Wednesday, July 10, 2019

July, 2019, Part 3,Political Class Insanity: More Reasons Why Hillary Should Be In Jail, High Grass Is Now Against the Law, and A Victory For Freedom In New Zealand

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let’s get started:

1) I live right outside of the town of Dunedin, Florida. It is a great town to visit and dine at, a prototypical small Florida town with a quaint and vibrant main street. Nevertheless, it apparently has its own set of out of control politicians:

  • According to John Stossel’s reporting, Jim Ficken has a home in Dunedin.
  • Unfortunately, Mr. Ficken’s mom recently died and he had to go to South Carolina to take care of her estate and passing.
  • While gone, he had made arrangements for a friend to look after his Dunedin home including cutting the grass.
  • Unfortunately, Mr. Ficken’s friend died while he was tending to his now deceased mother’s affairs and the grass grew to about 10 inches tall since his friend could obviously not cut the grass, given his passing.
  • The Dunedin city government, and the politicians that oversee it, decided that Mr. Ficken was in violation of city laws and started fining him $500 a day with the fine eventually getting up to $30,000.
  • City officials have notified him that that will foreclose and seize his home if he does not pay the $30,000 in fines, an amount of money he does not have.
Insanity, local politicians and the government they run are about to destroy a resident’s life because his grass got too high. All at a time when he is coping with the loss of his mother even though he had made arrangements for the grass to be cut during his mourning time. 

But this is what happens at all levels of government when politicians and the governments they operate think they are the end all and be all in life, forgetting that they are meant to serve us, not rule over us. Rather than find out why the lawn for the first time ever was getting too high or having the city itself cut the lawn and bill Mr. Fickens for the task (something that is allowed under current city laws), they want to ruin his life.

Fortunately, a non-profit legal organization has taken up his cause and hopefully some common sense will prevail in a town that may be lacking such a trait today.

2) It has always been our opinion that Hillary Clinton should have gone to jail for her fragrant disregard for computer security during her time as Secretary of State. There is little doubt that conducting official government business on an unsecured computer server in her private residence violated Federal law and guidelines.

A recent article from the DailyCaller website by Chuck Ross on June 17, 2019 verifies that we are right:

  • A recent letter from a State Department official to Senator Chuck Grassley confirms that “at least 15 State Department employees were responsible for 23 violations and seven security infractions related to Clinton’s server.”
  • This is in line with a former FBI investigation into the private Clinton computer server that concluded that she was “extremely careless” in using the private server.
  • According to the letter, top Hillary aides, Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin knew that Clinton only used that server and that her and her staff members exchanged thousands of classified documents via that unsecured server with dozens of those documents being classified as top secret.
  • The State Department letter also told Grassley that the number of top secret documents sent through that email will likely increase as the State Department continues its investigations.
So let’s review: HIllary Clinton used an illegal and unsecured computer server, in violation of Federal laws and guidelines, a server that was used to communicate thousands of government documents, many of which were highly classified, a server that was likely hacked by the Chinese government and who knows what other “bad” entities around the world, hacking actions that may have led to the deaths of U.S. operatives and the exposing of U.S. government strategies in foreign dealings.

And yet nothing has happened to her while Jim Fickens in Dunedin, Florida is considered a criminal and about to have his life ruined because his lawn grass got too high. A little bit of a disconnect when it comes to equal justice in this country, no?

3) As we said in our last post, mpost of the potlicial class insanity we deal with is of the negative type, e.g. wasteful government spending, idiotic and ignorant ideas and quotes from politicians, etc. However, in our last post we had a little bit of good insanity news in that the state government of Idaho recently had all of its government regulations nullified, giving them a golden chance to streamline its regulatory environment.

And today we have another good piece of political class insanity, this piece from far away in New Zealand as that country’s citizens push back on an overreaching central government:

  • Back in March, a mass shooting event happened at a mosque in New Zealand and immediately the New Zealand political class passed legislation that required all New Zealanders to turn over their guns to the government.
  • This should have allowed the politicians in the country to have much stronger control over its citizens while denying those citizens the right to protect themselves and their families.
  • Given that the last mass shooting in the country had happened 22 years ago, way back in 1997, it is not as if there is a rampant mass shooting problem in the country, this legislation was a pure power play to control citizens.
  • But two wonderful things happened to deny this power play and protect citizens’ freedoms.
  • First, the nationwide drive to confiscate guns, after two and a half months resulted in 530 of the country’s estimated 300,000 rifles being turned into the authorities, a success rate of .001%.
  • I would bet that this success rate will not get much higher since probably those most likely to cede their weapons have already acted, leaving about 300,470 now illegal rifles still at large.
  • So the first wonderful thing to come out of this power grab is that the citizens stood up for their self defense rights even if their elected officials were not willing to do the same.
  • But the second wonderful thing is even better: the legislation was passed but the authorities had no way of knowing who actually owned any weapons since there was no government registry of who owned guns.
  • Thus, the inane politicians passed a law that had virtually no chance of being enforced since the location and owners of weapons was non-existent.
So like most politicians actions, whether here or around the world, laws are passed that are a knee jerk reaction that usually is meant to inhibit the rights and freedoms of citizens but usually accomplish nothing or often make a problem worse. Fortunately in New Zealand the citizens told their politicians to pound sand when it came to gun confiscation and the government had no choice to do so because the law they passed was unenforceable, a little detail that the politicians forgot to check before going to the trouble to pass the law. 

Let’s review: freedom wins in New Zealand, more reasons why Hillary should be in prison, and an American is now a criminal because, gasp, his lawn grew to high while tending to his mother’s funeral and estate. More insanity to follow.

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