Monday, May 2, 2022

May, 2022, Political Class Insanity, Part 1: Jill Biden Book Fail, Post Office Banking Fail, Border Security fail, and New York Mayor Reality Fail.

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) Jill Biden is the wife of the United States President. Thus, that probably makes her one of the most famous and powerful women in the world. She recently wrote and published a book. That book sold an amazing….250 copies in the first week. Yes, of all the billions of people in the world, only 250 thought it was worth $26 to hear what Jill Biden had to say.

Given that sales volume, I think that it is safe to say that a whole lot of people could care less what Jill Biden has to say. And much like her husband’s Presidency, her book is an abject failure. How can a book from the wife of a U.S. President be such a non-event? Insane.

2) Speaking of failures, let’s discuss the latest Post Office failure:
  • A little while ago, some nut case politicians and/or government bureaucrats thought it would be a good idea for the Post Office to get into the banking industry.
  • Yes, an entity that has been around for hundreds of years and still has not gotten the hang of being an efficient and cost effective organization for their main job in the world, was supposed to be good at doing something entirely different and entirely unrelated to the main job, delivering the mail.
  • What could go wrong?
  • Well, needless to say, according to recent Congressional investigating, it seems nothing has gone right with this new Post Office endeavor.
  • Besides allowing people to cash payroll and business checks for up to $500, the program also allowed the Post office to sell gift cards, both services of which bombed in a four month, four city trial.
  • For example, across those four months and four cities, the Post Offices involved in the banking trial sold a grand total of six, yes six, gift cards with a retail value of $37.50
  • Obviously, the $37.50 in revenue probably did not cover the training, computer systems work, point of purchase displays, etc. for Post Offices in four trial cities..
  • It was a stupid, insane idea to begin with, the Post office skills are aligned with delivering mail, not banking. And yet despite the failure of the trial, the Post Office decided to continue on with this banking foray.
This is where the Congressional types got involved, even members of Congress realized this was a stupid idea that 1) was not worth pursuing and wasting more taxpayer wealth and 2) which was actually against the law, as discussed in a letter sent from Congress to the Post office: “As of its launch, the program violated a statutory restriction on offering or developing new products outside the scope of USPS’s traditional postal services. Moreover, the decision to extend the program puts USPS in direct contravention of language in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022, which was signed into law on April 6, 2022 and specifically prohibits taxpayer funds for pilot programs related to non-banking financial services.”

Thus, the Post office does not know how to sell banking services and Jill Biden does not know how to sell a book, not a good week for successes in D.C.

3) Many, many times we have discussed the principle that a very, very basic function of government is to protect the lives and property of the citizens it governs. And just as many times we have discussed the reality that current American politicians and bureaucrats do a horrible job fulfilling that basic premise:
  • For years, Chicago, a city with strong gun control laws, has been a gang -related shooting gallery with thousands shot and hundreds killed every year in the city.
  • New York City subways have seen an obscene increase in subway violence and crime.
  • In Los Angeles, the head of the LA Sheriff organization warned tourists not to come to the city since the violence and crime was so bad he could not guarantee the safety of any tourists.
Unfortunately, another failure of Federal government policy and execution has caused this basic governmental function to fail again:
  • Since becoming President, Joe Biden has caused the southern border of this country to become a disaster from an illegal drug trafficking, illegal immigration, illegal human trafficking, illegal criminal gangs, and potential terorsim perspective.
  • This failure to seal and monitor the border has resulted in record amounts of illegal drugs to flood into this country.
  • One of the fatal results of Biden’s border security failure has been a surge in fentanyl overdose deaths in American towns along the southern border.
  • News reports claim that some border towns have seen an 800% increase in fentanyl deaths over the past few years.
  • Given that over 100,000 American died from drug overdoses last year, an all time high, and that the amount of illegal drugs coming over the border continues to skyrocket, that tenet of protecting the lives of citizens is a complete failure when it comes to the Biden administration.
  • These 100,000 overdose deaths are the equivalent of wiping out a city like South Bend, Indiana every year.
And while Washington politicians talk a good show about protecting Americans from drug cartel products, e.g. California Congressman Ken Calvert: “We must take a war-like footing against those killing Americans,” whether or not those in D.C. have the brains, know-how, and fortitude to do something is still up for question

4) We sometimes run a set of posts under the theme, “Politicians Say The Darndest Things.” If we were doing that today, the following quote from New York City Mayor, Eric Adams, would certainly be featured: “There are only two types of Americans: those who live in New York, and those who wish they could. We got this.“

You read something like this and you have to ask yourself, does this guy actually believe that thought or does he think that we are stupid not to believe it? Consider the reality of the situation:
  • Crime, as we have discussed many times, in NYC has seen dramatic double digit increases in the past few years.
  • Subway in particular has seen a giant uptick in crime and violence against innocent citizens.
  • Organized gangs roam the city, invading high end retailers and stripping the shelves of valuable merchandise.
  • The cost of living and the level of taxation is through the roof.
  • Recent times have seen problems with garbage removal and other sanitation issues, resulting in a jump in the vermin population in the city.
And yet the mayor somehow thinks that everyone wants to move to his city? Fortunately, the rest of America is not that stupid, considering some of the response to his inane perspective:
  • “I’m from a little country town out west. My dad was the first in my family to see New York. Hell, the first to get on a plane (insurance conference). When he got out of his cab at the hotel, he was shot execution style and died on the spot. They didn’t even take his money. $52.”
  • “You don’t say! Is that why some 320,000 residents fled NY state between July 2020 and July 2021, according to US Census Bureau data. That makes New York the nation’s leading state for population decline. Guess where they went…FL and TX!”
  • “I’m in Miami and you couldn’t pay me to live in your city, Eric.”
  • “Then why are so many New Yorkers fleeing to Florida?”
  • “There’s a third type… the people who know that New York is a crime ridden shithole and never want to step foot there again.
  • “Gonna take a lot of work to get NY back to where it used to be. Adams lot of people were hopeful for you, but you are off to a rough start buddy and tweets like this are just arrogant and clueless”
  • “Tell that to all the New Yorkers who are fleeing to Miami because your city is a dumpster fire”
  • “Most of America looks at NY in disgust. We also hate pretty much all the residents except for a few. You’re reaching”
  • “Oh there’s a 3rd type. Those who thank God every day that they don’t live in NYC.”
  • “Yea I wish I could wake up every morning in my $5,000 a month closet of an apartment and head to work on a piss-soaked subway car wondering if I’ll get mugged, drugged, raped, or murdered as crime rates rise to new highs every day. What a dream!”
  • “I don’t want to get hit with a pipe when leaving to buy milk”
  • “What a complete loser. He needs to get out and breathe some real Florida air.”
  • “I promise you I don’t want to be within 200 miles of NYC and your $3K/month 300 square foot broom closet apartments.”
  • “This guy actually think people wants to live in New York bro I’ve been driving 18-wheelers for over decade people who drive truck don’t even want to go through New York ” “I guess he’s been living under a rock in his fancy New Jersey pad and didn’t realize what’s actually happened to this once amazing and vibrant city.”
So out of touch, so pathetic. It is one thing to be an advocate for your city, it is another to say something this stupid and so subject to ridicule.

That will do it for today’s insanity: Jill Biden book fail, Post Office banking fail, border security fail, and New York mayor perception fail.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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