Monday, July 22, 2019

July, 2019, Part 9, Political Class Insanity: LA Mayor's Bad Priorities, Bubonic Plague Outlook for LA, and Inane Auto Repair Rules...In California, Of Course

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let’s get started:

1) We have often made the case that it seems like Democrats today care more about illegal immigrants than they care about hungry, homeless, and other needy Americans. You never see Democrats visiting homeless shelters or street encampments, you never see Democrats complaining that American homeless folks do not have enough to eat or get enough medical care like they do for illegal immigrants.

And this conclusion was recently proven right again out in Los Angeles. Keep in mind that there are probably about 60,000 homeless Americans walking the streets of L.A. the city and L.A. the county. Keep in mind that the number of homeless there grew by double digits in the past year. Keep in mind that this is not a new problem, the political class in L.A. has been faced with this problem for years and it never seems to get any better. Keep in mind that there are now outbreaks of typhus, a medieval disease caused by the squalor caused by the massive homelessness and the accompanying explosive growth in the rat population.

Keep that in mind as you read the following recent actions and words of the L.A. mayor:

  • Trump has instructed immigration officials to begin rounding up and sending back to their home countries illegal immigrants who do not belong here, i.e. they have broken our laws.
  • This got LA Mayor Eric Garcetti up in arms and protesting and trying to protect the illegal immigrants in his city: “We’ve all heard reports the Trump administration is threatening to round up and deport thousands of immigrant families in cities across America this weekend. I want every Angeleno to know their rights and how to exercise them. Remember, you have the right to remain silent. You don’t have to open your door to an ICE agent that doesn’t have a warrant signed by a judge. You have the right to speak to a lawyer before signing any documents or speaking to law enforcement. And, if you need help finding an attorney, you can call 311 and learn more about our Justice Fund and other resources that offer legal support.”
  • He went on to counsel them on how to act and what information to record if they are approached or apprehended by immigration officials.
  • He concluded his remarks with a summary of how much he loved illegal immigrants: “In Los Angeles, we draw strength from the diverse dynamic communities that call our city home and we support immigrant families because they’re our friends, neighbors, colleagues, confidants, our fellow taxpayers, local business owners, and co-workers. For us, this isn’t partisan politics. It’s about being a good neighbor and we will never let fear and intimidation win the day. We are in this together.”
Would not his time be better spent fixing the homeless plight of 60,000 homeless AMERICANS in his city? How come he never said that the 60,000 homeless AMERICANS are his “friends, neighbors, colleagues, confidants, etc.?” How come he has never been a “good neighbor” to the 60,000 homeless AMERICANS in his city? How come he has never said he supports homeless AMERICAN families among those 60,000?

And let’s move beyond the 60,000 homeless folks. LA has one of the highest poverty levels in the country. LA schools stink at educating its kids. LA probably has a crumbling infrastructure like the rest of the country. But he focuses on the plight and welfare of illegal immigrants, wasting time and resources on that problem while his American citizens suffer in so many different ways. Pathetic priorities.

2) Let’s stay in L.A. for this piece of insanity. But before we do that let’s look at some Wikipedia information on a Dr. David Drew Pinsky:

  • He is known as a celebrity doctor who is a trained medical internist, and an addiction and medicine specialist.
  • He is the former medical director for the Department of Chemical Dependency at Las Encinas Hospital in Pasadena, California. 
  • He a former chief resident at Huntington Memorial Hospital.
  • He has a private medical practice.
  • He got his medical degree at USC and did his residency at USC County Hospital.
  • He has been active in TV and radio shows over the years which got him the “celebrity doctor” nickname.
I give you his medical background and you can decide if you believe the viewpoints he discussed in a recent interview:

