Tuesday, January 16, 2024

January, 2024, Part 3, Political Class Insanity: Congress People Getting Rich, Defunding the Police Karma, Illegal Immigrants Take Precedent, and More

  Every month we devote posts to just general political class insanity that is running rampant through the country. The members of the American political class continue to show that they are incapable of operating any level of government in this country. 

Even their best efforts are almost always inefficient and ineffective at resolving any problem facing Americans. They spend a great amount of time not trying to improve the lives of their citizens but continually ensuring their reelection and enriching themselves, their families, and their friends in the process, all at taxpayer expense.

1)We have often lamented  how millions of Americans are suffering today:

  • About 600,0000 Americans are usually homeless on any day.

  • 17 million Americans are struggling to feed themselves and their families, given the high level of food inflation that has occurred as a result of Biden’s failed economic policies.

  • Millions of Americans are in need of medical help and drug addiction treatment.

And  yet, despite all of these millions of suffering American citizens, the American political class has found it better to feed, clothe, shelter, and give medical assistance to millions and millions of illegal immigrants that Biden has allowed to flood into the country. Terrible, terrible priorities.

And the ignoring of Americans’ needs took another recent hit in New York City:

  • The city government decided that it was a good idea to kick out the entire population of a city high school and repopulate the school with 2,000 illegal immigrants for a day or two because the city did not provide adequate winter shelter for the illegal immigrants.

  • This forced the high school students to revert back to Zoom classes and remote learning, a situation that was basically a disaster during the pandemic.

  • This insult caused both local politicians and parents to freak out to have their kids take a backseat priority to illegal immigrants and the reality that they got only a one day warning.

  • One parent’s reaction: “It’s inexcusable to do this to the students of New York City high schools, especially after all they’ve been through with COVID.” 

  • Another parent’s reaction: “They have to come up with another solution. They cannot do this to school kids.” 

  • A student reaction: “I do believe they are putting the life of people who are here illegally and not documented over my life. I am a 15-year-old girl at the school who wants to get her education and better her life, and she can’t come to school today because the day was interrupted by people who aren’t supposed to be here.” 

No one wants to see another human being be placed in danger even if they are an illegal immigrant. But the rage is most likely against the local political class which has no idea how to fix the problem they created by constantly proclaiming they were a “sanctuary city.” As a result of their incompetence, American kids get the short end of the stick for something they had absolutely no input to.

2)Singer and actress Barbra Streisand does not like Donald Trump. She raged against him when he was President on any number of issues. One particular rage incident involved the covid crisis when she said that Trump should not be spending money on protecting the southern border but that money should be spent on “testing, ventilators, and personal protective equipment for our health care professionals.”

She is obviously entitled to her opinion and that is fine. However, what is not fine is her hypocrisy and another failure of the Federal government to be a good steward of taxpayer money:

  • Barbra Streisand is very rich, her net worth is over $400 million and she lives in a $20 million mansion.

  • However, when covid hit she applied for and received taxpayer covid funds and loans for her production company, Barwood Films Limited.

  • Yes, rather than help out struggling small businesses, $200,000 was allegedly given to a Hollywood star worth over $400 million.

  • According to the New York Post, one of the workers paid with that money was a groundskeeper who was responsible for the gardens on her Malibu mountain top home where the film company is registered.

  • The Federal government eventually wrote off the loans and never recouped the money.

Another example where the Federal  government and the politicians operating it wasted valuable and much needed covid relief money on a wealthy American, in this case a Hollywood store who rather than pay her gardener out of her $400 million, allegedly decided that the American taxpayer should pay him. At the same time, she criticized Trump’s spending priorities while abusing the covid program, the height of hypocrisy.

3)One of the most inane, and fatal, ideas that have come out of certain sections of the political class is to “defund the police.” These politicians somehow, without any data or real experience, thought that reducing the budgets of police departments and insulting the job of police officers was a good idea. 

Politicians that leaned hard into the defund the police theory found that as a result of this idiocy, crime and homicides skyrocketed, resulting in incremental deaths of innocent citizens. And not unexpectedly, this theory has finally caught up with politicians that pushed this theory:

  • Shivanthi Sathanandan is the Second Vice chairwoman for the Demcoratic-Farmer-Labor party.

  • She was a very strong advocate for defunding the police as a result of the George Floyd situation.

  • But karma always wins out in the end.

  • Sathanandan was recently a victim of a brutal carjacking attack that went down in the presence of her two kids outside of her home.

  • In broad daylight, four armed perps attacked her, leaving her bloody and injured with a broken leg, lacerations to her head, and  bruises and cuts on her body.

  • All of a sudden her “defund the police” stance and  activism disappears and she is now demanding urgent action to address the issue of illegal guns and the apprehension of those that commit any violent crimes.

  • She also wants to prosecute the type of people who commit these types of crimes, hold them in custody, and prosecute them without hesitation.

I feel sorry for her and her kids. But those who have alleged that the police were the problem, and not the violent criminals in society, now have to answer on the violent downside of their stupidity, a downside that unfortunately has come home to one of these politicians’ front door.

4)We have often reviewed the financial windfalls that Nancy Pelosi and her family have been fortunate enough to enjoy during her term in Congress. Many people and investigators have alleged that the reason she became so wealthy during her many years in  Congress is because she traded in the stock market using confidential  government information.

In the real world this is called insider trading. And in the real world people go to jail for doing this. New data on how Pelosi and others in congress  may have been using insider information for their financial advantage has recently come to light:

  • According to stock trading tracker, Inverse Cramer, in 2023 Pelosi and her  husband generated a 65% return on  their investments in 2023.

  • Keep in mind that the S&P stock index went up a very healthy 24% in 2023.

  • Which means that Pelosi generated almost three times as much in her investments than the market average.

  • Also, according to Inverse Cramer, her 65% was a larger investment return than every major hedge fund investor in 2023, people who are trained and experienced in managing stock market investments.

  • Even worse, Pelosi was not even among the top 5 politicians in  Congress in 2023 when it came to investment results.

  • A  New York Congressman Brian Higgins,, generated an insane 238.9% return on his investments in 2023.

  • Three other politicians currently in Congress generated over 100% returns on their stock  market investments in 2023, an absolutely unreal  result.

  • Democrats in total in Congress had a combined 31.18% return on their stock investments while Republicans only had a 17.99% return on their investments.

These are ridiculous results. No one in Congress is that good at investing relative to overall market returns and the experts that are immersed in the industry everyday. Another example of that old political tenet: “Do as I say,  not as I do.”

Insider trading and jail for you, insider trading and wealth for me.

That will do it for today’s insanity: politicians getting rich, defunding the police karma, taxpayers pay a Hollywood star’s bills, and illegal immigrants continue to be more important to  American politicians than American citizens.


If you agree that we need to deseat every member of Congress for their lack of success and accomplishment, then please consider going to the following petition link to help the cause:



Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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