Tuesday, July 22, 2014

July 2014, I Am A Global Warming Doubter and A Beliver In Science, Update, Part 2

Starting yesterday, we are going to spend a few days going over a continuing theme in this blog, “I am a global warming doubter and a believer in science.” The justification for this series was the fact that I just got fed up being yelled at and called a whole slew of not nice names by people like Al Gore simply because I choose to look at the entire spectrum of global warming, and its rebranded them of climate change, rather than the rantings and ravings of people like Gore that look only at the science that supports their viewpoint and not at all science, both pro and con.

Rather than try to have an adult conversation, people like Al Gore have caused us doubters racists, homophobes, science illiterates, etc. We maintain that if you look at ALL of the climate science, you will see the fallacy and emptiness of Gore-like viewpoints and rantings. To do anything else would not be scientific, it would be scientific heresy.

To view the dozens of posts we have done in the past where we quote famous and credible scientists, cite credible and independent reports, and use logic to show that the global warming scare and climate change mania is probably just that, scare tactics and mania, put the following phrase, “I am a global warming doubter” in the search box above to get a complete list of previous related posts. If you are an Al Gore fan, a dare you to read all of the science put forth in these posts before you commence with the name calling again.

Let’s see what new science evidence has come about since our last update to the theme, I am a global warming doubter and a believer in science.”

1) Let’s follow up on a topic we discussed briefly yesterday, namely that the Antarctic ice cap recently set a record for having the largest size and coverage in the known history of the cap. Does not seem to jive with any global warming or climate change theory that Al Gore has ever spewed forth since measurements began in 1979, namely that ice caps are getting larger.

This record was recently discussed on the website: 

A July 29, 2014 article on that website by Harold Ambler cited tracking data and records from the university of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s “the Cryosphere Today. Their data und that in late June, 2014, sea ice surrounding had hit a new all-time record high for real coverage.

The new record anomaly, is 2.074 million square. According to the article, during the past 18 months, global sea ice "has seen its most robust 18-month period of the last 13 years, maintaining, on average, a positive anomaly for an 18-month period for the first time since 2001." Ambler also contends that according to tracking data and research South Pole's temperature has been dropping over the past 40 years. Again, realities that seem to be in conflict with anything al Gore has promised would happen as a result of mankind’s activities.

A graph over time of South Pole ice coverage since 1979 is listed here:

2) Let’s move from the South Pole to the Great Lakes to see how another global warming prediction is also not coming true. The following details were laid out in a June 30, 2014 article in the New York Times by Tom Blumer:
  • According to the Blumer article a recent assertion that was printed at the National Wildlife Federation warned readers, in a section entitled "Threats from Global Warming," that "Lake Erie water levels, already below average, could drop 4-5 feet by the end of this century, significantly altering shoreline habitat." 
  • A recent Huffington Post Canada Business article similarly asserted as a result of climate change that "the (Great Lakes) basin has experienced the longest extended period of lower water levels since the U.S. and Canada began tracking levels in 1918." 
  • Julie Bosman, also recently writing for the New York Times. reported that: "The International Joint Commission, a group with members from the United States and Canada that advises on water resources, completed a five-year study in April 2013 concluding that water levels in the lakes were likely to drop even farther, in part because of the lack of precipitation in recent years brought on by climate change."
  • These are the theories but what is turning out to be a reality is that according to Blumer, “after reaching historic lows in 2013, water levels in the Great Lakes are now abruptly on the rise, a development that has startled scientists and thrilled just about everybody with a stake in the waterfront, including owners of beach houses, retailers in tourist areas and dockmasters who run marinas on the lakeshore.”
  • Lakes Michigan, Huron and Superior are at least a foot higher than they were a year ago, and they are expected to rise three more inches by the end of the summer. 
  • Lake Ontario and Lake Erie are seven to nine inches higher than a year ago.
  • Wow, another premise of global warming and climate change bites the dust in the face of a changing reality. Could it be that the lowering of the lakes over recent years was just part of a natural cycle of weather and climate that has nothing to do with Al Gore and his theories?
  • The Blumer article goes on to quote an American who grew up near Lake Huron and who has memories of the same low Great Lake water level phenomenon when he was a kid, long before global warming or climate change should have been a factor.
So let’s review: in the mid-1970s we were told that a new ice age was imminent and that we had to take immediate action to prevent something that never happened. Then we were told that the earth was warming because of mankind’s actions and that we had to take immediate action to prevent a catastrophe but the earth naturally stopped warming 18 years ago. Then we were told that the water levels in the Great Lakes were dropping and would continue dropping because of global warming and climate change but now the waters are rising despite doing nothing about global warming and climate change.