  • It is his professional opinion that Los Angeles faces a pending outbreak of bubonic plague.
  • If true, this revival of a deadly medieval disease will be caused by the tremendous growth in the LA homeless population and the concurring growth in the rodent population, problems that local politicians have had no success in curbing.
  • He claims he predicted the recent outbreak in typhus in LA, another medieval disease.
  • Both typhus and bubonic plague are often carried by rats, transferred to fleas to pets and from pets to humans.
  • As a point of reference, the bubonic plague wiped out one third of the European population in the fourteenth century.
  • The last time the bubonic plague occurred in the U.S. was in 1924 in, surprise, surprise, Los Angeles.
  • Dr. Pinsky says that conditions are ripe in that same city for a recurrence almost one hundred years later.
  • He claims that LA is one of only a few cities in the country that has no rodent/rat control plan: “And if you look at the pictures of Los Angeles, you will see that the homeless encampments are surrounded by dumps. People defecate there, they throw their trash there, and the rats just proliferate there.”
  • In addition, the huge size of the homeless population results in the raw sewage of 60,000 homeless people washing down city sewers to the ocean every day.
  • Eventually he predicts that this could grow into a national emergency with the intervention of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Red Cross, and the National Guard “if we start to see the diseases that I think we are going to.”
Nasty, nasty stuff. Two observations: maybe it is time to throw out the existing political class in the LA area, obviously they have let a problem get out of control with potentially far reaching national emergency health implications. Second, why is the mayor wasting his time counseling and focusing on illegal immigrants on how to avoid being arrested by immigration officials. Wouldn’t his time and resources be better spent on fixing the homeless issue, avoiding the bubonic plagues, and stopping the pollution of the ocean from his city? Just saying, a really, really bad set of priorities.

And the same goes for the national politicians from California. Is it more important for Nancy Pelosi to feud with Trump and focus on helping illegal immigrants avoid our laws or would her time and resources be better spent helping her home state, and home town of San Francisco, a city with the same types of problems as LA? I know my answer but that priority viewpoint obviously does not line up with the priorities of Pelosi and Garcetti.

3) One last piece of political class insanity today and of course, it comes from California. In Sacramento County, you are allowed to the following minor repair work on your car:
  • Brake part replacement
  • Minor tune-ups
  • Change of oil and filter
  • Repair of flat tires
  • Lubrication
  • Other similar operations
Okay, sounds reasonable to some degree. But the law comes with restrictions:
  • You cannot use tools not normally found in a residence or home.
  • You cannot work on cars that are registered to people not residing at the residence.
  • You cannot work on cars outside a fully enclosed garage.
  • You cannot have a vehicle being inoperable on your property for more than 24 hours.
So if I get this right, if you have a tool to do brake work that is not normally found in a home, and how many homes have break work specific tools, you are in violation of the law even if that tool is kept locked away in a closed garage.
So if I get this right, if our mom is having brake problems and comes over to your home or you daughter needs an oil change and comes over to your house, you are breaking the law since neither of them live at your house.

So if I get this right, if you are working on your car and the parts supplier store will not have the part you need for 25 hours, rendering your car inoperable for more than 24 hours, you are breaking the law.

So if I get this right, if you do not have a fully enclosed garage but need to fix a flat tire in your driveway, you are breaking the law.

I understand the need to prevent someone from opening a renegade auto repair shop in a residential neighborhood. I understand the desire to not have dangerous auto chemicals running down the street gutters in a residential neighborhood.

But really, can we have a little common sense here from our politicians? Is the time, debate, and energy worth it to micro manage the lives of the citizens in the county? Are there not far more important issues to worry about than checking mom’s car registration home address location? Again, the bad, bad priorities of the American political class. 

More insanity to follow. Unfortunately.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Sunday, July 21, 2019

July, 2019, Part 8, Political Class Insanity: More Shady Joe Biden International Dealing, Solving Political Issues With Punches, and Using Push-up Contests To Elect The Next President

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let’s get started:

1) We already know that Joe Biden, when he was Vice President, abused Taxpayer wealth by taking his son to China on Air Force Two, the official government plane for Vice Presidents. This trip resulted in the Chinese providing a $1.5 billion investment in Biden’s son’s company. We also know that Biden had some hanky panky with the Ukranian government while Vice President, details we will not go into at this time.

But it appears that Biden was not done abusing his position and power in the American political class:
  • The LA  Times recently reported that Biden used his influence to help Hollywood executives get special access to the Chinese movie market.
  • He helped make these connections while serving as Vice President under Obama for eight years.
  • For example, he got Hollywood powerhouse Jeffrey Katzenberg a face to face meeting with Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping in 2012 that helped set up a big studio deal for Katzenberg.
  • According to the Times article: “Several of the candidates vying for the Democratic presidential nomination have significant support in Hollywood — [Jeffrey] Katzenberg, for example, has kicked in $2,800 each to 14 of them already — but none has as long a history of delivering for the industry as Biden.” 
Shady dealings and very bad priorities. None of this effort by Biden made any difference at all in the lives of every American. It made rich Hollywood players richer, it got him campaign donor support in return, and it did nothing to fix Social Security and Medicare, fix our infrastructure, fix our public schools, etc. Just boondoggle and self enrichment, voters and citizens be damned.

