Every month we devote posts to just general political class insanity that is running rampant through the country. The members of the American political class continue to show that they are incapable of operating any level of government in this country.
Even their best efforts are almost always inefficient and ineffective at resolving any problem facing Americans. They spend a great amount of time not trying to improve the lives of their citizens but continually ensuring their reelection and enriching themselves, their families, and their friends in the process, all at taxpayer expense.
1)We have often made the point that the Washington political class members often take care of themselves first, their political handlers and donors second, illegal immigrants third, and if they have the time and energy, American citizens. They trade on insider government information to make themselves rich. They hand out taxpayer money to their political supporters, not to make life better for Amee
ricans, but to ensure they have a steady flow of political campaigns to themselves, which they often direct towards their own self enrichment and the enrichment of friends and families.
Congressman Eric Swalwell recently reinforced this portrait of Washington greed:
It recently came to light that his reelection campaign organization, “Swalwell for Congress,” saw hundreds of thousands of dollars be diverted to pay for his travel expenses, high end dinners, and luxury spa visits.
According to Federal Election Commission records, these personal expenses came to over $350,000.
And these recorded expenses did not include stays at a Holiday Inn Express but stays at very high end hotels (e.g. Aman in New York and Peninsula Shanghai) along with tens of thousands of dollars spent at high end airport lounges.
The dining expenses include over $200,000 in meals at high end restaurants, where meals in some cases the average cost per person was hundreds of dollars.
$63,500 was paid for luxury spa experiences in spas that ranged from California, his home state, to Hawaii.
Shalwell’s spokesperson not only defended the wasteful spending on self indulgence by saying these expenses were legal but also tried to hideously claim that they were necessary for the Congressman to effectively reach out to his constituents.
If he had any type of moral compass, he could have idled back this ridiculous opulent living and spending and donated that money to those in need in his district. That would not only buy him political gain but it would also help out those Americans in need. But no, like most in Washington, his needs come first as does his extravagant lifestyle.
2)One of the cities in the country facing dire economic hardships as a result of Biden’s failed immigration policies is Demver. We have often discussed the strain that the 40,000 illegal immigrants that have come to the city are putting on taxpayer funded resources.
The city government, which in a sense deserves this crisis since their politicians for years have sanctimoniously yelled that they were a “sanctuary city” for illegal immigrants, have had to cut government services to American citizens to feed, house, and medically service the 40,000 illegal immigrants. City residents that are homeless, hungry, and facing medical crises have taken a backseat to the care and tending of the illegal immigrants in the city.
And now that crisis has reached another aspect of Denver’s citizens:
The influx of illegal immigrants is adding about 250 students to Demver public schools a week.
The Denver public schools superintendent, Alex Marrero, has called this eruption of new students an “unprecedented challenge.”
This immigration influx of students has already cost the city $837,000 “to support additional needs across the [school] system.”
Obviously, it is Denver taxpayers that will be shelling out at least this amount of money for supporting the illegal immigrant student load.
In the past year and half the school system has taken on 3,000 more students which has required the hiring of more staff, with the focus on bilingual teachers.
As we mentioned under the above Shalwell discussion, Washington politicians care more about illegal immigrants and it is the American taxpayers and citizens that are paying the price for these Washington attitudes. Denver is a perfect example of Washington politicians disdain for the well being of Americans and the prudent use of their tax dollars.
3)Staying with the illegal immigrant crisis, it is conservatively estimated that about 7,000,000 people have illegally entered the country since Biden took office. This means that, conservatively:
More people have illegally entered the country than the populations of 33 states.
These 7,000,000 illegal immigrants, if they had their own state, would have more people than states like Maryland, Indiana, Missouri, and Wisconsin to just name a few.
If they had one state, they would have more people than the populations of Delaware, Rhode Island, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Vermont, Alaska, and the District of Columbia combined.
As we have often noted, while many of these 7,000,000 people just want a better life for themselves, those 7,000,000 also include drug cartel members, South and Central American gang members, children and adult sex traffickers, terrorist elements, and other not very nice people. This has resulted in innocent Americans being raped, attacked, murdered, and robbed, atrocities that likely would have not happened if Biden had an semblance of a strong immigration plan and enforcement.
A very, very basic tenet of any government organization is to protect the lives and property of the citizens they serve. Obviously, Biden has failed miserably in executing this government tenet.
4)Let’s revisit another failure of Biden’s immigration policies that we have discussed previously:
Many of the illegal immigrants that have entered the country are kids without any parent or adult attachments.
These often got here in the U.S. because cartels, human smuggling rings, and freelance smugglers got them into the country for a price.
The liberal leaning, left wing New York Times recently published two reports on the widespread abuse, exploitation, and trafficking of kids.
According to the Times reporting, many kids are being forced to work in meatpacking plants, food processing plants, and construction jobs, basically serving as slave labor because any money they garner is going to the smugglers who smuggled them into the country.
The Federal government, currently being operated by the Biden administration is responsible for caring for these kids they find coming over the border and finding sponsors to house, feed, and care for them.
Once a kid is placed with a sponsor the Federal government is supposed to call their sponsor to see how the kids are doing.
However, government reports confirm and admit that of the 300,000 kids that the Biden administration has placed with sponsors, a whopping 85,000 of those kids have disappeared and the Biden administration has no idea where they are and whether they are safe or being exploited.
So not only does the Washington political class not care about American citizens in need but also do not seem to care about the welfare of the kids they have apprehended at the border and then lost somewhere in the country. They have literally lost the whereabouts of over 25% of the kids they once had responsibility for. They have not idea where 85,000 kids are and what their life, health, and well being is. Pathetic treatment of a most vulnerable population.
That will do it for today’s Insanity: Biden’s failed immigration policies continue to bring havoc to American citizens and another Washington politician continues to live the good life.
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