Saturday, June 22, 2019

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Insanity, Part 9: Getting Schooled On Economic Realities, Associating Herself With a Nobel Prize, And Digging a Bigger Hole Relative To Amazon

Over the past year, New York City Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has established herself as a human gaffe machine. Her inability to do simple math, her outlandish ideas based on an alternative reality, her economic ignorance, and lack of common sense has resulted in an almost daily stream of idiocy, inane comments, and ridiculous ideas that have no basis in reality.

As a result, most of our recent political class insanity posts have almost always had an Ocasio-Cortez piece of insanity. Thus, we have decided to separately track her craziness and idiotic takes on economics, business, government, and whatever else on a regular basis under its own set of posts. She deserves to have a separate effort that captures all of the ridiculousness she espouses.

The original format we were going to use was to start with a set of her original inane ideas and just continue to build on that initial list as time goes by. But after just three summaries of her idiocy and stupid ideas it has become obvious that we cannot continually add to the existing set of ineptness, that list would get too large too quickly.

Thus, each new Ocasio-Cortez post will have only the latest gaffes out of her mouth. To review her previous idiocies just enter her last name in the search box above.

Let’s get started:

1) Ocasio-Cortez is a socialist, no doubt about it. She naively believes that government is better at doing everything vs. individual Americans and the businesses they run. But in order for government to run everything, taxation on individual Americans and the businesses they run has to go higher and higher which at the same time makes our freedoms less and less.

  • In her own words: To me, capitalism is irredeemable,” even though capitalism created the richest country in the history of humanity, lifting millions of people out of poverty.
  • To her, it is “fear-mongering that government is going to take over every corporation and government is going to take over every business or every form of production,’ even though history shows that this is very likely to happen based on the whims and power lust of those running a socialistic country, ala Venezuela.

As always, she has no idea and experience on the topic at hand. Rather than have me explain away her insanity, the following video featuring Senator Rand Paul does a really great job explaining why socialism is so stupid. Most importantly, he points out that while people like Ocasio-Cortez always commit class warfare by demonizing the “1%”, Paul points out that socialism also has its 1%, see Maduro and Chavez examples in Venezuela, but they get there by intimidation and being tyrants vs. actually creating products and services for the betterment of humanity, getting wealthy in the process:

2) Ocasio-Cortez recently sent out this great, self serving tweet: “I could win a Nobel Prize in Physics & they’d still call me dumb. That’s why I don’t give a damn about misogynist takes on my intelligence.”

These are not “misogynists takes” on your intelligence:

  • You did not know the simple definition of the unemployment rate even though you have a college business degree.
  • You did not know the three branches of our government even though you are a member of Congress.
  • You did not understand a simple Pentagon audit report, thinking that the Pentagon wasted $26 TRILLION when its entire budget over the period in question was less than half of that.
  • You said that taxing individuals earning over $10 million at 70% would pay for you “Medicare for All” pipe dream but a very simple calculation of IRS data shows it would pay only a fraction of that mess.
  • You issued possibly one of the most inane Congressional quotes of all time: “There’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right.”
Trust me, putting your name next to the possibility of a Noble Prize in any science is comical to the nth degree.

3) Ocasio-Cortez was one of the main politicians whose childish and idiotic posturing prevented Amazon from moving a major part of its operation to her Congressional district. This was a once in a lifetime economic opportunity for a city, an opportunity that would have brought thousands of high paying jobs to her Congressional district, jobs that would have spawned immense secondary economic growth. 

In addition to the enormous economic boost her constituents would have received from Amazon moving in, Amazon would have executed the following promises it had made to the city:

  • Amazon would invest $2.5 billion in developing the location for their headquarters location.
  • This $2.5 billion would result in a load of high paying construction jobs and ancillary jobs and economic benefit to the area, e.g. food trucks to service the construction workers.
  • Eventually Amazon would station 25,000 employees at the location, highly paid employees that would buy and renovate housing in the area, eat in local restaurants, go to local movie theaters, buy clothes from local merchants, buy furniture to furnish their new homes, spend money on local transportation, etc.
  • Amazon promised to provide computer science course to 130 area high schools.
  • Amazon promised to hire at least 30 people from a nearby housing complex to work in its call center.
  • Amazon would help fund local infrastructure improvements.
  • Amazon would help fund a new 600 seat public school
  • Amazon would create a 3.5 acre waterfront park open to the public.
  • Amazon would set aside 25,000 square feet for a“community facility use/artist workspace.”
  • Amazon would set aside 10,000 square feet for an art and tech accelerator.
  • Amazon would set aside 263,000 square feet for light manufacturing space.
  • Amazon would set aside 10,000 square feet for workforce development and training space.
  • Amazon would set up internships for high school students.
  • Amazon, starting in 2020, would host semi-annual job fairs and resume workshops at the local housing complex for at least three years.
Like I said, 99% of the politicians in this country would have been smart enough to recognize what a golden opportunity this would be for their careers and their voters. But not Ocaios-Cortez, her harping and complaining was eventually too much for Amazon and they took their economic golden goose elsewhere.

There is an old saying that goes roughly as follows: When stuck in a hole, stop digging. Rather than just shut up and not bring attention to her economic ignorance relative to the Amazon opportunity, she doubled down with her idiocy and recently went after Amazon: "When you have a very large workforce and you underpay every single person and then you also participate in taking billions of dollars of government subsidies, that could be part of it.”

Where to begin to dissect this lie and denial of reality:

  • Not every single person at Amazon is underpaid. Many of the jobs that were coming to NYC and her district were jobs paying well over $100,000 a year, hardly consistent with her lie that “every single person [employee]” is underpaid.
  • I am sure that Amazon has a huge set of middle managers working there that are also not underpaid.
  • If someone felt they were underpaid at Amazon, it is certainly their right and prerogative to quit and go find another, higher paying job. This is not a gulag or forced labor camp, any employee at Amazon is free to leave at any time to seek better pay.
  • Amazon responded to this lie and fib with the reality check that they have fully supported the drive to raise the minimum wage at the national level to $15 an hour.
This blast against Amazon not only revealed just another example of her ignorance and penchant for saying stuff she knows nothing about but it also brought back the sour taste of her screwing her constituents out of a golden Amazon economic opportunity. Remember, when in a hole stop digging, When you screw up, do not bring attention back to your screwup.

Another day and another set of lies, ignorance and pompousness from a New York Congresswoman. I wish I could say that is the end of it for this month but that too would be a lie.

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