Friday, January 31, 2014

Grounds For Impeachment, Part 1: The Obama Administration's Fire, Smoke and Kindling Abuse of the Constitution and Rule of Law

Over the past three days we identified over 60 ways that the Obama administration has screwed up the lives of every American. However, we recognized that those five dozen or so failures were not grounds for impeachment and removal from office, no matter how heinous and damaging those failures were. We reminded readers that you cannot remove a President from office:

  • For having ineffective and/or stupid policies.
  • For being ineffective in executing his duties of office.
  • For being arrogant, narcissistic, and pompous.
  • For waging class warfare and dividing the nation into voting blocs.
  • For lying about his past or his promises.

The first of those three posts can be accessed at:

Presiding over an economy where over 20 million Americans are under employed or unemployed and where almost 50 million Americans receive Federal government food assistance are not grounds for impeachment.

Running up astronomical national debt levels so that the debt burden in the country is over $50,000 per person is not grounds for impeachment.

Having an ineffective and bumbling foreign policy strategy and operation are not grounds for impeachment.

Failing to rein in wasteful government spending is not grounds for impeachment.

Blatant lying about how things are or will be in the Presidential administration and its policies and programs are not grounds for impeachment.

Dissing our veterans in so many ways are not grounds for impeachment.

However, while those 60 or so failures are not grounds for impeachment and removal from office, there are numerous breeches of laws, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights that have emanated out of this Presidential administration. And it is those actions that we will review and present today in the next five posts, actions that we believe warrant and require the Congress to institute impeachment proceedings against this President.

Our grounds for impeachment are to be presented in three categories:

  1. Fire: obvious grounds for impeachment that require very little additional research and analysis before being presented to the Senate as articles of impeachment.
  2. Smoke: probably grounds for impeachment that require some additional research and analysis before being presented to the Senate as articles of impeachment.
  3. Kindling: possibly grounds for impeachment that require a lot of additional research and analysis before being presented to the Senate as articles of impeachment but if true, would easily end the current Presidential administration.

The main violations for impeachment include the following:

  • The Constitution - Article I, Section I: All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.
  • The Constitution - Article I, Section 8: The Congress shall have the power …to declare war, grant letters of Marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water.
  • The Constitution - Article I, Section, 9: The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it.
  • The Constitution - Article II, Section 1: No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution shall be eligible for the office of President.
  • The Constitution - Article II, Section 1: Before he [the President] enter on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation: “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.
  • The Constitution - Article II, Section 2: The President shall have power to fill vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate.
  • The Constitution - Article II, Section 3: …he [the President] shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed.
  • The Constitution - Article II, Section 4: The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.
  • The Constitution - First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the government for a redress if grievances.
  • The Constitution - Fourth Amendment: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
  • The Constitution - Sixth Amendment: In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy trial and a public trial.
  • the Constitution - Fourteenth Amendment: The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law… shall not be questioned.
  • The Declaration of Independence - We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

A few more points before we proceed:

  1. I am not a lawyer, never wanted to be a lawyer, and would be more than happy to be corrected about my assumptions and conclusions regarding this topic from someone who is more versed in law and the Constitution.
  2. Although I have legally voted since the 1970s, I have never voted for a Republican for President and up until 2010, I had never voted for a Republican for national political office. Thus, I am not a rabid Republican who is jut trying to do a hatchet job on the current Democratic President.
  3. If you object to my views and conclusions, reconsider if your objections would vanish if the Bush administration had committed the same identified actions and transgressions against the country, the Constitution, and the laws of the land that the Obama administration has allegedly done. If you then still think that my views and conclusions are wrong, then we have a serious disagreement of what constitutes impeachable actions regarding the office of the President.

In this discussion, the President is being held responsible for the actions of all of those in the executive branch of our government. This means that a violation of any law and the Constitution by anyone in that branch is his responsibility. 

Now, we realize that we cannot hold him accountable for actions that he had no knowledge of beforehand. However, if he fails to take action. e.g. fire or arrest and prosecute the executive branch member who broke the law, after the violations come to light, then he should be criminally treated as an accessory after the fact, which we consider grounds for impeachment.

Okay, that is a long lead up to the discussion of whether this President has committed impeachable offenses. However, this is serious stuff and better to lay out the groundwork than to emotionally jump right in without a framework for analyzing the actions of this administration. We will get started with the ‘Fire” offenses today and continue the discussion tomorrow, finishing up “Fire” and moving on the “Smoke” and “Kindling categories.

The “Fire” reasons why President Obama should face impeachment proceedings:

1) He led the United States into a majjor military action against the country of Libya, spending well over a billion dollars of taxpayer wealth and placing our armed forces in danger without the approval of Congress, violating the War Powers Act and Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution.

2) He refused to fire James Clapper, a high ranking member of the President’s national security team after Clapper lied to Congress about how much electronic information the National Security Agency (NSA) was collecting on every American citizen, becoming an accessory after the fact in Clapper's lying to Congress.

3) He signed the latest NDAA legislation whose sections 1021 and 1022 allow for the indefinite detention of American citizens, without trial, who the government considers terrorist suspects until the vague “end of hostilities,” which violates the habeas corpus protection of American citizens under Article I Section 9 of the Constitution.

4) He personally signed off on the assassination of American citizens in foreign lands, e.g. the killing of American citizen Anwar al-Awlaki via a drone attack in Yemen, denying him and other citizens a fair trial by their peers, negating the rights, and lives, of al-Awlaki and at least three other American citizens, violating their right “to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” the Fourth Amendment, and the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution.

5) He has repeatedly and in varied ways denied members of our armed forces to their right to personally celebrate, follow, and take comfort in their personal Christian religion and faith, violating the First Amendment to the Constitution.

6) His administration’s development and deployment of the Fast and Furious gun running operation to supply weapons to violent Mexican drug cartels has violated any number of laws including:

  • The illegal shipment of weapons to criminal organizations.
  • Violations of international treaties regarding illegal gun smuggling.
  • Abetting the violence of those cartels who used Fast and Furious weapons to kill innocent Mexican civilians and a U.S. border agent, Brian Terry.
  • Denying Congress and Congressional investigators access to pertinent Fast and Furious executive branch documents needed to investigate the alleged transgressions by claiming executive privilege.

These actions ignore and/or break existing laws and thus, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.

