Wednesday, April 10, 2013

April; 2013 Global warming Skeptic Update, Part 1: Global Warming Excperts Start To Doubt Themselves, China Invades Ecuador Oil Fields

Today we will catch up on a topic we have not discussed in a while, global warming, or its new marketing term, “climate change.” We have discussed our skepticism about this concept any number of times in the past. Those discussions were really caused by the fact that many advocates and believers of global warming were the most obnoxious and condescending types around. If you did not believe what they believed, you were an idiot, a fool, an ecological Nazi, and plain stupid, both from a science perspective and a common sense perspective. Just ask a ranting and raving Al Gore.

This is obviously no way to make a point, win an argument, or resolve a problem. Insults do not produce cooperation and understanding, it just makes the other side more entrenched in what they believe.

This is especially true when we pointed out a number of “facts” and realities that global warming advocates seem to ignore since it does not fit into their preconceived, close-minded views:
  • Many scientific, well researched studies actually debunk the notion of global warming.
  • The government’s own measures of global warming indicate that the globe has not gotten any warmer over the past fifteen years.
  • The Obama administration refused to publish a report from its own EPA scientists that brought into doubt many of the standard global warming arguments and premises.
  • The scientific leaders in supporting global warming theories actually conspired via hacked emails to change their findings since the reality of non-global warming did not match up to their theories of global warming.
  • The premier physics institute in the world, the CERN Institute, reported findings in the summer of 2011, findings that were published in a leading scientific journal but were ignored by the mainstream press, that proved in a lab environment that if there was global warming, it was caused by excessive sun activity, not man made activity, which made mankind’s attempt to reduce the warming inconsequential.
  • And finally, even if man made global warming exists, any solo U.S. attempt to fix it is a vain attempt unless the big global warming gas producers, India, China, etc., also curtail their current energy activities since any changes the U.S. makes would not overcome the increased, opposite activity of these countries.
Our past discussions of global warming’s myths can be found at the following posts:

Given these previous discussions, let’s check in and see what has happened since:

1) A Newsmax article from March 30, 2013 reviewed the conclusions in an editorial in the recent issue of the Economist magazine, a highly regarded publication, and a publication that has long been a strong advocate and believer of global warming:
  • Global warming predictions haven’t panned out as predicted in the past decade and the reasons for the discrepancies are unknown.
  • The editorial notes that even though greenhouse gas emissions have soared during the past 15 years, with 100 billion tons of carbon having been added to the atmosphere between 2000 and 2010, both air and ground temperatures during that time have remained unchanged.
  • Surface temperatures have been at the lower end of the projected range of various global warming models since 2005.
  • If the temps remain flat, they may shortly actually begin to fall below projections.
  • “The mismatch between rising greenhouse-gas emissions and not-rising temperatures is among the biggest puzzles in climate science just now,” The Economist said.
  • The magazine proposes several reasons that might explain why temperatures have leveled off including a temporary lag between more carbon dioxide and rising temperatures between 2000 and 2010, the rising temperatures in the 1990s might have been a fluke and there is no global warming going on, or the climate is responding to higher CO2 levels in ways that scientists haven’t understood.
The Newsmax article notes that buried deep in the Economist’s highly technical editorial is the admission “natural variations in the earth’s climate likely play a bigger role than scientific models have said.” Sounds a lot like what the smart people at CERN have found out.

Yes, global warming may exist. But as the Economist points out, something is not right, something in the models and assumptions are not tight, so calling a skeptic anything other than a skeptic is foolish and disrespectful to those that actually look at all pieces of information available about a problem or possible problem.

2) On March 28, 2013, a Business Insider article that appeared on the Yahoo Finance website reported that the government of Ecuador was planning to auction off three million of the country' 8.1 hectares of pristine Amazonian rainforest to Chinese oil companies for exploration and drilling. A probable reason for this deal, beyond China’s need for more and more energy sources, is explained in the article:
  • As of last summer, Ecuador owed China more than $7 billion.
  • This debt is more than a tenth of its GDP.
  • In 2009 China began loaning Ecuador billions of dollars in exchange for oil shipments.
  • China also helped fund two of the country's biggest hydroelectric infrastructure projects.
  • China National Petroleum Corp may soon have a 30% stake in a $10  billion oil refinery in Ecuador.
The debt issue may have been the main reason why China is now so deeply entrenched in the country from an oil perspective and why the local government was willing to overlook its rules, laws, and regulations regarding the exploitation of the area and the native tribes that live there.

The bottom line from a global warming perspective, as we discussed above, is that China is moving full steam ahead on fossil fuels on a number of fronts, with the Ecuador situation just being one area. Any U.S. global warming curtailment activity has to be met with a tamping down of these kinds of fossil fuel activities from China or our activity will be fruitless.

3) Consider another observation from an industry expert and global warming advocate. Despite the fact that we’ve added 100 billion tons of carbon to the atmosphere in the last decade, temperatures haven’t jumped, as explained above by the Economist editorial.

As David Whitehouse of the Global Warming Policy Foundation notes, this runs completely counter to how things should be playing out if global warming is occurring: “The global temperature standstill shows that climate models are diverging from observations. If we have not passed it already, we are on the threshold of global observations becoming incompatible with the consensus theory of climate change.”

This is just the first part of our global warming update, the second half will follow tomorrow. But today we learned that even some of global warming’s long time advocates (the Economist and an official of the Global Warming Policy Foundation) are taking the brave stands to point out that they may have been wrong and that the global warming models are not panning out.

We learned China is moving full steam ahead to expand its use of fossil fuels, a main culprit of global warming advocates, making any solo, unilateral global warming by the U.S. on carbon taxes, cap and trade, or other such initiatives ineffective to global warming theory and damaging to the U.S. economy.

More of the same tomorrow from a believer in science but a global warming skeptic along with a solution to make everyone on both sides of this issue happy.

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