2) As a civilized country and democracy you would think, and certainly hope, that the elected leaders we send to Washington would have a little class and dignity. They represent thousands (House of Representatives) or millions (Senate) of America voters and citizens which should be a noble and dignified thing to do and behave.

Unless you are a Democratic Senator from Montana. Democratic Senator Jon Tester of Montana was recently interviewed and was asked how Democrats should handle President Trump in the Presidential election in 2020. In a totally classless and gutless response he said that they, Democrats, should “go back and punch him in the face” 

Specifically, in an MSNBC interview, he said: “I don’t think, even in states where Donald Trump won big, that it did you any good running away from Donald Trump. I think you need to go back and punch him in the face. The truth is this guy is bad for this country.”

He then went on to talk about how to beat Trump with the following issues:
  • High cost of health care...but the Democrats under Obama did nothing to fix this problem, in fact, they and Obama Care made it worse, and have proposed no new solutions that might work.
  • High cost of higher education...but the Democrats under Obama and today have done nothing to fix this problem and have proposed no new solutions that might work.
  • Fix the situation on the southern border...but the Democrats under Obama and today have done nothing to fix this problem and have proposed no new solutions that might work, having relatively recently denied there even was a problem on the southern border.
  • Fix our crumbling infrastructure...but the Democrats under Obama and today have done nothing to fix this problem and have proposed no new solutions that might work since our infrastructure has been crumbling for a number of years, not just under Trump.
So this politician has no solutions, was not part of any solutions when his party controlled the White House and thus, his only solution to the issue facing the country is to punch the President in the face. Classy guy and leader...not!

Note to Senator Tester: inciting violence because you disagree with another human being never resolved anything, it just incites more hate and more violence and less progress.

3) But getting physical is not restricted to Tester, apparently it infests others in the Democratic Party. 

According to Nick Gavis writing for Fox News: 

  • Former Vice President Joe Biden and current Presidential candidate says he would challenge Trump to an on-air push up contest if Trump ever questioned Biden’s physical or mental health during a Presidential debate.
  • This was in response to an interviewer’s question about how Biden would respond if Trump challenged his mental or physical fitness to serve as President since it has become obvious that Biden has had some speaking and sentence forming issues in recent days.
  • Biden: "I would say, come on Donald, come on, man. How many push-ups do you want to do here, pal? I mean jokingly. You know, come on, run with me, man. it's like I was in a parade in Independence, Missouri. And I always run in parades... and a fellow from Independence who was a Trump supporter said, 'hey sleepy Joe!' I said, come run with me, Jack. Come on man!"
Okay, forget solutions, forget integrity, forget discussions of the issues, let’s settle the next Presidential contest with a battle of push-ups. My gosh, he gets asked this question and his immediate response, a disjointed response at that, is to challenge Trump to a push up or running contest. Lord help us.

That’s enough for today: more shady international dealings from Biden, none of which benefited America or Americans, a Montana Senator’s method of solving problems is to punch someone in the mouth, and Biden reacts with silliness and no leadership. More insanity to follow.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Saturday, July 20, 2019

July, 2019, Part 7,Political Class Insanity: Kamala Harris Is Running For Queen, Stupid Gun Control Laws and the Hypocrisy of Biden and Sanders

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let’s get started:

1) Democrats running for President have been very hard on corporate America and Trump’s business tax cuts. Never mind that American companies create untold wealth and economic growth and that the Trump tax cuts have led to historically low unemployment rates for all sections of Americans. 

