Friday, January 10, 2020

January, 2020, Part 4, Political Class Insanity: Economic Ignorance In California and Ignoring Americans' Safety Everywhere

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let’s get started:

1) The ignorance when it comes to basic economic theory and reality from American politicians is a constant source of wonder. They fail to grasp even the simplest, most common sense economic principles. They recently demonstrated this trait out in, where else, California:
  • California’s recently enacted law, AB5, was supposed to force companies to treat their part time/”gig” employees as full time employees.
  • Gig employees are usually considered short term temp employees who fulfill a specific need for a short term need for a company.
  • Examples of gig employees are Uber drivers, writers, consultants, truck drivers, etc.
  • The reasons companies use gig employees is because everyone wins: the companies get a short term need fulfilled without a long term commitment and gig employees get flexibility to work if and when the want and need.
  • Seems like a sweet deal for all parties involved but leave it to state politicians to screw it up.
  • The first casualty of this bad law was actually people that worked for a company that supported the law, Vox Media.
  • Vox owns a subsidiary called SB Sports Nation, and shortly after the law was enacted SB said that it would no longer hire freelance writers based in California because it did not want to pay full time benefits to part time, freelance writers as required by the new law.
  • According to SB: “In the early weeks and months of 2020, we will end our contracts with most contractors at California brands,” SB Nation Executive Director John Ness said in December. “This shift is part of a business and staffing strategy that we have been exploring over the past two years, but one that is also necessary in light of California’s new independent contractor law, which goes into effect January 1, 2020.”
  • So the good news for SB free lance writers, and probably soon to be good news to other gig workers in the state, is that you will now get better benefits for your work efforts. The bad news is you no longer will get any work efforts since companies will go to other states to get writers, truck drivers, consultants, etc.
  • Again, everyone was happy until the politicians messed it up.
  • Fortunately, sane people are fightingthis stupid law. The California Trucking Association has gotten a temporary restraining order which stops AB5 from applying to thousands of California truckers. The American Society of Journalists has asked a Federal judge for the same injunction. Local News 8 in San Diego asked a truck driver about his opinion to which he replied, “we’re out here working hard and now they want to take our money away too.”
Just another reason, besides high taxes, onerous regulations, high gas prices, wild fries, street defecation and urination, high crime, etc. for hard working taxpayers to leave the state.

2) The city of Denver has joined other liberal cities and has decided that protecting illegal immigrant criminals is a better idea than protecting the lives and property of American citizens. Thus, the city has decided to not cooperate with Federal immigration authorities and help those authorities to at least take into custody illegal immigrant criminals.

Consider the dire ramifications of just one case that this idiocy has created:
  • Juan Sanchez is an illegal immigrant who has been deported six different times.
  • He was involved in a hit and run accident where he killed a pedestrian.
  • Thus, he fled the scene of the crime and went into hiding.
  • The local authorities finally took him into custody but refuse to turn him over to the Feds to be deported.
  • He will likely make bail and probably flee from justice.
  • Oh, by the way, he has past convictions of felony crimes.
  • In addition to not turning over illegal immigrant criminals to the Feds. current Colorado state law prohibit local law enforcement from even providing information about immigrant criminals to the Feds such as where the criminal is hiding or living.
Just another example where the rights and lives of illegal immigration criminals are more important to American politicians than actually taxpaying real American citizens. Insanity.

3) Let’s stay with this theme that illegal immigrants are more important than the needs and safety of Americans and visit with the Biden family. Over the holidays Jill Biden, Joe Biden’s wife, decided to visit the Matamoros illegal immigrant camp in Mexico. The camp is home to migrants looking to some way, somehow get into this country illegally.

Once there, she showed her solidarity and joy with those looking to break our laws, if even just coming over the border illegally. She did not bring joy to:
  • The hundreds of thousands of homeless Americans over the holidays.
  • The millions of hungry Americans over the holidays.
  • The family of Corporal Ronil Singh who was murdered about a year ago by a Mexican gang member who was in this country illegally but protected by liberal cities’ sanctuary laws.
  • The family of El Dorado County Sheriff’s deputy Brian Ishmael who was gunned down while responding to a call concerning illegal immigrant drug dealers.
Again, liberal politicians care more about illegal immigrants than hard working, tax paying citizens, citizens that sometimes pay with their lives and always pay with their taxes.

Economic ignorance and ignoring Americans, typical political class insanity.

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