That will do it for today, a lot of serious information. We will continue the impeachment discussion tomorrow, more fire, smoke, and kindling.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Term Limits Now:

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Part 3: The Next 21 Reasons That Are Not Grounds For Impeachment and Removal From Office

Twenty More Reasons (Reasons 41 Through 61) For Which Obama Cannot Be Impeached and Removed From Office.

Let’s face it, the country is not in great shape these days. We have a government that cannot even develop a website despite spending well over $600 million to do so. We have a political class that is more concerned with their own welfare and perpetual reelection than the general welfare of Americans. We have a skyrocketing national debt that will burden Americans for generations to come. We have anemic economic growth. We have a President who claims he has no knowledge of the multitude of scandals erupting around him. Major safety nets such as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are lunging towards insolvency. We have lost the war on drugs. The list seems endless some days.

In these desperate times, a person typically wants to find a culprit and make them accountable. The most obvious culprit is the leader of the country, President Obama. Unfortunately, there is a difference between incompetence vs. high crimes and misdemeanors that would allow the country to impeach and remove a sitting President from office.

Having stupid policies and programs, and mismanaging them to boot, is not grounds for removal from office. Maybe it should be, it would save the country a lot of suffering, but that is not allowed under our current legal system. The voting booth is supposed to be for that purpose. In order to remove someone from office, they must violate any of the tenets of the Constitution and Bill of Rights or existing law under which they should have been operating.

We have been trying to make that distinction over the past few days. While many of us feel that the Obama administration has been the worse one in the history of our country, sinking even below the disaster that was the Carter administration, there are a load of failures that cannot be used for impeachment and removal from office. We have been covering those failures and disasters in the past few days along with today.

Those first two lists of forty failures can be found at:

Today, after we finally finish going through the myriad of reasons that can not be used for impeachment and removal from office, we will go through a still substantial list of reasons while President Obama should be removed from office for high crimes and misdemeanors in the following days. Consider that list to be the list of charges that would be read at a potential lawbreaker’s arraignment. 

That list of charges would then go to a grand jury, i.e. the House of Representatives, where they would decide which charges, i.e. indictments, if any, would be brought forth. Those indictments would then be debated and voted on for conviction or non-conviction in the Senate. 

That is the process: arraignment based on likely criminal charges, grand jury-like action in the House to lock down substantial and provable violations of the law, Constitution, and Bill of Rights, leading to a formal indictment, and then onto the Senate for trial, based on the House indictments. 

But first, lets finish going through the many disasters and failures that cannot be put on the list of charges that are reviewed for indictments that are then part of a Senate impeachment proceeding. Keep in mind that you cannot remove a President from office:
  • For having ineffective and/or stupid policies. 
  • For being ineffective in executing his duties of office. 
  • For being arrogant, narcissistic, and pompous.
  • For waging class warfare and dividing the nation into voting blocs.
  • For lying about his past or his promises.
That is the reason that the following failures, and the many, many failures we have discussed over the previous two days, are not grounds for impeachment and removal from office; they may be despicable, they may be embarrassing, they may be wasteful, they may be outright deceptions, but they are not grounds for removal under the Constitution.

[Note: associated with many of the failures listed we have attached notable quotes from the President and other reputable sources to show how far and how quickly his promises and assertions degenerated into lies, deceptions, and failures]

President Obama cannot be impeached and removed from office because…

41) He failed to live up to his promise of reducing the obscene number of earmarks in the annual Federal government expense stream, with the value of earmarks at almost the exact same level of waste as when he took office five years ago.

Relevant Obama quote: “We need earmark reform, and when I'm President, I will go line by line to make sure that we are not spending money unwisely.”

42) He signed the renewal of the Patriot Act with little discussion or change, a piece of legislation that has caused a significant drop off in freedom and privacy in this country.

Relevant Obama quote: "We will revisit the Patriot Act and overturn unconstitutional executive decisions issued during the past eight years." 

43) His administration has, at times, incurred MONTHLY deficit spending levels that were higher than almost every other ANNUAL spending deficits from every other President including Bush.

Relevant Obama quote: “Today I’m pledging to cut the deficit we inherited in half by the end of my first term in office. This will not be easy. It will require us to make difficult decisions and face challenges we’ve long neglected. But I refuse to leave our children with a debt that they cannot repay — and that means taking responsibility right now, in this administration, for getting our spending under control.”

44) He failed to foresee the Arab spring, resulting in an unpreparedness that has considerably weakened the American influence in the entire Middle East region.

45) His Obama Care legislation has resulted in many new taxes being directly or indirectly imposed on every American.

Relevant Obama quote: “If your family earns less than $250,000 a year, you will not see your taxes increased a single dime. I repeat: not one single dime.”

46) The national debt has increased over $7 TRILLION during his first five years in office, imposing an individual debt burden of over $50,000 on every man, woman and child in the country.

Relevant Obama quote: “Nobody wants to put the creditworthiness of the United States in jeopardy. Nobody wants to see the United States default. So we've got to seize this moment, and we have to seize it soon.”

Relevant Obama quote: "America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America’s debt limit."

47) Of his many lies, one the biggest lie was to blame Congress for the impacts of the sequester, an idea that he proposed, and an idea he later denied ever proposing despite the public record of his proposal.

Relevant Obama quote: “The sequester is not something that I’ve proposed. It is something that Congress has proposed.”

Relevant Obama quote (Bob Woodward): “What the president said is not correct [that he did not propose the sequester]. He is mistaken. And its refuted by the people who work for him.” 

48) In cahoots with Congress, he secretly signed legislation that modified the STOCK Act, a secret signing that allowed Congressional members and their staffs to again conduct stock trading based on their insider secret knowledge of legislation that was pending, proposed or possible in the future.

49) He allowed his administration to spend millions of dollars to buy fake Twitter and Facebook hits and followers while at the same time signing legislation that reduced the pension benefits of our veterans.

50) Despite wining the Nobel Peace prize, according to Gallup's international polling, 23% of world citizens in a recent opinion poll still view the United States as the biggest threat to world peace, almost three times more than the next nearest threat (Pakistan), and more than four times higher than either Russia or China.

51) Despite promising to have the most transparent administration ever, Transparency International recently proclaimed that corruption in the United States was growing faster than anywhere else in the world except Cuba, Dominca, and Burkina Faso.