And Obama was no better as he tried to close out a business loophole from a tax perspective. But do not tell Joe Biden any of this, a man who is both a Democratic Presidential candidate and Obama’s Vice President:

  • According to Brittany De Lea, writing for Fox Business News on July 10, 2019, Biden exploited a business tax loophole to tremendous self enrichment levels, a business tax loophole that Obama had tried to eliminate.
  • Apparently Biden and his wife have taken profits from their book sales and speeches and funneled them through S corporations in order to minimize their tax impacts.
  • This S corporation strategy saved them about $500,000 in Federal taxes.
  • This allowed the Bidens to avoid massive payroll taxes such as Social Security and Medicare.
  • And despite being just a politician, Biden and his wife have earned a remarkable $15 million in the TWO years since he left office.
All of this is legal. But the hypocrisy of demonizing American businesses when you are using tax loopholes to avoid paying taxes that most other Americans are paying and then leveraging a lackluster political career into millions and millions of dollars shows that our political processes continue to be so broken.

2) According to Gallup polling, gun control is about the 20th most important issue that concerns Americans. That means that there are 19 or so more important things that politicians should be focusing on before tackling a likely fictitious issue called gun control.

But that has not stopped Presidential candidate Kamala Harris from harping on the need for gun control, even if it means violating the Constitution:

  • Harris recently dropped the un-Constitutional threat that if Congress does not act on her gun control plans she will violate the Constitution and do whatever she wants.
  • Her words: “Gun violence is the leading cause of death for young Black men in America. We must stop this. When president, I will take executive action to ensure guns do not fall into the wrong hands.”
  • And not only is she threatening to bypass the Constitution she issued an ultimatum to Congress: if Congress does not do what she demands within the first 100 days she will ignore them and do what she wants.
Not sure Harris is running for President or a queen, where she does whatever she wants, the Constitution be damned. Insanity.

3) But Harris is not the only "damn the Second Amendment" politician out there. New Jersey’s governor, Phil Murphy, recently signed four new gun control bills. This is about a year after he signed six other gun control laws.

Components of these laws include the following:

  • Every gun dealer in the state now has to sell at least one “smart gun” that can only be fired by designated users.
  • Criminals that previously had convictions of carjacking and making terroristic threats can now no longer buy guns in the state.
  • It is now a third degree crime if someone tries to obtain a gun who is not allowed to have one.
  • Encourages, not requires, gun retail dealers and operators of shooting ranges to attend a suicide prevention course.
And Murphy and the New Jersey political class are not done, other gun restrictions are pending:

  • Require guns to be locked away when the New Jersey gun owner leaves their home or premises.
  • Make it a second-degree crime in New Jersey to act as a straw purchaser and a third-degree crime to transport, sell or possess a firearm without a federally licensed serial number.
  • Require gun owners in the state to renew their gun id card every four years and prove they have attended a gun safety training course.
  • Require that a New Jerseyan be at least 21 years old in order to buy gun ammunition in the state.
  • Require ammunition sales outlets to report their sales to the State Police.
A few questions for the governor:

  • Do we really think that gun toting criminals are going to go to a gun safety course every four years?
  • Do we really think that gun toting criminals are going to renew their gun id card every four years?
  • Do we really think that gun toting criminals care what the degree of criminality exists?
  • Do we really think that gun toting criminals care about smart guns?
  • Do we really think that gun toting criminals care about locking up their guns when not home?
  • Do we really think gun toting criminals care it is a third-degree crime to transport, sell or possess a firearm without a federally licensed serial number?
Thus, new laws will restrict and make it more difficult for New Jersey citizens to utilize their Second Amendment rights while it will have no impact on criminals. Why? Because they are criminals, not a complex concept. Insane.

4) According to a recent Godfather Politics article by Warner Todd Huston, Senator and Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders quite the hypocrite when comes to having a minimum wage of $15 an hour:

  • Sanders has hassled companies like McDonalds and Walmart for underpaying these companies’ employees.
  • He has been a national advocate for a Federal mandated $15 an hour minimum wage.
  • But his hypocrisy was uncovered when it recently became known that while he has badgering private companies to raise their employees wages to at least $15 an hour, he does not pay many of his staff this level of wages, with many of them getting only $13 an hour.
  • An organized group of Bernie’s employees have sent a letter to Sanders campaign manager, Faiz Shakir: “Many field staffers are barely managing to survive financially, which is severely impacting our team’s productivity and morale. Some field organizers have already left the campaign as a result.”
But this is usually what happens in socialism dominated countries. The elite make the big bucks and despite promises of socialistic programs, regular citizens always get the short end of the stick. Elitist Sanders is a millionaire many times over, owner of at least three different homes in different parts of the country, but despite his high rhetoric he shortchanges his own employees. The hypocrisy is blatant and very telling.

