Which is not what people like Al Gore do. Gore and other zealots call those that dare to disagree with him any number of slurs including racists, homophobes, etc. Rather than engage in a science-based, adult conversation, his types would rather browbeat global warming doubters into submission by selectively looking at only a small amount of science and facts that support their premise.
Now, the fact that global warming stopped almost twenty years ago, forecasts and predictions of global warming alarmists have never come true or been close to accurate accurate, and the Gore-types have had to rebrand “global warming” to “climate change” are all strong indications that these folks have been wrong all along.
Additionally, we have shown dozens of times in dozens of posts that there may actually be more science that rebuts global warming and climate change than support it. To review these past posts and our proof that one can be a believer in science and a global warming doubter, enter the phrase, "I am a global warming doubter" or “I am a believer in science” in the search box above.
Then take a look at the latest information and realities that continue to show that man made global warming and climate change may not be real at all.
Then take a look at the latest information and realities that continue to show that man made global warming and climate change may not be real at all.
1) The President was quite proud of himself when he claimed that the U.S. and China had reached a breakthrough agreement late in 2014 to cut down their respective amounts of greenhouse gas creation, thus saving the world and mankind from death by global warming. According to a recent article on the Heritage Foundation website:
- China agreed to “target,” not attain, “target” a level of its energy consumption to 20% from renewable resources by 2030, fifteen years from now.
- Obama agreed that American families and businesses will try to reduce its carbon based emissions by at least 26% by 2025 relative to 2005 levels.
- Apparently, there are no repercussions if either promise or target is missed.
- Heritage and others correctly point out that this is not a balanced deal: “This is not a planet-saving climate-change pact. Rather, this plan represents unilateral economic disarmament by the United States as Beijing continues its quest to replace America as the globe’s economic superpower.”
What realities support their claims:
- Changing China’s energy energy mix and raising prices by going to highly inefficient forms of electricity production is in direct conflict with it’s long term vision of becoming the world's largest economic power.
- And this deal is really not likely to start in the short term at least, given the slowdown in the Chinese economy.
- But Obama is serious about the U.S. side of the deal since he and his control of the EPA are unilaterally, and probably un-Constitutionally, trying to force the U.S. economy and American families to switch to other forms of more expensive energy and pay more for electricity, which is currently at the highest level ever as an American household expense.
- Restricting U.S. energy production while China and the rest of the world do nothing is an economic disaster for us, raising energy prices and putting many thousands of American energy workers out of a job.
- China is bringing a new coal driven electric production plant online about once a week on average.
- They are building up a tremendous infrastructure to bring coal produced electricity from the western part of China to the eastern part of China, an infrastructure investment that will likely substantially increase, not decrease, their carbon footprint for the coming decades.
- The Chinese have set out a five year, $275 billion plan to learn how to get better at fracking, increasing their use of oil.
- China continues to import large amounts of coal from...the United States. Thus, we have Obama trying to kill the domestic U.S. coal industry while China burns more and more of our own coal.
- China just signed a $300 billion pipeline deal with Russia to bring Russian oil down to China for their domestic consumption.
- The Heritage article does not even talk about the large investments that India is making in its coal industry or the fact that much of Europe is turning back to the use of carbon intensive coal due to Germany’s shutdown of its nuclear energy capability and that sanctions against Russia have made their natural gas supply from Russia more fragile and dangerous.
The reality is that the world, and China in particular, have no real intentions of changing their carbon footprint, increasing the cost of energy to their economies and citizens. And it is not as if the U.S. has been a bad global citizen in this area. It has already reduced its carbon footprint by well over 10% over the past decade as fracking and other technologies have kicked in to produce less intensive natural gas energy usage.
Promising to do more while the rest of the world makes vague promises many years out while investing hundreds of billions of dollars that will undermine those “targets” is just plain stupid. And all this for a problem that may actually not even exist.
2) A few months ago we discussed the fear of some global warming advocates that beavers building beaver dams were large contributors to global warming and climate change even though beavers had been building dams for eons. Yesterday, we discussed another fear of these same people that squirrels digging in the ground were large contributors to global warming because as they dig they release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
We now add onto this nonsense of equating EVERY human activity with global warming via new EPA regulations that make owning a simple wood burning stove much more expensive. According to a recent article by the Daily Caller: “The EPA has finalized a 344-page rule to make wood stoves more environmentally friendly, meaning that millions of Americans will soon be forced to buy more expensive wood-fired stoves.”
This rule, if approved and put into force, would raise the cost of heating the homes and the lives of millions of Americans at the very time that electricity rates are at the highest levels ever. Republicans in Congress have opposed such a ruling: “The EPA’s shortsighted regulatory overreach is once again hitting hardworking Montanans in their pocketbooks,” said Montana Republican Sen. Steve Daines.
The article points out that irony of such a ruling. It asserts that many of those in this country that use wood to heat their homes fall it the lower economic strata of this country, those that are least likely to afford a cost increase in their home heating needs. Meanwhile the wealthier in this world, many of whom are global warming advocates, flew over 1,700 private jets to a global warming conference in Switzerland recently, spewing large amounts of carbon into the air from their jet engines' tailpipes. Do as I say, not as I do.