52) Analysis of IRS records showed that 36 Obama White House employees owed over $800,000 in back taxes and over 300,000 Federal employees owed about $3.5 billion in back taxes but all of whom were allowed to continue to draw their full Federal salaries and benefits; which should not be a surprise since he nominated any number of tax evaders and/delinquent tax payers to important government positions including Kathleen Sibelius (head of Health and Human Services), Timothy Geithner (Secretary of the Treasury), YYY Solis (head of the Labor department), Tom Daschle (who ended up not working for this administration) and others.

53) He broke his promise not to sign non-emergency legislation before it had been posted on the Internet for at least five days.

54) He broke his promise to televise the Congressional hearings regarding Obama Care debates and proceedings on C-SPAN so the entire country would understand what was going into the legislation.

55) He lied when he stated that the Supreme Court had never overturned any law that had been passed by Congress., he lied when he said the auto bailouts he supported prevented Detroit from going bankrupt (it did go bankrupt), he lied when he said that Al Qaeda was almost defeated since we now know that Al Qaeda controls more physical territory in the world than it ever has before including battlegrounds in Iraq that cost Americans hundreds of lives and billions of dollars, he lied when he denied saying that he had ever declared a “red line” regarding Syria’s use of chemical weapons. (relevant Obama quote: “A red line for us is when we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around.”), he lied when he falsely claimed that health insurance companies were the cause of millions of insurance policies being cancelled when in truth it was the Obama Care legislation requirements that legally forced the cancellations, and he lied when he falsely claimed that an insurance company had refused to pay for his mother’s cancer treatment. Note: the Obama Care lies are too numerous to mention here, please go to the following link for a detailed discussion of those additional lies:


56) Three years after the Dodd-Frank financial industry reform legislation has been passed, less than half of the needed regulations required by the legislation have been written by the executive branch.

57) He vindictively shut down White House tours and DC war memorials during the sequester and government shutdown, claiming lack of government funds, but somehow found government funds to keep his favorite government run golf course open the whole time.

58) He insulted the families who had loved ones die or be wounded by the Fort Hood terrorist attacker, Nidal Hasan, by claiming they were merely victims of “workplace violence” and not terrorism; this cold designation resulted in those families and victims not getting just compensation for their losses and suffering while at the same time paying over $200,000 in government salary and benefits to the shooter and terrorist Hasan as he awaited trial. 

59) He refused to fire the IRS employees who lost $67 million form an Obama Care slush fund, he refused to fire ATF employees who lost over 400 million cigarettes in their position, he failed to fire anyone connected with the $600 million Obama Care website that did not work, he failed to fire anyone who was connected with the botched rollout of Obama Care including Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, etc.

60) He refused or did not care to rein in absolutely stupid and unnecessary government spending including research money used to build a robotic squirrel, development of a video game to simulate prom week, conducting pottery classes in Morocco, determining when dogs became man’s best friend, constructing a million dollar bus stop in Arlington, Virginia, keeping a dog handler (earning over $100,000 a year) on the White House payroll to handle the Obama family’s dog’s needs, keeping three full time professional calligraphers on staff, and other such extraneous, unnecessary and wasteful spending and nonsense.

61) He criticized waterboarding and secret rendition of suspected terrorists but then went forth and simply just killed suspected terrorists and collateral damage civilians directly by drone attacks.

Relevant Obama quote: "We will not ship away prisoners in the dead of night to be tortured in far off countries, or detain without trial or charge prisoners who can and should be brought to justice for their crimes, or maintain a network of secret prisons to jail people beyond the reach of the law." 

Let’s stop at 61 reasons. We could go on but you get the idea: this administration botched the whole Syrian civil war/poison gas debacle, tried to bribe a Pennsylvania politician (Joe Sestak) not to run against an incumbent Pennsylvania Senator (Arlen Specter), failed to take care of 200,000 veterans who are homeless on our streets, needlessly and recklessly stationed 2,500 U.S. Marines in Australia for no reason, failed to rein in a growing poverty level, etc., etc., etc.

But let’s stop at these 61 reasons that cannot be used to impeach and remove the President from office. They are 61 reasons to get you ticked off for mismanagement of the economy, mismanagement of taxpayer funds, ineffective economic policies and results, cronyism, insider trading, etc. But no matter how ticked off you get, not impeachable offenses

But that does not mean there are not impeachable offenses in play. And that will be our topic over at least the next two days, serious breeches of the Constitution and existing laws that do rise to the standard of serious “crimes and misdemeanors.”

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Term Limits Now:

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Part 2: The Next Twenty Failures Of The Obama Administration That Are NOT Gorunds For Impeachment and Removal From Office

Twenty More Reasons (Reasons 21 through 40) For Which Obama Cannot Be Impeached and Removed From Office.

Let’s face it, the country is not in great shape these days. We have a government that cannot even develop a website despite spending well over $600 million to do so. We have a political class that is more concerned with their own welfare and perpetual reelection than the general welfare of Americans. We have a skyrocketing national debt that will burden Americans for generations to come. We have anemic economic growth. We have a President who claims he has no knowledge of the multitude of scandals erupting around him. Major safety nets such as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are lunging towards insolvency. We have lost the war on drugs. The list seems endless some days.

In these desperate times, a person typically wants to find a culprit and make them accountable. The most obvious culprit is the leader of the country, President Obama. Unfortunately, there is a difference between incompetence vs. high crimes and misdemeanors that would allow the country to impeach and remove a sitting President from office.

Having stupid policies and programs, and mismanaging them to boot, are not grounds for removal from office. Maybe it should be, it would save the country a lot of suffering, but that is not allowed under our current legal system. The voting booth is supposed to be for that purpose. In order to remove someone from office, they must violate any of the tenets of the Constitution and Bill of Rights or existing laws under which they should have been operating.

We will try to make the distinction over the next few days. While many of us feel that the Obama administration has been the worse one in the history of our country, sinking even below the disaster that was the Carter administration, there are a load of failures that cannot be used for impeachment and removal from office. We will cover those failures and disasters in the next few days.

After we go through the myriad of reasons that cannot be used for impeachment and removal from office, we will go through a still substantial list of reasons while President Obama should be removed from office for high crimes and misdemeanors. Consider that list to be the list of charges that would be read at a potential lawbreaker’s arraignment. 

That list of charges would then go to a grand jury, i.e. the House of Representatives, where they would decide which charges, i.e. indictments, if any, would be brought forth. Those indictments would then be debated and voted on for conviction or non-conviction in the Senate. 