That will do it for today: Democrats focus on a minor issue relative to Americans priorities and rich politicians consider themselves above the law and not bound by decency or integrity. More insanity to follow.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Thursday, July 18, 2019

July, 2019, Part 6, Political Class Insanity: Kamala Harris Has A Math Problem and Hillary Clinton's State Department Had A Chinese Problem

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let’s get started:

1) We start off today’s insanity with the classic question about American politicians: are they that stupid when they say outrageous things or do they think we are that stupid that we will actually believe the outrageous and false things they say? The basis for this discussion is a June 27, 2019 article on the Gateway Pundit website by Jim Holt:
  • When reading this information keep in mind that Presidential candidate Kamala Harris was born in 1964.
  • In a recent Democratic Presidential candidate debate, Harris went after Joe Biden really heavily when it came to racism and segregation.
  • Harris, who is African American, said that she was in the second class of integrated schools in Berkeley, California, because school busing was required to integrate the schools as a result of the failure of the local school district: “There are moments in history where states fail to preserve the civil rights of all people.”
  • So far, so good. 
  • But the reality is quite different since the Gateway pundit article included two pictures from of school yearbook photos from Berkeley schools, one from 1963 and one from 1964.
  • In both pictures, it is quite clear that there were many African Americans in the Berkley schools in both years, the year before Harris was born and the year Harris was born.
  • Thus, what Harris said was impossible: she could not have been in the second class that integrated Berkeley schools since there was clear integration of the races years before she was old enough to attend the schools.
So, back to the hypothesis: is she so gullible to believe her own lies or does she think we are so gullible to believe her own lies even though those lies are so easy to root out?

2) While Democrats and liberals around the country have been so obsessed with showing how Trump colluded with the Russians to get elected, it is only now coming out that a second major and semi-hostile party helped themselves to Hillary Clinton’s unsecured and illegal computer server in her house while she was Secretary of State:
  • According to a report on the Epoch Times website by Ivan Pentchoukoc on June 27, 2019, the Federal government’s intelligence services have proof that China hacked Hillary’s emails off of her illegal server while she was Secretary of State.
  • This assertion was made by Congressman Louie Gohmert in which he also asserted that the FBI refused to investigate the breech: “There’s no question, China was involved.” 
  • In open Congressional testimony involving the FBI’s behavior in the whole Clinton server mess, Gohmert said that “a forensic analysis of Clinton’s emails conducted by the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) had determined that a copy of virtually every email from Clinton’s server was sent to an unauthorized source. At the time, Gohmert described the source as “a foreign entity unrelated to Russia” and said that the ICIG could document the forensic analysis.”
  • FBI witnesses at that testimony collectively asserted that they could not remember the ICIG, a highly unlikely event given the explosive conclusion and information involved.
  • But to admit they did know of the ICIG report would mean that they purposely allowed Hillary to get away with some very serious crimes and offenses.
  • The ICIG report is especially damning since it appears that the Chinese did not just hold of a few documents from the Hillary server, they got a copy of EVERY document and email that passed through that server.
What a mess and massive failure of the FBI, the Obama administration to implement proper security measures and of course, Hillary Clinton, and her arrogance to ignore Federal guidelines and Federal laws on data security. Lord know how many secrets the Chinese got hold of, how this hacking may have damaged U.S. security and safety and how many people may have died as a result of the Secretary of State’s business being completely known by the Chinese. The purest form of insanity.

3) Apparently Hillary Clinton was not the only Obama era government employee helping out Chinese agents undercut our national security:
  • Candace Marie Claiborne, a former State Department employee during the Obama administration, was recently sentenced to over three years in jail, three years of supervised release,and a fine of $40,000.
  • Her crimes included conspiracy to defraud the United States, lying to law enforcement investigators, and hiding her deep contacts with Chinese agents, receiving gifts from them in exchange for internal State Department documents.
  • According to prosecutors: “Chinese intelligence agents convinced Candace Marie Claiborne to trade her integrity and confidential information of the United States government for cash and other gifts for herself and her family. Claiborne withheld information and lied repeatedly about these foreign intelligence contacts. Violations of the public’s trust are an affront to our citizens and to all those who honor their oaths. With this sentencing, justice has been imposed for these dishonorable criminal acts.”
  • Claiborne was not some lowly clerk, she had Top Secret security clearance, which likely gave her access to some very important documents.
  • Besides getting tens of thousands of dollars from the Chinese agents, she also got Chinese New Year’s gifts, international travel and vacations, tuition at a Chinese fashion school, a fully furnished apartment, and a monthly stipend. 
Heck of a way to run a government. State Department employees, from the Secretary of State down to a regular State Department worker in cahoots, either willingly or carelessly, with Chinese agents and a Presidential candidate who is a blatant liar or very bad at math, either characteristic of which is not a good trait to have as President.

