Tuesday, October 6, 2020

October, 2020, Part 2, Political Class Insanity: Hunter Biden's Shady Dealings, NYPD Police Under Siege, and California Politicians Worry About the Wrong Things

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) We have avoided talking a lot about the upcoming Presidential election, just way too much insanity, stupidity, and fake news to comprehend. But we will make an exception today because some very serious documents, research, and conclusions have arisen, that do not involve fake news, that are too important not to discuss when it comes to political corruption.

A Senate report, based on investigations, found that Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son, may have been involved in some very shady financial dealings around the world that may have leveraged his father’s position as Vice President. Bank transfers of huge amounts of money have been uncovered that involved shady foreign clients that send millions of dollars to Hunter Biden’s bank accounts.

Some of these money transfers may involve criminal activity of Hunter Biden, other Biden family members, and friends. His “bankers” include but are not limited to a Russian oligarch, a Ukranian oligarch, a Kazakhstan holding company, and a Chinese businessman linked to the Chinese Communists Party and Chinese Army.

Washington Times reporter Rowan Scarborough noted on September 24: "The report’s phrasing is a sure indicator that Hunter Biden and his associates showed up by name in confidential Suspicious Activity Reports (SARS) issued by the Treasury Department." 

The Senate report concluded: “In particular, these documents show that Hunter Biden received millions of dollars from foreign sources as a result of business relationships that he built during the period when his father was vice president of the United States and after. These foreign nationals have questionable backgrounds that have been identified as being consistent with a range of criminal activities, including but not limited to organized prostitution and/or human trafficking, money laundering, fraud, and embezzlement.”

The transfer to and from Hunter Biden involved millions and millions of dollars and contacts from the Ukraine to Russia to China in multiple transactions. Most distressing is that the Senate report found that Hunter Biden “sent thousands of dollars to individuals who have either: 1) been involved in transactions consistent with possible human trafficking; 2) an association with the adult entertainment industry; or 3) potential association with prostitution. Some recipients of those funds are Ukrainian and Russian citizens. The records note that it is a documented fact that Hunter Biden has sent funds to nonresident alien women in the United States who are citizens of Russia and Ukraine and who have subsequently wired funds they have received from Hunter Biden to individuals located in Russia and Ukraine. The [Treasury] records also note that some of these transactions are linked to what ‘appears to be an Eastern European prostitution or human trafficking ring.’ ”

Nice guy. And yet the mainstream fake news media seems to care more about the bogus tax report that the New York Times filed than the multinational, potential crime syndicate that Joe Biden’s son has been financially leveraging through his father for years. Insanity.

2) NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio has never been a fan of the NYPD. The two of them have been at odds since he came into office. He recently decided to cut over a billion dollars from the NYPD police budget as a concession to the anarchist organizations, Back Lives Matter and Antifa. 

But the consequences of such idiocy are already being felt. Violent crime and murders are way up in the city as the mayor reduces and disrespects city law enforcement. Moving companies say they cannot get enough moving vans to help NYC residents escape to places out of the city.

As a consequence of the mayor's disrespecting of the police, riots and violent protests have resulted in 500 NYPD officers being injured over the past few months as they tried to defend the lives and property of innocent residents. Imagine how many civilians would have been hurt, murdered or robbed if those 500 officers had not been out there trying to preserve order.: “The chaos that politicians are encouraging on the streets is putting cops in the hospital,” Patrick Lynch, the head of the Police Benevolent Association, said. “It is not just the nearly 500 cops who have been hit with bricks and bottles or otherwise injured during supposedly ‘peaceful’ protests [Note: 319 of those attacked have seen hospital time]. Hundreds more are being injured because criminals are emboldened to fight cops the moment we step on the scene. They know our hands are tied. Every New Yorker needs to ask their elected officials how cops can protect them when we can barely protect ourselves.”

This year, over 7,000 NYPD officers have been injured, 47% higher than those that were injured for the entire year in 2019. All because a mayor is clueless when it comes to governing, law and order, and determining what is the right thing to do to protect his citizens

3) We have often showed how California is really in a major state of decline:
  • It has seen hundreds of thousands of taxpaying residents flee the state in the past ten years because of deteriorating quality of life conditions in the state.
  • It, by far, has the largest homeless population in the country.
  • The homeless population has led to the return of at least one Medieval disease, typhus.
  • Many of the state’s city streets are strewn with uncollected garbage.
  • In many state cities it is not illegal to defecate, urinate, or shoot up illegal drugs in public.
  • The state public schools do a horrid job educating its students.
  • It has unfunded state government financial liabilities that will eventually collapse the state economy and/or state government.
  • Over 4 million acres have recently been burned down because of stupid state level political and environmental rules.
  • The state government insistence of electrical utilities generating more and more of the state’s electricity from renewable resources has resulted in rolling blackouts and state residents paying 55% more on average for electricity than the rest of the country.
  • The state government’s robust plans for building a high speed rail line the length of the state failed miserably but only after wasting tens of millions of dollars.
  • The average income of state residents is one of the worst in the country.
  • The cost of housing, because of stupid and cumbersome housing regulations which make it almost impossible to build middle and low income housing, results in the highest housing costs in the country.
  • The state has the highest marginal state income tax rate in the country, a rate that state politicians want to raise even further.
  • The cost and taxing of gasoline in the state is among the highest in the country.
The state is in really bad shape from a quality of life perspective, a taxation perspective, etc. And what is the governor, Gavin Newsom, focusing on:
  • He has just chartered s state government study into paying reparations for slavery.
  • Yes, his state is going bankrupt, it is burning to the ground, and he is worried about paying citizens for something that happened over 150 years ago when no one in the state was alive.
  • He has set up a task force to investigate proposals for potential slavery reparations.
  • The task force will make recommendations by July, 2023 that will propose the form of compensation to be awarded and who should be eligible to get the reparation, even though every single Californian African American, 2.2 million, was not alive when slavery existed.
Slavery was horrible, it was demeaning, it was subhuman. But no one today suffered because of slavery that happened over 160 years ago. To think that slavery in 1860 affects someone’s life today is ridiculous. 

The right solution is to fix the broken education system in the state so that African Americans get a solid foundation of life. The right solution is to fix housing problems so that African Americans can find affordable housing to live in. The right solution is to provide a low tax burden so that African Americans, and all Americans, can keep the fruits of their labor as much as possible. But rather than fix the fundamental problems that all Californians face, Newsom is focusing on a non-issue that will fix nothing relative to any state residents. 

It is the rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic syndrome while having no solutions to the unfunded state government liabilities, the high housing costs, the high tax burden, the failed education system, etc., etc.,

Thus, today we see again that California is circling the drain and the state politicians have no solution to prevent the flushing, the NYC mayor continues to underestimate how valuable the NYPD is to maintaining a civil society in the city, and the political and financial corruption of the Biden family tree continues to grow and get worse and worse.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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