Thursday, February 27, 2020

February, 2020, Part 3, Politicians Say The Darndest Things: Michael Bloomberg Special

Every so often we run a series of posts under the theme, “Politicians say the darndest things.” It is a parody of an old television show, “House Party,” where host Art Linkletter would ask simple questions of young kids and wait for their often funny responses. This segment of his show was called “Kids Say The Darndest Things.” 

Unfortunately when kids say silly or dumb things, it is funny. When politicians say silly or dumb things, there are usually serious ramifications across the land that often involve stupid laws, wasteful spending, self delusion of a politician’s intelligence or abilities, or a continued lack of faith that today’s politicians are smart enough to get anything right.

So let’s take a look at the latest darndest things that American politicians are saying today:

1) In our last post we started covering some of the darndest and inane things that Presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg has said over the years. All of today’s “politician’s say the darndest things” examples will be dedicated to Bloomberg. Yes, he has said enough stupid things to be the star of today’s post.

Let’s start off with Bloomberg bragging about his daughter but not in a very father-like or kind way. In an off the record meal with some Boston College graduates a few years ago, a discussion that did not stay off the record Bloomberg stated: “My daughter is tall and busty and blonde. We went to China together. What’s a sixteen year old going to do on a business trip? So I got her dates in every city in China. That’s off the record!”

The last sentence was directed at a journalist sitting in on the meal. Classy guy, calling your 16 year daughter busty and then portioning her out halfway around the world. Sad, sad parenting skills.

2) In a recent debate among Democrats for President, Elizabeth Warren had the following quote in a description of Bloomberg: “I’d like to talk about who we’re running against: A billionaire who calls women fat broads and horse faced lesbians, and no, I’m not talking about Donald Trump, I’m talking about Mayor Bloomberg.”

I do not know if her accusations are true and accurate but I have not seen any rebuttal or denial form the Bloomberg campaign so I will assume that he has called women “fat broads” and “horse faced lesbians.” Seems Mr Bloomberg may have a problem with women, from his daughter to others that he has obviously slandered, if what Warren alleges is true. 

In some other quotes that Bloomberg has made over the years, as we will see, Warren is probably accurate in her quote as it regards Bloomberg’s interaction with women.

3) When not ticking off women, it seems that Mr. Bloomberg is ticking off total industries. Consider his low regard for the farming industry via words he spoke a few years ago at Oxford: “It’s a process. You dig a hole, put a seed in, put dirt on top, add water, up comes the corn.”

Obviously, Bloomberg has never worked on a farm. He has not gotten up at 4:00 in the morning to feed the animals, water and till the fields, and hoped that he had the right mixture of seed, fertilizer and water in order to stay financially viable. He has not worried about what to do when a drought takes hold and adjustments have to be made to farming operations. Such arrogance and condescension on a subject that he obviously knows nothing about.

4) Okay, we have pissed off women and we have pissed off farmers. Not content to stand pat, back in 2011 he pissed off the elderly:

  • At that time, he declared that it might be a good idea to deny cancer treatment to the elderly in order to free up space in hospitals.
  • Rather than build more hospitals, improve treatments, or have any compassion for older citizens, he apparently thought it would be a good idea to just let them die, for the betterment of society and all that.
  • Specifically: “If you show up with prostate cancer and you’re 95 years old, we should say, ‘Go and enjoy … live a long life. There’s no cure, and we can’t do anything. If you’re a young person, we should do something about it. Society’s not ready to do that yet.”
  • So, as a liberal, Bloomberg is not only willing to kill the unborn , apparently back in 2011 he was willing to let the elderly die when treatment might heal them.
  • He went on to explain that health care will “bankrupt us” unless we deny care to the elderly.
Sad, sad disregard for others’ lives. I wonder as a mega billionaire if he would be willing to step aside and die for the good of society or would he use his billions of dollars to prolong his life while denying the same right to life as others that couldn't afford the medical treatment he obviously could afford. Would love to hear his answer to that question.

5) Okay, he lent out his sixteen year old daughter, he called women disparaging names, he insulted every farmer in American and would like to see the elderly just die. Quite the track record of insensitivity. But let’s go on, he is on a roll:

  • A lawsuit has been found that a former regional sales manager of Bloomberg’s company filed against Bloomberg as a result of comments he made back in 1997.
  • Sekiko Sakai Garrison was the number one regional sales manager in Bloomberg’s company at the time.
  • She worked for the company from 1989 to 1995 when the company let her go.
  • She filed the lawsuit in 1997 and the suit was settled in 2000.
  • When she told Bloomberg she was pregnant, he told her to “kill it,” namely the baby.
  • And then followed up that disgusting remark with “Great! Number 16,” referring to the 16 pregnant women on his payroll.
  • On a different occasion, Bloomberg was with Ms. Garrison when he pointed to another woman and stated, “If you looked like that, I would do you in a second.”
  • The law suit contended that ”Sexual harassment and sexual degradation of women at Bloomberg was pervasive.” 
  • The lawsuit also alleged that he called Mexican clients “jumping beans” and he told another female employee, who was in need of a nanny, “all you need is some black who doesn’t even have to speak English to rescue it from a burning building.”
If Democrats are truly supportive of women rights as they claim, it is hard to see how this person has any place in their world. His words are despicable and disgusting when it comes to women in the workplace. To put him up as their Presidential candidate would be the height of hypocrisy and an insult to every hard working, pregnant woman in the workplace.