More insanity, unfortunately, to follow.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

July, 2019, Part 5, Political Class Insanity: More Voters Than Adults In LA, "The Russians Are Coming," and Politicians Pulling Strings?

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let’s get started:

1) In order for a democracy to survive there must be total faith that the voting process is in complete integrity. Once citizens believe that casting their vote makes no difference since forces are working behind the scenes to undermine their vote and their voice then democracy dies.

And according to the Godfather Politics website, if democracy dies in America from voter fraud there is a good chance that the death spiral begins in Los Angeles:

  • In an article by Warner Todd Huston on July 11, 2019, there are 1.6 million more registered voters in Los Angeles county than there are eligible adult voters living in the county.
  • This is equivalent of the county having the population of Philadelphia worth of extra voters.
  • This disgrace in voter integrity puts the county in violation of Federal law.
  • Despite being in violation of Federal law, according to the article, county officials do not seem to be in a rush to fix this problem, a problem that has been going on for years.
  • And while Los Angeles is a very gross voting disgrace, they are not alone relative to other California counties.
  • Ten of California’s 58 counties have voter registration rates that are higher than 100% of the counties’ eligible voters.
  • This in turn causes the ENTIRE state of California to have 101 registered voters for every 100 eligible voters.
  • According to the article: “Eight other states have voter rolls that exceed their actual voting population, and 38 states have at least one country where the disparity exists.”
  • A Pew research study estimated in 2012 that there are 24 million voter registrations, about one in eight, which are “no longer valid or are significantly inaccurate.”
  • 24 million is bigger than the entire population of Florida or New York state.
  • Pew also found that current voter registration rolls included 1.8 million dead people and 2.75 million voters who are registered to vote in at least two different states.
What a mess. If democracy dies in this country could very well die because our broken voting process caused Americans to lose faith that they still had an honest and worthwhile voice in their country’s future. What a disgrace.

2) The Democrats that fueled the Robert Mueller Russian investigation into whether or not Trump used the Russians to help get himself elected spent almost $30 million to find out that there was no Russian/Trump collusion. But even after two years of wasted time and resources and a lot of taxpayer money, Democrats are still trying to find a way to blame the Russians for everything wrong with their lives:

  • Presidential candidate Kamala Harris has already claimed that the Russians are already after her, over a year away from the next Presidential election and months and months ahead of any Democratic primaries.
  • In a recent interview she claimed that “Russian bots” have already attacked her campaign:
  • During the interview she was asked if her campaign would come under attack from the Russians: "We already know we are [under attack]. What we have to do is we also have to know when we’re being played and we also have to respond immediately when we know something is inaccurate."
  • And in a really weird twist she also blamed the Russians for attacking Colin Kaepernick, the former NFL quarterback who insulted America with his childish anti-America and anti-police antics.
Really foks, the whole “Russians under every rock” is really getting tired. If the Russians were actually that good and influential then the Soviet Union would still be a world power. Why not go positive and promote your assets, ideas, and ideals rather than chasing Russian ghosts everywhere, it is getting stale and is so unproductive.

3) Most people probably know that Jeffery Epstein, a very rich billionaire, has once escaped the consequences of promoting pedophilia with young girls but has been recently arrested again for the alleged sick transgressions. The biggest question and scandal of the original effort to put him jail was the extremely lenient sentence he received for abusing so many underaged girls.

