Friday, June 7, 2019

How American Politicians Have Allowed LA To Become a Third World Cesspool

We have often discussed the reality that Democrats/ liberals/socialists in west coast cities have turned once wonderful cities into crime infested, feces infested, drug infested cesspools with ever growing numbers of homeless folks and drug addicts. Two of those previous posts focused on San Francisco:

A third post expanded this discussion to include not only San Francisco but also Seattle and Los Angeles:

In all cases and all cities, Democrats and Socialists have been in charge of local government for so long that they alone are responsible for the mess they have turned these cities into. And none of them seem to have clue or desire to fix what they have so severely broken, a typical trait of most American politicians.

Let’s continue that theme today, basing our discussion on a recent article in the LA Times by Steven Lopez on June 2, 2019, “Rats at the police station, filth on L.A. streets — scenes from the collapse of a city that’s lost control”:
  • The homeless, drug addiction, and public defecation and urination problems have gotten so bad in the city of Los Angeles that the rat population has exploded which has led to such unsanitary conditions that a recently city employee was found to have a strain of bacteria that causes typhoid fever, a truly Medieval disease.
  • There are over 50,000 homeless Americans in just the city of Los Angeles.
  • This has caused entire blocks of city streets to be overrun with trash and makeshift shelters usually reserved for third world countries.
  • These unsanitary conditions have led to reports of typhoid and typhus outbreaks.
  • According to Mr. Lopez’s first hand reporting: “On Thursday I saw a county health inspector on rat patrol between 7th and 8th streets on skid row. He was carrying a clipboard and said he had found droppings and other evidence of rodents, and I asked where: “Everywhere,” he said.”
  • He claims that once a sanitation department cleans up one mess another mess pops up nearby with sometimes the mess consisting of bags of human excrement.
  • His first hand reporting: “OK, the shovels were still out on Crocker Street, which was looking pretty good, so I went over to East 10th Street and Naomi Avenue, several blocks away, near the Coca-Cola distribution center. The north side of 10th Street looked like a landfill. Trash was scattered in the street and on the sidewalk, and there was a little bit of everything. Splintered lumber, metal poles, soiled blankets and clothing, a sofa, buckets, boxes.”
  • He interviewed a homeless person on the street who had recently returning to his makeshift shelter on the street but said he was going to go somewhere else, his current street shelter had too many rats.
  • In the middle of one  urban homeless encampment, the writer saw a standing puddle of murky green water, having no clue how people could live near it or what it consisted of.
  • The article included some words from a local businessman, James Campbell: “I call the city [when a pile of trash appears] and they usually come within a week, but then it’s always piled right back up again. I don’t even like stepping out here because of the [drug] needles.”
  • Mr. Lopez then rightfully goes off on current Mayor Eric Garcetti and the 15 members of the city council who apparently have no clue, no desire, or no ability to fix what a mess they have allowed a great city to become.
You can tell that the writer is very distraught at what has happened to his city and hometown as he should be. These problems did not crop up overnight and yet very little progress has been made to stem the tide of disgusting living conditions. 

But his is what happens when you have a professional political class whose only loyalty is to themselves to make sure they are well compensated for as long as possible which means staying in office as long as possible. Getting and staying in office is their only priority.

Which is why two things have to happen in this country:
  • First, we need term limits so that anyone elected to office has only a defined window to make a difference and knows that spending time to get reelected is not an option any more. Maybe then they will actually do some good for others and not just for themselves.
  • We need to start holding people accountable for their actions, whether it is politicians, government bureaucrats, and yes, the drug addicted and homeless folks that need our help but also have to realize that they have to also contribute to their well being.
It is so unbelievable that in the midst of the longest running economic recovery ever, when tax revenues are at an all time high and unemployment are staying at or near historically low levels, that such filth and degradation can be allowed to exist in this country. And as we have said above, the politicians have not the will, ability or desire to fix anything. 

Note: To see the original article that contains a series of pictures that really drive home what a cesspool some parts of LA have become, go to:

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