Monday, June 3, 2019

June, 2019, Part 2, I Am A Global Warming Doubter and A Believer In Science: More Failed Predictions and Ocasio-Cortez Is A "Twit"

On a periodic basis, we revisit a continuing theme in this blog, “I am a global warming doubter AND a believer in science.” Several years ago we started investigating the viability of this position for a number of reasons:

  • It did not appear that global warming advocates were looking at all of the available global warming science, realities, and trends, just those select pieces of information that supported their position.
  • There seemed to be a growing sense of doubt among scientists about whether or not global warming was actually a real thing.
  • We were getting tired of Al Gore and others of his ilk who constantly were calling those that were undecided about global warming a whole litany of slurs including racists, homophobes, and other insulting terms.
After researching and writing about dozens of global warming information sources, we have proven over and over that it is perfectly logical to be a global warming doubter and a believer in science:

  • Realities show that global warming actually stopped about 18 years ago, causing global warming advocates to rebrand their position as “climate change” since “global warming” was no longer an emerging reality.
  • Turns out the major global warming forecast models all turned out to be grossly inaccurate in predicting future climate and warming trends, throwing into doubt whether any man made global warming or climate change was actually happening.
  • Major and reputable scientists and science organizations (e.g. the renowned CERN Institute) were either originally determining that man made global warming and climate control never existed or changing their position to become doubters of what they may have original believed about global warming.
  • Important and prominent scientists around the world were caught manipulating climate data to verify their false claims and forecast models or were outed for at least contemplating changing real world data to match their ill performing analyses and forecasting models.
Previous exposes’ of global warming and climate change theories by using real world numbers, scientific experiments, and the simple act of observing can be accessed in this blog by typing “I am a global warming doubter” in the search box above. At that point, you will be provided many previous posts from this blog including dozens and dozens of information sources that more and more point to a repudiation of Al Gore and others, man made global warming, and man made climate change. The latest proof that you can be a global warming doubter and a believer in sciences is discussed below:

1) In our last post we reviewed some of the blatantly wrong climate predictions that have come around since the original Earth Day back in 1970. We often review past climate change/global warming predictions, all of which were so, so wrong. A recent article article on the Godfather Politics website by Warner Todd Huston reminds us about five “expert” climate predictions that went oh so wrong:

  • We were told on Earth Day in 1970 that exploding populations around the world would strain the Earth’s ability to feed everyone and result in a global famine by the year 2000. But in reality, those going hungry around the world has actually been declining over time and the predicted global famine never materialized.
  • Another 1970 prediction was that American city dwellers would have to go around wearing gas masks as the climate would be so poisoned by pollution. Oops, never happened.
  • Back in the late 1990s the Associated Press reported: “A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.” Never happened.
  • By now, the polar ice caps should have melted according to global warming advocates like Al Gore. According to the article, between 2012 and 2016 Arctic ice mass has grown from about 2.2 million square miles to 3.3 million square miles.
  • As far back as the late 1950s we were seeing predictions that the climate was about to experience a coming ice age, a prediction that persisted until the early 1970s when some climate scientists did an amazing turnaround, going from predicting a coming ice age to a prediction a deadly global warming trend, a diametrically opposed view from just a few years prior.
The article correctly sums up what we should take away from this total failure of some scientists to accurately predict the future, be it overpopulation, famine, or the climate: “If there’s a lesson to be learned from all of these predictions, it’s not that scientists are always wrong or that we shouldn’t be good stewards of the environment. Instead, we should treat extreme predictions with skepticism, especially if they mean upending our way of life.”

2) Marc Moran, writing for the Heritage Foundation on March 19, 2019, reviewed a fascinating piece of research that may explain why global warming advocates and their forecasts were so wrong.
Climate scientist John Christy explains: “The occurrence of both record highs [temperatures] and record lows is declining. Record-low events are simply declining more rapidly than record highs. The drop in record lows is associated with development around the weather stations, which causes low temperatures to increase more than highs for a variety of reasons.”

