Saturday, January 18, 2020

January, 2020, Part 7, Political Class Insanity: More California Fiscal Insanity, More Elizabeth Warren Lies, More Obama Spying, and More Democrats' Hate

It political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of  is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let’s get started:

1) Elizabeth Warren wants to be President of the United States. She also may be a serial liar. She lied about her Native American ancestry, she lied about being fired because she was pregnant, she lied about her son not going to a private school. And now she may have lied again, this time relative to Trump’s ambassador nominations:
  • When recently asked about Gordon Sondland’s nomination to be the U.S. ambassador to the EU, Warren stated that, "when he (Sondland) came through – I think most of these guys came through on consent – I objected to all of them"
  • His ambassador appointment was approved by a Senate voice vote on June 28, 2018.
  • The vote was taken on his appointment when Senator Mitch McConnell was the only Senator in the Senate chamber.
  • Thus, Warren could not have objected via a voice vote since she was not there.
  • In fact, Fox News investigated and found that Warren did not object to any of the 11 ambassadors Trump put forward.
Another day, another lie from Ms. Warren, it is getting tiresome.

2) Sharyl Attkisson is a long time, respected and award winning journalist, probably one of the few in the industry these days with any degree of integrity and honesty. She believes that Obama and his cohorts illegally spied on her because of her honest reporting on the Obama scandals, Fast and Furious and the Benghazi massacre.

She has now sued people within the Obama administration since new, alleged information has been found:
  • This new information allegedly identifies the people involved in spying on her computers and phones from 2011 to 2014.
  • Specifically, "The plaintiffs first acquired the details regarding key individuals involved in the surveillance in August 2019 from a person involved in the wrongdoing who has come forward to provide information," Attkisson said in a complaint filed on behalf of herself and her family in Federal court in Maryland.
  • The prime defendant in the suit is Rod Rosenstein, a long time U.S. Attorney that Trump dismissed and who was allegedly in the center of all the illegal spying that was done on the Trump campaign.
Hopefully, Ms. Atkinsson gets some justice for these alleged transgressions and the free press gets some protection the future from illegal activities of government and political operatives whose actions undermine a free press and a free nation.

3) The Iranian people have been living under an Islamic and despotic dictatorship for decades. The regime has been more interested in spreading terrorism across the Middle East and suppressing freedom and rights in Iran than helping its citizens. However, recently the Iranian people have been getting restless and have been publicly protesting the government leaders that rule over them. 

Public protests several months got over 1,000 Iranians killed by the government’s violent response. Public demonstrations started up again recently when the Iranian military shot down a passenger airliner taking off from the capital city of Iran, killing over 100 passengers and crew, many of whom were Iranian citizens. Again, the Iranian government has reacted violently to suppress these protests over the shooting.

A Republican Congressman put forth a House of Representatives resolution condemning the killing and harassing of Iranian citizens. Nice gesture, show some solidarity for ordinary people expressing their opinion and yearning for justice and freedom. Keep in mind that the Democratic controlled House recently passed a resolution condemning the killing of an Iranian general, Qassem Soleimani, someone who no one is disputing was one of the leading terrorists in the world. 

This general was directly responsible for the deaths and wounding of hundreds of American soldiers and contract workers. He helped plan and spread terrorism throughout the world. He was planning attacks on four American embassies when Trump ordered the military to take him out, which was done with precision and no civilian casualties. 

And yet Democrats passed a resolution condemning this attack, an attack that took out the world’s leading terrorist without civilian casualties. But when it comes to putting out a resolution condemning the Iranian government for shooting down its own plane and killing untold numbers of its own citizens and which also violently suppresses freedom of its citizens, Democrats in the House refused to pass a resolution for refuting those actions.

Needless to say the House Democrats’ actions are puzzling. Condemning Trump’s killing of a terrorist but not condemning the Iranian government’s heinous acts on their own people: “What a disappointment —Democrats just blocked a vote on a resolution supporting the Iranian protesters. This is not the time for partisan politics. This should be a time for the US Congress to speak with one voice to condemn an Iranian regime that kills its own people,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said in a tweet.

Another case of Trump Derangement Syndrome? The killing of a world leading terrorist is bad, the killing and suppression of innocent Iranian citizens is good? No other explanation is possible...or acceptable. Pure insanity and derangement.

4) What would a political insanity post be without reviewing the latest insanity from California’s wacky and inept political class? So many times we have discussed the crazy and dangerous situations throughout the state:
  • Homelessness continues to grow rapidly in the state while decreasing around the rest of the country, despite a strong national economy.
  • The state has hundreds of billions of dollars in unfunded state government liabilities.
  • The state has horrible public schools, horrible infrastructure conditions, and horrible forestry management skills, resulting in massive wildfires.
  • The state has seen the rise of Medieval diseases such a typhus because of the growing homelessness.
  • The state failed miserably in building a high speed rail line, wasting untold millions of dollars in the process.
  • The state has some of the highest taxes in the country.
  • The state’s crazy and likely useless environmental laws results in some state residents paying over $5 for a gallon of gas, about double what the rest of the country pays.
We could go on but you get the idea: the state is a mess with horrible priorities. 

A little while ago the state decided that it would fund Medicaid healthcare coverage for illegal immigrants that were under the age of 25. Think about that: state taxpayers are now required to pay for the health care of people who are here illegally, breaking our existing laws, and who in all probability are contributing very little or nothing to the tax base funding this health care.

Now, according to the Daily Caller website: “[The latest state government] proposed budget now aims to extend free health care coverage to illegal immigrants 65 years old and older as a part of the state’s Medi-Cal program. This would add $80.5 million to the budget this year and $350 million annually once fully implemented.”

Again, we are talking about law breaking illegal immigrants who are over 65 years old which means that they too are highly unlikely viable taxpaying residents who would help fund this annual $350 million cost. Let’s do a little math:
  • There are about 125,000 homeless Americans living on the streets of California.
  • We have previously discussed the fact that on average it costs a homeless shelter about $2.94 to feed a homeless person a decent meal.
  • Which means that the $350 million devoted to illegal immigrants, who have broken our laws and who for the most part, being over 65 years old, are unlikely to be paying taxes, could have been used, on average, to provide about 1.192 MILLION meals of the state’s homeless population.
  • Which means each of the 125,000 homeless Americans in California could have received about 953 meals a year or almost three meals a day despite being homeless.
Instead, 125,000 Americans who are homeless in the state will go hungry and illegal immigrants will get free healthcare. Sounds like a very, very sad case of very, very bad priorities. Law breaking, non-citizens get rewarded while Americans suffer on. 

No wonder over a million Americans have left the state since 2006, a topic for the start of our next political class insanity post. At some point, the insanity, neglect and abuse of those that pay taxes, obey our laws, and are in need are secondary to coddling illegal law breakers and inept state politicians.

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