Wednesday, December 13, 2017

December, 2017, Part 4, Political Class Insanity: Congress Cowardice, More From The Clinton Crime Syndicate, and More

It is the beginning of another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

1) We have spent a lot of time this month talking about the sexual harassment and sexual predator habits of people in power in this country, especially those that are politicians. One of the most despicable things to come to light in this whole mess was the reality that Congress has been administering a slush fund of taxpayer money, reportedly worth $15 million, to pay off lawsuits people have brought against members of Congress and Congressional staff members on a whole array of discrimination issues including, and probably mostly, sexual discrimination suits.

But according to the National Review, it is not just the taxpayer money being used to condone and support the sexual harassment habits of people in Congress. Congress has set up a very cumbersome process to make those victims of sexual harassment by Congressional staff question whether the hoops, stress, and effort to protect oneself from the sexual predator habits in Washington is worth the effort:
  • An accuser has only 180 days to bring her complaint to Congress’s Office of Compliance.
  • Then the accuser is subjected to 30 days of mandatory counseling as if she is the problem, not the predator is the problem.
  • She then has only two weeks (15 days) to decide whether to go to mediation on her claims and accusations.
  • If she opts out of mediation, the case is closed and shut down.
  • If she does go to mediation, than the offending member or staff member of Congress is provided legal counsel and support, paid for by the American taxpayer, while the accuser has to find and pay for her own legal support and counsel.
  • If mediation fails, the accuser then only has 30 days to decide whether or not to file a lawsuit.
Nasty, vindictive stuff and processes to go through if indeed a woman has been abused and harassed as it seems many have.The politicians in Washington have taken really good care of themselves and their staffs, at taxpayer expense, to ensure any bad behavior is unlikely ever to get punished. The National Review summed up this insanity nicely: “It’s an extraordinary system, one that should shock the conscience of American citizens who face completely different rules in their own workplaces.” But this is Washington where different rules for those in power are usually the rule, not the exception.

2) Police officers are the first line of defense when it comes to protecting the citizenry and enforcing the laws of the land. Unfortunately, one dedicated police officer in Oakland, California is doing just that and is in hot water for doing her job as it is defined:
  • Oakland Police Chief Anne Kirkpatrick had the gall, the gall I tell, you to do her job and is getting crucified for doing so.
  • The Chief helped Federal immigration officers round up two illegal immigrants men who were allegedly involved in a human trafficking ring.
  • As a sworn police officer that is her job, help get scum like human traffickers off of the street.
  • One of those arrested for this crime is now scheduled for deportation.
  • In a sane world, one would hope that getting a human trafficking person off of our streets and out of the country would be a good thing.
  • Now Oakland city officials, have put forth a formal complaint regarding the Chief for a police official doing her job.
Oh, by the way, Oakland is a so-called sanctuary city where liberal politicians have taken upon themselves to ignore standing law and coddle illegal immigrant criminals. I cannot think of many crimes more heinous than human trafficking, it is a modern day version of slavery. And yet, some politicians think that a police officer doing her job is more repugnant than someone involved in human trafficking. Insanity.

3) Jill Stein will never be confused for a conservative, Republican or neo-con. Ms. Stein in fact was the Presidential candidate for the Green Party in 2016. So when she says something that is critical of any liberal, it cannot be blamed on her political leanings.

Which is exactly what she recently did when she criticized Hillary Clinton and the fact that criminal proceedings have not be brought forth for Clinton. Apparently, 55,000 incriminating emails have shown up that show likely criminal behavior by Clinton and her campaign staff in 2016, to which Ms. Stein tweeted: “#PodestaEmails10 show HRC kept 55K emails from Congress. How much more evidence does the govt need to press charges?”

Could not agree more with you Ms. Stein. How many times does Clinton or her campaign people have to break the law before it actually matters? 

