicians wanted to happen.

  • Politicians eventually recognized their mistake in the original legislation and reintroduced criminal penalties for illegal drug use.

At least Oregon tried to fix the problem even if they failed to execute a plan. In the meantime, drug cartels get richer and richer as politicians continue to fail to find the solution to this tremendous health care epidemic.

2)We often discussed the reality that quite soon, a major city or a state government will go bankrupt. Outrageous and wasteful spending by state and city politicians are likely to lead to economic bankruptcy. As spending gets out of control, residents and businesses leave a city or state in order to save their wealth, reducing the tax base which results in lower tax revenue which leads to more taxes and the financial death spiral is in place.

One of our leading candidates for a state government bankruptcy is the state of California:

  • They have some of the highest income tax rates in the country.

  • They have some of the highest property tax rates in the country.

  • They have some of the highest utility costs in the country.

  • They probably have the highest gas prices in the country.

  • The state government has a major budget deficit for the next fiscal year and about a trillion dollars of unfunded financial liabilities.

All of these negative points have resulted in residents and businesses fleeing the state in order to keep their hard earned wealth and a better quality of life. In a recent article on the website, a former California family moved out of Los Angeles and settled in Joplin, Missouri. After some time living outside of California, they reached some astounding financially conclusions:

  • The family estimates that they save over $46,000 a year by living in Missouri vs.California.

  • Most of the savings comes from a mortgage payment that is about two thirds less expensive in Missouri since housing is so much cheaper outside of California.

  • That mortgage difference resulted in saving almost $32,000 a year.

  • “In July 2024, the median listing price in Missouri was 60% below California’s median listing price and 30% below the national median,” says Hannah Jones,® senior economic research analyst.

  • But the housing savings do not stop with housing costs.

  • They annually save about $6,400 in property taxes, $700 in earthquake insurance, almost $2,000 in auto insurance, almost $800 a year on pet insurance, about $4,300 in gasoline costs, and over $600 in WI-FI costs.

Is there any doubt why we feel California and its inept and overspending political class will eventually face bankruptcy? You cannot continue to tax people into the ground and expect them to stand there and take it. $46,000 in savings a year is not chicken feed and as more people understand the incredible savings of wealth available to them outside of California, the state gets closer and closer to collapsing financially.

3)Obviously, the  Chinese Communist party and the government it operates is a financial, military, and potentially violent enemy of the United States. All of which makes this political class act that much more frightening:

  • Kathy Hochul is the governor of New York.

  • Thus, as governor of one of the largest states in the country, it is quite distressing when it comes to light that a former high ranking member of her staff was recently arrested for allegedly being a spy for the Chinese Communists.

  • Linda Sun and her husband were recently at their home by Federal law enforcement personnel.

  • FBI agents showed up for the arrest at the couple’s $3.5 million home in Long Island where their home was searched.

  • Sun has worked under at least two different New York governors and was once deputy chief of staff for Hochul.

Makes you wonder where other alleged Chinese spies and operatives have been inserted into other government positions.

4)Unfortunately, we have spent far too many posts on the many failures of the Biden administration: foreign affairs failures, economic failures, illegal immigration failures, leadership failures, etc. Economic failures include the following:

  • Inflation that at one point was running at a 40 year high.

  • For most of Biden’s term, inflation has been running 50-80% higher than the annual 2% rate that is considered the right rate for a healthy economy.

  • Food prices, gas prices, and utility bills are much, much higher than they were three and a half years ago.

  • Biden continued to add more than trillion dollars a year to the national debt.

  • Mortgage rates are running about three times higher than what they were when Biden took office,  putting home ownership out of the reach of a record number of Americans.

You get the idea, American wallets are being stretched to the max, as we see with the following economic distress:

  • The average American is now carrying $6,329 in revolving credit card debt.

  • This is almost 5% higher than it was a year ago according to TransUnion.

  • 9.1% of credit card balances are now  delinquent.

  • Thus, Americans are likely using credit cards to pay their\ living expenses and many of them are now falling behind in paying off that debt.

  • In total, Americans are carrying a whopping $1.14 TRILLION in credit card debt.

  • Total household debt, including credit card and other debt instruments have now reached $17.8 trillion, up 26% since 2019.

The Federal government debt is now $35 TRILLION, California has almost $1 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities, and the American consumer has almost $18 TRILLION in total debt. No way that something financially bad does not happen very soon and that financial event is going to be very, very dire.

Enough insanity for today: Debt everywhere, Oregon fails to fix the drug addiction plague, and a potential Chinese Communist found in New York government.


If you agree that we need to deseat every member of Congress for their lack of success and accomplishment, then please consider going to the following petition link to help the cause:


Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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