Thursday, March 7, 2013

March, 2013 Political Class Insanity, Part 5: Political Class Insanity In Their Own Words and Voices

For the past few days we have been describing the ridiculous, asinine, and idiotic antics and insanity of the American political class. They continually waste our taxpayer wealth, they never resolve any significant problems, whatever solutions they come up with usually make the original crisis and problem worse, and they continue to be more concerned with their personal enrichment than the needs of Americans.

Today, rather than describe the latest political class insanity, let’s spend today letting our politicians speak for themselves. Hearing them talk makes a much more forceful impact of how incompetent and out of touch they are. These are the people that have not resolved a major issue over the past forty years (e.g. failed war on drugs, no national energy policy, failing public schools, escalating health care costs, etc.). Listening to their own words proves why none of these problems have any chance of getting resolved when these people are in Washington.

1) Let’s start with California Congresswoman Maxine Walters. This is the same Congresswoman who said a subset of Americans should just go to hell in reference to Tea Party members. No American, no matter how different their political views might be, should be told to go to hell by an elected official in a democracy.

But she has outdid herself with her latest hysteria. In the following video link she proclaimed that 170 million Americans would lose their jobs as a result of the sequester. Think about this insane comment:
  • About 150 million Americans are employed across the country.
  • The sequester was only 2% of the Federal government budget.
  • The sequester had no direct impact on private market jobs.
  • But somehow these facts are going to result in 20 million more Americans losing their jobs than are actually employed because of the sequester.

2) Unbelievably, Ms. Walters’ bad math skills are even better than Nancy Pelosi’s math skills. Back in the heat of the Great Recession, Pelosi shrieked that 500 million Americans were losing their jobs every month and applying for first time unemployment benefits. Given that the number of Americans with a job is only about 150 million and even worse, the population of the entire country is just over 300 million, it is mathematically impossible for 500 million Americans to lose their jobs every month. Incredibly bad math skills, no wonder she resolved no major issues when she was Speaker of the House.

3) I believe that most true American treasure their freedoms. Most true Americans recognize that our freedoms, as established by the Constitution and Bill Of Rights, have resulted in the most prosperous and liberated country in the history of mankind.

Apparently though, this fact of life is lost on the Vice President of the United States, Joe Biden. In the following video clip, he makes the most asinine statement that no ordinary American cares about their Constitutional rights.

I guess that if a politician actually believes that Americans do not care about their Constitutional rights, there is no need for politicians to respect those rights. That may be why we see our rights getting destroyed every day by the American political class via the NDAA legislation, the PATRIOT Act, TSA body gropes, imprisonment without due process, assassination of American citizens without due process, etc. VP Joe, we do care about our rights regardless of how inane and out of touch you are from reality:

4) One of the things that makes me crazy is that if Bush was doing some of the same things that the Obama administration is up to, the Democrats and liberals would be up in arms and besides themselves. However, they not only sit by and do nothing when Obama does them they actually are co-conspirators in the trampling of freedom.

This gets us back to Nancy Pelosi. In the following clip, she states that it may not even be necessary for the Federal government to tell the American people if the government assassinated an American citizen without due process. So now, not only can politicians kill Americans without due process, they do not even have to own up to the assassination. George Orwell is smiling in his grave, his nightmare novel, “1984,” is coming to life:

5) For good measure, let’s look at some historical pieces of political class insanity that we have had to experience over the past few years. Possibly one of the best pieces of insanity was when a Georgia Congressman publicly voiced his concerns that he was concerned that the island of Guam might actually tip over in the middle of the ocean if the U.S. put too many Navy resources on the island.

If you did not know this was true you would not believe a person, never mind a Federal politician, actually thought this was possible and stated it out loud.

6) Vice President Joe Biden, always a great source for political class insanity quotes, apparently never went to his American History classes in college. In the following interview clip, he confidently states that when the Great Depression started, President FDR went on television to reassure the American people that everything would be okay and the nation would survive and recover.

However, the Vice President of the United States, first in line of succession, is completely wrong. The Great Depression started during the Hoover administration, FDR was not even in office when it started. When the Depression started, in 1929, television was not a viable or widespread technology. Thus, it was impossible for FDR to go on television to reassure the American people in a year when he was not President on a technology that did not exist. How embarrassing:

7) And last but not least, consider Congressman John Conyers from Michigan regarding Obama Care. Not only does this Congressman readily admit that he did not read the Obama Care legislation, legislation that is likely to screw up the lives of most Americans, he actually sounds like it is an insult to think he actually should have read the bill. What else do these people do besides research, debate, write, and READ potential legislation? No wonder nothing ever gets resolved, these people never even read the bills they vote on, how insane is that?

Bad math skills, bad history skills, bad appreciation of freedom, bad reading skills, just bad, bad, bad.

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