Friday, March 29, 2013

A Country Founded By Geniuses But Run By Idiots

The following thoughts came to me from a friend’s email. I do not know if Mr. Junius P. Long actually exists or if the following thoughts are his. Regardless of his status, these words and thoughts sum up quite nicely how the ruling political class has screwed up the country’s finances, priorities, liberties, and common sense.

By Junius P. Long - Food For Thought

If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for being in the country illegally might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.

If you have to get your parents’ permission to go on a field trip or take an aspirin in school, but not to get an abortion ... you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.

If you have to show identification to board an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor or check out a library book, but not to vote who runs the government ... you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.

If the government wants to ban stable, law-abiding citizens from owning gun magazines with more than ten rounds, but gives 20 F-16 fighter jets to the crazy new leaders in Egypt ... you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.

If, in the largest city, you can buy two 16-ounce sodas, but not a 24-ounce soda because 24-ounces of a sugary drink might make you fat ... you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.

If an 80-year-old American woman can be stripped searched by the TSA but a woman in a hijab is only subject to having her neck and head searched ... you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.

If your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more ... you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.

If a seven year old boy can be thrown out of school for saying his teacher’s "cute," but hosting a sexual exploration or diversity class in grade school is perfectly acceptable ... you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.

If children are forcibly removed from parents who discipline them with spankings while children of addicts are left in filth and drug infested “homes”... you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.

If hard work and success are met with higher taxes and more government intrusion, while not working is rewarded with EBT cards, WIC checks, Medicaid, subsidized housing and free cell phones ... you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.

If the government's plan for getting people back to work is to incentivize NOT working with 99 weeks of unemployment checks and no requirement to prove they applied but can’t find work ... you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.

If being stripped of the ability to defend yourself makes you more "safe" according to the government ... you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.

To Mr. Long’s thoughts I would add the following bits of political insanity:

If your government thinks the best way to stop illegal gun running is to become an illegal gun runner via Fast and Furious…you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.

If your government thinks that light security is best for a U.S. embassy located in one of the most unstable and violent areas of the world (Benghazi, Libya)…you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.

If your government has a massive and ineffective tax code and inept tax collection agency (IRS) that results in over $380 billion in lost tax revenue every year via tax evasion…you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.

If your government operates social safety programs (Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Food Stamp, Unemployment Insurance) that loses over $200 billion a year to inefficiencies and criminal fraud…you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.

If your government operates a Defense Department that is in such financial disarray that trained GAO auditors have found it impossible to audit its financial operations…you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.

If your government has 15 different agencies overseeing food safety laws, more than 20 different programs to help the homeless, 80 programs for economic development, 82 Federal programs to improve teacher quality spread across 10 different Federal agencies, 80 programs to help disadvantaged Americans with their transportation needs, 47 programs addressing job training and employment, 56 programs to help Americans understand finances, 20 programs that support business incubators, 19 different programs that support tourism, 18 programs, which spend a combined $62.5 billion a year, to address food and nutrition aid, and 100 different programs across five divisions within the Transportation Department that all fund efforts for highways, rail projects, and safety programs…you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.

Never has the case for term limits been stronger since as Einstein once said: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Or the same politicians and idiots.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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