Of course, Bloomberg’s political advisors are trying to do damage control on all of this past, disgusting behavior, claiming that he has learned the error of his ways. But it is interesting that he learned the error of his ways once it became apparent his past would work against him politically, that he did not repent prior to running for President.

Enough darndest things from Bloomberg for today. Women, farmers, the elderly, the pregnant, he really has no regard for the feelings of others. His self-centeredness, condescension, and disregard for the feelings and rights of others is overwhelming and despicable. In his case, the darndest things are truly horrific.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Sunday, February 23, 2020

February, 2020, Part 2, Politicians Say The Darndest Things: Joe Biden, Maxine Walters and Micheal Bloomberg

Every so often we run a series of posts under the theme, “Politicians say the darndest things.” It is a parody of an old television show, “House Party,” where host Art Linkletter would ask simple questions of young kids and wait for their often funny responses. This segment of his show was called “Kids Say The Darndest Things.” 

Unfortunately when kids say silly or dumb things, it is funny. When politicians say silly or dumb things, there are usually serious ramifications across the land that often involve stupid laws, wasteful spending, self delusion of a politician’s intelligence or abilities, or a continued lack of faith that today’s politicians are smart enough to get anything right.

So let’s take a look at the latest darndest things that American politicians are saying today:

1) Whenever we do these types of posts, Joe Biden figures prominently because of his ability to say the most inane, untrue, and ridiculous things. He recently claimed that long ago he was arrested down in South Africa when he was on his way to visit Nelson Mandela. But as often is the case with Biden, his words do not match up with reality:
  • This is the first time he has ever mentioned his arrest despite being on the public stage for decades.
  • And yet he recently claimed: “This day, 30 years ago, Nelson Mandela walked out of prison and entered into discussions about apartheid. I had the great honor of meeting him. I had the great honor of being arrested with our U.N. ambassador on the streets of Soweto trying to get to see him on Robbens Island.”
  • But Biden never mentioned the arrest in his personal memoir published in 2007, an incident that one would think would be important enough to include.
  • He never mentioned it while Vice President or up until recently on the campaign trail.
  • The New York Times said that a check of its records from the time period showed no reports that a sitting U.S. Senator, Joe Biden, had been arrested in South Africa, an event that certainly would have been newsworthy.
Politicians say the darndest things and most often they are flat out wrong and/or a lie.

2) Maxine Walters is also a favorite quote and gaffe machine. She has been one of the most virulent haters of Trump since he was elected. She recently made the most ridiculous quote heard in a long time: “This guy [Trump] is a street player. He’s a guy that has conned folks. He has flirted with gangsters. I have worked in some of the toughest communities. I’ve worked with gangs, I’ve worked with Crips, I’ve worked with Bloods. And there’s more integrity in many of these young people in the hood than this man has.”

First of all, to say the President of the United States has less integrity than blood thirsty gang members, gang members that would slit your throat in an instance, is ridiculous beyond belief. Second, if you were to Google “the most corrupt members of Congress,” you would see that most of the articles that would show up in your search would have a picture of Maxine Walters. Those that investigate Congressional corruption would probably agree that she is the poster child for corruption and the lack of integrity. 

Thus, for her to call out Trump for lack of integrity when she has spent decades on the most corrupt politicians list is ludicrous.

3) This example will set off a whole string of examples of saying the darndest things as it relates to late entrant into the presidential race, Michael Bloomberg. Bloomberg hates Trump and thus, he has decided to use his vast wealth to defeat Trump in November as the Democratic candidate for President. We have already discussed the disgrace of his spending hundreds of millions of dollars on this vanity campaign when that money could have housed and fed millions of needy Americans. 

But this waste of money is a topic for other posts. As he has become more active in his run for the Presidency, quotes from his past have begun surfacing, quotes that usually show him as a mean spirited, condescending, out of touch billionaire. He has managed to insult wide swaths of Americans, from women, to farmers to the elderly. Thus, we will start with his darndest things today but it will likely carry over into other subsequent posts since his history of saying the dumbest and darndest things is quite extensive.