That is the process: arraignment based on likely criminal charges, grand jury-like action in the House to lock down substantial and provable violations of the law, Constitution, and Bill of Rights, leading to a formal indictment, and then onto the Senate for trial, based on the House indictments. 

But first, lets go through the many disasters and failures that cannot be put on the list of charges that are reviewed for indictments that are then part of a Senate impeachment proceeding. Keep in mind that you cannot remove a President from office:
  • For having ineffective and/or stupid policies. 
  • For being ineffective in executing his duties of office. 
  • For being arrogant, narcissistic, and pompous.
  • For waging class warfare and dividing the nation into voting blocs.
  • For lying about his past or his promises.
That is the reason that the following failures are not grounds for impeachment and removal from office, they may be despicable, they may be embarrassing, they may be wasteful, they may be outright deceptions, but they are not grounds for removal under the Constitution.

[Note: associated with many of the failures listed we have attached notable quotes from the President and other reputable sources to show how far and how quickly his promises and assertions degenerated into lies, deceptions, and failures]

President Obama cannot be impeached and removed from office because…

21) He has done nothing to develop and implement a long term and strategic energy policy for the country, instead wasting tens of billions of dollars given away to his political contacts’ and cronies’ failed alternative energy programs and shutting down the coal industry with no viable energy replacement source to fill the gap.

22) He presided over economic polices that have seen median U.S. household income decline for five years in a row.

Relevant Obama quote: “I'm a warrior for the middle class.”

23) He intruded into the auto industry bailouts that still resulted in the city of Detroit having to file for bankruptcy and for General Motors to probably never pay back the $9.7 billion still owed to the American taxpayer, contrary to the President’s reelection campaign themes.

24) His failed foreign policies have allowed North Korea to get five years closer to having substantial nuclear weapon and delivery capability.

25) His failed foreign policies have allowed Iran to get five years closer to having substantial nuclear weapon and delivery capability.

26) His failed foreign policies have caused a significant loss of prestige and honor relative to the U.S. in both our allies and enemies’ eyes. A loss compounded by the unfathomable spying on the governments and leaders of our allies.

27) He has presided over economic polices that have seen the average price of gas go up about 70% since the day he took office.

28) He has remained silent and allowed political allies to call his political opponents and ordinary citizens all types of slanderous and foul names despite his promise to unite the country. Those slurs include but are not limited to, a__h____s, terrorists, barbarians, Taliban, racists, Ku Klux Klan members, knuckle dragging Neanderthals, sluts, whores, among others.

Relevant Obama quote: “There's not a liberal America and a conservative America - there's the United States of America.”

Relevant Obama quote: “We want everybody to act like adults, quit playing games, realize that it's not just my way or the highway."

Relevant Obama quote: “It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

29) He has failed to improve the tense situation in the Middle East, specifically the ongoing conflicts between Israel and the Palestinians.

30) He had no plan and not a lot of interest in quickly resolving the Gulf Coast/BP oil spill, given the number of rounds of golf, the number of vacations and the number of political fund raisers he attended as the crisis was destroying nature and jobs along the Gulf coats.

31) He has no plan for fixing the mess that is Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, who together have already gobbled up almost $200 billion in taxpayer bailout dollars, and he has no plan for the latest government housing entity in need of an almost $2 billion taxpayer bailout, the Federal Housing Authority (FHA).

32) He promised to run the most transparent administration of all time and ended up running the most opaque and paranoid administration since at least the Nixon administration, implementing executive privilege too often, hiding witnesses called to testify in front of Congress, persecuting more government whistle blowers than all previous Presidential administrations combined, hunting down legitimate whistle blowers and dodging legal Freedom of Information Act requests.

Relevant Obama quote: "My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government. We will work together to ensure the public trust and establish a system of transparency, public participation, and collaboration. Openness will strengthen our democracy and promote efficiency and effectiveness in Government." 

Relevant Obama quote: "Often the best source about waste, fraud and abuse in government is an existing government employee committed to public integrity and willing to speak out. Such acts of courage and patriotism . . . should be encouraged rather than stifled." 

33) He has failed to fix the massively expensive and stupid redundancy in the Federal government: 
  • The Federal government has 15 different agencies overseeing food safety laws
  • More than 20 independent Federal programs help the homeless
  • 80 different Federal programs to help economic development
  • 82 different government agencies work on improving teacher quality
  • 47 different government agencies work on job training
  • 18 different programs working on food and nutrition assistance
34) He takes all the credit but never the blame, placing blame on his failed policies and programs on everyone and everything from Bush to ATMs to the Japanese tsunami to Bush to the European fiscal crisis to Bush to Republicans to Bush, etc.

35) He has ignored the fighting going on Afghanistan and has not implemented a strategy that will withstand the withdrawal of Western troops in 2014, likely resulting in the Taliban taking over again and negating the blood and money the country has spent there over the past decade or so.

36) He has angered civilians all over the Arab world with his drone attacks on terrorist suspects that have ended up killing hundreds, if no thousands of civilians, including hundreds of innocent children. These drone attacks have not slowed down the growth of Al Qaeda and other terror groups while it has embittered civilian populations from Yemen to Pakistan.

Relevant Obama quote (from Pew research): "At the end of his first term, the level of confidence those nations [Middle Eastern countries‘ citizens] feel for Obama fell from 33% to 24%. When it comes to Obama’s policies, as opposed to his personality, the drop is even greater, falling from a high of 34% to a dismal low of 15%."

37) He has constantly reinforced his masculinity by staging dozens of photo ops with professional and college athletic teams but has had minimal photo ops with outstanding teachers, heroic soldiers, or other outstanding American citizens.

38) He embarrassed the country and his administration by not sending a high level representative to represent the country at Margaret Thatcher’s state funeral, just another in a long line of snubs against our allies around the world.

39) His failure to come up with a sane and compassionate drug program, continuing the long failing war on drugs, has lead to the continued enlargement and enrichment of foreign drug cartels who have now established themselves firmly throughout the country, peddling their drugs and getting richer.

40) His failure to live up to his campaign promise of not having high powered lobbyists in positions of power in his administration, a campaign promise that he promptly broke when he placed many high level lobbyists in his administration.

Relevant Obama quote (Anthony Holm): “More than forty former lobbyists work in senior positions in the Obama administration, including three cabinet secretaries and the CIA director.” 

