Saturday, August 8, 2020

August, 2020, Part 4, Political Class Insanity: Washington Politicians Continue To Enrich Themselves And Yet Accomplish Nothing

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) Democrats and liberals love to raise taxes. They love to take the wealth that hard working Americans earned and use it, and usually waste it, on ill fated government projects or on their own corrupt selves.

Which makes the following story of corruption so ironic given that Gavin Newsom, the governor of California, is one of those liberal politicians that likes to get their hands on our wealth and hard earned money:
  • The state of California has some of the highest tax levels in the country.
  • But according to an article by the Townhall website, Governor Newsom is delinquent on property taxes that he owes to the state government he is in charge of.
  • Marin County, California tax records apparently show that Newsom owes property taxes to the town of Kenfield which makes him a delinquent taxpayer and property owner.
  • And it appears that this is not the first time that the governor did not pay his taxes on time since earlier this year he was assessed a late fee of $2,000 for not paying taxes on time on his Sacramento home.
  • And he didn't lose his job or wages even though he shut down the state because of the coronavirus so he doesn't have that excuse, unlike millions of state residents who lost their jobs and wages due to his virus shut down orders.
As always with politicians, it is constantly “do as I say (or dictate), not as I do.” If a regular citizen was delinquent on two properties that they owned they would be under intense pressure to either pay up or lose their properties via tax foreclosure. Wanna bet that neither of that happens to the good governor?

2) We covered the following piece of corruption previously but let’s do it again since it kind of ties in with the corruption of a politician not paying their property taxes, i.e. another politician taking care of themselves at taxpayer expense:
  • Back in the spring Nancy Pelosi intentionally dragged out the process of providing immediate financial relief for struggling American families who had lost their jobs because of the virus crisis and to small businesses that were struggling because of the virus.
  • What should have been a simple process, get some quick financial relief to unemployed Americans and struggling small businesses, should have been fast and easy.
  • But with Nancy Pelosi in charge it was not fast and it resulted in businesses and families suffering financial hardships.
  • We found out after the fact that Pelois, and others in Congress, took so long to pass the legislation because they had to make sure that themselves and their friends and family got taken care of financially, usually in such a way that it had nothing to do with helping struggling families and small businesses.
  • Specifically, her husband, Paul Pelosi, a part owner of a high end hotel, saw his company be given a large amount of virus money because of the way that Pelosi had the legislation written.
So although the original intention was to quickly help only small businesses and financially struggling families, multi, multi millionaires like Pelosi's family were granted hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars because they had invested in a hotel, a business that was not small by any stretch of the imagination.

Again, do as I say, not as I do. “Screw the Americans who needed financial help as soon as possible, I have friends and family members that need to be enriched without earning it or needing the financial support.” Despicable.

3) But let us not pick only on Pelosis. The Associated Press dug up the following Washington politicians who helped themselves to financial windfalls in the legislation:
  • According to the AP, "Washington insiders were both author and beneficiary of one of the biggest government programs in U.S. history."
  • Besides Pelosi’s windfall, Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, made sure that the shipping business owned by the family of his wife got some money.
  • Car dealerships owned by at least three members of the House got money out of the legislation.
  • Fast food franchise owners who were also members of Congress got money as did law firms which employed spouses of members of Congress.
  • A regional casino business operated by the husband of a Congresswoman also got money.
Now granted , some of these businesses may have been deserving small businesses. But a high end hotel, a casino, law firms, doubtful. My concept of small business is the pizza joint on the corner, the tailor down the street, the pool cleaning guy, etc., all of whom suffered terribly from a financial perspective because of the virus.

And to delay financial relief to real Americans in need to make sure they got their cut, whether deserved or not, is pathetic and inhumane.

4) But it is not just during a crisis that Washington politicians enrich themselves. Consider a recent report from the “Open The Books” organization which documented the perks and financial windfall that Congress has granted themselves over the years and compare that to the financial condition you find yourself in:
  • Members of Congress make $174,000 a year in base salary, roughly about three times what the average American household makes in a year.
  • Although outside income is restricted for a sitting member of Congress, there are, of course, loopholes to that rule. The report found that some current members of Congress were also simultaneously employed by a Federal contractor, who at the time was getting billions of dollars in Federal, taxpayer funded contracts.
  • Members of Congress get vested in the Federal Pension system after a short, unbelievable five years in Congress and can take payments out of that pension system as soon as the turn age 50 if they want. Show any private pension program that has such a short vesting span and such a young age withdrawal option.
  • Members also double dip in that they also receive Social Security benefits in addition to their lucrative Federal pensions.
  • We are assuming lucrative since Congress exempted itself and its pension plan from being accountable to the Freedom Of Information Act which means as taxpayers, who fund the Congressional pension, we can never find out how much that is costing the taxpayers in this country.
  • No member of Congress has ever been stripped of their pension despite the numerous crimes many have committed while in office.
  • Members of Congress are covered both by Worker’s Compensation Insurance and Social Security Disability Insurance.
  • Members of Congress took an amazing 16,367 overseas trips from 2007 through 2018, that’s over 1,300 trips a year, well over three trips every day for 12 years. Given they are supposedly beholden to Americans who voted for them, the need to leave America so many times begs the question, “Why?”
  • And these trips were not to remote, barren parts of the world. France was the most frequent trip destination. One Congress person spent $75,000 to visit Italy, Morocco, and France and another spent $22,400 on a nine day visit to Australia. Again, why?
  • Members of Congress get special vehicle license plates which allow them to park illegally and park for free at Reagan Airport.
  • And while members of Congress have a salary that is about three times more than the average American household, they are on the job far less than the vast majority of American workers, having to be in D.C. and working only about 170 days a year.
  • Taxpayers subsidize their health care at a 72% rate.
  • Congress has allocated itself a secret slush fund to bail themselves out of trouble, often of the sexual harassment type of trouble. Taxpayers have ponied up $17.6 million to cover up these types of incidents from 1997 to 2018, 275 Congressional misbehaving cases in total with an average payout to make the trouble go away of about $64,000.
  • Apparently, members of Congress are too stupid to operate elevators in Congressional buildings since there are full time elevator doorkeepers to push the buttons of the elevator to get Congressional people to the right floor.
  • These elevator button pushers make $45,000 a year in salary. Their supervisors, yes elevator button pushers need supervisors, make $65,000 a year and the director of the supervisors of the elevator pushers makes a whopping $95,000 a year.
  • Nice working you can get it: in 2019, the House was in session for only 850 hours and the Senate was in session for only 1,003 hours.
  • The latest Federal budget was 2,414 pages long and was distributed 24 hours before the vote to pass it was taken, meaning that no one in Congress likely read much of anything that they voted for given the lack of time between distribution and voting. Maybe if they worked a little longer they would have actually had time to read the legislation they were passing.
So, we have to pay property taxes on time but at least one governor apparently views that process as optional for himself. While Americans financially suffered because of the virus crisis, Congress took their time passing any financial relief until they took care of their own financial needs. 

And everyday of every week of every year Congressional members live off the toil and taxes of average workers and taxpayers, enriching themselves every inch of the way with high salaries, high benefits, slush funds, and the easy life while accomplishing very little. Despicable.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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