Let’s start off with a racist and anti Fourth Amendment statement that Bloomberg made back in 2015 while speaking at the Aspen Institute, as reported by Joseph A. Wulfsohn of Fox News: 
  • Back when Bloomberg was mayor of New York City, he had the police department he continued and supported a program that encouraged police officers to randomly “stop and frisk” anyone they wanted on the streets in the city without probable cause.
  • This was obviously a gross abuse of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution but nonetheless, Bloomberg encouraged the program.
  • As a result, most of those that were stopped and harassed by the police were young African American and Latino men.
  • A newly surface audio tape from 2015 shows he was a full supporter of the program, 
  • Specifically he said that, “The way you get guns out of the kids’ hands is to throw them up against the wall.”
  • He want on: "Ninety-five percent of murders- murderers and murder victims fit one M.O. You can just take a description, Xerox it, and pass it out to all the cops," he said. "They are male, minorities, 16-25. That's true in New York, that's true in virtually every city (inaudible). And that's where the real crime is. You've got to get the guns out of the hands of people that are getting killed."
  • Up until recently Bloomberg has shown no remorse for the program but now that he is running for President he all of a sudden says he is sorry: “Over time I’ve come to understand something that I’ve long struggled to admit to myself. I got something important wrong. I got something important really wrong.”
Note: news reports indicate that Bloomberg’s people contacted the Aspen Institute and tried unsuccessfully to have his quotes suppressed and buried, indicating that they knew how damaging the quotes were.

A little late for remorse. If Trump was quoted as favoring throwing minority kids against the wall to be frisked without cause, the outrage from the left would be deafening even if he admitted it was wrong. To let Bloomberg off the hook for saying these things, in addition to abusing Fourth Amendment rights of U.S. citizens, would be the height of hypocrisy

So we have Joe Biden likely making up an arrest record that never happened, a ridiculous and hypocritical statement by Miss Corruption herself, Maxine Walters, and the first of many outlandish statements by Presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg. Politicians and rich people do say the darndest things. Unfortunately.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Thursday, February 20, 2020

February, 2020, Part 1, Politicians Say The Darndest Things: Joe Biden, Rolanda Hollis, and Peter Buttigieg

Every so often we run a series of posts under the theme, “Politicians say the darndest things.” It is a parody of an old television show, “House Party,” where host Art Linkletter would ask simple questions of young kids and wait for their often funny responses. This segment of his show was called “Kids Say The Darndest Things.” 

Unfortunately when kids say silly or dumb things, it is funny. When politicians say silly or dumb things, there are usually serious ramifications across the land that often involve stupid laws, wasteful spending, self delusion of a politician’s intelligence or abilities, or a continued lack of faith that today’s politicians are smart enough to get anything right.

So let’s take a look at the latest darndest things that American politicians are saying today:

1) Joe Biden has probably been one of the top two politicians to be quoted in this blog for all of the inane, stupid, and off the wall stuff he has said over the years. His only competition is probably Nancy Pelosi for saying the darndest things.

Lately, though, his thoughts and quotes have gone from inane and humorously stupid to a little more evil and darker. A few months ago he called a young woman a liar for asking a reasonable and decent question. And he really got nasty with a young college student when she also asked a reasonable political question.

According to an article on the Freedom Outpost website by Andrew West on February 10, 2020, when a young college co-ed asked him the very reasonable question on how will he rebound from his dismal performance at the Iowa caucuses, he attacked her and her question by calling her “a lying, dog faced pony soldier.” So Many things wrong with this reaction:
  • Why verbally attack someone who might be a voter in November for asking an intelligent question?
  • Why call her a liar based on a simple question, not an accusation, not a slur, not a verbal attack, a simple reasonable question?
  • And finally what does a “a lying dog face pony soldier mean?!?! Makes no sense.
Maybe it is best that Biden just hang up his political spikes. He went from being funny and stupid to mean spirited and irrational. But certainly consistent with our theme of politicians saying the darndest things.

2) Stupid quotes are not restricted to Washington politicians. Alabama State Representative Rolanda Hollis has put together a potential piece of legislation that would mandate that “every Alabama man to undergo a vasectomy within one month of his 50th birthday or the birth of his third biological child, whichever comes first.” 

Seriously, this is what is important in the political class in Alabama, keeping track of how many kids a resident has fathered and then making sure one way or another that he is sterilized? Certainly one of the most inane and stupid quotes we have ever come across that has come out of a politician’s mouth. The state/government has no right to forcibly sterilize law abiding citizens, this is a gross violation of the Fourth Amendment. But as always with American politicians, rights and the Constitution often are merely suggestions.

3) Peter Buttigieg is running for President. He thinks it would be a good idea to flood rural American with immigrants to build up the population: “I’m proposing what we call “Community Renewal Visas” that when a community that is very much in need of growing its population, recognizes that, and makes a choice to welcome more than its share of new Americans that we create a fast-track, if they apply for an allotment of visas, that goes to those who are willing to be in those areas that maybe are hurting for population but have great potential.”

