Thursday, February 5, 2015

February, 2015, Part 5,Political Class Insanity: Chewing Gum Embarrassments, Foreign P)licy Failure In Yemen, and More

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again for the our monthly review of political class insanity. We believe that the nation is living through the worst set of politicians to ever hold office in this country, from the President down to the local mayors. Our current politicians never resolve any problems facing Americans, waste untold billions of dollars every year, and operate government programs that never deliver what they promise, always miss their deadlines, always go over budget, and often make the original problem even worse. And these shortcomings do not include outright criminal activity, a topic that will be an integral part of this month’s insanity review.

Over the past week, we did an in-depth, multi-day analysis of how the Obama administration has failed in an epic way across five dimensions. As you will see over the next week or so, it is not only the President that is an epic fail in the American political sphere today. So, let’s get started, it is going to be a long trek as the political class came out of the holiday season with more incompetence than ever before.

This is the fifth post in this month’s insanity series, the first post can be accessed at:


1) The Federal government is supposed to equally represent all states and citizens equally, it is above the individual state governments, in theory. But when the President of the country and boss of the Federal government comes from the thugocracy of Chicago politics, that is apparently a concept that does not apply. 

A recent study by Reuters and the Brookings Institute found that between 2009 and 2013, the first term of the Obama Presidency, solid Republican voting states saw their share of Federal government funding for various programs drop by as much as 40%. Solid Democrat states and swing states saw only a 25% drop in Federal funding for the same programs.

For example, Texas Republican Congressman John Culberson claims that he has had an unbelievably hard time securing Federal funding for legitimate purposes for use in Republican dominated Texas such as border control, harbor dredging, and basic aid for a chemical plant explosion aftermath: “The Obama administration approaches the federal government the same way the Chicago machine politicians approach the Chicago public treasury: it’s to be used for their own benefit.” 

John Hudak of the Brookings Institute supported the Congressman’s conclusions: “In the context of the Obama administration, swing states and blue states are doing better than red states. I would suggest these numbers would tell us there is politicization going on.”

In the White House response to the allegations, they did not even use spell check in a long and rambling defense that said nothing important and never addressed what apparently is a real abuse of taxpayer tax funding: “The administration supports allocating federal grants based on objecitng (sic) criteria that will help protect taxpayer dollars and ensure that lawmakers are responsible and accountable to the American people.” Blah, blah, blah, a lot of words saying nothing.

This is how fall we have fallen relative to the integrity and righteousness of the politicians in this country: they use our own tax dollars as political weapons based on how we vote, a serious disregard for our First Amendment rights of free speech and freedom. But when the President is a Chicago city community organizer, it should not come as a surprise to anyone that he has elevated Chicago style mob politics to the national stage.

2) The Taliban used to rule Afghanistan. They would kill and torture people for having different political, sexual, and religious views than theirs. They sheltered Bin Laden as he made the plans for the terrorist attacks on 9-11. They recently marched into a school of kids in Pakistan and slaughtered over a hundred of them in cold blood. If any group fits the definition of a terrorist group, it is the Taliban.

Unless it is the Obama administration doing the defining. It recently declared via a White House spokesperson that the Taliban were not terrorists, they are an “armed insurrection.” Really? In my view, an armed resurrection goes out and fights the armed forces of a foe. They do not suppress the freedom and lives of their own citizens, they do not attack civilian populations with the intent to spread fear and terror, and they certainly do not invade a school to slaughter innocent kids.

This is why more and more people see the insanity and stupidity of the Obama administration and why the level of trust in this administration is at a very low level. After all of the lies about Obama Care, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the politicalization of the IRS, etc., no way we should believe this word play that the Taliban are not terrorists.

The following comic kind of summarizes the contortions the Obama administration is going through to avoid stating the obvious(from the website):



We have truly fallen down the Orwellian rabbit hole with this administration, recalling what George Orwell wrote in his novel, 1984: “Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable,and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” As many of us suspected all along, this administration’s foreign policy is pure wind and this position on the Taliban and misunderstanding of reality is the worst insanity yet.

