Thursday, September 4, 2014

September, 2014 Polticial Class Insanity, Part 3: Laws and Jets That Do Not Work, CIA Lying, A TSA Education Failure and More

This is our third post in our monthly series where we look at all of the recent political insanity that our politicians have dumped on us and the country over the past month or so. From wasteful spending to stupid quotes to inefficient and ineffective government operations, the amount of ineptness and insanity keep on coming at an ever quickening pace. There is little doubt that we are being served by the worst set of politicians in the history of the country.

1) One of the Obama administration’s biggest successes is supposed to be the Dodd-Frank legislation that was supposed to clean up the financial services section of the economy. We have previously reported in other insanity posts that we have no idea if that legislation is a success since years after it was passed, more than half of the necessary government rules and regulations have yet to be written and put into effect. 

It is tough to say anything is a success with its impact yet to be felt. Plus, you wonder how successful it will be if it is that hard to write the rules and regulations. Not very efficient.

As a prime example of such nonsense, consider an older article that appeared in the December 27, 2013 issue of The Week magazine. At that time, still years after the legislation was passed, just one of the rules in the bill, the so-called Volcker Rule was expected be almost 1,000 pages long. It was estimated in the article that just complying with this single aspect of Dodd-Frank will take businesses 2.3 million hours of legal and administrative work.

Such a waste of economic resources, resources that companies would be much better off using to grow the economy and create more jobs. Plus, who in the world in the government is going to review the 2.3 million hours of work to see if the work is legal, legit, complete, accurate, etc. In short: no one, making the Volcker rule and the larger legislation it sits within just plain nonsensical insanity.

2) According to an article in the July 25, 2014 issue of The Week magazine, a TSA agent refused to let a Washington D.C. resident go through TSA security checkpoints at Orlando’s airport because…wait for it… they did not know that Washington D.C. was a part of the United States. Really? This government employee, employed by the Federal government in Washington D.C. did not know that Washington D.C. was a part of the United States. Insane.

Two points of concern here:
  1. These are the types of people that are supposed to keep the air traveling public safe. Scary.
  2. In a bigger sense, what value are we getting for our tax dollars that go to public education if this employee did not even know the capital of the country?
A TSA spokesperson said that additional training would be done so that TSA employees recognize D.C. driver licenses when used as id. Really? That training should have been done and completed by the fourth grade at the latest: what is the capital of the country?

3) Let’s get back to Dodd-Frank. One of the utmost, primary purposes of the legislation was to make sure that large banks and other financial institutions had so-called “living wills,” plans that would be deployed so that a large institution would implode quietly without risking the rest of the economy in the process.

This is was a major driver of the Great Recession, banks and other institutions were poorly managed and started collapsing in financial ruin, almost collapsing the world economy with it. Thus, the attempt to manage and minimize such crashes in the future was a good intention.

But, alas, as with most good attempts by the political class, this too has failed, Years after the legislation was signed, the Washington Post reported that the Federal government has rejected the living wills of eleven of the largest financial institutions in the country. Thus, for the most part, we are no better off than we were prior to the Great Recession, despite years having passed since the legislation was passed.

4) According to a recent NBC/Wall Street Journal opinion poll, Americans are NOT happy:
  • 71% said the U.S. is on the wrong track.
  • 60% feel the country is in a state of decline.
  • Only a meager 2% are very satisfied with the state of the political system while 79% are dissatisfied with it to some degree or more.
  • Only 3% are satisfied with the economy while 64% are dissatisfied with the economy.
So much for Obama’s hope and change. The only change has been to a tremendous slide towards negativity while the only hope is that we can survive him and the rest of the incompetents in Washington.

5) In one of the most inept, embarrassing and expensive boondoggles in the history of the Federal government, consider the sad state of affairs relative to the development of the F-35 fighter plan, as described in the Briefing section of the August 8, 2014 issue of The Week magazine:
  • The F-35 is supposed to be the country’s next generation of fighter plan that would make the U.S. the undisputed owner of war time skies.
  • However, 18 years and $400 BILLION later, the plane is nowhere close to be ready to take to the skies.
  • That’s $400 BILLION, with a “b”, or almost $4,000 for every American household.
  • It is estimated that the cost of single plan will be about $185 million each, on top of the $400 BILLION that has already been spent.
  • The earliest deployment date for any of them is now 2015, making it over 19 years since the work first started on the plane.
  • Once we have the planes, it will cost up to 40% more to maintain each plane than what it costs to maintain the jet fighters we currently have.
  • It is believed that the Chinese government hackers stole copies of the F-35 blueprints and is working on its own version of the F-35, called, the J-31, which will be lighter and faster than the current plans for the F-35. 
  • In fact, computer based warfare scenarios done by the Rand Corporation have shown that in a hypothetical war with China, our F-35 fleet would be destroyed by the Chinese air force. The developers of the scenario rated the F-35 as ‘double inferior,” which does not sound good.
  • While the Pentagon has committed to buy 2,400 F-35s if and when they are viable, the article quotes air force analysis and defense analyst Mr. Pierce Sprey as predicting that: “…the F-35 will be such an embarrassment that it will be cancelled before 500 are built."
What a waste of taxpayer dollars, what a national embarrassment, what a deadly farce for our pilots in the future. But I bet no one anywhere in the Federal government got fired for such incompetence. Hundreds of billions of dollars wasted for no reason and not benefit. But that sounds about par with anything our current set of politicians touch. 

6) Speaking of not being fired, recently the CIA Director, John Brennan, openly admitted in a Senate meeting that an internal CIA investigation proved that the spy organization had actually hacked into computers used by Senate staff people. This is contrary to what he told Congress back in March when he strongly denied the CIA had committed such acts.

Which means one of two things: he either lied back in March or he has lost control of the situation within the CIA. Lying or incompetent, either one should be grounds for dismissal. You do not want your top spy to have either of these qualities. In most jobs outside of Washington, either trait is usually grounds for dismissal and/or prosecution.

In democracy such as ours, I have to think that spying on Congress and Congressional personnel is against the law. You know that if you or I spied on Congress we would be in a Federal lock up somewhere.

But apparently those rules and logic do not apply to Washington insiders like Brennan. More than a month he revealed he was a liar or incompetent, he is still on the job and those that hacked Congress are also still at their taxpayer funded jobs. Insane.

That will do it for this episode of political class insanity. Today we learned that we have major legislation and major jet fighter plans that apparently do not work but cost a lot of taxpayer resources, we have a top spy who is either lying or incompetent, we have TSA agents that are so uneducated that they do not even know what the capital of the country is, and the rest of America is not happy with the direction of the country. 

Worst part of the whole post: we still have more insanity to review tomorrow.

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