Sunday, July 21, 2019

July, 2019, Part 8, Political Class Insanity: More Shady Joe Biden International Dealing, Solving Political Issues With Punches, and Using Push-up Contests To Elect The Next President

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let’s get started:

1) We already know that Joe Biden, when he was Vice President, abused Taxpayer wealth by taking his son to China on Air Force Two, the official government plane for Vice Presidents. This trip resulted in the Chinese providing a $1.5 billion investment in Biden’s son’s company. We also know that Biden had some hanky panky with the Ukranian government while Vice President, details we will not go into at this time.

But it appears that Biden was not done abusing his position and power in the American political class:
  • The LA  Times recently reported that Biden used his influence to help Hollywood executives get special access to the Chinese movie market.
  • He helped make these connections while serving as Vice President under Obama for eight years.
  • For example, he got Hollywood powerhouse Jeffrey Katzenberg a face to face meeting with Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping in 2012 that helped set up a big studio deal for Katzenberg.
  • According to the Times article: “Several of the candidates vying for the Democratic presidential nomination have significant support in Hollywood — [Jeffrey] Katzenberg, for example, has kicked in $2,800 each to 14 of them already — but none has as long a history of delivering for the industry as Biden.” 
Shady dealings and very bad priorities. None of this effort by Biden made any difference at all in the lives of every American. It made rich Hollywood players richer, it got him campaign donor support in return, and it did nothing to fix Social Security and Medicare, fix our infrastructure, fix our public schools, etc. Just boondoggle and self enrichment, voters and citizens be damned.

2) As a civilized country and democracy you would think, and certainly hope, that the elected leaders we send to Washington would have a little class and dignity. They represent thousands (House of Representatives) or millions (Senate) of America voters and citizens which should be a noble and dignified thing to do and behave.

Unless you are a Democratic Senator from Montana. Democratic Senator Jon Tester of Montana was recently interviewed and was asked how Democrats should handle President Trump in the Presidential election in 2020. In a totally classless and gutless response he said that they, Democrats, should “go back and punch him in the face” 

Specifically, in an MSNBC interview, he said: “I don’t think, even in states where Donald Trump won big, that it did you any good running away from Donald Trump. I think you need to go back and punch him in the face. The truth is this guy is bad for this country.”

He then went on to talk about how to beat Trump with the following issues:
  • High cost of health care...but the Democrats under Obama did nothing to fix this problem, in fact, they and Obama Care made it worse, and have proposed no new solutions that might work.
  • High cost of higher education...but the Democrats under Obama and today have done nothing to fix this problem and have proposed no new solutions that might work.
  • Fix the situation on the southern border...but the Democrats under Obama and today have done nothing to fix this problem and have proposed no new solutions that might work, having relatively recently denied there even was a problem on the southern border.
  • Fix our crumbling infrastructure...but the Democrats under Obama and today have done nothing to fix this problem and have proposed no new solutions that might work since our infrastructure has been crumbling for a number of years, not just under Trump.
So this politician has no solutions, was not part of any solutions when his party controlled the White House and thus, his only solution to the issue facing the country is to punch the President in the face. Classy guy and leader...not!

Note to Senator Tester: inciting violence because you disagree with another human being never resolved anything, it just incites more hate and more violence and less progress.

3) But getting physical is not restricted to Tester, apparently it infests others in the Democratic Party. 

According to Nick Gavis writing for Fox News: 

  • Former Vice President Joe Biden and current Presidential candidate says he would challenge Trump to an on-air push up contest if Trump ever questioned Biden’s physical or mental health during a Presidential debate.
  • This was in response to an interviewer’s question about how Biden would respond if Trump challenged his mental or physical fitness to serve as President since it has become obvious that Biden has had some speaking and sentence forming issues in recent days.
  • Biden: "I would say, come on Donald, come on, man. How many push-ups do you want to do here, pal? I mean jokingly. You know, come on, run with me, man. it's like I was in a parade in Independence, Missouri. And I always run in parades... and a fellow from Independence who was a Trump supporter said, 'hey sleepy Joe!' I said, come run with me, Jack. Come on man!"
Okay, forget solutions, forget integrity, forget discussions of the issues, let’s settle the next Presidential contest with a battle of push-ups. My gosh, he gets asked this question and his immediate response, a disjointed response at that, is to challenge Trump to a push up or running contest. Lord help us.

That’s enough for today: more shady international dealings from Biden, none of which benefited America or Americans, a Montana Senator’s method of solving problems is to punch someone in the mouth, and Biden reacts with silliness and no leadership. More insanity to follow.

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