Monday, June 10, 2019

June, 2019, Part 3, Political CLass Insanity: More Hillary/FBI Corruption, Soda Tax Failure In Philly, and Liberal Wall Hyprocisy

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let’s get started:

1) In our last post we discussed the reality that we now know that Hillary Clinton’s use of an illegal unsecured computer server, that she used as Secretary of State, was likely hacked by foreign interests any number of times. This carelessness on her part should have gotten her arrested and prosecuted for breaking existing Federal laws.

But the saga of the Clinton misbehaving does not end with the lies and law breaking surrounding her server we discussed in the previous post:
  • The Judicial Watch watchdog group has continued to gain access to government documents via the Freedom of Information Act.
  • It recently announced that it had possession of 277 pages of FBI records that prove the FBI hid information related to the illegal Clinton email computer server as requested by the Inspector General.
  • The FBI claimed that meeting notes are “missing” and conveniently the CD disc containing the notes is likely irreparably “damaged.”
  • This information from 2015 finally came to light because the Obama administration blocked the release and Judicial Watch had to get a court order for its release.
  • This effort uncovered the reality that a “Chinese state-owned company” had hacked Clinton’s server and the inspector general referred the investigation to the FBI on July 6, 2015.
  • Within a month the FBI claimed the notes regarding the investigation had been lost forever.
  • Which brings us to the lies of Huma Abedin, Clinton’s closest advisor during the time she served as Secretary of State. 
  • We now know that while Abedin had warned people on Clinton’s staff and inner circle that Clinton’s unsecured, illegal server had indeed been hacked, the new Judicial Watch documents show that Abedin lied to the FBI when she told agents that she did not remember any hacking attempts.
  • According to the head of Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton: “The Obama FBI was frantic to target then-candidate Trump while magically losing or destroying important evidence in the sham investigation of Hillary Clinton’s illicit email system. This new information underscores the need for a fresh, unbiased investigation into the Clinton email scandal.”
Lying to the FBI, destroying official government records, getting hacked by Chinese interests, oh yeah, the slime, crime, and abuse from Clinton and her illegal email server go on and on, constantly uncovering the massive corruption that exists in the FBI and throughout the Washington political class.

2) Although we have discussed the disaster in Philadelphia that occurred when the local politicians established the city’s so-called “soda tax,” Warner Todd Huston, writing for the Godfather Politics website on May 21, 2019, brings us up to date on how this effort failed so miserably:
  • Recall that this soda tax was supposed to raise the cost of soda at stores within the city limits in a lame attempt to curb obesity, the theory being that if soda costs more to buy, consumers would use less of it and would get skinnier.
  • A side benefit was to bring more tax revenue into the city government.
  • But the theory backfired since city residents simply went out of the city limits to buy their soda and taking their soda dollars with them resulting in falling soda sales in Philadelphia stores.
  • In addition, the significant increase in taxes that the city government expected never materialized as planned and forecasted since while the tax on soda was increased 17%, the sales of soda fell by 51% in the city’s limits so raising the tax rate actually reduced tax revenue.
  • Specifically: “So, let’s look at this assuming one million ounces of soda was sold annually before the tax went into effect. If sales had remained the same, the city would have realized $62,400.00 in revenue instead of $54,300.00. But with the volume cut in half, they managed to slash their revenue to $31,200.00…. Great job, guys. You gutted your revenue stream, caused layoffs in the beverage industry and depressed sales in the city’s retail outlets, likely impacting entry level jobs.”
  • The sales of bottled water or healthier drinks to replace the use of soda did not increase as hoped so there was no increase in healthier drinking options.
  • And city stores did not only lose soda sales since when city consumers went out of town to buy soda, they also bought other groceries while they were in the out of city stores, which in turn reduced the overall grocery sales of in city stores.
  • The local Pepsi plant laid off 100 workers because of the shift in demand out of the city.
This is why every politician needs to take and pass a simple economics course before taking office. By being so economically stupid, the city’s politicians implemented a plan that raised tax rates but reduced tax revenue, caused the city’s economic vitality to shrink, caused more unemployment, reduced the chance of a city kid getting an entry level job,and did nothing to reduce obesity. Insanity.

3) Jim Geraghty, writing for the National Review on May 23, 2019, gave some examples on how hypocritical Democrats and liberal can be when it comes to “building walls:”
  • Most liberals and Democrats are against building a wall on our southern border to keep out gang members, drug cartel members, illegal drugs, human traffickers, and potential terrorists. 
  • They would prefer that we just let anyone strut across the border, regardless of their intentions. They would prefer to ignore the rule of law as it applies to current, legal ways to get into this country.
  • Unless those walls are what they desire to keep the less wealthy out of their ultra wealthy neighborhoods:
  • First off, Farhad Manjppo, who recently wrote a New York Times article on how liberals are in favor of walls when it keeps the poor and needy out of their neighborhoods got a lot of grief from those same wealthy liberals.
  • His specific words that put him on the wrong side of liberals and Democrats go as follows: “Reading opposition to SB 50 and other efforts at increasing density, I’m struck by an unsettling thought: What Republicans want to do with I.C.E. and border walls, wealthy progressive Democrats are doing with zoning and Nimbyism. Preserving “local character,” maintaining “local control,” keeping housing scarce and inaccessible — the goals of both sides are really the same: to keep people out. We’re saying we welcome immigration, we welcome refugees, we welcome outsiders — but you’ve got to have a $2 million entrance fee to live here, otherwise you can use this part of a sidewalk for a tent,” said Brian Hanlon, president of the pro-density group California Yimby. “That to me is not being very welcoming. It’s not being very neighborly.”
  • For this honest appraisal he got crucified by liberals. 
  • But this is not the only example of the liberal hypocrisy when it comes to walls.
  • In liberal and wealthy San Jose, California, 500 local residents showed up at a town meeting when one of the topics of the meeting was a proposal to build some new, low income apartment buildings in the town for lower income Americans citizens.
  • Those in attendance screamed and shouted at the local politicians holding the meeting and actual broke out in the chant, “Build a wall” to keep those beneath their social status from moving in nearby.
Outrageous liberal hypocrisy. At least when Trump and his supporters talk about building a wall, they are not talking about keeping Americans out, they are talking about protecting the safety of Americans from foreign elements.

That will do it for today’s insanity: liberal hypocrisy in California when it comes to walls, soda tax insanity in Philly, and more and more corruption that pops up on whatever Hillary Clinton touches. More insanity to follow.

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