Saturday, December 16, 2017

December, 2017, Part 5, Political Class Insanity: A Delusional Joe Biden and New York Times Hack Journalism

It is the beginning of another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

I thought we were done with this topic this month a few days ago but more political insanity has risen to the surface that cannot wait until next month:

1) I do not know what to fear most, the fact that Joe Biden was Vice President or that there are actual rumors that he may run for President in 2020. We have often talked about how pathetic he was as a leader and one of the top producers of idiotic and inane quotes of any recent politician.

Although out of office for almost a year, Biden continues to issue insane comments. Caleb Hull, writing for the Independent Journal Review website on December 13, 2017, brings us up to speed:
  • On a recent morning news show on CBS, Biden claimed that Obama had the most integrity of any President Biden had ever known.
  • He also made the stupid statement that there was “not a hint of scandal” under Obama.
  • Specifically, “I’ve served with eight presidents, and I’ve gotten to know four of them very well. I’ve never met any president that has more character, more integrity and more backbone than this guy does. ... And eight years, not a hint, not a hint of scandal.”
So ridiculous. The article points out just a few of the many real Obama years scandals:
  • Obama allowed his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to operate an illegal and unsecure email server out of her house.
  • Obama allowed over 1,400 guns to get lost through his idiotic Fast and Furious program, guns that have been involved in dozens, if not hundreds, of murders of Mexican citizens and at least one U.S. Border Patrol officer.
  • Obama denied hundreds of conservative groups their First Amendment rights by denying them IRS approval of their non-profit applications.
  • Obama denied Americans sufficient security protection in Benghazi and then lied to the American public and the world with the flimsiest of lies of what was the known cause of terrorist attack on our consulate in that city that resulted in the death of an ambassador and three other Americans.
  • Despite numerous promises to fix the dysfunctional Veterans Administration, dozens if not hundreds of veterans died because they could not get prompt health care. In addition, thousands of veterans were forced to wait months to even get a VA appointment.
To this list of scandals, let’s add a few others:
  • Obama helped to shred the Fourth Amendment by spying on just about every electronic communications of just about every American.
  • Obama allowed his Secretary of State to operate a money laundering and faux charity, the Clinton Foundation, in order to personally enrich herself and her family.
  • Obama violated the Constitution and the War Powers Act by illegally and militarily involving the United States in the Libyan civil war.
  • Obama played over 300 rounds of golf, attended a record number of political fundraising events, and went on many, many lavish vacations, after promising to have no personal life during his first Presidential campaign.
  • Obama allowed several members of his Cabinet, including possibly himself, to illegally use bogus email accounts to cover up and hide official government business.
  • Obama signed off on the assassination of American citizens overseas, denying them their basic right of due process.
  • Obama unilaterally, illegally, and un-Constitutionally changed the Obama Care law’s mandates and dates without Congressional approval.
I could go on but you get the idea: to say the Obama years and administration did not even have “a hint of scandal” is scandalous in itself. 

2) The New York Times has never been an unbiased source of news. It loves everything liberal and Democrat. Which is very sad and a danger to democracy since if a major news outlet cannot be unbiased, than citizens cannot know the complete, true story when it comes to politicians’ incompetence, illegality, and lack of integrity.

Never has the Times bias been more on display than in a recent article where they claimed that Obama lied only 18 times during his 8 years in office. According to Julio Rosas, writing for the Independent Journal Review on December 14, 2017, the Times article was trying to show that Trump has lied over 100 times in his first year in office while Obama has lied only 18 times in his 8 years in office. 

It is one thing to be slyly slant the news in favor of liberals and Democrats, but this article is a pathetic and obvious hit piece on Trump. The Times writers obviously did not do even the simplest types of research and analysis because Obama lying 18 times is a hideous lie and deception. They somehow try to justify their laziness and/or hatred of Trump as follows: “We applied the same conservative standard to Obama and Trump, counting only demonstrably and substantially false statements,” they write. “The result: Trump is unlike any other modern president. He seems virtually indifferent to reality, often saying whatever helps him make the case he's trying to make. Overall, Obama rarely told demonstrable untruths as president. And he appears to have become more careful over time. We counted six straight-up falsehoods in his first year in office. Across his entire second four-year term, we counted the same number, six, only one of which came in his final year in office.”

“Rarely demonstrated untruths as President.” Are you kidding me???? 

If the writers of the articles did just a smidgen of research they would have found out the following realities:
- A simple Internet search shows that Obama lied at least 36 times by promising that if you like your doctor you could keep your doctor under Obama Care, with the following video clip showing Obama actually mouthing this lie at least 36 times in public:

So in just this one Internet search we have identified twice as many lies, ON A SINGLE TOPIC, than what the Times writers claimed on all topics. 

- A second Internet search provides documentation of Obama lying 37 times when he lied about you can keep your current health insurance plan if you like your current plan under Obama Care:

So in just two simple Internet search we have identified four times as many lies on only two subjects than the Times writers claimed for the entire eight years of Obama's Presidency.

