Tuesday, January 14, 2020

January, 2020, Part 6, Political Class Insanity: Congresswomen Insulting Those That Serve, Biden Lies or Is Delusional, and CNN Bias Gets Exposed

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let’s get started:

1) Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee has often been written about in this blog and never in flattering terms. This is a Congresswoman who once claimed that the Constitution is 400 years old (it isn’t), that her Congressional district in Houston was 50 feet below sea level (it isn’t) and once asked if one of the Mars surface explorer vehicles would be traveling where Neil Armstrong landed on the moon. And this lady votes on national laws. Insane.

But she recently was in front of the microphone with other members of Congress and was giving a heartfelt tribute to our armed forces folks who have suffered as a result of serving our country and protecting our freedoms. It was a very serious topic delivered in a very serious tone and I commend the Congresswoman for that.

But the disgrace of the moment was going on behind her as two despicable members of Congress, Congresswomen Omar and Tlabi, got into a private conversation immediately behind Ms. Jackson Lee and then proceeded to laugh and giggle for the rest of the speech. These are two individuals who have not been secretive in their hate and disgust with this country. And their disrespect to those that serve is proof again that their are truly hateful and useless politicians and leaders of this country. See their antics at:

2) Joe Biden wants to be President despite a lifetime of embarrassing, funny, sexist, and racist gaffes. The gaffes are in addition to a policy and legislative history that is underwhelming at best. The Fix This Nation website recently ran a story on his most recent lies and gaffes as it applies to foreign policy:
  • In a recent interview, Biden claimed that “we”, namely him and the Obama administration, took out Osama Bin Laden.
  • When challenged by the interviewer that Biden had advised AGAINST going after Bin Laden, Biden denied he said that, “No, I didn’t. I didn’t.”
  • But according to left-leaning Politico, Biden told Obama in 2012 not to go after Bin Laden, “Mr. President, my suggestion is, don’t go. ‘We have to do two more things to see if he’s there.”
  • But Obama never did those “two more things,” went after and got Bin Laden, and eight years later Biden is lying about what he said and what was well documented by multiple sources.
  • In answering a recent voter question about the war in Iraq under Bush, Biden insisted that he was against the invasion of Iraq “from the very moment” that bombs started dropping on the country.
  • But the first day of the invasion, Biden was on CNN and said, “We have one single focus. And that is, we’re about to send our women and men to war. The president is the commander-in-chief. We voted to give him the authority to wage that war. We should step back and be supportive.”
  • This statement after Biden voted on the floor of Congress to authorize the invasion.
Just two of the latest foreign policy lies from the former Vice President. Previously, he insisted he had met Putin and gave him a good talking to (he didn’t meet him) and that he had met, Kim, the North Korean maniac and had dressed him down also (he didn’t meet him either). Again, all of this raises the age old question: are politicians that stupid to believe their own lies or do they think we are too stupid to understand they are lying to us … or both?

3) One of the critical foundations of democracy is a free, unbiased and aggressive free press. An unbiased free press is a bastion against lying, corruption, and destruction of freedom in any democracy from the political class that operates within that democracy.

Unfortunately, those in this country with this heavy free press responsibility have fallen down completely on the job. The mainstream press in this country is anything but unbiased any more. Ratings, personal prejudices, and personal hatred override the tenets of unbiased and solid journalism.

Nowhere has this failure been more prevalent than at CNN, which at one time was a stronghold of solid and unskewed news reporting. But over time they have devolved into a biased, hateful center of news reporting and what has happened is their ratings have suffered as they eroded their integrity. Their nightly news broadcasts now trail Fox News by orders of magnitudes and most nights trail several other cable TV channels including the Food Channel and the Hallmark Channel. Thus, some nights, it is conceivable that more people are watching “Cupcake Wars” than CNN.

Project Veritas is a well known activist group which has done many undercover video stories in the past. Their videos exposed many, many political and government misdeeds, crimes, and idiocy. Their most recent effort was filmed by a gentleman named Cary Poarch, a former CNN employee. He spent two years secretly recording discussions among some higher ranking CNN employees and executives.

Poarch filmed different CNN employees and ended up showing how anti-Trump their reporting was and how they only focus on him and his actions. Also, they talked on the undercover film about making up news stories and how Democrats are far more abusive of power than Trump but they only focus on Trump.

Some of the biased comments from actual CNN officials include:

Patrick Davis: “What’s crazy to me is Obama was caught on camera…”

Poarch: “With the Russian thing…”

Davis: “Yes! ‘Wait ’til I get into office and I have more room to negotiate…

Poarch: “Flexibility.”

Davis: “‘I have more flexibility’ and I’m going, holy sh*t. I’m going with…”

Poarch: “And I voted for the man.”

Davis: "But then Trump’s getting hammered for twisting an arm, you know what I mean? It’s, I don’t know man; he (Trump) has survived everything up to this point…”

Poarch: “It’s crazy right?”

Davis: “Bill Clinton survived getting his d**k sucked under a table, you know what I’m saying? My guess is the House is crazy enough to go through with it and they’re starting it. Everyone’s trying to do this from a ‘holier than thou perspective’ like, ‘Oh, he abused his power.’ Those a**holes, those 500 a**holes up there, abuse their freaking power every day. They do this sh*t every fricking day.

Poarch: “For thirty years.”

Davis: “What he was doing was nothing compared to what these a**holes are doing on a daily basis, right?”

In other words, CNN knows about how biased they are, allowing power abusing Democrats in Congress to get a free pass while making up news stories about Trump. This is not how the free press supports democracy and freedom, it is also not how they can grow their audience base, Americans are too smart for that.

To see some of the original biased videos and conversations, go to the following link:

So, two members of Congress belittle and disrespect those that serve in our armed forces, Biden continues to lie or be delusional, and CNN is an insult to unbiased journalism, endangering democracy in the process.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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