3) During the state of the union address, the President proposed there be “free” community college funding for students that maintained certain standards. We have already covered the reality that 1) this is a stupid idea, given how few people actually get a college degree via community college and 2) it is really not free, taxpayers would be paying an expense that motivated students should be paying.

The President had the hairbrained idea of paying for this “free” program by taxing the earnings that American families earned on what was supposed to be tax free college savings programs. If this tax idea got implemented. families would be paying taxes twice, once by investing for their kids’ college with post tax dollars and then having their earnings taxed again even though the original idea of the savings program was that by using post tax dollars, savers would not have to pay taxes on those invested dollars ever again.

The scary thing about this program is that it would not take long for families to figure out that their college savings programs were useless due to the double taxation, would have pulled their money out of the accounts, and then Obama would not have had any funding for his free program. A ten year old could figured out that logic reality but apparently no one in the White House has a clue how the real world works.

When the rest of the world, both Democrats and Republicans and regular citizens pointed out how stupid this funding idea was, the White House did an abrupt u-turn and decided not to tax the earnings on college savings accounts. Mark Horne, writing for the Political Outcast website, summed up the stupidity and embarrassment quite nicely: “The Obama team is really getting incompetent. I don’t want to go too far with this because, for all we know, the entire program was a distraction from another agenda the President really cares about. But still, even if it was only PR, it was a public loss. It is a humiliation. From now on, if he attempts to do anything more with “middle class economics,” people will snicker.”

Snickering, humiliation, public loss, incompetent, he sums up this administration and the larger Washington political class quite nicely.

4) Speaking of humiliation and incompetence, let’s go overseas for the latest examples of such from the Obama administration. The President recently visited India on a state visit during which he appeared with the Indian Prime Minister at a major, public parade. 

During the ceremonies and parade, the President was seen obviously chomping on a wad of gum, insulting both his host and the entire country of India. The Times Of India called the gum chomping an “ungainly sight.” Other criticisms flowed in from both India and the United States.

But this type of obnoxious behavior should be expected. During a trip to China, the President was observed chewing gum during a major international leader reception. Chinese critics were outspoken in their disgust: “...Chinese Internet users, accustomed to the highly formal standards of their stiff party leadership, quickly characterized the leader of the world’s most powerful nation as an impolite ‘idler’ and careless ‘rapper.’”

But it get’s worse. A few months before the China trip, the President was criticized for chewing gum during a solemn D-Day ceremony in France as Queen Elizabeth was being introduced.

Is it too much to ask for the President to know enough about common decency and political protocol to do the right thing? Apparently not and he continues to embarrass both himself and more importantly, the nation he is in charge of?

5) Let’s wrap up this month’s series on political class insanity with a little bit of foreign relations insanity and failure. Back in September, 2014, the President bragged about his successful anti-terrorism strategy that he had deployed in Yemen and Somalia: “This counterterrorism campaign will be waged through a steady, relentless effort … using our air power and our support for partner forces on the ground. This strategy of taking out terrorists who threaten us, while supporting partners on the front lines, is one that we have successfully pursued in Yemen and Somalia for years.”

His strategy has been so successful that the government he was in partnership with recently was overthrown and replaced with terrorists supported by Iran. The horrific terrorist attacks in the center of Paris were planned, supported and executed by Islamic terrorists operating out of Yemen. If this is what the President considers a success, I cannot imagine what his definition of a failure would be.

That will do it for the insanity of the political class this month. Wasteful spending, stupid quotes, embarrassing incidents, failed foreign policies, indictments of politicians, lousy government service, etc., the insanity of our politicians and the government operations they oversee is truly bad and getting worse.

We will move on to other topics starting tomorrow but rest assured that early next month we will be back with more political class insanity incidents and embarrassments.

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