- Let’s stay with Obama Care because Obama promised at least dozens of times that annual insurance premium costs could go down upwards of $2,500 a year, an occurrence that likely has not happened at all, given the overall annual double digit rises in insurance premium costs under Obama Care:

So, just three Internet search provides documented proof that Obama lied at least 100 times on just three aspects of Obama Care. It is highly likely that he lied many more times on just these three subjects that were not caught by these video compilations.

- But there is more. Fact checking organization, PolitiFact, is a left leaning, liberally biased political fact checking organization. Even they identified dozens and dozens of times that Obama lied:

- The Times writers could have gone to our blog when we ran a series of posts, “The Obama Administration - The End Of An Error” in which we devoted a post to the subject of Obama’s multitude of lies:
  1. Obama falsely promised if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor under the Obama Care legislation. This was not a truth since millions of Americans lost access to their current and favored doctors as a direct result of Obama Care’s tenets.
  2. Obama falsely promised if you like your current health insurance policy, you can keep your current health insurance policy. This was not a truth since millions of Americans lost access to their current and favored health insurance policies as a result of Obama Care tenets.
  3. Obama falsely promised that the average American family could see their annual health insurance costs go down by up to $2,500 a year. This was not a truth since Obama Care policies costs, for both the premiums and deductibles, have been going up every year since the legislation was passed and was often much higher than the insurance premiums and deductibles people had prior to the Obama Care legislation taking effect.
  4. Obama falsely promised that getting access to an Obama Care health insurance policy was going to be a really simple online process which it was not. The Obama Care online processes, were slow, inaccurate, difficult to navigate, and opened up millions of Americans to a high chance of identity theft.
  5. Obama falsely promised that Obama Care would “bend the cost curve” of health care costs in this country but health care costs in this country and the cost of Obama Care policies continue to grow significantly year over year.
  6. Obama falsely promised that enacting the Obama Care legislation would not add a single dime to the Federal government deficits or the overall national debt but the legislation will likely add at least a trillion dollars to the national debt over the next ten years.
  7. Obama falsely promised to go through the Federal budget line by line to weed out wasteful spending which he did not do.
  8. Obama falsely promised to reduce the annual Federal government deficit by 50% by the end of his first term. Instead, he presided over four consecutive Federal budget deficits that exceeded a trillion dollars year, multiple times larger than any previous annual Federal deficit.
  9. Obama falsely promised to devote every waking moment of his life to serving Americans if elected President, foregoing private time, recreation time, and vacations and he then spent the next eight years playing over 300 rounds of golf, attending a record number of political fundraisers and taking exotic vacations around the world.
  10. Obama falsely promised that all Obama Care negotiations would be aired on C-SPAN which they were not.
  11. Obama falsely promised that all pending legislation would be put up on the Internet for public review for five days before he signed it but that never happened.
  12. Obama falsely promised we would have our troops out of Afghanistan by 2014 but two years after that deadline U.S. troops are still in the country. 
  13. Obama falsely promised that he would close the terrorist prison camp at Gitmo but it is still open and many of those terrorist suspects that he has released have returned to the world of terrorism around the world.
  14. Obama lied to the world, to the nation and the families of those who were killed by a terrorist attack at Benghazi, falsely and willingly claiming that the cause of the terror attack at our consulate at Benghazi was an unknown YouTube video.
  15. Obama falsely promised to operate the most transparent Presidency ever and ended up operating one of the most secretive administrations of all times, ignoring Congressional requests and subpoenas, blocking and delaying many, many legitimate Freedom Of Information Act requests, persecuting and prosecuting more government whistleblowers than all previous Presidents combined, and spying on and hounding legitimate journalists.
  16. Obama falsely promised that his economic stimulus plan would create a plethora of “shovel ready jobs” but ended up creating very few legitimate and enduring jobs.
  17. Obama falsely claimed that the Supreme Court had never overturned any law that Congress had passed.
  18. Obama falsely promised that lobbyists would be excluded from high ranking positions in his administration, a promise that never occurred as many lobbyists ended up taking jobs high up in his administration.
  19. Obama stated that the IRS was not targeting or violating the First Amendment rights of anyone but it is now apparent that the administration conspired with the IRS to block any political groups or citizens that were not consistent with the views of the administration.
  20. Obama lied when he said that he did not say there was a red line that would result in dire consequences if the Syrian government used chemical weapons on its citizens when he actually did say there was a red line that should not be crossed.
  21. Obama falsely promised that he was not spying on innocent Americans but it was later clear that his administration, via the NSA, was spying on just about every American’s electronic communications.
  22. And his biggest lie or broken promise of all: “I, Barrack Hussein Obama, pledge to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.”
So what’s the deal New York Times? Are your writers that lazy that their bias and hatred of anything not liberal prevent them from doing simple Internet searches to verify their assumptions? Are they that smug that they think Americans are that stupid and lazy and will digest anything they say without doing some simple fact checking themselves? Or has the entire Times organization gone way down the path of yellow journalism to promote political views that have nothing to do with reality but which tarnish the already tarnished image of the journalism field in this country and which in turn endanger our democracy and our need for an unbiased and truthful free press?

A delusional former Vice President and an example of American journalism at its worse relative to politics, not pretty sights at all.

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