Note: we realize that November, 2017 has not started yet but trust me, we have so much political class insanity to get to this month that we are going to start a few days early in order to get it all in:
1) One of the great things about this country is the ability to speak your mind and opinions and tell your rulers what you want done rather than having them tell you what they want done. This wonderful arrangement seems to be lost on most current and former politicians in that once in office they think they know what is best and are more than willing to impose their views and values on citizens.
A wonderful example of this type of political example recently came up relative to former Vermont governor Howard Dean. But first, a quick background review. Article V of the Constitution allows the states to petition the Federal government to act in certain ways according to the will of the people. In this process, state legislatures call for a Convention of States meeting where changes to how the Federal government works are discussed, voted on, and passed onto the Federal government which, according to the Constitution, must implement those Convention changes.
There is a major Convention of States effort underway to fix what the Washington politicians have broken:
- Decimating our freedoms as guaranteed under the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
- Bankrupting the country via excessive Federal government debt.
- Usurping what should be state's’ responsibilities and taking them over at the Federal level.
- Staying in office way too long and being way too ineffective while there, requiring that term limits be put in place.
But according to the Convention Of States website, Dean recently attacked the Convention of States effort by claiming it will “be full of special interests who will want to do all kinds of right wing nut job things.” He also stated that: “The threat is the complete collapse of our democracy.”
No Mr. Dean, the Convention of States is the restoration of our democracy, not the collapse of our democracy. How can one argue against more freedom, rational fiscal policy, downsizing the massive and burdensome Federal bureaucracy by returning rightful Constitutional powers to the states, and getting rid of useless and inept Congressional members?
The only way to argue against the Convention of States is to want to maintain the current power trip that elitist politicians are currently on because returning power to the people in our democracy threatens the cushy and personally enriching lives that people like Howard Dean have grown rich and fat off of.
As far as “right wing nut job things,” the Convention effort is very focused on a minimal amount of substantial changes, something that Dean probably knows but needs to hype up to prove his misguided point of view. When citizens win, politicians lose and that is what his fearmongering is all about.
2) As we all know, a nut case recently opened gunfire from a Las Vegas hotel room and rained down hundreds of rounds of bullets into a concert crowd, killing dozens and wounding hundreds. One reason he was able to do so much damage in a short time was that he had a so-called bump stock which crudely changed his semiautomatic weapons into automatic weapons, allowing him to fire more bullets faster. It was a tragic situation caused by a deranged madman.
It did not take long for the political class, especially Democrats, to jump in and push their agendas even while people were fighting for their lives and families were desperately seeking to find the status of their loved ones. This pushing aside human suffering to push a political agenda is bad enough.
But when you are doing such trash and are ignorant about what you are talking about, that is even worse. Such was the case of Hillary Clinton who could not wait to wade into the middle of this tragedy with her gun control nonsense, especially as it relates to silencers: “The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots. Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get.” I guess her point is if the nut job had a silencer on his weapons even more people would have died since the crowd would have been slow to realize what is happening.
But alas, as with most stuff politicians talk about, they are clueless and Clinton was no exception. Her ignorance shows since she obviously has no idea what a silencer does and does not do:
- NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch: “Suppressors [silencers] only reduce [noise] by a few decibels, still same decibel level as a jackhammer.”
- National Reviews editor Rich Lowry said Clinton was a “tone-deaf political hack”
- Scott Greer of the Daily Caller sarcastically called Hillary a “noted firearm expert.”
- Former CIA member Buck Sexton said her comments were “appallingly stupid, and entirely irrelevant,” writing how “she knows nothing about firearms. "and even worse, she doesn’t care.”
- The Daily Wire editor-in-chief Ben Shapiro echoed stated that Clinton’s comments were “ignorant, irrelevant and exploitative.”
3) Unfortunately, political class insanity is not restricted to Washington politicians. Many state politicians, seemingly a disproportionate of whom live in California, are also inept and ineffective. Consider the latest insanity from that state’s political class as reported by Keely Sharp on the Eagle Rising website:
- The state government recently passed a law that makes it only a misdemeanor now to knowingly expose others to the AIDS/HIV virus including blood donated to blood banks.
- Yes, let that reality set in: in California it is no longer a felony to knowingly pass on HIV to another person, either through direct contact or by submitting bad blood to a blood bank.\According to the article: “This new law also applies to blood banks. People will not be required to tell blood banks that they are HIV-positive and can therefore freely donate their infected blood.”
- Sponsors of the bill tried to justify the downgrading of the crime by stating that modern medicine allows people to live longer with HIV so I guess no big deal if you get HIV from someone who knows they have the disease, just suck it up and start taking medicine and live with the disease for the rest of your life while the person that infected you gets a misdemeanor slap on the wrist.
- One of the sponsors was quoted in the LA Times as saying: “We are going to end new HIV infections, and we will do so not by threatening people with state prison time, but rather by getting people to test and providing them access to care.”
Republican Senator Joel Anderson apparently does have some common sense: “I’m of the mind that if you purposefully inflict another with a disease that alters their lifestyle the rest of their life, puts them on a regimen of medications to maintain any kind of normalcy, it should be a felony. It’s absolutely crazy to me that we should go light on this.” This is why we call it political class insanity.
On a somewhat related note, understand that the same politicians in California that just said it is basically okay to knowingly infect another person with the HIV virus also recently passed legislation that makes it a crime to call call a senior citizen in a California nursing by a pronoun that is not preferred by that senior citizen.
Specifically, any person who “willfully and repeatedly” does not “use a transgender resident’s preferred name or pronouns” could, if found guilty of the misdemeanor, spend up to a year in county jail and face a $1000 fine.” Thus, in California it is now a misdemeanor to infect someone with a life threatening fatal disease, HIV, and it is also a misdemeanor to call a person by the wrong pronoun name. Sometimes this stuff makes your head to explode.
Enough insanity for today: HIV and pronoun insanity from California, more Hillary ignorance, and Howard Dean insulting Americans exercising their Constitutional rights. More insanity to follow.
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