The lenient sentence and treatment raised the obvious question: what people in power may have helped Epstein escape justice in his original trial and arrest? If you believe the old saying, “follow the money,” than those who may have helped him dodge justice with his first brush with the law for abusing kids could be in the following list:

  • Steven Beyer, writing for the Western Journalism website on July 12, 2019, shed some light on how much money Epstein has given to mostly Democratic politicians over the years.
  • Epstein donated to Democrats 26 times in the 1990s but only 3 times to Republicans.
  • Receivers of Epstein donations included Democrats Chuck Shumer, Jeff Bingaman, Joe Lieberman, Chris Dodd, John Glen, Bill Bradley, Daniel Moynihan, and Mark Pryor.
  • Epstein also donated to the Democratic senatorial campaign organization.
  • He gave $25,000 to the Democratic National Committee.
Just saying, who knows who may have pulled strings to get Epstein off the hook the first time. Hopefully, this time he will not get the same secret help for his disgusting transgressions.

4) But if politicians, likely Democrats, helped get Epstein off the hook the first time, these same politicians may have also helped their kids get unfair advantages and admissions to the best schools in the country, not because their kids were special but because they had influence and money to do so. We already know that famous celebrities in Hollywood pulled strings, cheated, and paid off people to get their kids into top schools when such admissions were not valid. Many of those involved, including celebrities, have gone or will be going to jail.

But maybe it was not only celebrities who pulled those Epstein-like strings for their kids and fancy colleges:

  • All four of Al Gore’s kids got into Harvard even though Harvard usually accepts only 4.5% of all applicants.
  • What are the odds that each of Gore’s kids fell in the top 95.5% of kids applying to colleges, at least according to Harvard’s standards?
  • Other Democrats whose kids got into Harvard include Senator Richard Blumenthal, Senator Robert Menendez,Senator Chuck Shumer, former NewYork Governor Eliot Spitzer, and President Barack Obama.
  • NYC mayor Bill de Blasio’s son got intoYale as did the kids of Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, Senator Amy Klobuchar, and Senator Michael Bennet even though Yale has an acceptance rate under 6%.
  • Chelsea Clinton got into Stanford even though its acceptance rate is only 4.8%.
  • Kids of Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden and many Kennedys got into Georgetown whose admission rate is only 6%.
  • Also, consider the reality that Ivy League colleges donated over $1 million to Democratic politicians while donating far less to Republicans last year: Yale gave Democrats over $170,000 and only $2,600 to Republicans, Harvard gave Democrats over $440,000 but less than $50,000 Republicans.
  • Back in 2016, Ivy League schools gave about $2.6 million to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
All of these kids of Democrats could have been very smart and maybe none of them received any extra help getting into elite, highly selective schools. And Jeffery Epstein may have just gotten lucky and got minimal jail time and punishment from his first arrest for pedophilia without the help of powerful people in politics. Maybe...but doubtful. More insanity to follow.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

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Sunday, July 14, 2019

July, 2019, Part 4, Political CLass Insanity: A Criminal Government Employee From The Obama Administration, A Potential Criminal Washington D.C.Councilman, and a Delusional Kamala Harris

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let’s get started:

1) The corruption and criminality of the political class never seems to end as we see from the following situation involving a formal Obama official:
  • Haroon K. Ullah was a senior employee of the U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM).
  • He was the chief strategic officer for the organization that is responsible for communicating America’s ideals and viewpoints around the world through such outlets as Voice Of America.
  • He has admitted that he illegally stole $40,000 in taxpayer government funds by lying about hotel invoices, fake taxi rides, and billing the Federal government for personal travel expenses.
  • According to a Justice Department statement: “Additionally, Ullah admitted that he created a falsified letter from a real medical doctor purportedly claiming that Ullah needed to fly in business class at government expense because of a sore knee. By submitting the forged letter from the doctor, Ullah fraudulently obtained costly business class upgrades at government expense, including on lengthy international flights. Ullah admitted to creating many of the false documents on his government-issued laptop computer.” 
He faces up to ten years in jail when sentenced in October. The good news is this government employee got caught abusing taxpayer funds. The bad news is that we have no idea how many other government employees do this and get away with this abuse every day.

