Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Almost Five Years Later, The Obama Presidency Is Still A Failure

A few years ago we did a series of posts that summarized the dozens and dozens of failures of the Obama administration. The failures include law breaking, lies, unConstitutional actions, and many other screw ups. In our opinion. Obama oversaw one of the worst Presidential administrations in recent time, getting nothing accomplished except to get his massive ego stroked for eight years. During that time, the lives and financial conditions for ordinary Americans went downhill the whole time.

We called this series of posts “The End Of An Error…”. Place that phrase in the search box above and you can review all of the failures that Obama accomplished.

The American Freedom Fighters website recently reviewed this failed administration and listed out many of those failures and scandals:
  • Mexican gun running to drug cartels
  • The purposeful slaughtering of Seal Team 6.
  • The Obama State Department and Hillary Clinton lying about Benghazi.
  • Voter fraud when military personnel did not get their votes counted and some counties where more votes were cast than there were registered voters.
  • The NSA monitoring the phone calls, emails, and other communications of journalists and millions and millions of ordinary Americans, violating their First Amendment and Fourth Amendment rights.
  • Giving a private company, 123 Technologies, $300 million of taxpayer money right before the company went bankrupt and was sold to the Chinese, giving the American taxpayer no return on the $300 million.
  • Giving weapons to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
  • Using the IRS to target and harass his political enemies.
  • Using Kathleen Sebelius, the head of the HHS agency under him, to illegally shake down health insurance companies.
  • Giving Solyndra $500 million of taxpayer wealth, a company that declared bankruptcy just three months later and which was sold to, wait for it, the Chinese, wasting half a billion dollars of taxpayer wealth.
  • Ordering the release of almost 10,000 illegal immigrants and lying about it, blaming the budget sequester.
  • The President’s repeated violation of Federal law by not providing Congress a budget in the legal timeline required by law.
  • The purposeful and illegal recess appointments to Federal government jobs, an effort that the Supreme Court ruled illegal.
  • His State Department’s interfering with the inspector general’s investigation into a sexual misconduct situation in the State Department.
  • Facilitating the lying of Hillary Clinton, IRS executives, James Clapper, and Eric Holder to Congress and the American people.
Quite a list of failures and only a partial list. This listing does not include his multiple, annual trillion dollar Federal budget deficits. Adding almost as much debt to the nation’s debt load as all other previous Presidents combined. The failure of Obama Care along so many dimensions. Playing over 300 rounds of golf, more rounds than any other President over the previous 60 years.

You get the idea. Eight years of a Presidency and nothing to show for it. Sometimes you think that Washington politicians must be fooling with us, nobody can be that inept. Or as Groucho Marx once said: “Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.” It is almost as if Groucho knew Obama personally.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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