Saturday, October 24, 2020

October, 2020, Part 8, Political Class Insanity: Failure To Protect Lives and Property In NYC, A NY Politician Trades Drugs For Sex, and Eight Indicted For Illegal Foreign Donations To Democrats

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) A very, very basic function of government is to protect the lives and property of citizens. It does not get much simpler than that, protection. But recently, cities across the country have failed miserably in providing this basic service to its taxpayers. Stupid politicians have talked about defunding police operations or eliminating police forces altogether without having any plans in place to protect lives and properties as a result of these changes. 

The mayor of NYC, Bill de Blasio has insulted, belittled and defunded the NYPD since the first day in office, demeaning police officers and reducing the respect they get from criminal elements in the city. As a result, NYC has seen significant jumps in crime, violence, and murders perpetrated against citizens and businesses. This in turn has caused a lot of people to start moving out of the city, taking their jobs and tax money with them.

And it doesn't look like it will get better any time soon from a protect lives and property perspective:
  • The number of NYC police officers retiring is up almost 90% so far in 2020.
  • 2,400 officers have filed for retirement in 2020 vs. 1,300 in the same period in 2019.
  • A police spokesperson said: “The NYPD has seen a surge in the number of officers filing for retirement. While the decision to retire is a personal one and can be attributed to a range of factors, it is a troubling trend that we are closely monitoring.”
  • Chief of Patrol head, Fausto Pichardo, retired recently after more than 20 years of service to the NYPD.
  • The PBA commented on his retirement saying that he resigned because of “elected officials” who were playing “political games” with the police force in the city.
  • NYPD PBA President Patrickj Lynch stated: “This is the highest attrition rate we have seen in over a decade, during a time we are battling enormous spikes in shootings and murders. And thanks to the City Council and Mayor’s ‘Defund the Police’ lunacy, no help is coming any time soon. Our elected leaders need to be held responsible for the dangerous path they’ve chosen.”
Reduced funding for the NYPD at the same time that crime is soaring is not a viable long term strategy to protect the lives and property of the citizens in the city. But that is the failure that is Mayor Bill de Blasio and the rest of the fools that run the city, reduce funding, demean the force, lose valuable, experienced police officers and the city goes down the criminal drain, causing the city to fail in its basic responsibility to protect lives and property.. Nice job, Bill.

2) As we have said so many times, one would hope that those that enter politics would be fine, honest and upstanding citizens, setting a good example for the rest of us. And every time we say that we realize what a pipe dream that hope is with the current people in the American political class:
  • A New York state politician, Dr, William Spencer, is also an ordained minister and prominent doctor.
  • Sounds like he really has his stuff together.
  • Until you find out that he was recently arrested trying to trade opioid drugs for sex behind a Goodwill store.
  • Besides being a sitting New York politician, he has worked on fighting the opioid crisis as well as trying to reduce the use of tobacco, energy drinks, and caffeine.
  • And yet he was willing to trade drugs for sex in an alley, arrested because of a law enforcement sting operation.
Nice guy but not surprising given how low so many American politicians have stooped when it comes to lacking integrity and actual criminal conduct.

3) But shady and criminal behaviors are not confined to trading drugs for sex in a back alley:
  • Attorney General Bill Barr has recently announced he has executed eight indictments for people who illegally funneled overseas donations to Democratic politicians in this country.
  • One of those indicted was a star witness in the Robert Mueller failed collusion witch hunt that tried to link Trump to Russian influences, further damaging the credibility of that whole fiasco.
  • That witness, George Nadler, was indicted for illegally funneling foreign money to Hillary Clinton’s failed 2016 Presidential campaign and other Democrats.
  • Nadler was not only arrested but, according to Justice Department sources, he was one of the leaders of the whole effort.
  • According to the Gateway Pundit: “An indictment was unsealed against the CEO of an online payment processing company, and seven others, charging them with conspiring to make and conceal conduit and excessive campaign contributions, and related offenses, during the U.S. presidential election in 2016 and thereafter.”
  • This illegal dirty funnel money found its way into the campaigns of Democrats Hillary Clinton, Senator Cory Booker, Congressman Adam Schiff, and others.
  • According to the indictments: “The 53 count indictment charges Khawaja with two counts of conspiracy, three counts of making conduit contributions, three counts of causing excessive contributions, 13 counts of making false statements, 13 counts of causing false records to be filed, and one count of obstruction of a federal grand jury investigation. Nader is charged with conspiring with Khawaja to make conduit campaign contributions, and related offenses.”
  • The money involved totalled over $3.5 million.
Another indictment of how dirty and perverted the American class has turned the political process into in this country. What is not apparent is if any of those who received the illegal and dirty money or their staff will be indicted and punished. Obviously those that donated the foreign money to the Democrats' campaigns knew they were breaking the law but what about those that received the dirty money, how did they not know they were also breaking the law?

If history is any indication, those that received the money will make sure that they never face justice because for American politicians laws always seem to be merely suggestions, not hard and fast rules that the rest of us have to live under.

That will do it for today: politics gets dirtier and dirtier, whether illegally getting money from overseas sources or trading drugs for sex in a back alley and the ability of New York politicians to provide the basic service of protecting lives and property continues to deteriorate as they dismantle the NYPD.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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