Of course, businesses love this proposal. It provides more customers and a larger supply of labor which under simple economic principles will drive down wages and improve businesses’ bottom line. But so many problems with this quote and proposal:
  • There are reasons why some rural areas are losing population, this quote and proposal does not address the root causes of the population loss, it just plunks down a bunch of foreigners into an area that is losing population.
  • What types of skills are these immigrants going to have and how will these skills fit in with the current economic situation? A rural area is unlikely to have a lot of high tech jobs so what good is putting hi tech trained immigrants into an area with no high tech jobs?
  • What would keep these immigrants from going elsewhere once they realize the root causes of the population drop had not been fixed and there were no jobs for them? Are we going to put ankle monitors on them to ensure they stay where they are put?
  • We have already talked about towns like Lewiston, Maine that Obama had flooded with immigrants and the devastating impact it had on schools and other town services. Teachers had to cope with different languages which ruined the educational processes for all involved, native and immigrants.
  • Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are going bankrupt, the national debt is growing so fast, public schools under educate, our infrastructure is crumbling, and there are millions of Americans who are homeless, hungry or drug addicted every day and this clown is working on these types of problems, horrible priorities.
Stupid quote, stupid idea. As always, politicians do not have the brain power or the ability to analyze the root causes of problems and then fix the root causes. Some rural communities are losing population for specific reasons. Find out what those reasons are and then decide what, if any, root cause solutions would fix the problem. Dumping a bunch of foreign speaking immigrants into a community makes no sense if you do not address the root causes of the population decrease. Just ask the folks in Lewiston.

It is an election year so we have a whole set of stupid quotes ready to go in the next few posts as politicians just keep talking without thinking. Today, we just got a beginning taste of stupid quotes and politicians saying the darndest things, from Joe Biden’s temper tantrums and attacks to castrating men in Alabama to dumping foreigners into rural communities, politicians say, and do, the darndest things.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

February, 2020, Part 9, Political Class Insanity: The Democrats Love For Illegal Immigrants, Including Criminals, Over The Needs Of Americans

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let’s get started:

1) Liberals and Democrats have decided that illegal immigrants are more important than both needy Americans (i.e. those that are homeless, hungry, and drug addicted) and the protection of the lives and property of Americans. Democrats flock down to the border or actually into Mexico to give solace and support to illegal immigrants but never seem to have the time to visit the homeless encampments or food banks serving needy Americans.

The other proof of their disdain for the welfare of Americans is their insistence that they not cooperate with the Federal government in finding and prosecuting and/or deporting violent illegal immigrant criminals. In other words, they would rather protect violent criminals than protect the lives and property of American citizens.

The result of their “sanctuary cities,” which protect violent illegal immigrant criminals, was illustrated by a recent set of ICE raids:
  • These New Jersey ICE raids resulted in the apprehension of over 100 violent illegal immigrant criminals.
  • Two of those captured were from Brazil and El Salvador and were wanted for murder.
  • One of those taken into custody was from the violent Salvadoran MS-13 gang.
  • Another illegal immigrant was a child abuser from Mexico that had previously been deported.
  • A previously deported Mexican national convicted of criminal sexual contact involving a minor was brought into custody.
  • A 22-year-old Dominican national member of the Trinitarios gang, who has weapons and theft convictions, was brought into custody.
  • A 45-year-old Salvadoran national who has convictions for child endangerment and DUI was brought into custody.
  • A 50-year-old Bolivian national who has multiple convictions for child endangerment, hindering apprehension and DUI was brought into custody.
  • A 55-year-old United Kingdom national convicted of arson, domestic violence and drug dealing was brought into custody.
  • A 58-year-old Peruvian national wanted for extortion in Peru was brought into custody.
  • A 44-year-old Salvadoran national who has a conviction for endangering the welfare of a child was brought into custody.
  • A 42-year-old Jamaican national convicted of drug smuggling and exporting cocaine was brought into custody.
  • A 31-year-old previously deported Guatemalan national who has convictions for domestic violence and DUI was brought into custody.
  • Of the 155 illegal immigrants that were rounded up, 85% had prior convictions or pending criminal charges over their heads.
This was one raid in one state, New Jersey. And yet over 100 dangerous people were taken off the street. And yet Democrats across the country continue to want to protect these often violent, child abusing illegal immigrants from meeting justice. In the meantime, American kids, adults, and their properties are in constant danger from the lives of these 115 people. 

I can see the compassion from these folks for innocent illegal immigrants who are just wanting a better life. But I am mystified by these politicians that protect violent criminals from justice while at the same time risking the safety of Americans.

2) Let’s look at some hard statistics as it applies to illegal immigrant criminal activity:
  • A recent Department of Justice crime report found that a whopping 64% of all Federal arrests were made up of non-citizens, both legal and illegal immigrants.
  • Twenty years ago this number was only 37%.
  • Specifically: “The report also says, “Non-U.S. citizens, who make up 7% of the U.S. population (per the U.S. Census Bureau for 2017), accounted for 15% of all federal arrests and 15% of prosecutions in U.S. district court for non-immigration crimes in 2018 … Ninety-five percent of the increase in federal arrests across 20 years was due to immigration offenses.””
  • Federal government arrests of non-citizens tripled from 1998 to 2018, an increase of 234% while the Federal arrest of U.S. citizens went up only 18%.
  • In 2018, 24% of all Federal drug arrests were for non-U.S. citizens, 25% of Federal property arrests were non-citizens, and 28% of all Federal fraud arrests were non-U.S. citizens.
Okay, how much less would our police, prison, and other legal costs be in this country if we had a secure border and a fair, compassionate immigration process? Instead, we have runaway crime from non-U.S. citizens and as we learned above, we have some various dangerous illegal immigrant criminals running free in our towns and cities. Given that a primary function of government is to protect its citizens, this government, mostly Democrats are not doing their basic duties as government officials.

