Sunday, January 12, 2020

January, 2020, Part 5, Political Class Insanity: Government is The Problem, Kerry Lies, San Francisco Dies, and The Clintons Get Richer

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let’s get started:

1) We obviously write a lot about how inept our politicians are. They either ignore or cannot manage the major issues of our times or they pass laws that far more often than not make the original problem worse, not better. In the process, they run up a national debt of $23 TRILLION and never, ever resolve any issues.

The only good news out of all of this morass is that Americans may finally be becoming aware of how bad our politicians behave and perform:
  • According to recent polling results from Gallup, 27% of those polled named “government” as the top problem facing the country today, scoring higher than immigration, gun control, climate change, etc.
  • This is the highest that response has scored since 1939 when American politicians were bumbling their way through the Great Depression.
  • That was 80 years ago.
  • This was a whopping five point spike from 2018 when a still strong 22% thought that government was the biggest problem facing the country.
  • One theory is that the whole Russian collusion and then faux impeachment idiocy has resulted in such a fast decline in government faith.
  • “Government” though has been the worst problem facing the country in five of the past six years, having grown from a low of 16% to 27% in that short five year window.
  • No other reason is close with immigration coming in second with 16% thinking it is the worst problem facing the country, race relations is third at a measly 6% and along with healthcare also at 6%.
Bottom line is more and more Americans are realizing that government, e.g. politicians are the real problem. Which is why term limits is so important because really, how much worse could it be if we got rid of every politician now sitting in office? Or as Ronald Reagan once said: "Government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem."

2) We have heard the following nonsense before but it is worth reviewing again. Obama Secretary of State John Kerry recently said: “I believe Joe Biden is the only person who has the set of relationships around the world, who has had this unbelievable breadth of experience as Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee and then as vice president for eight years, and an administration, by the way, which never had a whiff of scandal.”

We will not go into the beginning part of the nonsense he states, that Biden is qualified to be President, that argument is too easy to tear up. But it is hilarious that many from the Obama domain parrot the same talking point that there were no scandals during Obama’s eight years. Seriously? Do these people like Kerry really believe this nonsense or do they think we are too stupid and believe their lies? Consider:
  • Obama’s Fast and Furious program violated domestic laws, international laws, and international arms treaties by running guns to violent Mexican drug cartels, guns that in turn were used to kill hundreds of Mexican citizens and at least one U.S. Border Patrol guard.
  • Obama weaponized the IRS to attack and mute his political opponents, violating their First Amendment rights.
  • Obama violated the Fourth Amendment by spying on just every American’s electronic communications without due process or valid warrants.
  • Obama ordered the assassination of American citizens living overseas without due process of law.
  • Obama unilaterally changed several parts of Obama Care without Congressional permission.
  • Obama lied hundreds of times about numerous Obama Care tenets claiming that Americans could keep their doctors, insurance plans and hospitals under Obama Care if they wanted to keep them (not true), that families could see up to a $2,500 annual reduction in their healthcare costs under Obama Care (not true), and that Obama Care “would bend the cost curve” of health care costs (not true.)
  • Obama violated existing sanctions against terror nation Iran by secretly shipping it close to $2 billion in cold cash, secretly delivered on pallets in the middle of the night.
I could list more scandals but if these scandals are not enough, go to the following more comprehensive lists to show that Kerry is either living in a different reality or is just a plain old political liar:

3) We have often spoken recently about how the politicians in California, at the local and state level, are turning the state into a mess. Particularly bad is the situation in San Francisco:
  • Crime is rising since the penalty for lesser criminal offenses has been virtually reduced to zero.
  • The homeless population is skyrocketing.
  • It is now not illegal to defecate, urinate, or shoot up illegal drugs in the open.
  • Taxpayer money is used to fund the drug habits of city drug users.
While these words are bad enough but actually seeing the degradation and horrible conditions that politicians have caused to happen in the city and elsewhere in the state really drives home the bottom line that the politicians are useless, uncaring, or both, as witnessed in the following video:

4) The Clintons have made themselves very rich since Bill left office. Of course, it did not hurt that Hillary basically ran a pay for play operation while Secretary of State where she granted foreigners favors at taxpayer expense for the opportunity of Bill making mega bucks by giving speeches in return (e.g. Uranium One deal, Ericsson deal, etc.). Her operation of the Clinton Foundation garnered untold millions of dollars from foreign donors that recent news reports indicate that Bill may have used as a private slush fund.

They were also able to leverage their influence and positions of power to make their daughter, Chelsea Clinton, very rich despite her lack of experience and training:
  • Despite having no prior experience or expertise in investing, Chelsea was appointed to the board of an Internet investment company in 2011.
  • Combining her $50,000 annual retainer for that position and an initial grant of $250,000 in IAC/INterActiveCorp stock, recent news reports indicate she turned those rewards into $9 million, again despite having no experience in the Internet industry or the investment industry.
  • SEC documents from the company claim that she got the plum position because of “her broad public policy experience and keen intellectual acumen, which together the Board believes continue to bring a fresh and youthful perspective to IAC’s businesses and initiatives.” Yeah, right.
This does not include the $600,000 annual salary she got from NBC News right out of college to do news stories although she had no journalism training or experience. One of her best stories was a hard hitting interview with the Geico mascot where she asked the fictional character, “Now gecko, do people recognize you on the street?” And, “Is there a downside to all this fame?”

The corruption, greed, and chutzpah of the Clinton crime family knows no bounds.

That should do it for today: government stinks, Kerry is delusional or lying, San Francisco is dying, and the Clintons continue to thrive despite providing no redeeming societal value.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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