Over the past two days we have come up with forth instances of Presidential neglect, corruption, lying, and wasteful spending, none of which are likely grounds for impeachment. They are only likely grounds for one of the worst Presidencies of all time. And the bad news: we are not done yet. We have another XXXX despicable embarrassments from the Obama administration for you tomorrow, none of which are grounds for impeachment.

However, after that, we will lay out the actual grounds for impeachment and removal from office, where this President knowingly violated actual laws and the tenets of the Constitution.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Term Limits Now:

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Part 1: The First Twenty Failures of The Obama Administration That Are NOT Grounds For Impeachment and Removal From Office

Twenty Reasons (Reasons 1 Through 20) For Which Obama Cannot Be Impeached and Removed From Office.

Let’s face it, the country is not in great shape these days. We have a government that cannot even develop a website despite spending well over $600 million to do so. We have a political class that is more concerned with their own welfare and perpetual reelection than the general welfare of Americans. We have a skyrocketing national debt that will burden Americans for generations to come. We have anemic economic growth. We have a President who claims he has no knowledge of the multitude of scandals erupting around him. Major safety nets such as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are lunging towards insolvency. We have lost the war on drugs. The list seems endless some days.

In these desperate times, a person typically wants to find a culprit and make them accountable. The most obvious culprit is the leader of the country, President Obama. Unfortunately, there is a difference between incompetence vs. high crimes and misdemeanors that would allow the country to impeach and remove a sitting President from office.

Having stupid policies and programs, and mismanaging them to boot, is not grounds for removal from office. Maybe it should be, it would save the country a lot of suffering, but that is not allowed under our current legal system. The voting booth is supposed to be for that purpose. In order to remove someone from office, they must violate any of the tenets of the Constitution and Bill of Rights or existing laws under which they should have been operating.

We will try to make the distinction over the next few days. While many of us feel that the Obama administration has been the worse one in the history of our country, sinking even below the disaster that was the Carter administration, there are a load of failures that cannot be used for impeachment and removal from office. We will cover those failures and disasters in the next few days.

After we go through the myriad of reasons that can not be used for impeachment and removal from office, we will go through a still substantial list of reasons while President Obama should be removed from office for high crimes and misdemeanors. Consider that list to be the list of charges that would be read at a potential lawbreaker’s arraignment. 

That list of charges would then go to a grand jury, i.e. the House of Representatives, where they would decide which charges, i.e. indictments, if any, would be brought forth. Those indictments would then be debated and voted on for conviction or non-conviction in the Senate. 

That is the process: arraignment based on likely criminal charges, grand jury-like action in the House to lock down substantial and provable violations of the law, Constitution, and Bill of Rights, leading to a formal indictment, and then onto the Senate for trial, based on the House indictments. 

But first, lets go through the many disasters and failures that cannot be put on the list of charges that are reviewed for indictments that are then part of a Senate impeachment proceeding. Keep in mind that you cannot remove a President from office:
  • For having ineffective and/or stupid policies. 
  • For being ineffective in executing his duties of office. 
  • For being arrogant, narcissistic, and pompous.
  • For waging class warfare and dividing the nation into voting blocs.
  • For lying about his past or his promises.
That is the reason that the following failures are not grounds for impeachment and removal from office, they may be despicable, they may be embarrassing, they may be wasteful, they may be outright deceptions, but they are not grounds for removal under the Constitution.

[Note: associated with many of the failures listed we have attached notable quotes from the President and other reputable sources to show how far and how quickly his promises and assertions degenerated into lies, deceptions, and failures]

In no particular order, President Obama cannot be impeached and removed from office because…

1) He promised to quickly shut down the oppressive detention center at Guantanamo Bay shortly after being elected but failed to do. This has resulted in the American taxpayer paying out almost half a billion dollars a year to keep the detention facility up and running.

Relevant Obama quote: "We will close the detention camp in Guantanamo Bay, the location of so many of the worst constitutional abuses in recent years." 

2) He promised to cut the annual deficit in half but instead ran up record setting TRILLION dollar deficits for four years in a row.

Relevant Obama quote: “What my budget does is…by the middle of this decade our annual spending will match our annual revenues. We will not be adding more to the national debt.”

Relevant Obama quote: “When George Bush came into office, our debt—national debt—was around $5 trillion. It’s now over $10 trillion. We’ve almost doubled it… But actually I’m cutting more than I’m spending, so it will be a net spending cut.” 

3) He promised that if his economic stimulus program was not implemented, unemployment could go as high as 8%. The program was implemented and unemployment skyrocketed well beyond 8% and stayed there for a record number of consecutive months.

4) He promised that economic programs such as Cash For Clunkers would stimulate the economy but subsequent analysis has shown that all those programs did was waste billions of dollars for no economic benefit. The latest analysis by the Brookings Institute shows conclusively that Cash For Clunkers involved about 380,000 vehicles, none of which were incremental, economic stimulating sales, they were sales that would have happened anyway but without taxpayer support.

Relevant Obama quote: “Now, more American consumers will have the chance to purchase newer, more fuel efficient cars and the American economy will continue to get a much-needed boost."

5) He has abused and disrespected our armed forces’ veterans by allowing veterans’ benefits requests turnaround time to skyrocket to over a year, coldly and unnecessarily shutting down veteran memorials during the sequester, and legislation that reduces veterans’ benefits.

Relevant Obama quote: “When you take off the uniform, we will serve you as well as you've served us - because no one who fights for this country should have to fight for a job, or a roof over their head, or the care that they need when they come home.”

6) He has presided over economic polices that has seen about a 50% increase in the number of Americans that are receiving government food assistance, a total of about 47 million Americans.

7) He has presided over economic polices that have left well over 20 million Americans either unemployed or under employed.

Relevant Obama quote (Associated Press, July, 2013): "Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream." 

8) He has presided over economic policies that have resulted in large numbers of college graduates unable to land a job in their preferred profession, assuming they can find a job at all.

9) He presided over economic polices that have kept minority unemployment levels substantially higher than the overall unemployment rates in America.

10) He has presided over an $833 billion economic stimulus program that was so inefficient that it conservatively cost over $300,000 per job created or saved, an unsustainable and failed economic policy.

11) He has failed to rein in wasteful spending in the Medicare program which loses about $70-90 billion a year through waste, inefficiencies, and outright criminal fraud.

Relevant Obama quote: “It's time to fundamentally change the way that we do business in Washington. To help build a new foundation for the 21st century, we need to reform our government so that it is more efficient, more transparent, and more creative. That will demand new thinking and a new sense of responsibility for every dollar that is spent.”

