Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Failed Presidency of Barack Obama, Part 6: Missing the Opportunity to Fix Government Functions

Over the past five days we have discussed the various failures of the Obama administration across various components:
  1. The many lies and deceptions that he has thrown in our faces over the past six plus years.
  2. The abusive and illegal use of private email account across his administration despite his promise to have the most transparent Presidential administration ever.
  3. And his abuse of the Constitution, existing laws, and the general concept of the rule of law.
Although these acts that we have documented are despicable, illegals, and un-Constitutional, one might have been able to make the case that some successes have come out of the Obama administration if he had just cleaned up government functions. We are currently paying more taxes to government entities in this country then we have ever paid but the returning government services have been ineffective, inefficient, wasteful, and often counterproductive to problem resolution and freedom itself.

If Obama had streamlined and made government more efficient, than at least some good would have come out of his White House years. But….
  • According to independent and government sources, Medicaid still loses $30-40 billion a year to waste and outright criminal fraud, a number that is likely to increase substantially as Obama Care dumps more and more Americans onto a failing and wasteful government program. (Culprit: Health and Human Services)
  • According to independent and government sources, Medicare still loses $40-60 billion a year to waste and outright criminal fraud, a number that is likely to grow substantially as more and more Baby Boomers enter the Medicare arena. (Culprit: Health and Human Services)
  • Social Security loses at least $100 billion a year across its various components due to waste and outright criminal fraud. The extent of the fraud was recently and uniquely identified by an inspector general report that showed an whopping 6.5 million Americans, who are officially all over the age of 112, are still on the Social Security records, indicating that they are still alive. Obviously, many millions of people are using the Social Security numbers of dead Americans to defraud the American taxpayer. (Culprit: Social Security Administration)
  • The Defense Department, which spends hundreds of billions of dollars a year, has an accounting process that is so screwed up that even trained, professional auditors have given up trying to make sense of the spending, spending that most likely involves billions and billions of fraudulent and wasteful spending. (Culprit: Defense Department)
  • The IRS readily admits that it fails to collect upwards of $400 billion a year from taxpayers that are evading their tax responsibilities while at the same time using resources to deny First Amendment freedom of speech rights to Americans who have a different opinion from this administration.
  • The National Science Foundation, a Federal government entity, wastes millions, if not billions, of dollars every year on stupid projects and research including estimating when dogs became man’s best friend, do moms love their dogs more than their kids, developing a computer program to simulate prlm week, and other nonsensical studies. (Culprit: National Science Foundation with a special shout out to the National Institutes of Health which also conducts inane and useless research)
  • The Energy Department gave away billions and billions of taxpayer dollars to political connected alternative energy companies, most, if not all, of which took the money, went bankrupt, and returned no societal benefit in return. Additionally, even though the Department has been in existence for decades, spending tens of billions of dollars every year, it still has never come up with a coherent and effective national energy strategy. (Culprit: Energy Department)
  • The Education Department, despite spending tens of billions of dollars every year for decades, has failed to come up with any kind of coherent and effective strategies or tactics to help the nation stop under educating American kids. (Culprit: Education Department)
  • The war on drugs has been a losing proposition since the Nixon administration and continues to be a losing proposition under the Obama administration, with billions and billions of dollars having been spent over the past six years with no discernible drop in drug usage, continued drug cartel growth, and no drop in prison enrollment for drug usage, making the U.S. the most imprisoned population in the world. (Culprit: DEA among others)
  • Our borders still leak, opening us up to the infiltration of terrorist-related individuals into the country with the ability to inflict serious terrorist violence on American citizens. (Culprit: Department of Homeland Security)
  • Despite recent news reports that found many Federal employees pass their days mostly viewing pornography on their government issued computers, it is still almost impossible to fire such employees, or others who commit similar acts of wasting taxpayer wealth. (Culprit: Most, if not all, Federal entities)
  • Despite many promises to take care of our veterans’ medical needs, those veterans are still poorly served by the Federal government relative to medical treatment despite large annual Veterans Administration budgets. (Culprit: Veterans Administration)
  • The State Department still appoints political cronies vs. seasoned, experienced international State Department veterans to high profile foreign ambassadorships, insulting the host country and minimizing the success of American interests in those countries. (Culprit: State Department)
  • Top executives across many Federal entities apparently routinely break existing laws by using private email accounts, and in one case a private email server, to conduct official government business. (Culprit: State Department, Health and Human Services, EPA, Justice Department and probably others)
  • Health care costs continue to rise much quicker than inflation in this country despite billions and billions of dollars spent on the failed Obama Care legislation. (Culprit: Congress, the President, and Health and Human Services)
  • Billions of dollars are wasted every year across the many Federal government welfare programs including housing subsidies, food stamps, farm subsidies, and others. (Culprit: Housing and Urban Development, Agriculture Department and others)
There are probably many other examples but you get the idea. Despite his other failures that we have documented over the past week, if the President had just fixed what is broken across every Federal department and organization, cleaned up the fraud, the waste, and the inefficiencies, he could have made a positive name for his administration. If he had resolved some long standing issues, if he had cut unnecessary spending, if he had focused the Federal bureaucracy on a few hardcore issues, vs. spending money on when dogs became man’s best friend, he would have left a positive legacy.

But like most of his predecessors, he did none of that. He allowed the Federal government to continue to devolve into a Jabba The Hutt caricature, a sad character from the Star Wars movies, that was a huge blob that burned resources without returning any benefit to anyone. In this case, another failed component of the Obama administration.

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