3) Looks like it will be a criminal illegal immigration focused day. The Federation for American Immigration Reform, FAIR, recently released their research concerning illegal immigration in smaller American cities and states. The highlights and low lights of their research found that:
  • New Hampshire, Mississippi, Alaska, Maine, North Dakota, West Virginia, South Dakota, Vermont, Montana and Wyoming have the smallest populations of foreign-born residents, 415,000 on total of which about 20% , 81,000, of these folks are illegal immigrants.
  • These illegal immigrants cost American taxpayers in these states $454 million a year.
  • Each of these illegal immigrants cost carry a tax deficit of between $4,000 and $6,500 a year, i.e. this is the difference between the tax revenue collected from these folks and the taxpayer wealth that is paid out for them.
  • About 35,000 of these 81,000 illegal immigrants are kids which puts additional pressure and costs on public school systems in these states.
  • Consider what happened to Lewiston, Maine schools: “A prime example is Lewiston, Maine. Over the past 15 years, more than 7,500 migrants – most of whom are refugees from dozens of different countries – have resettled in the town, which has a population of less than 40,000. As is often the case, residents and city officials had no say in the resettlement process and little warning that these migrants were going to be placed in their community. According to former Mayor Laurier T. Raymond Jr., the city became “maxed-out financially, physically, and emotionally.””
  • As a result, the quality of teaching has suffered for all students as teachers have to cope with 34 different languages in their classrooms.
  • Some schools in North and South Dakota have had to transfer funds for special needs students to pay for immigrant kids who do not speak English.
  • The FAIR report also discussed the reality that foreign workers, both legal and illegal, in these smaller states and their downs exert downward pressure on wages for American workers.
  • And the impact is not just on school systems, FAIR explains how immigrants are much more likely to use emergency medical services vs. going to a doctor’s office, putting additional financial and resource pressure on struggling rural medical systems.
That will do it for today’s illegal immigrant political class insanity. As liberals and Democrats continue to protect and support illegal immigrants, often illegal immigrants that are violent criminal elements, the safety, the tax dollars, and the limited social resources that would normally go to taxpaying Americans is severely sacrificed and often fatal. 

Which means that Democrats in this area have failed at a top priority of and reason for government: the protection of citizens.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Sunday, February 9, 2020

February, 2020, Part 8, Political Class Insanity: Election Corruption in D.C., Peter Buttigieg Does Not Get Reality, and Obama's Final Insult to Injury

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let’s get started:

1) The corruption of those in Washington D.C. continues unabated according to an article on the Freedom Headlines website: 
  • Attorney General William Barr has handed down 8 indictments of Washington operatives.
  • The charges are centered around the accusation that these people illegally tried to funnel millions of dollars from foreign sources to top Democrats including Adam Schiff, Hillary Clinton, Cory Booker, and other top Democrats.
  • According to the article: “Two Lebanese-American businessmen — including a witness in then-Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe — are among eight people charged with conspiring to funnel more than $3 million in illegal foreign campaign contributions to an unnamed candidate in the 2016 elections, the Justice Department announced on Tuesday. Although the indictment does not specifically name the 2016 candidate, campaign finance records indicate that the recipient of the donations was Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.”
  • The indictment includes 53 counts of alleged criminal activity so this was not a little event, given the number of counts and the fact that the alleged activity involved upwards of $3.5 million.
  • The counts include such crimes as making illegal conduit contributions, making excessive contributions, making false statements, creating false records, and obstruction of a grand jury.
If the allegations are true, it just verifies again that the political class in this country is corrupt to the core and hypocritical to the max, making laws for us to follow and then assuming those same laws do not apply to themselves.

2) Peter Buttigieg recently made the following accusation regarding Trump's handling of the economy: “The problem is we’ve had an economy grow and not been able to lift up those most in need or even so many in the middle. When I’m president, we’re going to measure the performance of our economy not by the Dow Jones, but by the income growth of the 90 percent.”

Which gets to another age old question when it comes to American politicians: do they actually believe this type of tripe that they dish out or do they think we are too stupid to understand the falsehoods that they are peddling? If the economy is so bad for the non-wealthy why is:
  • The African-American unemployment rate at or near a record low?
  • The Hispanic unemployment rate at or near a record low?
  • The lesser educated unemployment rate at or near a record low?
  • The female unemployment rate at or near a record low?
  • The number of people receiving and in need of food stamps is down 7 million since Trump took office?
  • The rate of rise in wages almost twice as high for those in the lower wage brackets than the highest wage brackets, up 4.5% year over year, more than double the rate of inflation?
Again, is he and his staff that stupid when it comes to reality or is he lying to us and assuming we are too stupid to check reality and the numbers for ourselves to see he is lying? And on top of his lies, he, of course, provides no details on how he would do better than Trump on keeping unemployment low, get wage growth higher, or get more jobs and off of food stamps.

