Saturday, October 17, 2020

October, 2020, Part 5, Political Class Insanity: A Small Town Mayor Goes TDS, A U.S.Senator Goes Trivial, and the Washington Post Goes After Kids

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) Politicians in a perfect world would be dignified leaders, respective of all of their voters. However, anyone who has followed this blog knows that American politicians are overwhelmingly NOT leaders, dignified and respective. They are usually greedy, shallow, and ineffective people that never get anything accomplished.

Such is the case of the mayor of a small town in the rural areas of New Jersey and her recent childish outburst:
  • Flemington, New Jersey is an old, quaint town in the rolling hills in western New Jersey, about five miles from where I used to live.
  • The current mayor is Betsy Driver who I am assuming is a Democrat, given she is not a big fan of Trump.
  • She is so not a fan that she recently, on her Facebook page likened Trump supporters to “religious zealots” who want to “enact the Christian version of Sharia law.”
  • First of all, I did not know there is a Christian version of Sharia and I doubt it exists because it looks like the good mayor is in the throes of a TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome, attack.
  • Not only does she slander every Trump supporter and make up a fake Christian tenet, she goes over the edge with her follow up comments: “If you voted for the orange monster with COVID, go f— yourself. If you plan on voting for him again, unfriend me and go f— yourself again.”
  • To say this is a dignified leader would be comical, she is on the verge of being certifiable crazy.
  • County Republicans properly pointed out how intolerable and insulting her words were, calling them shameful and insulting and calling for the good, wacko mayor to resign:“Your statement is antithetical to the principles of representative democracy. It is further proof that you do not represent the people of Flemington, the character of Hunterdon County, and the values of at least part of the Democrat party.”
But the whole situation gets even funnier and more ridiculous in that the mayor claims that her words were taken out of context! Really not sure how “go F___ yourself” can be taken out of any context imaginable, seems pretty straightforward. 

Which gets us to another sad attribute of American opticians: when they say ridiculous stuff like “go F__ yourself” was taken out of context do they think we are too stupid to realize how inane her comment is or does she really believe her statement? In either case, she is obviously unfit to fairly serve ALL of her constituents in the town of Flemington, Republicans and Democrats.

2) We have often wondered out loud which member of Congress has said the most stupid things over the years. Nancy Pelosi was the long time leading candidate for that title but over the past few years people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sheila Jackson Lee have come on strong with absolutely ignorant and/or silly statements.

But there is a newcomer to this competition. Hawaiian Senator Mazie Hirono has come up with some pretty good idiotic comments lately, the latest one coming from the Senate hearings for Supreme Court nominee Amy Cooney Barrett:

  • The good Senator actually asked Judge Barrett if she had ever sexually assaulted another person.
  • Now, keep in mind there was no evidence she did, no one had come forward to claim that actually happened, it was just a ridiculous, unfounded and stiupid thing to ask a well respected judge and woman.
  • The exchange between the Senator and Judge went as follows:
Hirono: I ask each nominee these two questions and I will ask them of you. Since you became a legal adult, have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors or committed any verbal or physical harassment or assault of a sexual nature?

Barrett: No, Senator Hirono.

Hirono: Have you ever faced discipline or entered into a settlement related to this kind of conduct?

Barrett: No, Senator.

Roe Vs. Wade, Gun Control, Judicial Overreach, Civil Rights, etc., there are dozens of important issues that the Senator could have asked of the judge. But no, she decided to ask these two ridiculous questions that have no basis in reality. What a waste of time and breath.

Would she have asked these same questions if Joe Biden was nominated for the court, given his extensive sexual harassment and sexual predator beahviors that are well documented? I doubt it because the hypocrisy is strong with every Washington politician.

3) It has always been our position that democracy needs a strong, independent, smart, and unbiased press. Such a strong press would make sure that misbehaving politicians stay in place since those in the free press would be honest, stay in integrity, and chase down stories regardless of whose political party the subject of that story was associated with.

But, sadly, that is not the situation today in this country. Different media and journalism entities have taken sides in the political discourse in this country, standing up for one part of the political spectrum no matter how corrupt while trying to find even the tiniest hint of wrongdoing on other parts of the spectrum.

The Washington Post is no different. Its reporting and blatant hatred for anything Trump is well documented and known, as illustrated in the following bit of tripe that the Post recently published:
  • Amy Cooney Barrett is a very well respected judge who has been nominated to sit on the Supreme Court.
  • A couple of weeks ago, she was part of a White House press gathering where Trump introduced her as his nominee for the Court.
  • Judge Barrett and her family attended the gathering.
  • Many people at the gathering unfortunately came down with the coronavirus including the President.
  • Fortunately, it appears most have recovered from the virus or are on the way to recovery.
  • Judge Barrett has a lot of kids, both her own and adopted, who go to school.
  • Unfortunately, two students and a teacher at one of her kids’ schools came down with the virus.
  • Mind you there is absolutely no evidence that the Barrett kids had anything to do with the infection of these three people, none whatsoever.
  • The Barrett kids tested negative for the virus, they stayed at home for a while after the gathering and only went back to school after the school said it was okay to return, they have had no connection to those that were infected, and have no virus symptoms. 
  • But that did not stop Post writer, Amanda Prestigiacomo, from publishing a non-story, strongly implying that the Barrett kids, by attending the press gathering, spread the virus to school folks.
  • Specifically: “Two students and a teacher at school attended by Barrett children tested positive for coronavirus,” was the headline to her story.
  • After publishing this sensationalism headline and opening implications that somehow the Barrett kids are responsible, she then said, “Parents are freaked out though no proven link.”
  • The story went on to say that “no evidence linking the school infections to the White House event.”
This was a non-story and yet the Washington Post still ran with it, implying from the title and the first paragraph that Judge Barrett’s kids somehow got these three people infected. It is only after the sensationalism headlines and first paragraph that they admit there is absolutely no evidence that the Trump meeting and Barrett’s kids had anything to do with the infections. A non-story that should have never been written, there is nothing there. So many other bigger issues and national problems to discuss and this newspaper prints this tripe, insinuating the kids did something bad. Disgusting.

Enough insanity for today: a New Jersey mayor goes off the TDS deep end, a U.S. Senator asks ridiculous questions, and the news media loses even more integrity.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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