Tuesday, October 17, 2023

October, 2023, Political Class Insanity, Part 2: Homeless In Denver, Carjacking A Member of Congress, Overdosing In Alaska, and More

 Every month we devote posts to just general political class insanity that is running rampant through the country. The members of the American political class continue to show that they are incapable of operating any level of government in this country. 

Even their best efforts are almost always inefficient and ineffective at resolving any problem facing Americans. They spend a great amount of time not trying to improve the lives of their citizens but continually ensuring their reelection and enriching themselves, their families, and their friends in the process, all at taxpayer expense.

1)We have often discussed the reality and embarrassment that the richest country in the history of the world usually has about 600,000 homeless citizens living on the streets of the country at any one time. While Washington continues to send hundreds of billions of dollars overseas on failed foreign aid efforts, Americans are living on the sidewalk or in their cars.

Most of the time we have focused on the ever growing homeless population in big cities especially San Francisco and  Los Angeles. But the homeless problem is also in other big cities:

  • Denver is not immune to the homeless crisis.

  • The city has an estimated 7,000 homeless residents living outside on the streets of the city.

  • This gets Denver into the top ten cities from a homeless population perspective.

  • This has resulted in open air drug use and public defecation and urination problems from the 7,000 homeless folks, endangering the health of all city residents.

  • It has also damaged the business prospects of  city businesses since customers are now thinking twice about walking the city streets.

The city mayor recently declared homelessness as a public emergency and proposed a $50 million program to provide temporary housing for 1,000 of those 7,000 people. And while it is nice that he is trying to do the right thing, his plan does not make a lot of sense:

  • The $50 million for 1,000 people means that the mayor is proposing spending a whopping $50,000 for EACH of those 1,000 people in the city housing efforts.

  • Consider the reality that the national average cost of a hotel  room is about $150 a night.

  • Thus, theoretically, that $50 million could house each of the 1,000 homeless folks in an  average hotel for 11 months.

  • If you double up the number of homeless living in each hotel room, the $50 million could provide very comfortable housing for almost two years.

It is doubtful that the city politicians would provide as nice quarters for as long a period of time as this hotel model but as always the easy, cheaper, better way is never the path politicians take. And do  not forget, that $50 million only takes care of 1,000 homeless folks, there would still be  6,000 others still on the streets. Thus, the homeless situation will continue, be it in California or Colorado.

2) And while the 7,000 homeless folks continue to live on the streets, Biden has been handing out over $100,000,000,000 to the Ukrainian government to fight the Russian invaders. Or has that money not all been used for this alleged purpose:

  • A recent “60 Minutes” report found that American taxpayer money is also being used by the Ukranaians to buy seed and fertilizer for their farmers, not American farmers.

  • Also, American taxpayer money is being used by the Ukranians to pay all of their 57,000 first responders, not American first responders.

  • American taxpayer money is being used to subsidize Ukrainian small businesses, not American small businesses.

I have no problem helping out others in need for a short amount of time as long as there is a plan to make sure it is a short time. But Biden has not even tried to work with the two sides to end this war, has not even been in contact with Putin. And it is my understanding that Biden’ Secretary of State has had exactly ONE meeting with Russia’s foreign minister. Enough is enough, this war has turned into a bottomless pit, sucking down American taxpayer money while we cannot even give shelter to 7,000 homeless Americans in Denver. Horrible priorities.

Or as Democratic Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suggested:  "Modest suggestion: Let’s support farmers, small businesses, and first responders in our own country instead." 

3)Auron MacIntyre apparently is the host of BlazeTV. I think he had one of the best lines and observations ever when it comes to Washington giving out billions and  billions of dollars in foreign aid every year, whether it is going to an endless war in Ukraine, terrorists in the Gaza strip, gender studies in the Middle East, pottery classes in Morocco, etc. when he observed: "You [the American taxpayer] don’t live in a country, you live in a tax farm for a global empire."

4)We have often talked about the drug overdose death epidemic that is happening right now across the country. Since Biden’s border policies have practically made border security non-existent, the amount  of illegal drugs (e.g. fentanyl, cocaine, tranq, etc.) flowing into this country has been unprecedented. We predict that when the latest annual drug overdose death tallies are released by the Federal government the increase in the fatality rate because of his border policies will be astronomical.

Unfortunately, this plague of Mexican drug cartel supported wave of illegal drugs has reached its ugly tentacles all the way up to Alaska, far, far away from our southern border:

  • The cartels drop their illegal  drug shipments in major cities in the state such as Anchorage, Juneau, and Fairbanks and from there their networks take the drugs out into the remote areas of the state for sale.

  • In 2021, the number of Alaskan drug overdose deaths went up 75% in one year.

  • The 75% is the highest increase in drug overdose deaths in all 50 states.

  • According to FBI agent Brandon Waddle, “What keeps me up at night is the fact that fentanyl is killing our small, most vulnerable communities. The opioid crisis is attacking us, and we don’t have enough personnel to effectively combat it.”

  • In 2021, 253 Alaskans died from drug overdoses and about 76% of those deaths were a result of synthetic narcotics like fentanyl.

Given the rough and spread terrain of the state, catching the purveyors of the cartel’s illegal drugs is difficult. Thus, Biden’s porous and horrible border policies are now having fatal effects all  the way up towards the Arctic Circle.

5)I would never wish harm to any human being who is just going about their lives. Crime and criminal, violent behavior usually does not get picky of who and how they affect regular, law abiding citizens. However, sometimes there is karma in the world that might bring a little smile to one’s face:

  • Henry Cueller is a Congressman from Texas.

  • Until recently, Cueller was an avid, hard core advocate for the inane, fatal, and downright illogical “defund the police” movement.

  • This concept was big in his home away from home, Washington D.C., a city whose politicians were big proponents of the movement which has turned the District into a high crime area.

  • Earlier this month, Cueller was a victim of a carjacking while parking his car near his apartment building.

  • He was accosted by three armed gentlemen who stole his car at gunpoint.

  • In the past he supported the “George Floyd Justice in Policing Act” and voted several  times to support legislation that would have reduced funding for police departments.

  • Fortunately, he was not harmed and his car, but not the culprits, was found a little while after the carjacking.

  • As a result of the city’s politicians weak stance on crime and its defund mania, carjacking in the District now averages about two a day compared to one every three days a few short years ago.

  • Total carjackings in both the District and surrounding areas were over 1,000 in 2022 compared to 200 in 2018.

  • And the D.C. area including the District has become a hotbed of violence since armed robberies are up 95% this year and carjackings are up 57%, all of which has happened while 1,400 police officers have quit their area jobs since 2020.

  • Local enforcement agencies have blamed local politicians for their antagonistic attitudes and defunding of police agencies for so many officers leaving the profession..

Again, glad he is safe and he got his car back. But just another example where politicians were quick to jump on a slogan, and “defund the police” was no more than that, a slogan. Unfortunately, their actions resulted in many incremental deaths, a fate the Congressman  avoided but many others have  not.

That will  do it for today’s political class insanity: homeless in Denver, American taxpayer wealth continues to be wasted worldwide, the cartels reach Alaska, and defund the police continues to be stupid.


If you agree that we need to deseat every member of Congress for their lack of success and accomplishment, then please consider going to the following petition link to help the cause:



Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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