3) I think any rational person knows that Obama was not a big fan of Israel. He once suggested that Israel should go back to its 1967 borders which would be a death sentence for the country. He sent his political operatives to Israel to try and defeat Netanyahu’s bid for reelection since Netanyahu would not kowtow to Obama’s demands. He sent well over a billion in cash to Iran, a country that is the world’s leading terror nation and a nation that has vowed to destroy Israel.

And now we find out that Obama pulled some shady dealings hours before he left office in support of the mortal enemies of Israel, the Palestinians:
  • According to a Yahoo News/AP article that I recently came across, Obama sent $221 million to the Palestinians in the waning hours of his Presidency.
  • This money had been blocked by Republican members of Congress.
  • According to the article: “Congress had initially approved the Palestinian funding in budget years 2015 and 2016, but at least two GOP lawmakers — Ed Royce of California, the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Kay Granger of Texas, who sits on the House Appropriations Committee — had placed holds on it over moves the Palestinian Authority had taken to seek membership in international organizations. Congressional holds are generally respected by the executive branch but are not legally binding after funds have been allocated.”
  • While the fund were supposed to be used for “humanitarian projects,” I think it is a pretty safe bet, given the history of the Palestinian leadership, that those funds would eventually find themselves to be used for anti-Israel terror activities.
  • Do we really think they were going to use $4 million of that money for “for clean energy, sustainable landscapes, cutting greenhouse gas emissions and creating a climate technology center.”?
Millions of Americans are homeless and/or hungry every day and Obama sends $4 million overseas to be used for sustainable landscapes and a climate technology center. Not only a waste of taxpayer money but also a boon for those in the leadership of the Palestinians for their anti-Israel activities. Insanity.

That will do it for today’s insanity: Obama secretly funding shady, anti-Israel players in the Middle East, a Presidential candidate who either does not understand reality or is a big liar, and more Washington D.C. corruption and criminal behavior.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Saturday, February 8, 2020

February, 2020, Part 7, Political Class Insanity: Birth Control Licensing In Chicago, Small Businesses Flee NYC, and Pelosi is Despicable In DC

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let’s get started:

1) Just when you thought that American politicians could not get any more intrusive into our lives, any more anti-freedom, a politician comes along to blow away that assumption:
  • According to a recent article on the Liberty Planet website, a local Chicago politician, Ray Lopez, wants anyone wanting to have a kid to get a license from the government before conceiving.
  • A likely cause of this insane idea was the recent case of a father who is accused of murdering his own which is certainly a tragic story.
  • But to force ALL would be parents to go in front of basically a baby licensing board before conceiving is too inane to try and comprehend.
  • Communist China tried to get involved in the childbirth process with their one child strategy and it has been a disaster.
  • China’s population is aging rapidly causing all kinds of social service support issues.
  • Also, over time Chinese parents have been forced to have abortions for violating the one child laws, those that managed to give birth to extra kids have had to pay hefty fines for the simple act of parenthood, and these extra kids have been denied “ofifcial documentation” from the central government which means they cannot go to school, enroll in college, or get a decent job.
  • And this local politician wants to do a similar program in this country.
The government intrusion into our lives in this idiocy boggles the mind:
  • Would the government take a child away from the parents if they did not get a license?
  • If kids were taken away from parents because no license was obtained, would the kids be put in foster care, a system that already has far too many family-less kids in the system?
  • If the parents got a divorce and remarried would the step father or mother have to go through some sort of licensing process also?
  • Would their fines and imprisonment for giving birth without a license, planned or unplanned/accidental births?
  • Would be involved in this licensing process, who gets to determine what the requirements would be, and what would prevent the process from not becoming a social manipulation tool, e.g. parents of a certain political bent might get denied a license (e.g. remember how Obama denied IRS rights and due process to Republican political groups)?
And in the end, who says the government and the politicians that operate it could even determine if a parent would murder their kid after birth? Hey, they cannot even enforce their own Do Not Call List or run an efficient Post Office operation, and they want to dictate who can have a kid. Ridiculous and ludicrous.

2) We have often talked about the basic human need to be free and a large part of that need for freedom is economic freedom. With economic freedom we are freer to educate our kids the way we want, to start a family business, to take a better vacation, etc. And when taxes get too high which ends up infringing on our freedom, people and businesses usually take action at some point to relieve that tax oppression, usually by moving somewhere where taxes go down and freedom goes up.