Are we seeing a pattern here? Panic over nothing while debasing those that are getting a little tired of the Chicken Little behavior and the slander that comes with it.

3) Speaking of slander, the President recently continued that mode of attack on those that doubt global warming but believe in science when speaking at the University of California at Irvine. He called us “radical fringe” despite the proof of doubt we have been publishing from credible and nonpartisan sources over the past few years. 

But we probably should expect anything of higher quality of integrity from this President. Rather than sit down and discuss, analyze, compromise, test, etc. He would rather attack those that dare to disagree with him, whether it is on this topic or any other issue. 

The CERN Institute in Europe who dispelled the whole global warming theory three years ago is not the radical fringe. 

The following story about the gentleman who founded the Weather channel is not the radical fringe. 

The dozens, if no hundreds, of other scientists that we have discussed in this series of posts is not the radical fringe.

The Petition Project, which so far has gathered the signatures of 31,487 scientists, found that there is “no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate” is not the radical fringe.

But rather than engage them to come up with a solution that is based on all of the climate science not just the science he wants to believe, the President would rather ridicule and debase those that want to stay true to the scientific method of research and analysis.

Additionally, consider this: we have a political class and Federal government that cannot operate a postal system at a profit, cannot operate a train system at a profit (AMTRAK), cannot stop criminal elements from ripping off over a $100 billions a year from Federal welfare programs, cannot put up a simple and workable website at a reason cost for Obama Care, and fails at just about everything else it is involved in. Do we really think that these same politicians and bureaucrats would be able to fix Mother Nature in a timely, effective and efficient manner? Highly, highly doubtful. If you disagree, than I would classify you as a member of the radical fringe.

4) John Coleman was the founder of the Weather Channel. Thus, he is obviously more qualified to talk about climate than Al Gore, Barack Obama, or any other politician in Washington. It is his learned opinion that global warming and its new cousin climate change are shams and not based on valid scientific analysis and research.

Rather than have me try to explain his reasoning, I refer you to the following video at:

At that site and video he will lay out his feelings and experiences and more amazingly, his passion for a healthy and vibrant earth. You can tell from his speaking that he wants to do the right thing for Mother nature but concludes, based on his experience and education, that what Al Gore et al want to do is not the right course of action.

5) One more quickie for today. We will wrap up this update on the series, “I am a global warming doubter and a believer in science” tomorrow. One of the more persistent fallacies that global warming advocate like Gore and Obama like to throw out goes something like: “97% of climate scientists agree that mankind’s activities are having a negative affect on global warming/climate change.” 

Wow, sounds impressive, sounds authoritative. 97% is an overwhelming consensus, it is us doubters that must be wrong. Except for the fact that the 97% estimate is probably a farce and a false number. It has been picked up in the mainstream media so often as a fact and has been spouted long and hard that would want to prove mankind’s impact on climate that many non-doubters accept it as reality.

In order to find out what the truth is, whether the 97% gospel is the reality of the debate today, the Friends of Science did an extensive, and I mean extensive review of the literature and research just to determine if 97% was accurate. Needles to say, they found it to be a wrong number, a public relations manufactured number for he global warming movement. Rther than me try to explaining their detailed analysis and multiple approaches to the question, please reference their paper at:

Let’s call it a day and follow up tomorrow with more global warming/climate change doubts. Today we learned that:
  • The South Pole ice cap recently hit a record size despite what global warming advocates told us to expect.
  • The water levels in all Great Lakes are rising despite what global warming advocates told us to expect.
  • Tens of thousands of real scientists looking at real data have their doubts about manmade global warming/climate change despite what global warming advocates told us to expect.
  • The founder of the Weather Channel is also a global warming doubter.
  • The widespread 97% global warming scientist number is a fallacy despite what global warming advocates told us to expect.
More to follow tomorrow.

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