He points out that what might really be happening is that the weather stations across the country that have recorded temperatures for decades may not be in the same environment that existed over time. For example, assume that a weather station out in the woods has been used for many, many decades, recording temperatures and creating a historical baseline. But over time, on average, that weather station has recorded higher and higher temperatures, which on the surface would imply that the Earth is getting warmer.But let’s assume that a new highway was built that went right by the weather station. Not surprisingly, the temperature in that immediate area would be higher as hot cars and trucks going by and heat absorbing concrete road structures would make the air around that weather station artificially warmer, not because the climate is getting warmer but because the conditions around the weather station changed. Christy calls this: “urbanization and natural variability.” He has done this analysis based on 682 weather stations around the country with at least 105 years of records.

Climate scientist Roger Pielke also says that something is going on that resulted in manmade changes to the environment around the stations, not necessarily changes in the climate: “Without assessing the role of increased urbanization and other land-use changes … changes in atmospheric aerosols overhead, microclimate around observing site, changes in heights of observations, and concurrent trends in surface air humidity, it is not robust to attribute any changes in extreme temperatures to just human-added atmospheric CO2.”

The article also debunks some other global warming myths:

  • A 2013 paper published in the Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology found that extreme heat waves in the U.S. have decreased since the 1930s, not increased as global warming advocate would have us believe.
  • Princeton physicist Will Harper has analyzed and debunked the often printed media stories that claim some place just had the “hottest year EVER,”, pointing out that some of these claims are a result of a tenth of a degree or less, not statistically significant.
Some other reasons why it is perfectly okay to be a global warming doubter and a believer in science as more and more predictions turn out to be worthless.

3) Global warming advocates have not only made some grossly wrong predictions but have made some really absurd conclusions. One of our favorite myths was an assertion by some global warming “experts” that beavers building dams, something that they have probably done for thousands of years, was causing global warming. Never mind that we have already reported that China and India by themselves are planning on bringing over 2,000 coal burning power plants on line in the near future, it is the building of beaver dams that had this expert all upset.

Not to be outdone by this climate change link to animals, Newsweek, once a great piece of journalistic effort which has been shrunk down to non-significance over time, recently tried to match the beaver dam theory. According to another Godfathers Politics website story by Mr, Huston, Newsweek recently published a story that predicted more people would be hunted down by man eating tigers as a result of global warming: “According to the official Newsweek Twitter feed, “Man-eating tigers could hunt down more humans due to climate change | Opinion””

Seriously, global warming, which stopped two decades ago, is going to eventually result in man eating tigers going after humans on a more frequent basis. I thought the beaver story was far fetched.

4) And finally for this month, let’s consider a recent interview that one of the co-founders of Greenpeace gave as it related to climate. Keep in mind that I would think that the co-founder of Greenpeace has a better handle on science and the climate than a freshman Congresswoman from NYC has, a Congresswoman who up until recently was a bartender with no extensive scientific background, if any at all:

  • Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace, says that while climate change is real, it has been going on for eons, it is “not made by people, and is a perfectly natural phenomenon.”
  • In other words there is no dangerous climate change, global warming crisis going on, a crisis that was caused by humanity.
  • He also had unkind words for Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who is pushing the insanely stupid New Green Deal idea and who has also made the totally wrong and stupid prediction that the world was going to end in ten years unless we adopted her insanely expensive and non-workable New Green Deal idea.
  • He actually spoke out and called Ocasio-Cortez’s plan what it is really is: "It’s a silly plan. That’s why I suggested she was a pompous little twit. Twit meaning silly in the British lexicon and pompous meaning arrogant.” 
  • He went on to rip the former bartender who has a bachelor’s degree in business: “She really rubbed me the wrong way when she said she is the boss, because she can make up a proposal that’s completely ridiculous. There is no climate crisis.There is weather and climate all around the world, and in fact, carbon dioxide is the main building block of all life.” 
  • He went onto rip other global warming advocates: “Earth has survived Ice Ages, massive asteroid impacts and extinctions, continents colliding & volcanoes building massive mountain ranges. And CO2, the food for all life, is a ‘threat to the planet.’ Not likely.”
So who are going to believe: the co-founder of Greenpeace who I assume has a deep love for the health of the Earth and who has devoted a lot of his life to such an ideal or a freshmam Congresswoman from Queens, NYC, who has no climate or science formal training, who has only bachelor's degree in business, and who has made a fool of herself so many times over so many topics, many of which we have covered in this blog. Again, given this discussion, it is perfectly sane to be a global warming doubter and a believer in science, not some hackneyed politicians in D.C.

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