Wednesday, January 8, 2020

January, 2020, Part 3, Political Class Insanity: Elizabeth Warren's Lies, Joe Biden's Delusions, and California's Problems

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let’s get started:

1) We often have asked the question, are politicians so stupid that they believe their own lies or do they think we are too stupid to understand that they are lying? It is a question for the ages. Which brings us to the first insanity topic today, the many, many lies of Democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren. She has not shied away from the big lie rather than just telling lies about her plans and programs, she kind of focused on life long lies that are really pretty easy to refute:
  • Her biggest and longest running lie was that she had substantial Native American heritage and ancestors in her background. She has used that lie to move to the head of the line when it came to lucrative job opportunities, helping make her a millionaire many times over. After getting a lot of doubt thrown her way on this claim when she gained national notoriety, she did a DNA test on herself and alas, found out that she indeed had very, very little Native American in her, much less than the average American.
  • Warren is currently a Senator from Massachusetts. She promised state voters that if re-elected she would serve out her full Senate term. A few weeks after she secured her re-election she launched her Presidential campaign which if elected, would cause her to not fulfill her vow to the state’s voters.
  • She wants to get rid of non-public schools in an obvious bone being thrown to public school teacher unions, lying even though her kids went to private schools and got all of the benefits of private school, benefits she would deny to millions of American families.
  • She lied about her father being a janitor.
  • She lied about getting fired from a teaching job because she was pregnant. 
  • She lied about how she would fund the disaster known as Medicare For All.
The problem is that these are the lies that have been proven to be actual lies. How many other statements, and promises, are also lies? Nothing different here, just another American politician spouting out lie after lie.

2) As a Congressman, Senator, and a Vice President, Joe Biden has generally been an embarrassment. He has been in Washington for decades and has accomplished very little except making himself very, very rich. 

And now he wants to be President and yet, he has spent the past years making a fool of himself. I found a list of his most ridiculous instance showing how unfit he is to President with video proof if you do not believe the words that follow:
  • Biden has shown a creep tendency to put his hands all over females regardless of how old they are, i.e. he also fondles kids. This has earned him the nickname “Creepy Uncle Joe.” Besides touching kids his most famous female touch was when he put his arms around the wife of Secretary of Defense, Ashton Carter, and then smelled her hair. He tried to feel up reporter Amie Parnes during a 2013 Christmas party and told a 10 year old girl that she was “good looking.”
  • But it was just not females that he had an inappropriate actions with. He also insulted minority kids with the following statement: “We have this notion that if you’re poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids!”
  • Biden was Vice President for eight years for Obama. One would think that he would remember those years and that assignment. But alas, he did not on at least one occasion. This past August Biden claimed that victims of the shooting at Florida’s Parkland High School “came to see me when I was Vice President.” The problem is that the shooting occurred after Trump took office when Biden was no longer Vice President. Delusional?
  • Maybe he really has a problem with dates. In an Iowa campaign event, he claimed that Obama had protected illegal immigrants back in 1976: “We’re going to allow families to stay together while they go through the process … We did that in 1976.” But back in 1976 Obama was 13 years old which probably makes it unlikely that Obama was not able to keep illegal immigrant families together since he was likely in seventh grade.
  • Biden has seemed to be confused on exactly where he is. In 2019 he confused New Hampshire with Vermont and Iowa with Ohio.
  • Although it did not happen in 2019, who can forget this faux history lesson Biden gave the country during the days of the Great Recession: “When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed.” But this only happened in Biden’s version of reality. In everyone else’s version of reality Herbert Hoover was President when the stock market crashed and the Great Depression hit. Oh, and TV was not a reality in 1929 America, FDR talked to the nation via radio once he actually became President.
  • While in the middle of a 2019 Presidential debate with a dozen other candidates, Biden spoke up that he wanted to raise taxes on people “clipping coupons in the stock market.” To this day, no one has a clue what this means...except maybe Biden.
  • Back in 2008, Biden criticized the Republican economic plan since that “economic plan does nothing to tackle the number one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word: Jobs. J-O-B-S.” 
  • During a 2008 campaign rally, Biden told wheelchair-bound Missouri state senator Chuck Graham to “Stand up, Chuck, let them see you! Oh, God love ya, what am I talking about?! I tell you what, you’re making everybody else stand up though, Pal.” Unfortunately, Senator Graham was mobility impaired and restricted to a wheelchair.
  • Back on St. Patrick’s Day 2010 Biden claimed that Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen’s “mom lived in Long Island for 10 years or so, God rest her soul. Err, although she’s, wait—your mom’s still alive!” he said. Does he not have anybody on his staff that can brief him the situations he is likely to find himself in?
  • Biden is not the most tech-oriented either. During a talk he encouraged people to go to his website “Joe 30330.” Unfortunately, “Joe 30330” is his text number, not his website.
And this gentleman wants to operate the greatest country in the world when he has no idea where he is, who he is talking to, who cannot count, gropes females regardless of age, and who is tech ignorant. Insane. To see him actually saying these gaffes go to:

3) Unfortunately, many of our most recent posts have highlighted how badly state politicians have screwed up the state of California. Things have gotten so bad, high taxes, crumbling infrastructure, poor public education, skyrocketing homelessness, defecation and urination in the streets, high energy prices, return of Medieval diseases, skyrocketing crime, etc. that tax paying residents and businesses have started to escape to other more civilized places to live where their families, health, and wealth are safer.

Consider the experience of a former state politician, Chuck Devore, and his observations on the state which he left behind since he too has also fled the disaster that is California:
  • “California’s progressive left policies are killing the state.”
  • “The state is dying.”
  • “Everything is more expensive. Their energy is more expensive, housing is more expensive.”
  • “If you want a blueprint of what America will look like if the left takes over, look no further than California. They have half of the nation’s unsheltered individuals in one state, in California. The place is falling apart.”
  • "California is failing. President Trump certainly is going to have his work cut out for him because it’s very difficult for the federal government to move alone, without the state and local governments backing them up" 
  • "However, I know a lot of nonprofits out in California would certainly love to see a change in policy, and maybe we’re going to see that and maybe we will start to see a reduction in the homeless population. In the meantime, though, California isn’t looking good."
  • “I predict within two years, you're actually going to see California begin to shrink in population as people leave the state and go to other places like Texas where taxes are lower and regulation is less.” 
This from someone who saw up close and personal what the California political class is doing to the once great state of California. High taxes, high regulations, and low ability to resolve issues, a deadly combination.

So, inept politicians, a clueless politician, and a chronic lying politician. God help us.

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