12) He has failed to rein in wasteful spending in the Medicaid program which loses about $30-40 billion a year through waste, inefficiencies, and outright criminal fraud.

13) He has failed to rein wasteful spending in the Social Security program which loses over $100 billion a year through waste, inefficiencies, and outright criminal fraud.

14) He has failed to eliminate the tens of billions of dollars lost every year via unemployment insurance, disability programs, food assistance programs, Obama phones, and government housing programs to waste, inefficiencies, and outright criminal fraud.

15) He has failed to operate an efficient IRS process, an organization which readily admits that it fails to collect over $380 billion a year from tax evaders.

16) His health care reform legislation has proven to be nothing more than a Rube Goldberg-like insurance scheme that is causing millions of Americans to lose their current health care insurance coverage, to lose access to their preferred doctors, to spend much money more for both their insurance premiums and deductibles, is adding substantially to the national debt, is causing a doctor shortage as more and more doctors retire early to avoid the trauma and nonsense of the legislation, and never addressed the real root causes of escalating health care costs, dooming his approach to failure.

Relevant Obama quote: “And that means that no matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.”

17) He has taken extravagant and expensive vacations around the world, spending hundreds of millions of dollars, while Americans sit by and watch as their chances for a good job and good future go unrealized.

18) He has played more golf and attended more campaign fund raisers than any other President, time that might have been better spent fixing the problems facing the country and its citizens.

19) He has done nothing to improve the scholastic performance of American kids who badly trail many other countries along all measurements of educational excellence and who spend far less per student than the Federal government and the Obama administration do.

20) Despite promising to operate the most transparent Presidential administration ever, he has decided that White House visitor logs will no longer be made public, breaking a long tradition of allowing Americans to know who is visiting the White House.

Relevant Obama quote: "For a long time now, there’s been too much secrecy in this city. Information will not be withheld just because I say so. It will be withheld because a separate authority believes it is well-grounded in the Constitution." 

These are the first 20 reasons that regardless of how bad the performance was, no matter how badly these actions did not resolve a national issue, no matter how much taxpayer wealth was wasted, none of these reasons probably is sufficient to become an indictable offense and impeachable offense.

And despite how bad and embarrassing and expensive these failures are, there are still more failures to come tomorrow.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

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Monday, January 27, 2014

Janaury, 2014 The Unfolding Disaster That is Obama Care, Final January Post: A Summary of Disasters

As promised yesterday, this will be the final post this month on the unfolding disaster that is Obama Care. I am sure that we will need to do monthly updates to this disaster since it seems like everyday more negative surprises from the legislation are uncovered. 

Regular readers of this blog know that for the past five months, every month, we have had to devote upwards of 6-7 days to just document the realities, research, and heartbreaks of Obama care as it has rolled out. The first post in each of those monthly series can be accessed at the following links:

Its so unbelievable that one single piece of Washington legislation could create so much havoc, insanity, and hardship for the country and its citizens. Despite the hardships, we have a President and a large portion of Congress that are coldheartedly ignoring the damage to lives, health, the economy and our freedoms that this legislation is causing.

As we have learned from these previous six months of posts, this damage, insanity, and hardships include, but are not limited to the following:

- So far, almost five million Americans have already lost access to their preferred insurance policies.

- Many of these Americans lost access to their current insurance policies while they were in the midst of serious medical treatments, e.g. cancer treatments, leaving their future treatments and health up in the air.

- Many of these people will be forced to pay for Obama Care policies that are almost always shaping up to be more expensive, higher premiums and deductibles, with less benefits.

- Many Obama Care policies will have severely limited access to preferred doctors and preferred hospitals.

- Many Obama Care policies will restrict access to needed medicines.

- Thousands of private companies, school systems, government agencies, and non profit groups have restricted hiring, cut back hours, or have fired people in order to avoid the negative financial consequences of Obama Care, putting a heavy, restrictive burden on national economic growth.

- The pathetic computer programming of Obama Care’s data systems processes has created what experts are calling “an identity thief’s paradise” and “an identity thief’s wet dream” due to the systems’ inadequate security protocols.

- So far the “mix” of Obama Care customers has likely favored the older and sicker components of our population and does not have enough younger, healthier people signing up to make Obama Care’s financials stand up over time.

- If this mix problem is not fixed, the American taxpayer will end up bailing out the insurance companies’ financial losses, as stipulated by the legislation.

- Many people are walking around thinking that they have valid Obama care insurance coverage but in reality, they may not due to the bad back end programming of the Obama Care website.

- This back end programming problem is creating so-called Obama Care "orphans," people who think they have coverage but really do not. Cases have already sprung up across America of sick Americans being turned away from medical treatment because of their “orphan” status.

- Congress and the President have agreed to pay Congressional members and their staff members hefty and generous taxpayer funded subsidies so that they will not feel the financial pain of Obama Care, subsidies that are not available to regular Americans and which are in clear violation of the language in the legislation, making these special subsidies both illegal and insulting to regular Americans.

- The estimated long term cost of Obama Care has doubled since the first estimate was put forth just three years ago with some reputable analysts estimating the cost is really almost three time higher than the Obama administration promised, i.e. promise broken.

- The President personally assured the nation that Obama Care would not add one dime to our national debt but we now know that the legislation is expected to add trillions of dollars to the national debt, contrary to what the Obama administration promised, i.e. promise broken.

- The President personally assured the nation that if you liked your current doctor and insurance policy, you could keep it, a probable deception and promise broken.

- The President personally assured the nation that the average American household will see their annual insurance premium costs decrease by $2,500, which of course we now know was another deception and promise broken.

- The President personally assured the nation that anyone household earning under $250,000 will not see any tax increases, an assertion we now know is wrong and deceptive since the many, many Obama Care taxes will directly or indirectly affect EVERY American, i.e. promise broken.

- The promise that Obama Care website will be user friendly and make buying Obama Care policies simple and easy was the exact opposite of reality with the system for months being slow, out of order, or malfunctioning, i.e. promise broken.

- To make Obama Care’s financials look good on paper, the legislation strips out $700 billion from the Medicare budget over the next ten years, endangering that program’s financial viability.

- Many doctors and hospitals are opting out of accepting Obama Care patients, e.g. valid estimates are that upwards of 70% of California doctors will not accept Obama Care policies, creating a health care access shortage across the country, i.e. the good news is that you have health insurance but the bad news is that you cannot get health care even with that insurance.

