Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Poiticians Say The Darnedest Things...And That Is Not A Good Thing

In the late 1950s, Art Linkletter hosted a television show called “House Party.” One of the regular segments of the show was Mr. Linkletter having casual conversations with young kids and enjoying what these kids had to say, with the catch phrase, “Kids say the darndest things” coming out of these funny discussions.

We parodied this concept in a previous post, using the funny and inane quotes of our politicians as replacement comedic stand ins for Mr. Linkletter’s kids:


We are going to try that parody again today with the latest verbal insanity that has come out of the mouths of our so-called leaders recently.

1) Let’s start with a recent quote from the U.S. Attorney General, you know, the head law enforcement officer in the entire country, the person who is supposed to go after ALL kinds of criminals regardless of who they are and regardless of what law they broke:

"I am concerned that the size of some of these [banking] institutions becomes so large that it does become difficult for us to prosecute them when we are hit with indications that if you do prosecute, if you do bring a criminal charge, it will have a negative impact on the national economy, perhaps even the world economy"

In other words, our banks are so big and so involved with our economy that the people who operate them possibly operate outside of the law, given their positions and the wealth of their financial institutions. Under this inane logic: cheat on your taxes for a few thousand dollars, go to jail. Contribute heavily to the Great Recession, screw the entire mortgage industry, drive the housing market into the ground, help spike record setting and persistent unemployment, destroy trillions of dollars of wealth, financially support incumbent politicians to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars in campaign donations, and never get prosecuted, for past misdeeds or future misdeeds.

There truly are two sets of rules in this country, one set for ordinary Americans and on set for politically connected Americans.

2) Nancy Pelosi is always good for an inane quote, with the following previous post containing some of her best work:


But her recent quote at a pres conference contains two major, hysterical statements:

“Our whole budget is what $3.5 trillion. So, when we talk about reducing spending, we certainly must, and we certainly have–$1.6 trillion in the previous Congress, $1.2 of it in the Budget Control Act. But spending is also related to tax cuts. Tax cuts are spending. Tax expenditures, they are called. Subsidies for big oil, subsidies to send jobs overseas, breaks to send jobs overseas, breaks for corporate jets. They are called tax expenditures. Spending money on tax breaks. And that’s the spending that we must curtail as well.”

Two pieces of insanity:

A) I find it hilarious that she thinks that Congress and the Federal government has reduced spending. If you go to the White House’s own budget spreadsheet,


Federal government expenditures will increase 66% from 2007, the year she became Speaker of the House, to 2017, the year after President Obama leaves office.

In that time period, no year over year decrease in the Federal budget has occurred or is assumed by the Obama administration to occur. So where she gets these numbers is not in this reality that most of us live.

B) I love her line, “tax cuts are spending.” Tax cuts are not spending, spending is spending, tax cuts are tax cuts. I think what she is trying to say is that tax breaks to various entities are something that need to be curtailed but gets all fouled up, as usual, in explaining things in a straight forward manner, leaving doubt that she really knows what she is talking about. “Tax cuts are spending,” hilarious.

The video of her trying to explain this whole mess can be accessed at :


3) Donna Brazile is a Democrat campaign specialist, she is one of the ranking unelected Democrats in the country, and she ran Al Gore's presidential campaign. She was close to many in the Clinton White House. She is a ranking, powerful Democrat operative. She is often on CNN and other networks doing commentary and political positioning for the Democrat Party.

But apparently she is also confused and bewildered. She recently sent out the following Tweet to her Twitter followers:

Donna Brazile ✔ @donnabrazile
What's on your menu? Just got off the phone with my health care provider asking them to explain why my premium jumped up. No good answer!

But Ms. Brazille there is a good answer and that answer is Obama Care, the massive and fatally flawed piece of legislation that you and other Democrats rammed down the country’s throat. Apparently she is good at political wrangling but very bad at understanding the reality of the Obama Care legislation: it stinks and will fail dramatically.

Its thousands of pages of regulations and legalese is starting to tear the country and the economy apart and she is just coming out of her ignorance cloud to these facts. Like U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill, who recently came out of her ignorance and trance about what Americans knew for a long time regarding the obscene groping being done by TSA employees, it is so cute when the political class finally open their eyes to the reality of their actions and try to cope with their new awareness. Ms. Brazille joins this crowd with this Tweet.

4) The next quote out of the political class is actually a little scary from a freedom perspective. Journalist Bob Woodward has had a long, distinguished career as a professional journalist. His truthful writings and extensive research back in the 1970s helped bring down the corrupt Nixon Presidency. Of all the members of the current media industry, his integrity and unbiased reporting makes him one of the few super stars in the news industry.

Which makes the following quote that much more distressing, that a high ranking member of the Obama Presidency would actually openly threaten a member of the media for simply reporting the facts and reality of the current political environment:

"I do truly believe you should rethink your comment about saying that Potus [Obama] asking for revenues is moving the goal post. I know you may not believe this, but as a friend, I think you will regret staking out that claim."

When the President of the United States allows his staff to threaten leading members of the press, especially as blatant as this, freedom and democracy are truly under threats and attack. This is a quote that is not inane or funny, it is a threat to liberty.

5) The President also got into the silly and out of touch quote business this past week with the following statement:

“We don’t have an immediate crisis in terms of debt.”

I would beg to differ:
  • The current national debt is about $16.7 TRILLION which places an individual debt responsibility of about $53,000 on every American, including kids and infants. Thus, a family of four would have a family debt share of over $212,000.
  • Since Obama has come into office, the national debt has gone up over $5.5 TRILLION. Thus, his Presidency has added over $17,000 to every American’s share of the debt in just five years.
  • One major credit rating agency has already downgraded the Federal government’s credit rating and others have threatened to follow suit unless the government gets its spending under control.
  • Under Obama’s budget vision, many additional TRILLIONS of dollars will be added to the national debt in the following years.
  • Even if the government confiscated the wealth of every “rich” American and somehow applied it to the national debt, it would only pay a small fraction of the current debt burden.
  • When, not if, if the interest on U.S. Treasury bonds goes up, the percentage of annual tax revenues that will have to be diverted to just servicing the national debt will skyrocket.
Yes, Mr. President, we indeed do have a debt crisis, a crisis that is suppressing economic growth, keeping unemployment high, burdening future generations with a debt load they got nothing in return for, and destroying freedom.

Even if we do not have a debt crisis, which we do, it still makes no sense to spend and waste taxpayer money in the thousands of ways that the Federal government does today. Federal entities and programs are often redundant, inefficient, unnecessary, and riddled with criminal fraud, all of which unnecessarily increase our debt. In either case, the President is certainly out of touch with financial and economic reality with this quote.

Yes, politicians say the darnedest things. They do not understand basic finance and economics. Darn, sometimes it appears from their statements that they do not understand basic math. They do not understand what their policies will result in until they are personally groped, either by the TSA or their insurance providers. They openly wonder if some Americans are above the law because of their business positions. And possibly worst of all, they have no qualms about browbeating upstanding journalists, threatening freedom of the press in the process.

Linkletter’s kids were cute, funny, and insightful. Washington’s kids/politicians are far from cute, far from funny, and quite ignorant of the reality that is America today.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:


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