We have talked about this situation any number of times. Illinois, New Jersey, and California keep shrinking in population size as the politicians in those states continually raise the tax burden on state residents. And now, according to a recent New York Post article, the same thing is happening relative to small businesses in New York City:
  • John Aidan Byrne wrote back in May, 2019 that “NYC Taxes Are Squeezing Out Small Business To Florida.
  • Remember, as we have discussed, there is no state income tax in Florida and other taxes, gasoline, property taxes, etc. are generally lower, giving residents and businesses more economic freedom.
  • In a 2018 ranking of small business growth, it showed that Miami, Florida had overtaken New York City when it comes to small business growth.
  • In fact, NYC had plummeted from first to fourth in the latest rankings of small business growth.
  • Rohit Arora, the CEO of Biz2Credit which developed the rankings said: “Although New York is still booming, the cost of doing business for small business owners continues to rise. Rents continually increase, and labor costs are high and will continue to increase, since New York has enacted a law to raise the minimum wage to $15.”
  • The American Legislative Exchange Council has ranked the city and state dead last in economic competitiveness.
  • And while the overall economy is strong, NYC keeps raising taxes to pay for its financial problems which in turn drives out both businesses and residents.
  • Mayra Rodriguez Valladares, a capital markets and regulatory consultant, is quoted in the article by estimating that New York City has only about $59 billion in assets to pay $244 billion in liabilities: “Moreover, this burden grew by an additional $1,600 for every New York City resident every year since 2014.” 
  • Besides higher and higher taxes, NYC liberal politicians continue to pile more and more regulations onto city small businesses, e.g. paid sick leave, regulations that also reduce economic freedom and the profits of small businesses.
So, just another example of how American politicians continue to be totally ignorant when it comes to simple economic principles. Higher and higher taxes cause people to make rational economic decisions to keep as much of their hard earned wealth as possible which usually results in people and businesses leaving for less taxing situations. This in turn reduces the tax flow of government entities which causes them to raise tax rates to make up for the shortfall which results in more people and businesses leaving which results in lower tax revenue and the economic death spiral is underway. 

As a result you end up with the current migration situation in NYC - on average, every day 100 NYC residents leave the city and move elsewhere where the tax bite is much more reasonable. And yet the politicians they leave behind never understand why and Miami becomes the fastest growing environment for small businesses in the country.

3) Let’s finish today with the disgrace that is Nancy Pelosi. Most people probably know that on national television she tore up Trump’s State of the Union speech in total contempt for the President. We now know from video clips that this was a premeditated action since she had started ripping the pages before the end of the speech. 

In doing so she insulted and disrespected the many Americans who had their story of success told by Trump in the speech: young and old, white and black, men and women, ordinary Americans who had overcome challenges and were succeeding in America. And in a couple of flagrant rips, Pelosi ripped their stories into pieces because she is an immature, repugnant person when it comes to common decency and respect.

Well, sometimes there is karma as untold millions of people were disgusted by her behavior and some are taking actions in response to her childish antic:
  • Democratic Congressman, Lee Zeldin, who is also a law professor, denounced Pelosi’s disgusting actions and said she should step down from being Speaker of the House.
  • Specifically: “Nancy Pelosi should step down as Speaker. I’m confident that the American public will be directly sending her that message themselves later this year if she doesn’t read the tea leaves herself and resign on her own terms today. It’s time.”
  • Jonathan Turley, who was a witness in the House impeachment proceedings and who is also a George Washington University law professor was also outraged at Pelosi’s actions: “[44 years ago] The country was deeply divided, but both parties maintained the tradition of civility and decorum. I was struck how members, even in the heat of furious debates, would not attack each other by name and followed rigid principles of decorum. They understood that they were the custodians of this institution and bore a duty to strengthen and pass along those traditions to the next generation. At that moment, she represents the House as an institution — both Republicans and Democrats. Instead, she decided to become little more than a partisan troll from an elevated position. The protests of the Democratic members also reached a new low for the House. Pelosi did not gavel out the protest. She seemed to join it. That is why I argue in the Hill that, if Pelosi does not apologize and agree to honor the principle of neutrality and civility at the State of the Union, she should resign as speaker.”
  • Republican Matt Gaetz and other Republican Congressman sent a letter to the chairman of the House Ethics Committee that demanded an investigation to Pelosi’s actions.
  • Specifically, they want an investigation “into Speaker Pelosi’s flagrant violation of decorum, as defined in clauses 1 and 2 of House Rule XXIII, and request a criminal referral for her potential violation of 18 U.S.C. §2071 (Concealment, removal, or mutilation of documents), following President Trump’s recent State of the Union address of February 4, 2020. Her unseemly behavior certainly warrants censure.”
So Democrats, Republicans, and law professors are all in agreement that what Pelosi did was despicable. Given that this type of agreement rarely happens in Washington, it tells you how horrible Pelosi behaved. No matter how much she hates Trump, her disrespect of the Americans that are referred to in Trump’s speech is unforgivable.

Stupidity in Chicago, economic ignorance in NYC, and unparalleled disgrace form Nancy Pelosi, a major contributor to the hatred and venom that pervades Washington D.C. Political class insanity that is more out of control than ever.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Thursday, February 6, 2020

February, 2020, Part 6, Political Class Insanity: HIllary Thinks She Is Above The Law, Elizabeth Warren Says Ability and Experience Do Not Matter and Joe Biden Is Worried He Is Too Old

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let’s get started:

