Thursday, July 31, 2014

Is The Obama Administration Just A Reincarnation of TV's "Car 54" Sitcom?

We have never been a big fan of Barack Obama. We could go into all of the shortcomings of his administration and personal management style but we have already done that many times before. 

The most recent attempt at framing his failed administration was last month. At that time, we did a series of posts that covered 122 reasons why his administration justly deserves the recent and dubious honor of being viewed by a third of America in a Gallup poll as the worst Presidential administration since 1945. Those 122 reasons can be reviewed at your leisure at:

But those 122 distinct reasons still do not totally capture the feeling and sense of why this is a failed administration. It is more a sense of disinterest that this President often has in doing his job. He is more like a prince than a President. He likes his photo ops with athletic teams and famous celebrities rather than the nitty gritty details and tedium of actually governing. 

He loves to travel the world giving speeches or going on vacations, all paid for by the American taxpayer. 

He loves to play golf even when world events are crying out for his attention and leadership. 

Fundraisers and schmoozing are more important to him even when Americans are desperately fighting for their lives in Benghazi. 

Princely behavior, yes. Presidential leadership, no.

All of these actions and his overall inattention to governing led me to the startling conclusion that he is not very different from an old 1960s sitcom television show, "Car 54". The theme music to the show went as follows (for younger readers, Idlewild was the name of JFK airport in New York City prior to the Kennedy assassination, Khruschev was the Russian Premier at that time):

There's a hold-up in the Bronx,
Brooklyn's broken out in fights,
There's a traffic jam in Harlem
That's backed up to Jackson Heights.
There's a Scout troop short a child,
Khrushchev's due at Idlewild,


There's a hold-up in the Bronx,
Brooklyn's broken out in fights,
There's a traffic jam in Harlem
That's backed up to Jackson Heights.
There's a Scout troop short a child,
Khrushchev's due at Idlewild,

The YouTube version of the original TV show theme song can be seen and heard at:

Which got me to thinking: the lead characters in the Car 54 series, Toody and Muldoon, were not much different than this President. They always seemed to be out of contact and unreachable, besides being incompetent in their job, when crises were going down. 

What would it take to adapt the Car 54 theme song to this Presidential administration? In a few hours of scribbling, I found out that Car 54 really was not much different than this Presidency:

Unemployment is appalling,
GDP it keeps on falling,
Putin’s warring in the Ukraine,
Malaysia lost another airplane,
Cartels are on the border,
Chi-town has no law and order,

Christians slaughtered in Iraq,
Federal debt is out of whack,
Constitution getting shredded,
While veterans can’t get medics,
Middle East is under fire,
Obama Care cost going higher,

Foreign girls are being taken,
But your golf game’s not forsaken,
Hoping soon you’ll start to lead,
Your fundraisers serve no need,
Your promises have been broke,
Your photo ops are a joke,

Sad but true even if done in a comical light. There is a whole lot of angst, death, war, and misery going on in the world but that seems to be secondary to this President, and this Congress, as most if not all of them are about to embark on a long, carefree summer vacation.

Unfortunately, I have absolutely no musical talent at all so I am totally unable to take the above parody words and translate them into a good sounding, musical parody of this administration using the Car 54 theme music. If anyone out there wants to take that step, I welcome your musical ability to try your best shot of adopting these words to the Car 54 theme music. I would be more than happy to share your creation in this blog, its related Twitter page, and several Facebook pages that promote freedom and liberty. 

Who knows, these words with your musical talents, might finally wake up some people in this country and show them that we are being served by a Washington political class that is no more competent or serious than a 1960s television sitcom. Good luck!

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