Sunday, February 6, 2022

February, 2022, By The Numbers - Some Surprising Abortion Numbers and Some Horrific Debt Numbers

 On a periodic basis we do some posts that fall under the theme of “by the numbers.” Rather than trust what the American politician tells us about reality, we like to examine the real numbers and the real reality in the world to understand what is actually going on.

Relying on politicians, and their cohorts in the media, to tell us what is reality is always a sucker bet. They have their own agendas and goals, usually centering around their needs and self-enrichment. So we need to look at the reality of the numbers to determine what is really going on. Previous analyses of “by the numbers” can be accessed by entering the phrase in the search box above.

1) The first numbers discussion in this post is not meant to be a debate between pro life folks and pro choice folks. It is meant to lay out what the reality is relative to Americans’ position on what the proper abortion rules should be in this country. From that basis, then a reality based, fact based debate on abortion should be launched, a numbers based approach, not an emotion based approach.

According to a recent national poll of over 1,000 adults by a leading university:

  • 71% of those polled believe that abortion should be highly restrictive and only used in certain instances.

  • 22% think that abortion beyond the first trimester should not be allowed.

  • 28% believe that abortion should only be allowed in a case of rape, incest or to save the mother’s life.

  • 9% think abortions  should be only allowed to save the mother’s life.

  • 81% of those polled believe that laws can protect both the mother and the unborn child.

  • Only 12% think that abortion should be outlawed altogether.

  • 49% of Democrats, 93% of Republicans, and 70% of independents favor more regulations protecting unborn babies.

  • 54% of those polled were against taxpayer funding of abortions.

  • 73% said taxpayer dollars should not be used to fund abortions in other countries.

Pretty overwhelming numbers saying that abortion should be restrictive and only when necessary. This is not what a large percentage of Democratic politicians will tell you which is why numbers should drive the discussion and not political rhetoric. 

I do not know if this was an unbiased study.  I do not vouch for the credibility of the study. But it should be a starting point, a numbers based starting point  to discuss what abortion should look like in this country and what Americans want, not what politicians want.

2) A constant numbers discussion in this blog has always been the amount of outrageous debt that the Federal government and the state and local governments have piled up, especially in the past decade or so. The ever growing amount of government debt will eventually crash our economy, our country’s financial viability, and our freedom if left unchecked.

And as we always point out, the American political class seems to be totally oblivious and ignorant of the carnage they are about to cause from an economic perspective. This ignorance was vividly illustrated in the first year of the Biden administration:

  • In Biden’s first year in office, the Federal government's national debt rose a ridiculous $2,116,890,735,740.39.

  • For those that are not good at math, that number is just over $2 TRILLION.

  • Given there are 104 million income tax paying households in this country, a simple ratio shows that the Biden administration in ONE year has increased the household debt burden in this country $20,353.58 each.

  • In other words, someone in the future is going to have to pay off this debt to the tune of over $20,000 for this single year of deficit spending in Washington.

That really means that our kids and our grandkids are going to be paying a lot of their hard earned working dollars to pay off the debt that Washington, and Biden, continue to accumulate.

3) Biden’s deficit spending in the past year pushed the overall Federal government debt to over $30,000,000,000,000. Again, for those not good at math, that is a whopping $30 TRILLION. Dividing that $30 trillion by the number of households paying income Federal taxes, about 104 million, the total national debt of the Federal government comes out to about $288,000 for every household.

Thus, every income tax paying American household would have to pay over a quarter million dollars to wipe out the Federal government’s debt load, NOT going to happen. Which means that some very bad things could happen pretty soon:

  • Government spending would have to be cut drastically in the coming years to fund government operations which means that Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, the biggest Federal government budget items, would be slashed, resulting in more poverty, sickness, and higher mortality rates of senior Americans.

  • Government will borrow more and more to fund itself and finance the ever rising interest burden on $30 TRILLION which will result in hyperinflation in the economy.

  • At some point the whole house of cards collapses and we have a dictatorship take hold in the country that is now a third world shell of its former self.

Not a pretty numbers picture.

4)For those liberal types who always start shouting “tax the rich” when it comes to these numbers, let’s do a numbers reality check:

  • According to analyses done by the Statista website, the 20 richest Americans are worth about $1.5 TRILLION.

  • If you could somehow confiscate and liquidate the entire wealth of these 20 Americans and use the proceeds to pay down at least part of the national debt, you would pay off about .5% of the $30 TRILLION.

  • Not  5%, not 50%, only .5%.

  • And this is if you took ALL of their accumulated wealth, if you only taxed their wealth at say 10%, then you would pay off .05%.

  • And it gets worse.

  • As we have previously reported, $30 TRILLION represents only the current national debt.

  • According to Congressional analysis, there is over $80,000,000,000,000  ($80 trillion) in unfunded financial liabilities that the Federal government will face in the next 25 years.

  • These unfunded liabilities that have not yet been incurred are mostly the shortfall in Social Security and Medicare expenses that will occur based on current spending and taxing levels.

  • So if you combine the current $30 trillion in debt with the $80 trillion in unfunded liabilities, the wealth of those richest Americans would pay off about .13% of the debt and liabilities.

  • Not 1.3%, not 13%, .13%.

Two obvious conclusions from the numbers: 1) the debt levels of the country are astronomical and 2) taxing the rich, even if you confiscate/tax all of the wealth of the richest Americans comes nowhere close to paying off the debt.

The numbers don't lie but politicians do… and will. This country is heading for a financial disaster and you cannot say the numbers did not warn us.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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