Friday, August 21, 2020

August, 2020, Part 13, Political Class Insanity: Electricity On Demand Is Now A California Luxury, New York's Total Screw Up The Virus Crisis and a Virginia State Senator Breaks the Law

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) It is tough to be a Californian lately:
  • Your taxes are some of the highest in the country.
  • It is now not illegal to defecate, urinate, or shoot up illegal drugs in your state cities.
  • Crime is rising quickly because of stupid laws passed at the state and local government levels.
  • The state infrastructure is falling apart.
  • The public schools generally do a horrid job of educating your kids.
  • The homeless problem gets larger and larger every day.
  • The homeless problem in Los Angeles alone has led to an explosion in the rat population which has led to the reemergence of at least one medieval disease, typhus.
  • People are moving out of your state at an every quickening rate.
  • Bad and stupid conservation laws have caused massive and fatal wildfires over the past few years.
And on top of all this there is the beginning of what could become a recurring problem for the state, massive, intentional, and planned blackouts:
  • The state political class over the past several years has forced the state’s utilities to rely more and more on renewable energy sources in a misguided attempt to control the climate.
  • Thus, the state now gets about one third of its electricity from renewable sources.
  • Governor Gavin Newsom recently told state residents that they were going to experience planned electricity blackouts as a result of a current heatwave.
  • He warned residents that this situation could become an “episodic issue”, i.e. renewable energy sources are not reliable enough to guarantee power will always be available like it had been for the past hundred years or so.
  • As renewable energy courses have come on line, the old reliable combination of coal, gas, and nuclear power plants have been shut down.
  • So now Newsom wants residents to raise their house and business cooling settings and turn off lights to help minimize the inevitable power blackouts.
  • Rather than accept responsibility for screwing up citizens’ lives with blackouts as a result of a misguided and stupid renewable energy policies Newsom promised to investigate energy companies for putting forth the energy policies that politicians like Newsom forced them to implement.
Typical political class foul up - insisting that things be done that they have no idea or experience with and then blaming others when things go south. 

2)  York state and New York City have been a disaster when it comes to managing the coronavirus crisis. And a recent resignation brought all of those screw ups to public attention:
  • According to New York Times reporting, “New York City’s health commissioner, Dr. Oxiris Barbot, resigned on Tuesday in protest over her ‘deep disappointment’ with Mayor Bill de Blasio’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak and subsequent efforts to keep it in check.”
  • According to Barbot, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio had the nasty habit of ignoring most of the advice that her health department gave to him and in some cases he removed job tasks that belonged to the health department and gave it to other city agencies.
  • For example, he took the city's virus contact tracking program that had been under the health department's responsibilities for years and gave it to the city’s hospital system.
  • In her resignation letter, she let de Blasio have it: “I leave my post today with deep disappointment that during the most critical public health crisis in our lifetime, that the Health Department’s incomparable disease control expertise was not used to the degree it could have been. Our experts are world-renowned for their epidemiology, surveillance, and response work. The city would be well served by having them at the strategic center of the response not in the background.”
  • But Barbot is also a villain in some aspects regarding the failure of the city government failure to protect citizens' health.
  • When the police department asked the health department for more protective virus masks, Barbot refused to provide those masks for police officers and said that she did not “give two rats’ asses about your cops.”
  • Back in February Barbot grossly underestimated the virus’s danger when she told New Yorkers to “go about your lives, take the subway, go out, enjoy life.” 
  • De Blasio made a similarly stupid and fatal statement several weeks later.
  • New York Governor Andrew Cumo piled onto the mess when he forced New York nursing homes to accept virus patients into their facilities which caused a wildfire of virus sickness and deaths of elderly nursing home residents.
  • And the stupidity was complete when Nancy Pelosi told New Yorkers they should go out and enjoy life, including going to Chinatown and eating at Chinese restaurants.
All of which caused New York state to lead the nation by a large margin in the number of virus deaths (over 23,000 deaths) and positive cases and the wiping out of almost 6% of the state’s nursing home population. A worst case of governing and bureaucracy is likely not to be found anywhere else than in the total New York mishandling of the virus crisis.

3) I am pretty sure that most politicians swear that they will uphold the laws of the land and their particular state or local government when they take office. Apparently, this process did not make an impression on a Virginia Democrat:
  • Virginia state government Senator, Louise Lucas, was recently arrested and now faces several felony charges.
  • In the wake of the George Floyd murder, the good senator took part in a riot that tore down some statues.
  • Unfortunately, when the senator and other rioters brought the statute down, it landed on a gentleman which caused him to suffer major injuries.
  • But in doing so, the senator violated a current law that makes it illegal to damage a public monument of which statues are considered.
  • Thus, she was charged with conspiring to commit a felony and felony injury to a public monument in excess of $1,000.
  • The gentleman that was injured as a result of her actions and the actions of others has not fully recovered from his injuries with lingering effects that affect his ability to walk, talk, and eat.
Nicely done, senator. Hardly an example of outstanding leadership and decorum one would like to think an elected official and leader would exhibit. No, you are now just a common rioter and potential felon whose action seriously injured a citizen, such stupidity.

That will do it for today: a senator turned rioter, the total screw up that was New York and the coronavirus crisis, and climate change advocate Gavin Newsom tells his people that electricity on demand is a thing of the past.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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