- The legislation has trampled on the Constitutional freedom of religion rights of many companies and non profit organizations by forcing those companies and non profits to provide health coverage for procedures that violate their personal and organizational religious tenets. 

- A U.S. Senator from Colorado is now under fire and investigation for attempting to convince the state government to publish false, more positive numbers about Obama Care enrollments in the state to make the legislation he voted for look better than it actually is, another deception and certainly a breach of integrity.

- Public opinion polls on any aspect of Obama Care show that the public is definitely and strongly against just about any specific aspect and the overall concept of Obama Care, a reality that is being ignored by the President and large segments of Congress.

- Small businesses report massive increases in the cost of their employee health care insurance costs, resulting in the dropping of insurance or cutting hours for current employees and not hiring of new employees.

- The Congressional Budget Office estimates that even if everything had gone smoothly with the Obama care rollout, which it obviously did not, ten years from now millions and millions of Americans would still not have health care coverage, another broken promise from a piece of legislation whose purported purpose was to get EVERYONE in the country under some type of health insurance coverage. 

- Since criminal fraud is rampant in existing Federal government health care programs, Medicare and Medicaid, it is likely to be also rampant under Obama Care since the Federal government and political class have shown no ability or inclination to stop fraud anywhere within the Federal government's budget and operations.

- A new Harvard study predicts that Obama Care's Medicaid component will result in a substantial rise in hospital emergencey room visits, the exact opposite effect that the Obama Care legislation was supposed to have.

- Obama Care represents the greatest intergenerational redistriubtion of wealth from younger and generally less affluent Americans to older, generally more affluent Americans.

- Training of so-called Obama Care “navigators” has been sparse, inadequate, and infested with allegations on how many navigators are coaching customers how to cheat and lie on their application forms to get Obama Care subsidies they do not warrant.

All of this heartbreak, endangering of lives, disruption of household and business expenses and health insurance coverage, violations of the law and the Constitution, lies and deceptions, negative impacts on health care, higher costs, higher national debt, all for a piece of legislation that has not chance of fixing the symptom of our ever escalating high health care costs. 

Why can’t it succeed? The legislation and those who wrote it never understood the root causes of our high health care costs. Even if things rolled smoothly, the root causes of our high health care costs would still be present and would still be driving health care costs higher. Those root causes include, but are not limited to, the following realities:
  1. Americans smoke too much, in part driven by massive subsidies that the Federal government gives to tobacco farmers every year.
  2. Americans do not exercise enough.
  3. Americans eat too much.
  4. Americans eat too much of the wrong types of food. 
  5. The American food chain is infested with high levels of bad ingredients such as high fructose corn syrup, a reality driven by the massive subsidies the Federal government gives to farmers every year to grow massive amounts of corn which ends up in much of what eat in the form of cheap high fructose corn syrup.
  6. The regulatory barriers against insurance companies competing across state lines inhibits cost reducing competition in the health insurance industry.
  7. The need for rational and massive tort reform in the health care industry, reform that has been very successful at the state level, is not addressed by the Obama Care legislation.
  8. America is aging as the Baby Boomers enter their senior years, resulting in increased incidences of aging diseases, e.g. Parkinsons, dementia, Alzheimer’s, etc., diseases that will crush the nation’s health care system and financials but whose cures are not a priority in the Obama Care legislation.
Get Americans moving, get them to stop smoking, clean up the eating habits in this country from the food processing plant to the family dining table, reform insurance regulations and tort laws, and create a national urgency to cure the major diseases of our time, that is how you rein in high health care costs. You do not do it with a 2,000 page piece of legislation that is often indecipherable and was enacted by politicians that admit they never read it.

It does not matter how good an Obama Care subsidy is, it does not matter how many people have Obama Care insurance coverage, it does not matter how many taxes you enact to cover the cost of Obama Care. Until the nation addresses these underlying root causes, our health care costs in this country will continue to escalate at such a high rate that they promise to eventually crush the nation’s economy, our freedom, and our health care.

Unlike a Barack Obama promise, that is a promise you can take to the bank.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

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Sunday, January 26, 2014

January, 2014 The Unfolding Disaster That Is Obama Care, Part 6: Insurance "Orphans," Crushing The Middle Class, And Insurance Company Bailouts

This will be the next to last post this month covering the unfolding disaster that is Obama care. We are not stopping now because we have reviewed all of the bad news about this horrific legislation. We are stopping now because it is getting too depressing writing every day about how Obama Care is destroying Americans’ health, destroying our economy, destroying our freedoms, and how in the end, it will fail miserably to fix our ever escalating health care costs.

We have had to do multiple posts every month since last August to cover all of the chaos that Obama Care has unleashed. That first post in August can be accessed at:

The post continued every month since then, starting up again this month at the following link:

I am assuming that the bad news about Obama Care will continue to hit the fan and that next month at around the same time, we will have to wade into this mess again to explain how this is easily the worst piece of legislation ever enacted by Washington, legislation that was enacted by the most inept set of Washington politicians...ever

1) We have already covered some heartbreaking cases of Americans who were turned away from medical treatment or scared away because of the out of pocket costs when they thought the had Obama Care insurance coverage but found out that they really did not. Recent news reports have described how health insurance companies are still trying to sort out cases of so-called health insurance “orphans.” 

Orphans are customers for whom the government has a record that they had enrolled in an Obama Care policy, but the insurer has no record of that enrollment and no payment and thus, is not providing insurance for that individual. The insurers are concerned the problem will grow more cumbersome as they begin to handle the flood of new customers who signed up in December as enrollment deadlines neared.

How bad is the problem? There are two conflicting views:

“It’s an ongoing concern,” said Robert Zirkelbach, a spokesman for the industry trade group America’s Health Insurance Plans. “Health plans can’t process enrollments they haven’t received from the exchange.”

Julie Bataille, communications director for the federal health care rollout, disputes the industry’s view: “We have fixed the issues that we knew were a problem, and we are now seeing nearly zero errors in the work moving forward.” 

So what is it? An ongoing concern or nearly zero errors. Given this administration’s track record of lying and deception, my money would be on the “it’s an ongoing concern” perspective. Consider the opinion of an industry expert, Bob Laszewski, who expects to hear more reports about orphaned files as ailing people seek health care or start worrying about insurance cards that have not arrived: “As we go through the month, you bet this is going to be a problem.” 

