Wednesday, September 20, 2017

September, 2017, Part 1, I Am A Global Warming Doubter and A Believer In Science: Messing With The Data, Celebrities' Inane Climate Opinions and More

Every month we have enough material to return to a continuing theme in this blog, namely that “I am a global warming doubter AND a believer in science.” This became of interest because of people like Al Gore who fanatically and verbosely claimed that you had to be an idiot to not believe in manmade global warming. It has been my life belief that anyone that is that loud and that obnoxious is hiding something, that rather than argue facts and reality it is better to beat down and insult anyone who disagrees.

As we have dove into the whole issue of manmade global warming, or its new rebranded title of climate change, we found that Al Gore and people like him were guilty of a number of things:
  • Ignoring science and realities that did not support their opinions and positions.
  • Rather than have an adult conversation about climate, these types of advocates like Gore sank to the level of insulting those who dared look at ALL science by calling them a variety of names including racists, homophobes, terrorists, flat earth believers, and other slanderous names.
  • Continuing to insist that politicians step up their intrusions into our lives with higher taxes, more regulations, and more control of our freedoms and standards of living based on a shaky theory at best.
To see the past posts and the multitude of evidence that we have compiled that showed it is perfectly okay to be a global warming doubter and a believer in science, enter the phrase "global warming doubter” in the search box above or go through the monthly historical posts listed on the right side of this page.

Thus, let’s see the latest facts and science that prove you can be a global warming doubter and a believer in science, regardless of what Al Gore proclaims.

1) For real science to have any basis for credibility and believability, the underlying raw data that scientific research and conclusions are based on must be pure and unadulterated. Global warming advocates over the years, as we have pointed out, have often been caught manipulating underlying raw data to better attain their predetermined conclusions they wanted the raw data to show. This is not science, this hokum.

Well, according to John Nolte, writing for the Daily Wire website on August 1, 2017, this data manipulation has not stopped by certain global warming advocates:
  • Nolte cites work done by the Daily Caller website which found that for the second time in just three years the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) in Australia has been caught tampering with raw climate temperatures.
  • According to experts familiar with the data manipulation, the changed raw data changed a "slight cooling trend to one of 'dramatic warming' over the past century."
  • When, in 2014, the BOM stated that there was nothing shady about the action to "modify the physical temperature records that had been recorded at weather stations across the country,” Dr. Jennifer Marohasy, said the changed raw data led to a “dramatic change in temperature trend towards warming after homogenisation.” [Note - homogenisation = correcting for so-called anomalies in raw data, which is impossible since raw data is raw data, it was what was recorded and thus, does not need to be adjusted after the fact.]
  • The latest data manipulation scandal includes the BOM admitting that incorrect data was used instead of the raw data that was initially recorded but the BOM blamed faulty equipment and that was the reason they changed the raw data.
  • However, it appears that the only raw data “adjusted” was temperatures that were to cold to fit the pre-conceived theory of global warming.
  • For instance, the article cites one temperature data point that was recorded as 5.54 degrees but was changed to 13 degrees in the final data set, not a minor adjustment.
  • Apparently, none of the warmer temperature's records were reduced to cooler temps as a result of “faulty equipment.”
Just another example where certain global warming advocates have put theories, and often government grants, ahead of solid science.

2) Sam Di Gangi, writing for the Teddy Stick website on July 26, 2017, pulled together a bunch of global warming information from various sources to show, using real, unadjusted data, that global warming is likely a myth:
  • He cites a recent Gateway Pundit article that contained recent NASA data relative to the height of the Earth’s oceans.
  • The NASA data actually shows that if anything, sea levels are actually falling, not rising as predicted by people like Al Gore:

Sea levels are falling, not rising.

  • The Iceagenow website concluded from this real government data that, “NASA satellite sea level observations for the past 24 years show that – on average – sea levels have been rising 3.4 millimeters per year. That’s 0.134 inches, about the thickness of a dime and a nickel stacked together, per year.” but that sea levels actually fell in 2016, something not predicted by global warming advocates.
  • Consider the opinion of Swedish geologist and physicist Nils-Axel Morner: “The sea is not rising... It hasn’t risen in 50 years when studied in the fullness of the data available….It has been popular to threaten small islands and low-lying coasts with scenarios of disastrous future flooding. The Maldives has been the most utilised target. We have undertaken a careful analysis of actual sea levels changes in the Maldives. No rise has been recorded either in the present or the past centuries.”
  • He goes on to state that, “for 35 years [he and others have] have been using every known scientific method to study sea levels all over the globe.” and that “the elementary laws of physics” work to tell us that “the apocalypse conjured up by Al Gore and Co. could not possibly come about.”
Is Nils-Axel Morner smarter than Al Gore’s scientists? Possibly not. But shouldn’t Morner get a seat at the table when adults decide what is really going on with climate as opposed to just listening to and trusting a former politician with no formal scientific research training?

3) If there is anything worse than scientists manipulating raw data, it is Hollywood celebrities thinking that 1) they are scientists and 2) that they are smarter than everyone else. Consider the climate hysteria and idiocy of some celebrities in the light of recent hurricanes (keeping in mind that there has not been a major hurricane to hit Florida since 2014 despite Al Gore-like claims that hurricanes would become more frequent and more intense):
  • Actress Jennifer Lawrence has figured out that Hurricane Harvey and Irma were a result of Mother Nature’s wrath for electing Trump as President.
  • Then that brilliant scientist, who masquerades as a documentary filmmaker, Michael Moore, criticized Trump for not using his Mar-A-Lago country club as a disaster relief center, ignoring the simple reality that the country club is on a barrier island with water on all sides of it and sits in a mandatory evacuation zone, a simple fact check that Mr. Moore apparently did not make.
  • Comedian and part time scientist Sarah Silverman cited six states (Florida, Texas, Washington, Montana, California, Oregon) that were undergoing natural disasters, hurricanes, wildfires, etc., and concluded from these six states that all Republicans “don’t believe in science,” but somehow forgot to check that four of the six states she cited currently have Democrats as governors (Washington, Montana, California, Oregon).
Tough to tell which is worse: failed forecasts from global warming advocates, scandalously changing raw data to serve a pre-determined scientific finding, or celebrities who are clueless. None of them contribute to an adult, mature, through discussion of the Earth’s climate and mankind’s interaction with it.

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