Thus, beavers, squirrels, and lower income Americans need to change their lives while China, India, and the rest of the world spend trillions of dollars increasing the carbon emissions around the world. Insanity.
3) Anyone who lives in the eastern U.S. has been very cold over the past few weeks. In fact, the total ice cover on the Great Lakes recently got as high as 82.3%. On the same date last year, the Great Lakes had 81.6% total ice cover. Record freezing temps and frozen Great Lakes, not a strong indication of global warming.
Now, global warming advocates would say that “weather is not climate.” But weather is a large part of climate and the weather has been trending colder not warmer, at least the past few winters.

4) Several years ago, as a result of hackers getting access to confidential emails that had been exchanged by global warming scientists, it was found that many of those scientists were at least inferring that raw data needed to be changed or adjusted to conform better to the failing global warming forecasts models. In other words, they were doing what Al Gore was accusing global warming doubters of doing, not believing in the scientific method. It becomes difficult to believe any scientist that tries to make reality conform to their preconceived notions of what reality is even if it means changing the actual numbers of reality.
4) Several years ago, as a result of hackers getting access to confidential emails that had been exchanged by global warming scientists, it was found that many of those scientists were at least inferring that raw data needed to be changed or adjusted to conform better to the failing global warming forecasts models. In other words, they were doing what Al Gore was accusing global warming doubters of doing, not believing in the scientific method. It becomes difficult to believe any scientist that tries to make reality conform to their preconceived notions of what reality is even if it means changing the actual numbers of reality.
Well, there are accusation now being made that the Federal government may also be fudging raw data to make the case that global warming is happening when it may actually not be happening, according to raw data readings NASA has been recording. Consider the following accusations that were recently laid out in the Telegraph newspaper:
Although it has been emerging for seven years or more, one of the most extraordinary scandals of our time has never hit the headlines. Yet another little example of it lately caught my eye when, in the wake of those excited claims that 2014 was “the hottest year on record”, I saw the headline on a climate blog: “massive tampering with temperatures in South America.” The evidence on Notalotofpeopleknowthat, uncovered by Paul Homewood, was indeed striking.
Puzzled by those “2014 hottest ever” claims, which were led by the most quoted of all the five official global temperature records – Nasa’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (Giss) – Homewood examined a place in the world where Giss was showing temperatures to have risen faster than almost anywhere else: a large chunk of South America stretching from Brazil to Paraguay.
Noting that weather stations there were thin on the ground, he decided to focus on three rural stations covering a huge area of Paraguay. Giss showed it as having recorded, between 1950 and 2014, a particularly steep temperature rise of more than 1.5C: twice the accepted global increase for the whole of the 20th century.
But when Homewood was then able to check Giss’s figures against the original data from which they were derived, he found that they had been altered. Far from the new graph showing any rise, it showed temperatures in fact having declined over those 65 years by a full degree. When he did the same for the other two stations, he found the same. In each case, the original data showed not a rise but a decline.
Damning accusations if true. How can we trust anyone, Al Gore, the Federal government, the EPA, NASA, etc. if deception is part of their argument and not science?
Although it has been emerging for seven years or more, one of the most extraordinary scandals of our time has never hit the headlines. Yet another little example of it lately caught my eye when, in the wake of those excited claims that 2014 was “the hottest year on record”, I saw the headline on a climate blog: “massive tampering with temperatures in South America.” The evidence on Notalotofpeopleknowthat, uncovered by Paul Homewood, was indeed striking.
Puzzled by those “2014 hottest ever” claims, which were led by the most quoted of all the five official global temperature records – Nasa’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (Giss) – Homewood examined a place in the world where Giss was showing temperatures to have risen faster than almost anywhere else: a large chunk of South America stretching from Brazil to Paraguay.
Noting that weather stations there were thin on the ground, he decided to focus on three rural stations covering a huge area of Paraguay. Giss showed it as having recorded, between 1950 and 2014, a particularly steep temperature rise of more than 1.5C: twice the accepted global increase for the whole of the 20th century.
But when Homewood was then able to check Giss’s figures against the original data from which they were derived, he found that they had been altered. Far from the new graph showing any rise, it showed temperatures in fact having declined over those 65 years by a full degree. When he did the same for the other two stations, he found the same. In each case, the original data showed not a rise but a decline.
Damning accusations if true. How can we trust anyone, Al Gore, the Federal government, the EPA, NASA, etc. if deception is part of their argument and not science?
That will do it for today, another global warming post tomorrow. Today we learned that global warming advocates might still be trying to make their case, this time by deceptively changing raw data to conform to their theories rather than using raw data to test and confirm or refute their theories. We learned that Obama is selling out the country today for vague promises due almost a generation into the future that China and others likely have no intentions of honoring. We now know that beavers, squirrels and now wood burning stoves in America imperil the global climate. And we already knew that it has been darn cold outside.
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