This is what happens when you have a faulty system that should have never gone live in the first place, given that we know now that the pre rollout testing of the system was a disaster. And for this stupid decision, rolling out with a broken data systems operation, this is eventually going to start causing people to die as they find out they cannot afford “affordable insurance” under Obama Care because the process made them orphans.

2) Consider a roundup of disasters that the Newsmax website reported on January 2, 2014:

- Middle-class families are finding out the exact cost of the Affordable Care Act to their weekly budget, and they are realizing they have to make cutbacks in their lifestyles to afford higher healthcare insurance premiums, The Week reports.

- An issue of The Week magazine looked at the bad side effects of Obama Care, concluding that the legislation was "another sucker punch to the middle class." 

- The Week’s analysis warned that "when the family budget gets hit in the solar plexus, guess what happens to consumer spending and the economy?”

- In California, the Wall Street Journal reported in December that 900,000 Californians are seeing their current health insurance policies terminated because they don't meet the Obama Care requirements. 

- Since about 600,000 of these people are not eligible for Obama Care subsidies, they will all end up paying larger premiums.

- In New York, thousands of small businesses are being hammered by the cost of premiums under Obama Care, according to the New York Post. The National Federation of Independent Businesses, which represents nearly 11,000 business owners in New York, reports that not one single member has reported that their healthcare insurance costs are going down. The federation's director Mike Durant said an "overwhelming majority" of small firms with fewer than 50 employees have reported, in fact, that their premiums have increased substantially. 

The article points out Michael Kennedy as an example, who owns two dog-grooming salons near Albany. He said his health insurance coverage had more than doubled under Obama Care, going from $132.99 to $325.92 a month per person. According to Mr. Kennedy: "It’s like another 100 dogs we need to groom." 

- In Alabama, WHNT News has revealed that middle-class residents have received letters "indicating their premiums will soon double." Alabama resident Courtney Long, a mother of four, was shocked when Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama notified her that her family's individual healthcare plan was going up from $352 per month to $796. "It's devastating. I started crying," said Long.

"I mean, we have worked so hard to get out of credit card debt, get ahead on the car loan, transfer our mortgage to a 15 from a 30 year mortgage…and for what?"

- In Washington state, Forbes estimates that Obama Care "will increase, the underlying cost of individually purchased health insurance by 34 to 80%, on average."

- In Tennessee, U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander was stunned to learn from an Obama administration report/analysis that concluded many Tennesseans got hit with much higher health care premium on January 1. The analysis showed that a 27-year-old man in Memphis faces a likely jump in monthly premiums costs from $41 a month to $119. Additionally, 105 insurance policies in Nashville alone will no longer be available because of Obama Care requirements. 

- The Week correctly points out that the bigger health insurance premiums will likely have a trickle-down effect on the economy as middle- and upper-middle-income families start to spend less on what they usually spend on since they need to divert some of their earnings to pay for their expensive new health care premiums. Since consumer spending accounts for 70 percent of the country's gross domestic product, the report: "The top 20 percent of earners account for about 40 percent of all spending in the U.S. When you increase the costs of health care and the new taxes associated with Obama Care, you can hear the wallets closing."

How is all of this suffering and chaos worthwhile if the legislation does not resolve any of the problems facing the country relative to health care?

3) The only way Obama Care financials work for Obama and the insurance companies is if a lot of younger, healthy people sign up for Obama Care policies and unnecessarily pay insurance premiums for policies that they are highly unlikely to use. Why? 

Well, since Obama wanted to give every American access to health insurance policies, even the sick and elderly who are much more likely to need health care, he needed to force younger, healthier Americans to buy health insurance to keep the insurance companies financials intact. See, if he forced the insurance companies to take on expensive customers, elderly and the sick, and did not give them an offsetting revenue stream, younger and healthy, the insurance companies would take a major, and perhaps, fatal financial hit. 

So not only does Obama need to get 7 million Americans to sign up for Obama Care policies in order for the whole Rube Goldberg system to work, he has to have the right MIX of customers. He needs enough younger, healthier Americans forced to buy health insurance and make regular payments to the insurance companies in order for the insurance companies to accept any Obama Care patient that develops.

Unfortunately, that does not appear how things are going according to two indicators. First, consider a recent news report from Reuters:
  • Health insurer Humana Inc recently stated that its projected enrollment mix in private plans through the exchanges created by President Barack Obama’s healthcare law will be, “more adverse than previously expected.”
  • Humana attributed the enrollment trend to regulatory changes allowing people to remain in previously existing plans not sold on the exchanges. Obama proposed allowing insurers to keep selling plans that did not comply with the Affordable Care Act after political fallout that he was not keeping his promise that people can keep insurance plans if they like them.
Thus, we see the first cracks in the major assumption that younger, healthier Americans would ignorantly fork over money to insurance companies when odds are they did not have to.

The second major indication that things are not going well relative to MIX is that while the Obama administration claims two million people have indicated they will sign up for an Obama Care policy, a vast majority of the indications are for the higher priced, lower deductible Gold and Silver plans, not the lower priced, higher deductible Bronze plans. 

This indicates that people who indicated they want an Obama Care policy are older and sicker than expected and needed by Obama Care financials since these potential customers realize that by paying more up front via higher premiums, they reap a larger, quicker benefit when they utilize the policy, i.e. they are more likely already ailing or expect to be ailing soon.

Thus, not only is the sign up rate for Obama Care way behind forecast, not only is the payment processing for Obama Care policies way behind schedule, it also appears that the mix needed to make this disaster work is also totally out of whack.

What happens if this scenario actually plays out? Believe it or not, within the legislation itself are contingencies for the American taxpayer to bailout any shortfall or financial damage that the insurance companies incur. 

That’s right: first the American taxpayer bailed out the auto companies, then they bailed out the banks, then they bailed out the large insurance companies and then they bailed out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. And now because of the unfolding disaster that is Obama Care, we are going to bail out major insurance companies due to the ineptness of the Washington political class and their Obama Care abomination.

That’s it for this month. Again, it is not because we have covered every Obama Care fiasco. It is just too depressing to cover every Obama Care fiasco for too long without getting too bummed out. 

Tomorrow we will be doing a quick summary of every Obama Care disaster we can think off. It will summarize everything we have talked about over the past three years, focusing on the many blunders and every instance of incompetence is we have discussed over the past four months.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

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