2) Ullah was a Washington government employee who rightly got busted for criminal acts. Continuing this line of discussion, the Washington Post recently reported that an elected Washington D.C. official may have also broke some laws along the way:
  • The FBI recently raided the home of D.C. Councilman Jack Evans.
  • The possible law breaking involves a recent memo that alleges that Evans “repeatedly and proactively” used his Council position to help out a company that was paying him $50,000 a year for that help.
  • The memo is a 20 page document that was put together at the request of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Board to look into conflicts of interest.
  • The document concluded that: “Our investigation uncovered a pattern of conduct in which Evans attempted to and did help his friends and clients and served their interests, rather than the interest of [the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit]. The evidence uncovered through our investigation demonstrates that Evans’s ethical violations occurred not by accident, but ‘knowingly.’” 
  • The company was doing over $300,000 a year in contracts with the city and allegedly kicking back a good chunk of that contract money to Evans.
  • As always, Evans is assumed innocent until proven guilty and no charges as of yet have been filed for this alleged behavior. 
  • But Council Chairman Phil Mendelson was not happy, having told the Washington Post: “It is imperative that public officials maintain high ethical standards. Public trust is critical. At the same time, it is delicate and precious. We must now work to regain it.”
A few posts ago we discussed the outrage of a sitting Congresswoman, Frederica Wilson, had because people were making fun of politicians and she thought that was outrageous and that anyone who made fun of a politician needed to be made a criminal. Well, Congresswoman, until elected officials, like possibly Evans, and government employees, like Ullah, stop abusing the law, their government positions, and taxpayer money, you and others like you have not earned our respect so please shut up until the integrity of your peers and the government employees you oversee is worthy of our respect.

3) Since Trump became President:
  • The national unemployment has dropped below 4% and has stayed there for many, many months.
  • African American unemployment levels are at or near all time lows.
  • Hispanic unemployment levels are at or near all time lows.
  • Women unemployment levels are at or near all time lows.
  • Many companies have relocated or opened new factories and facilities within the country as a result of the Trump tax cuts.
  • Wages are rising, something that rarely happened until Obama’s tenure.
  • Overall economic growth continues to ride at levels higher during the entire Obama Presidency.
  • Inflation continues to run at very low levels.
  • Gas prices have been stable and low since Trump took office.
  • Growth in manufacturing jobs has been booming, something that Obama said would never happen.
  • Businesses took the Trump tax cut savings and reinvested those tax savings in higher wages, higher levels of employee training, employee bonus payments, and higher donations to charities.
  • Trump’s tax cuts resulting in dozens and dozens of utilities passing those tax savings along to utility companies in the form of lower rates.
  • Possibly because they were able to keep more of their hard earned wages, Americans set a record for charitable giving the year after the Trump tax cuts took effect, donating over $400 billion to charitable causes.
So let’s review: low unemployment rates across the board, rising wages, low inflation, low gas prices, high overall economic growth, lower utility rates, life is pretty good for most Americans.

Unless you are a Democrat running for President. According to Kamala Harris, the Trump economic policies are “not working for working people.” What? Total nonsense. Higher wages, more and better jobs, low inflation, low gas prices, are you kidding me Kamala? What else could one possibly want from an economy? Plus, you were awfully quiet when the Obama economy had stagnant wages, low paying job creation, higher gas prices, higher taxes, higher taxes for most Americans. My gosh, you cannot make up this insanity.

Of course, Harris is running for President so she has to suspend reality to get some traction in light of the best economy in decades. She went onto say she would repeal the Trump tax cuts which means that the vast majority of people in this country would be paying more, not less in taxes, and somehow in her perverted logic that would be better for working people: “One day one I will repeal that tax bill, which benefits the one percent and the biggest corporations.” 

No, Ms. Harris the tax cuts benefited the vast majority of middle class and lower middle class Americans in this country. In fact, the wealthier in this country often paid MORE after the tax cuts since Trump put a cap on the tax deductions the wealthy could take for state taxes and interest payments. 

Using realty and real data, the Tax Policy Center found that 1) 81% of the middle fifth of income earners paid less Federal tax in 2018, 2) 66% of all Americans paid less tax, and 3) only 5.5% of U.S. households paid more than $100 more in taxes in 2018 and most of those paying higher taxes were in the upper income tax brackets.

As with most politicians, it is often impossible to determine if politicians are really that stupid and do not understand basic realities or they think we are that stupid that we believe everything they say, or lie about, despite reality. Ms. Harris is obviously no exception to this rule, given her gross misstatement about the Trump economy.

That will do it for today’s insanity: Kamala Harris spewing falsehoods or delusions about the state of the economy, a potentially criminal politician in D.C. and a real, admitted criminal from the Obama administration. More insanity to follow including more From Kamala Harris and her inability to understand dates.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

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