Unfortunately when kids say silly or dumb things, it is funny. When politicians say silly or dumb things, there are usually serious ramifications across the land that often involve stupid laws, wasteful spending, self delusion of a politician’s intelligence or abilities, or a continued lack of faith that today’s politicians are smart enough to get anything right.
So let’s take a look at the latest darndest things that American politicians are saying today:
1) In our last post we started covering some of the darndest and inane things that Presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg has said over the years. All of today’s “politician’s say the darndest things” examples will be dedicated to Bloomberg. Yes, he has said enough stupid things to be the star of today’s post.
Let’s start off with Bloomberg bragging about his daughter but not in a very father-like or kind way. In an off the record meal with some Boston College graduates a few years ago, a discussion that did not stay off the record Bloomberg stated: “My daughter is tall and busty and blonde. We went to China together. What’s a sixteen year old going to do on a business trip? So I got her dates in every city in China. That’s off the record!”
The last sentence was directed at a journalist sitting in on the meal. Classy guy, calling your 16 year daughter busty and then portioning her out halfway around the world. Sad, sad parenting skills.
2) In a recent debate among Democrats for President, Elizabeth Warren had the following quote in a description of Bloomberg: “I’d like to talk about who we’re running against: A billionaire who calls women fat broads and horse faced lesbians, and no, I’m not talking about Donald Trump, I’m talking about Mayor Bloomberg.”
I do not know if her accusations are true and accurate but I have not seen any rebuttal or denial form the Bloomberg campaign so I will assume that he has called women “fat broads” and “horse faced lesbians.” Seems Mr Bloomberg may have a problem with women, from his daughter to others that he has obviously slandered, if what Warren alleges is true.
In some other quotes that Bloomberg has made over the years, as we will see, Warren is probably accurate in her quote as it regards Bloomberg’s interaction with women.
3) When not ticking off women, it seems that Mr. Bloomberg is ticking off total industries. Consider his low regard for the farming industry via words he spoke a few years ago at Oxford: “It’s a process. You dig a hole, put a seed in, put dirt on top, add water, up comes the corn.”
Obviously, Bloomberg has never worked on a farm. He has not gotten up at 4:00 in the morning to feed the animals, water and till the fields, and hoped that he had the right mixture of seed, fertilizer and water in order to stay financially viable. He has not worried about what to do when a drought takes hold and adjustments have to be made to farming operations. Such arrogance and condescension on a subject that he obviously knows nothing about.
4) Okay, we have pissed off women and we have pissed off farmers. Not content to stand pat, back in 2011 he pissed off the elderly:
- At that time, he declared that it might be a good idea to deny cancer treatment to the elderly in order to free up space in hospitals.
- Rather than build more hospitals, improve treatments, or have any compassion for older citizens, he apparently thought it would be a good idea to just let them die, for the betterment of society and all that.
- Specifically: “If you show up with prostate cancer and you’re 95 years old, we should say, ‘Go and enjoy … live a long life. There’s no cure, and we can’t do anything. If you’re a young person, we should do something about it. Society’s not ready to do that yet.”
- So, as a liberal, Bloomberg is not only willing to kill the unborn , apparently back in 2011 he was willing to let the elderly die when treatment might heal them.
- He went on to explain that health care will “bankrupt us” unless we deny care to the elderly.
5) Okay, he lent out his sixteen year old daughter, he called women disparaging names, he insulted every farmer in American and would like to see the elderly just die. Quite the track record of insensitivity. But let’s go on, he is on a roll:
- A lawsuit has been found that a former regional sales manager of Bloomberg’s company filed against Bloomberg as a result of comments he made back in 1997.
- Sekiko Sakai Garrison was the number one regional sales manager in Bloomberg’s company at the time.
- She worked for the company from 1989 to 1995 when the company let her go.
- She filed the lawsuit in 1997 and the suit was settled in 2000.
- When she told Bloomberg she was pregnant, he told her to “kill it,” namely the baby.
- And then followed up that disgusting remark with “Great! Number 16,” referring to the 16 pregnant women on his payroll.
- On a different occasion, Bloomberg was with Ms. Garrison when he pointed to another woman and stated, “If you looked like that, I would do you in a second.”
- The law suit contended that ”Sexual harassment and sexual degradation of women at Bloomberg was pervasive.”
- The lawsuit also alleged that he called Mexican clients “jumping beans” and he told another female employee, who was in need of a nanny, “all you need is some black who doesn’t even have to speak English to rescue it from a burning building.”
Of course, Bloomberg’s political advisors are trying to do damage control on all of this past, disgusting behavior, claiming that he has learned the error of his ways. But it is interesting that he learned the error of his ways once it became apparent his past would work against him politically, that he did not repent prior to running for President.
Enough darndest things from Bloomberg for today. Women, farmers, the elderly, the pregnant, he really has no regard for the feelings of others. His self-centeredness, condescension, and disregard for the feelings and rights of others is overwhelming and despicable. In his case, the darndest things are truly horrific.
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