Saturday, November 13, 2021

November, 2021, Part 4, Political Class Insanity: More Welfare Fraud, More Climate Change Idiocy and Silliness, Ignoring Needy Americans, and More

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) Far too many times over the years we have shown that man made global warming is mostly a myth. We presented overwhelming scientific evidence and reality that proved over and over that the dire forecasts of global warming advocates never came about.

We then cut over to show how the rebranded version of global warming, climate change, was also a myth, again, by presenting scientific evidence and reality to prove the doomsday forecasters wrong. The North Pole has not melted like Al Gore predicted. A new Northwest passage lane north of Canada did not materialize. Polar bears did not go extinct, in fact they have been thriving, because of melting ice caps.

Some of the most ridiculous global warming/climate change predictions have come from the American political class, people with absolutely no scientific background or experience and many time,s lower than average intelligence when it comes to understanding science and data. The latest ridiculous forecast from a politician just hit the streets and it is a doozy:
  • Oregon Congressman Earl Blumenauer recently claimed that his home Congressional district will experience 180 degree temperatures this summer.
  • He was speaking at a recent UN climate conference when he made this wild prediction: “We are in a race against time. It took on new urgency for me this year with the horrific events. There was one day this summer in Portland, where temperatures in the heart of my district hit 180 degrees. People died.”
  • First of all, the Congressman’s district did not hit 180 degrees, the 180 degree measurement came from a temperature reading that Portland State University Professor Vivek Shandas took of a Portland sidewalk in a particularly hot neighborhood on a particularly hot day, details the Congressman apparently did not think necessary to validate his point.
  • It was only after the conference that he admitted it was a sidewalk temperature and not the air temperature he was referring to.
  • The hottest, official temperature reading ever recorded on earth was 134 degrees in Death Valley in 1913, almost a century before “global warming” started.
Another political global warming/climate change assertion and claim debunked. Not sure what is worse: the use of data that the politician does not understand or the deliberate lying about data to prove a point that has no basis in reality. I bet anyone that Portland does not see a 180 degree day this summer as the Congressman claimed, any takers

2) The Federal government has a national debt of about $30 trillion dollars. It has unfunded future liabilities of over $80 trillion. It basically has never operated any government program or bureaucracy efficiently, effectively and crime free, a reality that has contributed to the sky high national debt without resolving any societal problems once and for all.

Consider the following criminal activity that robs the American taxpayer and contributes to high taxes and the national debt:
  • Sabrini Strothers is from Pittsburgh and was recently put in jail on charges she collected welfare benefits for three of her children that don't exist.
  • She reportedly collected about $130,000 in welfare payments since 2008 when she claimed she had given birth to triplets, who she actually named, Thomas, Tomalyia and Tyreik.
  • She used Social Security numbers from people born in 1887, 1945, and 1960 to justify the fraud.
  • She was eventually caught when a cousin tipped off authorities.
  • According to news reports, she not only lied about having the three kids, she also lied about her income status, her address, and her employment.
The good news: she got caught defrauding the taxpayers who actually work hard to pay the taxes that she stole. The problem is how many others are getting away with the same type of massive fraud, fraud that American politicians and government agencies have failed so miserably to eliminate.

3) We have reviewed the following numbers way to too many times:
  • At any one time, there are about 500,000 to 600,000 homeless Americans in this country.
  • Every day, millions and millions of Americans are food challenged to feed themselves and their families.
  • Over 90,000 Americans died from drug addiction last year, a number that will no doubt go higher this year.
And yet the following is what Washington politicians consider more important than sheltering the homeless, feeding the hungry and treating the drug addicted citizens in this country:
  • The Federal government via the State Department has given the UN Population Fund $5 million to aid women around the world to have an abortion.
  • The money was to be spent on abortion inducing drugs, contraceptives, and abortion performing devices.
  • According to the State Department: “Deputy Secretary Wendy R. Sherman met with United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem today in Washington. Deputy Secretary Sherman and Dr. Kanem discussed how empowering women and girls, including by promoting sexual and reproductive health and rights, advances human rights, gender equality, and global health. Deputy Secretary Sherman announced an inaugural U.S. contribution of $5 million to UNFPA Supplies, which will help ensure that modern contraceptives and lifesaving maternal health medicines reach women and adolescent girls who need access to family planning and safe delivery in countries affected by humanitarian emergencies.”
There was no mention by the State Department if the money could have been better spent providing about 1.7 million meals to America’s homeless population, treating thousands of drug addicted Americans, or getting a roof of a homeless American living on the streets.

4) California and Florida have a lot in common:
  • They are both coastal states with a lot of outdoor activity opportunities.
  • They are generally warm climate states.
  • They have large populations.
  • They both host millions of tourists a year.
And while they do have a lot in common, they diverge substantially on two fronts:
  • California locked down the state residents and businesses in a draconian way to combat the covid virus while Florida took a much more freedom and personal choice approach.
  • The California covid rate is now substantially higher than Florida’s rate.
Yes, the far more dictatorial and restrictive approach of California is now resulting in far worse disease results than the more freedom oriented Florida approach. According to the CDC, California covid infection rate is twice the rate of Florida’s despite still having massive mask wearing and other restrictions in place and having a higher vaccination rate. Florida actually has the lowest rate in the country while California’s rate is spiking.

Things are so bad in California that the CDC recently raised the state’s covid tracking designation from orange to red, the worst rating possible. Other states that followed California’s lead with tighter restrictions and freedom muting dictates, e.g. New York, are also seeing increases in covid infections while Florida and other states that approached covid with a less forceful response are seeing declines.

Correlation is not causation but it does appear that something is happening when we see the most restrictive states having much higher infection rates than less restrictive states. Keep this reality in mind as Biden tries to put his Orwellian vaccine mandate in place around the country, destroying the economy in the process for no good reason or results, if California and New York are any indication of what happens if freedom of choice and common sense is destroyed and replaced with dictatorship-like government actions.

Enough insanity for today: freedom wins out in the covid battle, the State Department could care less about struggling Americans, more welfare fraud and more political class climate change silliness and idiocy.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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