And for those of you who disagree with me or Ms. Stein, consider some work that the League Of Power website recently published on this topic. They highlighted three of Clinton’s most atrocious criminal acts, leaving out how she and her people rigged the Democratic Party primary system, her private email scandal and crimes, and other potential criminal activities:

"Uranium One  - This is probably the scariest crime on Clinton’s rap sheet. In case you’ve missed the finer details, Uranium One is a Russian-owned company that currently controls 20 percent of the U.S.’s uranium supply. How could this happen? It’s a convoluted story, but ultimately Hillary Clinton used her connections through the Clinton Foundation and her power as Secretary of State to secure the deal. When Uranium One was first awarded its contracts, it was not owned by Russians. A later buyout was approved by Clinton’s State Department.

The disturbing evidence in this case continues to pile. The left tries to dismiss the whole issue because fail safes have prevented the uranium from being transported to Russia, but the deal itself is rife with misconduct. The Russian company that purchased Uranium One was a major contributor to the Clinton Foundations. We’re talking tens of millions of dollars here.

Hard evidence of bribes, money laundering, fraud and other crimes is tied to the deal. There is even a photo of a suitcase full of cash changing hands to make things go more smoothly. It sounds like it’s straight out of a Bond movie. Instead, it’s the reality of the Clintons in power. So far, they haven’t smelled even a whiff of ramifications.

The Clinton Foundation - Unfortunately, Uranium One is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg when it comes to wrongdoings committed by the Foundation. At best, the Foundation has misappropriated 80 percent of its funds over the last 2 decades. For a nonprofit, that’s a pretty serious crime. In fact, multiple tax filings have been shown to miscount tens of millions of dollars. No one knows where any of the misplaced money went, but we can all easily imagine.

In the worst case of mismanaging money, the Foundation raised and handled over $13 billion for Haiti relief after the major earthquake. Only $500 million of that made it to Haiti. The rest was redirected to foreign entities, mostly in return for favors and bribes granted to the Clintons.

This is the crux of the evil that is the Clinton Foundation. It’s ultimately a front that foreign powers can use to buy access to (formerly) one of the most powerful families in modern American history. Countless examples exist of American enemies making large contributions to the foundation only to be rewarded with a meeting with then Secretary-of-State Clinton.

In every case, the donors were rewarded with contracts, favorable American negotiations or American “aide” that far exceeded the amounts donated. Vladimir Putin himself used the Foundation to gain favor in the wake of Russia’s invasion and annexation of Crimea.

Benghazi - The last of the great Clinton crimes is none other than Benghazi. Of everything they’ve done wrong, this is the case where Hillary Clinton directly killed Americans. Leaked emails (no surprise here) have shown unequivocally that she knew of the dangers and had access to preemptive and responsive solutions. Instead, she did nothing at all, and Americans died. It was a clear act of treason, and she has faced no consequences at all.

If this rap sheet seems short, it’s only because the full list wouldn’t be readable. We’re ignoring pretty much all of Bill Clinton’s crimes that include rape and illegal acts of war. At least he faced a court before he was relieved of any responsibility for a lifetime of evil. Hillary hasn’t even seen that much. Her only punishment is that she couldn’t trick the American people into voting for her.

We’re also skipping right past the potential election fraud and general corruption of the DNC. The DNC has had to lie in the bed they made with that mess. We also don’t have time to discuss the obvious corruption between the Clintons and major media outlets. Her efforts alone have corrupted the First Amendment.

In the end, Trump might eventually get an investigation off the ground, but so many Americans (or should I say silly liberals) are caught up in the misdirection of media frenzies that he won’t get enough support. Even if an investigation happens, the Clintons will likely get off scot free. It is only in history books that they might eventually be condemned for the decades of violence and corruption that they forced on this great nation."

Again, money laundering, lying, ignoring imminent danger, etc. The list of moral and criminal activities of the Clinton Crime Family is long and disgusting. 

That will do it for this month’s political class insanity which never seems to end. More insanity for sure next month.

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