Monday, January 1, 2024

January, 2024, Part 1, Political Class Insanity: Biden Rescues Federal Workers From Inflation, The Cartels Get More Violent, and California Politicians Are Nuts

Every month we devote posts to just general political class insanity that is running rampant through the country. The members of the American political class continue to show that they are incapable of operating any level of government in this country. 

Even their best efforts are almost always inefficient and ineffective at resolving any problem facing Americans. They spend a great amount of time not trying to improve the lives of their citizens but continually ensuring their reelection and enriching themselves, their families, and their friends in the process, all at taxpayer expense.

1)We have often discussed the very real possibility that the state of California will be the first of possibly a few states that will end up in a financial death spiral that will eventually lead to bankruptcy:

  • As the states’ politicians continue to spend and spend, which requires more and more taxation, residents and businesses leave the state for less onerous tax burdens.

  • This reduces the tax revenue stream for the state government which usually results in more taxation, not less government spending.

  • More taxation results in even more residents and businesses fleeing the state which reduces the state government tax stream even further.

  • This lower tax stream eventually results in the reduction of state government services which decreases the quality of life which drives more people out of the state and the financial death spiral is in place.

In addition to this high taxation and out`migration crisis, the state politicians have created any number of other quality of life issues:

  • High crime rates.

  • High homelessness rates.

  • An epidemic of drug addiction.

  • Failing public schools.

  • A potential $68 BILLION budget shortfall in fiscal 2024.

  • As a “sanctuary state,” the state is coping with a large and untold number of illegal immigrants and trying to take care of their needs, usually at the expense of American citizens.

The state is a mess. One would hope that the state’s politicians at all levels of government would be laser focused on fixing the above problems  that affect tens of millions of state residents. But that would be asking too much since:

  • Rather than fix the above major problems, the state government politicians wasted valuable time and resources developing and passing a law that would require stores in the state to have a specific “gender neutral” toy and children's section if they were in the business of selling toys and other kids’ products.

  • Yes, forget drug addiction, forget crime, let’s force retailers to have a gender neutral kid section by January 1, 2024 or face a fine of up to $500.

  • This would apply to all businesses that have over 500 employees.

  • Specifically, the gender neutral toy section “means any product designed or intended by the manufacturer to facilitate sleep, relaxation, or the feeding of children, or to help children with sucking or teething.”

  • Stores could still have separate boys and  girls sections but would also have to  add a gender neutral kids section.

  • The sponsor of this nonsense, California Democrat Evan Low, told CBS News in 2021, “We need to stop stigmatizing what’s acceptable for certain genders and just let kids be kids. My hope is this bill encourages more businesses across California and the US to avoid reinforcing harmful and outdated stereotypes.”

  • Kids in his state are homeless, hungry, and getting a bad education and this is his priority.

This law will increase the cost for the retailers involved as they spend more money to comply with this stupid law which will make living in the state even more expensive which will help drive more people out of the state. When you cannot solve the big problems, you create little problems that you can solve, seems to be the motto of American politicians.

2)But gender neutral toy aisles is not the only fiscal and insanity and bad priority of the California political class:

  • Keep in mind that probably millions of California residents cannot afford access to health insurance or inexpensive medical care, much like others in the rest of the country.

  • But starting January 1, 2024, all illegal immigrants in California will have access to “free” health care.

  • It is really not “free” since the California taxpayer will be picking up the annual tab  for $3.1 billion for providing healthcare to illegal immigrants.

  • This free health care will be offered through California's Medicaid program.

  • Keep in mind that the state already faces a likely $68 billion budget deficit this fiscal year,  which led state senator Roger Niello of the  state senate budget and fiscal committee to easily observe: “Regardless of what your position is on this, it doesn’t make  sense for us to be adding to  our deficit.”

  • It is estimated that a whopping 700,000 illegal  immigrants will get this free healthcare benefit,  courtesy of the state taxpayer.

  • This 700,000 number is larger than the total  Medicaid enrollment of several states.

Unbelievably bad fiscal priorities. High crime, high homelessness, bad schools, large budget deficits, etc. and the state adds MORE expense to its budget, expenses that don't even serve those paying the taxes to finance it. Eventually taxes will have to  be raised to cover not only this additional budget item but the overall budget deficit and the financial death spiral picks up speed.

3)One of the major problems that Biden’s failed border policies has created (in addition to  millions of unvetted and unvaccinated illegal immigrants entering the country along with terrorists, criminals, and record volumes of illegal drugs) is the enrichment of the Mexican drug cartels. They are getting richer every day as they profit from drug trafficking, human trafficking, sex trafficking, and a whole host of  illegal activities that have become available because of Biden’s porous borders.

And with their increased wealth comes the increased violence to protect their lucrative wealth streams and the weapons to do so:

  • According to former ICE field director, John Fabbricatore, there recently was a violent shootout between cartel personnel and the Mexican military right on the Arizona border.

  • The shootout involved fully automatic weapons, the kind of weapons that one should only see used in a wartime situation, not on the streets of a city.

  • Reporting by newsNation reporter Ali Bradley found that: “Cartel shootout across the border from Lukeville [Arizona] yesterday according to Border Patrol sources—Machine gun fire was heard by national guard members operating a surveillance system—3 vehicles outfitted with weapons carrying people were spotted near the international boundary—Weapons were discharged—Vehicles ended up engulfed in flames as you can see from the images.”

Just another day in the failed border policy era of Joe Biden, automatic weapon gunfire firefights on the US border.  The following link gives you and idea of how violent life is on the border:

4)But it is not just Biden’s border and immigration policies that are utter failures.  Consider some more bad economic feelings and news as his economic policies have saddled Americans with high inflation and feelings of economic stress and  worry:

  • According to a recent CBS opinion poll, about 75% of Americans reported that their income is not keeping up with inflation.

  • People claim that they are struggling to  pay their bills and their wages seem to stand still while everyday expenses keep going up.

  • 56% of those polled correctly assessed that government spending is causing inflation.

  • Fortunately, Biden made sure that Federal government employees can avoid this feeling of falling behind by granting all federal employees an average wage increase at the end of the year of 5.2%, much higher than the rate of inflation and the highest annual increase since Jimmy Carter’s administration 44 years ago in 1980.

  • The average pay for Federal employees before the latest generous wage hike was $98,943,  almost 60% higher than the median salary of American households.

An  example of Biden talking out of both sides of his mouth where he complains that Americans do not appreciate how well his economic policies are working while at the same time handing out pay hikes to Federal employees that have  not been seen in 44 years. If economic life for Americans were that good, Biden would not need to hand out such generous pay hikes to the Washington workforce.

Enough insanity to kickoff the  new year: Biden helps Federal workers stay ahead of inflation, the cartels get even  more violent right on the U.S. border,  and California is nuts, facing a $68 billion deficit but giving away more taxpayer wealth while working on stupid, non-problems while the big state societal problems continue to fester along.


If you agree that we need to deseat every member of Congress for their lack of success and accomplishment, then please consider going to the following petition link to help the cause:


Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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