1) We have often talked about how politicians are pretty good at putting restrictions on us while ignoring the exact same things they force us to do. They practice the art of “do as I say not what I do.” Hilary Clinton recently put forth another such example of this elitism as outlined in an article on the Big League Politics website by Shane Trejo:
  • A few months ago Clinton went on a verbal rampage attack on Presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard.
  • She accused Gabbard of a number of things including being a Russian agent who were trying to disrupt the 2020 elections.
  • Clinton provided no proof of such a relationship so Gabbard went out and filed a lawsuit for defamation.
  • But to sue someone like Gabbard is trying to do with Clinton someone has to serve the lawsuit papers with the person being sued, in this case, Hillary Clinton.
  • Unbelievably, it is alleged that Clinton has told her Secret Service detail to not allow any process servers to get near her and thus, thwarting the lawsuit process.
  • Her lawyer, Brian Dunne, told the New York Post that he is shocked by Clinton’s flagrant disrespect for the law: “I find it rather unbelievable that Hillary Clinton is so intimidated by Tulsi Gabbard that she won’t accept service of process. But I guess here we are.”It might be unbelievable but it's happening, a direct middle finger to the rule of law process in this country.
  • According to the article: “Dunne said that Secret Service officials intervened to stop Clinton from being served at her Chappaqua, New York home on Tuesday. A day later, a Clinton lawyer rebuffed the process server in Washington D.C. at a law firm after the Secret Service instructed the serve to deliver the lawsuit to Clinton there.”
  • Which leads on to question Clinton’s judgment and reasoning: does she actually think that Gabbard is going to go away if she blocks the process servers long enough?
  • Or, more likely, does she think that libel and slander laws do not apply to her?
  • Gabbard was also not happy about Clinton’s elitism: “If Hillary Clinton and her allies can successfully destroy my reputation — even though I’m a war veteran and a sitting member of Congress — then they can do it to anybody. I will not allow this blatant effort to intimidate me and other patriotic Americans into silence go unchallenged.”
At some point you have to assume that a judge will get involved and force Clinton to accept the lawsuit papers but it shows again how special politicians in this country think they are, how they can flaunt the very laws they passed in the first place.

2) If you were going to have to undergo a major operation, wouldn't you want your medical team to be comprised of the best people possible for the jobs they would be doing during your operation? When you buy a car, wouldn’t you want to feel comfortable that the most skilled people put that car together, especially the brakes. You certainly want to make sure you are getting top quality for your money, either medically or automotively.

But when it comes to government functions, that is not how at least one politician thinks:
  • Elizabeth Warren, whose Presidential aspirations are fading fast, recently promised that half of her Cabinet, if elected, would made up of women and so-called “non-binary” people.
  • She promised that she would put a priority on hiring gay individuals for leadership roles in her administration and force this strategy unto all Federal entities.
  • She would also focus on people of color.
So rather than put the best qualified people in positions of power and influence, she would go down some kind of checklist to get a mix of people that fit her fantasy, competence and the ability to do the job be damned. It would be like you going in for brain surgery and the head of the hospital insists that a foot doctor do the operation because the foot doctor is of a specific skin color or sexual orientation.

Look, I am all for giving EVERYONE an equal chance at a job opportunity but to say we are going to fill jobs based on sexual orientation or skin color independent of the finding the best people to do the job is ludicrous. You would not do it for medical needs, you would not do it for automotive needs, we should have to do it for government needs, government needs that are funded with our tax dollars.

3) Would you hire a general contractor to do massive renovations to your home if that contractor told you up front that he was an old guy who might die and thus, not be around to see the project to completion? Would you hire him if you knew his medical history was kind of shaky and he actually was quite old?

I don't think so. So why would anyone vote for a politician who was in the same situation:
  •  Joe Biden was recently asked who his Vice President candidate might be, he said it would be someone who could take over immediately because “I’m an old guy.”
  • While I admire his honesty, not sure I would hire him as a President or a general contractor if he is telling me he is old and might die.
  • Specifically: “It has to be demonstrated that whoever I pick is two things: one, is capable of immediately being president because I’m an old guy.”
  • And yet he still wants to be President even though he is not sure he would live through it: “No, I’m serious. Look, I thank God I’m in great health. I work out. No, I’m serious. You know, I work out every morning. I’m in good shape – knock on wood, as my mother would say. I released all my medical records. But you never know. You never know what’s going on. And I’m sure what would happen is I have – some people looking would say, ‘Is the person Biden picked capable of, God forbid something happened to Biden, that they would be able to take over immediately?’”
  • If he somehow lived long enough and became President at age 78, he would be the oldest President ever.
  • And Dr. David Scheiner, Obama's personal doctor is not sure Biden should be running since his medical history includes high cholesterol, a past aneurysm, and “persistent” atrial fibrillation. 
Again, I am not hiring a general contractor to do massive amounts of work on my home if I know he himself has doubts about how long he will be around and he has a history of medical issues besides just being old. Why Biden is wasting his time and our time given his reality and his doubts is a shame and insane.

So today we learned that Hillary Clinton is using government resources to put herself above the law, Elizabeth Warren wants to staff her Presidential administration with people who may not be the most capable to serve particular functions based skin color and sexual orientation not ability, and even Joe Biden has doubts if Joe Biden will be around long enough to be a full term President. You cannot make this crazy stuff up but somehow American politicians do.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom: